Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 473 Waiting

Warm sunshine falls on the yard.

The old man was lying on a wicker chair and basking in the sun. There was a small coffee table next to him, with a pot of tea and a teacup on it. The old man with his eyes closed listened to the footsteps and said calmly: "I told you, I don't know how to make a puppet. If it is a sand puppet, I can make do with it. You have found the wrong person."

The red face stopped and a look of respect appeared on her handsome and beautiful face: "Master Shao!"

The old man seemed not to hear.

Hong Rongyan shook his head and said: "No, it should be Palace Master Shao. If the Divine Puppet Palace was still there, how could there be the Beast Gu Palace today? Nangong Wulian still wants to honor you as teacher."

The old man said calmly: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"There is very little news from the Palace of Gods and Illusions, and a long time has passed, but we still found out your identity." Hong Rongyan said quietly, his eyes showed a touch of sadness, and his tone was sincere: "Although our relationship was hostile back then, But you have long been separated from the blood of God, and now we have no hostile relationship. You probably didn’t find us just to bask in the sun here."

He stood next to the old man, as if shrouded in shadow, and the sunlight could not penetrate.

The old man opened his eyes at this time: "I want you to help me find someone."

"Is it related to the blood of God?"

"No, it has something to do with you."

Hong Rongyan was a little surprised, but he quickly regained his composure and said, "We will find it."

Master Shao was also very calm: "Bring that little girl here."

Hong Rongyan knew that the little girl Shao Master was talking about was Qiu Shui.

Qiu Shui was quickly delivered, and the wine cabinet looked at the old man curiously. He didn't know how Master Hongrongyan persuaded this stubborn old man. He was full of curiosity about the old man. In the Patriarchate, there were no more than five people who could gain such respect from Lord Hong Rongyan.

The old man glanced at the dry autumn water and shook his head: "Her path has gone astray."

Hong Rongyan said: "Master Shao, please give me some advice."

Master Shao? The wine cabinet knew the old man's surname for the first time. He went through it in his mind, but couldn't find a familiar name. Among the famous masters, there seems to be no one named Shao.

Master Shao didn't give any instructions. He glanced at the wine cabinet and said, "Go dig some soil."

The wine cabinet was stunned for a moment, but Mr. Hong Rongyan was nearby. He didn't dare to have an attack and asked honestly: "What kind of soil do you need?"

Master Shao said: "Any soil."

The wine cabinet was stunned for a second. What kind of dirt? He was furious in his heart, this old guy really didn't take human life seriously!

"Go ahead."

The two faint words from Mr. Hong Rongyan were immediately like a basin of ice water pouring down from the top of the wine cabinet, and he calmed down.

Lord Hong Rongyan was present, so it was not his turn to get angry.

Since Mr. Hong Rongyan said so, the wine cabinet immediately suppressed all distracting thoughts, went to the corner outside the yard, and dug a pot of soil back.

The old man picked up the teapot on the table and poured the tea in it on the soil.

After wetting the soil with tea, Master Shao grabbed a piece and pinched it twice. A rough human-shaped clay doll appeared in his hands.

The wine cabinet stared intently, he wanted to see how the old man could save Qiu Shui. When he saw the rough human-shaped clay doll, he still felt a little miserable. This was probably the ugliest and crudest human-shaped clay doll he had ever seen. Only the head, torso, and limbs can be roughly seen. There is no face, no hands, and all details are missing.

Master Shao lightly scratched Qiu Shui's forehead with his nails. The cracked and dry skin was immediately broken, and dark red blood oozed out.

A palm-sized human-shaped clay doll was placed on Qiu Shui's forehead.

The dark red blood immediately seeped into the little clay doll, and the little clay doll suddenly gained a little more vitality and a touch of agility.

Master Shao retracted his palm and said, "She can't die now."

Hong Rongyan's expression became more solemn: "We will find the person you need."

Master Shao's face was not happy at all, but even more lonely. Only a faint light shone in the depths of his eyes, just like the faint light in the sky after midnight.

The boundary line between Huangshajiao and Silvermist Sea.

The sun cast a deep shadow on the back of the high sand dune. Ye Baiyi climbed towards the top of the dune with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

He was alone, with his guards left behind at the foot of the hill. His speed was not fast, and he did not use any abilities. He was just like an ordinary person, struggling to climb up, sometimes using his hands and feet.

Looking from a distance, he was as small as an ant.

The guards at the foot of the sand dunes are like a group of silent sculptures, with solemn expressions and silence.

Ye Baiyi stepped on the soft yellow sand under his feet, and he sighed softly in his heart. The earth energy in the yellow sand was much weaker than before. Nowadays, a large amount of earth element materials are produced here, and these earth element materials are sold to the Jade Forest in exchange for some materials needed by the Kingdom of God.

But now there are fewer and fewer earth element materials produced in Huangshajiao.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the landscape of Huangshajiao. The wind and sand cover the sky all year round. The rule of the Blood of God has not changed this.

There are very few creatures in Huangshajiao, so the power of blood poison here is very small.

This is why the Kingdom of God covets Silver Mist Sea and Caiyun Township.

Compared with the cool and barren Huoliaoyuan and Huangshajiao, the vegetation in Caiyun Township on the Silver Mist Sea is much richer, which is very suitable for the growth of blood trees.

Fruit jade has long become the most important product of the Kingdom of God, but it can only be produced once every four years. The Kingdom of God needs more fruit jade, and it also needs wider and richer land to plant more blood trees.

But the Presbyterian Church does not intend to give up Yinwuhai and Caiyun Township so easily.

Finally, he climbed to the top of the dune. The sunlight that crossed the top of the dune fell into his eyes, making him slightly absent-minded.

He stood on his hands and knees at the top of the hill.

Dressed in white, the wind is blowing, his face is raised, and the sun is all over him. At this moment, he is not the fierce and powerful God of War in white, but the young and shy young man in white.

The young man in white who went on an expedition was here, staring into the distance like this, full of longing and promising his heroic ambitions.

Looking at the majestic Silver Mist Sea Mountains at the end of the desert, I witnessed the passage of time.

Above the mountains, five god-suppressing peaks line up in the sky, forming a majestic and immovable chain.

The afterglow of the sun dyed the defensive circle of Zhenshen Peak with a golden halo, sparkling in the air.

The undulating mountains below Zhenshen Peak are filled with various fortifications, densely packed and intertwined, stretching endlessly along the mountains.

Above Zhenshen Peak, there are large swaths of clouds, which are the most famous fortifications in the Beihai Department, Cloud Castle. Yuan Xiu of Beihai Department is stationed in Yunbao.

Zhenshen Peak is the core, the cloud castle in the sky and the dense fortifications on the ground form an indestructible wall, the wall of the North Sea that spans thirty-two miles.

Since the Beihai Department began to enter the battlefield, the attack of the Kingdom of God immediately became very difficult. The defense line that was originally deep into the Silver Mist Sea was suddenly pushed back to the border.

Relying on the mountains, with the powerful combat power of Zhenshen Peak and the strong defensive power of Yunbao, the Beihai Department built the famous Beihai Wall. Since the North Sea Wall was established, countless divine cultivators have broken their heads and bled in front of this North Sea Wall.

The Beihai Department continues to strengthen and strengthen the North Sea Wall. There is even a saying in the Kingdom of God that the North Sea Wall cannot be breached at all.

Ye Baiyi knew what kind of opponent he was facing.

Shi Beihai was young and ridiculous, but later his temperament changed drastically, he worked hard to become stronger, and in one fell swoop he won the position of leader of the Beihai Department. Compared with Ye Baiyi who broke the record of being the youngest radical, Shi Beihai became the leader of Beihai much later.

The enemy Ye Baiyi least wants to encounter is Shi Beihai. Shi Beihai has an extremely tough character and is very difficult to deal with.

The Emperor Sage might have also seen this and wanted to get rid of Shi Beihai at all costs.

There will be no support?

Ye Baiyi thought it was impossible. As long as Mrs. Ye had some sense, she would never destroy the Great Wall. Moreover, Ye Baiyi has collected information that the Tianfeng Department and the Soldier Department have completed their assembly and are preparing to come to support the division in Beihai.

The Tianfeng Department and the Military Department are both direct descendants of Mrs. Ye, which is enough to show that Mrs. Ye values ​​​​Shi Beihai.

Ye Baiyi guessed that there was some news that he didn't know.

No matter what, he couldn't disobey the Emperor's orders. Since the Emperor Sage said no matter the cost, then he would do it no matter the cost.

On the Zhenshen Peak opposite, someone was also watching Ye Baiyi from a distance.

"What a shame."

Shi Beihai shook his head and sighed. He had broad shoulders, a tall and burly body, and his eyebrows were somewhat similar to Shi Xueman's. However, the years had built up his ability and stability in him, while Shi Xueman was more like a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers. Heroic.

Standing next to Shi Beihai was the deputy leader Lu Manman. Contrary to his name, he spoke very fast, crackling like pouring beans: "It's not a pity. Ye Baiyi is now developed. How can he be like us?" It's miserable. Look, how majestic this army is. Our rear is all huddled in the wilderness. We have reached this juncture. Instead of sending the three Central Departments to support us, we will send two rookie war departments. Let me tell you, why don't we join in too? Forget about the blood of God, at least the treatment is no worse than that of a sissy like Ye Baiyi..."

He was a head taller than the burly Shi Beihai, but he was so thin that he looked like a bamboo pole. He has high cheekbones and deep-set eye sockets. As he talks, his eyes keep moving, giving him a weird and clever look.

"Okay, take your time, will you die if you don't say a few words?" Qi Xiuyuan looked helpless.

There are two deputy chief positions in the Beihai Department, one of which is Helian Feier, and the other deputy chief position is taken by Lu Manman and Qi Xiuyuan in turn.

This is completely different from other war departments.

Qi Xiuyuan looked like a weak scholar with no strength. But if you underestimate him because of this, you will often suffer a big loss.

"I'm going to die!" Lu Manman said confidently: "Compared to dying in Ye Baiyi's hands, I think it would be more useless not to say anything and suffocate to death. Anyway, we are about to die. Look, the enemy is many times more than ours! We are going to die, we are going to die. , I must die a heroic death, so that future generations will say this, Lu Manman and Qi Xiuyuan died..."

Qi Xiuyuan rolled his eyes: "If you want to die, die on your own, don't hold me back."

Shi Beihai turned around and interrupted the two of them: "Are you done with your work?"



Shi Beihai said, "Add double the amount."

"No, boss, people are going to die! Ye Baiyi's army is pressing down on the border. Division Beihai ordered the expansion of the fortifications to be doubled, and Lu slowly repaired his troops far away."

"Go away, why did you drag me in again? Boss, there's no need to do this..."

Shi Beihai asked with a cold face: "Is there any way for you to survive?"

The two said in unison: "Yes!"

Shi Beihai was a little surprised: "Oh, what can I do?"



Shi Beihai's cheeks twitched: "You can die now."

The two of them had already fled.

Helian Feier came over at this time and burst into laughter when she saw this scene. She walked to Shi Beihai and said, "Boss, you don't have to be too anxious. The sentinel reported that they are building a city and are preparing for a protracted war."

Shi Beihai looked solemn and shook his head: "No, they are waiting for the opportunity to start a war."

"When is the time to start the war?"

"They are waiting for Grandmaster Anmuda to fall."

The murderous intention flew away with the wind, as if hearing a distant horn.

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