Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 438 Rules

calm down……

Zhao Bo'an kept encouraging himself in his heart. Looking at the dark crowd below, he felt that his heart was beating a little fast. What a pity, he was just a small businessman before, how had he ever seen such a scene?

Kapok Inn is just a small inn, and the small lobby is almost packed with so many people. The boss, who was a little dissatisfied at first, immediately became extremely enthusiastic when he saw these big stewards, pouring water and serving tea.

However, no one paid attention to him, and everyone flocked to Zhao Bo'an.

"Snow lava, right? Is that what it's called? Can I buy it now?"

"I wonder what the price is? Can I get a discount for large quantities?"

“How can I build a long-term relationship with you?”

The crowd below asked a lot of questions, and the scene was very lively.

The stewards of several large chambers of commerce were sitting in the corner and remained calm. They watched the small businesses jumping up and down with cold eyes, and were happy to see them exploring the seller's background.

Their eyes turned more to Shi Xueman, and they were filled with surprise and uncertainty.

Among the group of people, Shi Xueman is undoubtedly the most dazzling and eye-catching one. She is so beautiful and stands alone, she must have outstanding strength and strong background. The clothes and armor she wore also confirmed this.

who is she?

The chief managers are racking their brains and desperately searching for similar goals in their minds.

They first learned that the cargo owner was staying in an unknown inn and judged that the cargo owner was financially strapped. They formed a tacit alliance in private and decided to jointly put pressure on the cargo owners.

They have cooperated on similar matters many times. The three of them are the three largest chambers of commerce in Qingshui City. Once they make a decision together, no one from other chambers of commerce dares to disobey.

However, seeing Shi Xueman, they became uncertain.

They looked at each other, understanding in their hearts, and looked at each other first before speaking.

Ai Hui whispered softly: "It's a good thing we brought Bo An here, otherwise those of us who don't know how to do business would be at a loss."

Shi Xueman couldn't help but rolled her eyes. She wanted to say that you are the number one profiteer. But seeing Ai Hui's innocent face, she knew that it was all in vain. This guy was so thick-skinned that she had never seen in her life.

Lou Lan nodded repeatedly: "Yes, Ai Hui is right."

Shi Xueman wanted to turn away, Lou Lan, how could you say such things against your will? She was even more envious in her heart, hey, this guy is so lucky, such a good Loulan!

Ai Hui looked at the crowds of people below, licked his lips, and his eyes shone: "Xueren is actually a first-class person! Hahaha, Loulan, we are going to make it this time."

Loulan beamed with joy and narrowed her eyes: "Ai Hui, we want to make a lot of money."

"That's right! Lots and lots!" Ai Hui looked full of admiration and waved his hand: "Now that you have money, what does Loulan want? I'll buy it for you!"

Loulan opened her eyes wide and said happily: "Really?"

Shi Xueman couldn't bear it any longer: "Whatever Loulan wants, I'll buy it for you now."

Loulan's eyes opened wider and her tone became happier: "Really?"

Ai Hui felt very unhappy. Is it important to be rich? Can you be arrogant if you have money? You can flirt with other people's sand puppets if you have money? Ai Hui decided to use reality to teach Tie Niu a lesson!

He snorted coldly and said righteously and confidently: "I want it too!"

Shi Xueman's expression was momentarily dull. She was shocked by Ai Hui's shamelessness.

Being able to see such a wonderful expression on Tie Niu's cold face filled Ai Hui with an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

Zhao Bo'an's performance was very good. He was slightly panicked at the beginning and then gradually stabilized.

After all, he comes from a merchant family. Seeing the scene in front of him, how could he not know that there are rare things to live in?

In the past two days, he had accompanied Ai Hui and the others to the market, and he had not seen even a drop of Class A fire liquid. The price of a drop of second-grade quality fire liquid reaches ten Jingyuan beans. What price should a snow lava two levels higher than it be sold for?

He didn't know either, but that didn't mean he couldn't help it.

Zhao Bo'an smiled all over his face: "It's been a long time since Class A fire liquid has appeared on the market. How to determine its price is a very embarrassing thing. In order to allow more people to enjoy [Snow Beast], In order to prevent everyone from spending too much money, we will auction the snow beasts in batches at the right time. Please rest assured that we have enough reserves, and we hope that everyone can buy the snow beasts."

Several stewards from the big chamber of commerce looked at each other and saw the gloom in each other's eyes. Auction is the mode they hate the most, which means they often have to pay more for value.

As for the "everyone can buy it" nonsense, it didn't make the temperature drop at all. Everyone is not stupid at all. Even if the snow beast is refining fire liquid, it must consume a lot of manpower and material resources, and the refining difficulty must be quite high.

In today's era when ordinary fire element materials are very scarce, no amount of first-class fire liquid can satisfy the market demand.

Zhao Bo'an continued: "Of course, in addition to auctions, we are also very willing to cooperate with powerful large chambers of commerce. We need to purchase a large amount of goods, and here is a list. You can take it and see what goods our chamber of commerce can provide. Can provide We are willing to give priority to chambers of commerce that have more goods and more affordable prices, and provide certain discounts, and we will consider establishing long-term cooperation.”

The chief executives of several major chambers of commerce paled slightly when they heard this. These conditions are entirely for large chambers of commerce.

When they took the cargo list from the entourage, their eyes suddenly froze. The amount of materials and supplies on the list shocked them a little. They are all experienced people, and you can tell a lot just from this list.

Personal cultivation can never cost so many materials. They thought that the biggest possibility was that there was a city behind this group of people.

Only cities can consume so many materials.

Their eyes were solemn, and the thoughts of lowering prices that existed just now disappeared immediately. The opponent's strength is definitely not revealed so much. Moreover, the long-term cooperation mentioned by Zhao Bo'an just now also made these large chambers of commerce excited.

If their chamber of commerce can sell Class A fire liquid stably for a long time, the influence of the chamber of commerce will be greatly improved.

Several chambers of commerce that had just formed a tacit alliance immediately regarded each other as competitors.

Several senior stewards were about to get up when suddenly a cold voice sounded in front of the inn door: "I heard that first-class fire liquid is sold here?"

The cold voice was like a cold wind blowing through the lobby of the inn. The lobby that was bustling just now suddenly became silent.

A figure as tall and thin as a bamboo pole appeared at the door of the inn.

He walked forward as if there was no one around, and the crowds along the way automatically parted to make way for him.

He was a tall and thin man with an ugly appearance, with a long and thin horse face and flat facial features, as if painted on his face. His eyes were very cold and fearful. Behind him, followed five fierce men, all of them showing their fierceness, and their whole body's energy fluctuations revealed the aura of killing.

The tall and thin man named Yang Wuchang, nicknamed Yang Wuchang, is a notorious villain in Qingshui City. Extortion, collecting protection fees, poll tax, gangsters and gangsters, etc., they do all kinds of evil.

His methods are extremely ruthless and his actions are domineering and ferocious. Those who dare to be his enemies will either die inexplicably or disappear.

Even though he offended many people, he still lived happily because his backer was strong enough.

Yang Xiaodong, the master enshrined in Qingshui City, is his uncle.

Even the city lord Qiao Meiqi wanted to give Yang Xiaodong face.

Yang Wuchang also knew how powerful it was, and he felt that he would not be offended at all if it belonged to the city lord. He knew that his uncle didn't care about his little income, but if there was anything rare or something that looked mysterious, he would immediately give it to his uncle.

Not to mention, he actually met a few treasures for him. When Yang Xiaodong saw that he was sensible, he even protected him.

Yang Wuchang also relied on his uncle's power to continuously recruit thugs, followed by the infamous "Four Impermanent Ghosts". All of them are vicious criminals with multiple lives on their hands.

Yang Wuchang walked in swaggeringly and dropped a money bag: "I bought all the fire liquid."

The faces of the people around him were ashen, but due to Yang Wuchang's notoriety, no one dared to say a word.

Zhao Bo'an didn't even look at the money bag on the ground. Just by listening to the sound, he knew that there were no more than a hundred Jingyuan beans. He said coldly: "Didn't you understand the rules just now? No sale!"

"Rules?" Yang Wuchang laughed as if he heard a joke, his face suddenly turned ferocious: "Go to Qingshui City to talk about the rules with me? I want you to know what the rules are!"

Before he finished speaking, he slapped Zhao Bo'an.

If this slap is carried out, Zhao Bo'an's teeth will definitely shatter.


An unusually loud slap.

Zhao Bo'an remained motionless, and Yang Wuchang was thrown backwards like a sack.

At some point, Shi Xueman appeared in front of Zhao Bo'an with a frosty face. She was the one who slapped him just now.

Ai Hui sneered behind Tie Niu's back: "Is this the rule? What a good rule!"

He had absolutely no intention of hiding behind the woman's back and felt proud, as if he was the one who slapped her just now.

Others cast disdainful glances.

Tricky servant!

As a servant, he actually let his mistress take action. What is the use of such a servant?

Shi Xueman's slap shocked the entire audience again.

Many people's expressions changed drastically, and even the managers of several large chambers of commerce turned pale. They all knew that the fire liquid would probably be lost.

When had Yang Wuchang ever been humiliated like this?

This change was so sudden and shocking that for more than ten seconds, the entire lobby fell into deathly silence.

Yang Wuchang himself was stunned by this slap, and his ears were buzzing. After more than ten seconds, he came back to his senses. Half of his face was swollen like a steamed bun, and he was furious: "Are you just fucking standing here waiting to die? Kill this bitch for me! Don't let anyone go!"

When the four ghosts woke up from a dream, they saw the boss with a murderous look on his face, and knew that the boss was completely angry today.

They looked at each other, drew their weapons, and rushed towards Shi Xueman.

Ai Hui had no intention of going up to help, but stood behind Shi Xueman, looking at the four people who rushed towards him with sympathy and admiration.

You are so brave for daring to call Tie Niu a bitch. (To be continued.)

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