Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 478 Shock

Duanmuhuang felt a breath of anger in his heart.

As arrogant as he was, it was really uncomfortable to watch himself being left behind by Ai Hui and Shi Xueman. Fortunately for Shi Xueman, Brother Huang Huang has been living in the shadow of Tie Girl since he was a child, and he doesn't have much desire to win.

But Ai Hui couldn't accept that.

Duanmu felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly in the evening. When he was in Songjian Courtyard, he repeatedly fell into trouble at Ai Hui's hands. If Ai Hui was a peerless genius, he wouldn't feel so unhappy. But in terms of talent and family background, Ai Hui was far inferior to him, so he could still get ahead of him.

Can't bear it.

Is Brother Huang a tolerant person? no.

Duanmuhuang threw all the messy things aside. Even Tie Niu's formation of Chongyun's Spear was rejected by him. He has only one thought in his mind right now, and that is Master.

He wants to be promoted to master!

Being left behind is shameful enough, but being left behind and not being able to catch up is no longer a matter of shame.

Duanmu Huang hadn't thought about the master's problem before. He was addicted to various inheritances and was complacent about his amazing IQ. At this moment, he suddenly realized that the random flowers were becoming more and more charming. Sometimes, more things are not always better.

What is your own way to become a master?

In addition to the [Blue and White] he practiced, he had consulted a large number of secret techniques. In addition to the secret techniques preserved by the Duanmu family, there were also the secret techniques that he read through from his teacher Dai Gang, and later, the secret techniques that Shi Xueman brought from home.

Very few people can surpass him in this regard.

However, at this time, this advantage turned into an obstacle.

Each unique skill is profound and profound, embodying extraordinary wisdom and rich experience. They are like scattered gems in the Yuanli system, shining brightly.

When so many unique skills were placed in front of him, he was confused.

Which path do you choose?

He sat under the ancient defense tree, frowning and thinking hard.

Lemon Camp.

Shi Xueman brought Le Buleng to the Chongyun Spear camp and said, "Zu Yan can stay in the fire pool first. The fire energy in the fire pool is not that strong, and he will not be injured if he endures it."

In front of Lebuleng, seven fire pools were lined up. Some fire pools were crowded with people, and some only had a few people.

Ai Hui also followed behind, and he was also very interested in Zu Yan in Le Buleng's hand. He didn't remember at all that he had defeated the opponent in the dojo.

Shi Xueman glanced at Ai Hui, what was this guy planning? She knows Ai Hui too well, and respect for her seniors will never appear in Ai Hui.

It’s useless not to get up early!

Now that this guy has put down his training and is following Lebuleng, he must be planning something.

Lebuleng glanced at the fire pool and saw the signs: "These fire pools have different concentrations of fire energy?"

"Yes." Shi Xueman nodded: "We have divided the fire pool into seven levels in total, and the concentration of fire energy is from low to high. We found that the higher the concentration of fire energy, the better. For some elements with lower levels, Only through cultivation and appropriate fire element concentration can they grow faster."

Lebuleng nodded slightly, of course he understood this. This is common sense, but in the war department, no one will do things so carefully.

Shi Beihai gave birth to a wonderful daughter!

His eyes fell on the fire pool with the highest concentration of fire energy. The fire pool was so small that it could only accommodate two or three people. There was only one lone person inside, a fat man.

Le Buleng was a little surprised. He was able to withstand such strong fire energy. This fat man was quite strong.

Before he could speak, a Yuan Xiu carrying a basket walked to the fire pool, took out a bottle from the basket and uncorked it. The rich and pure fire energy fluctuations made Lebuleng's eyes light up, snow lava.

It is indeed a precious first-class fire liquid!

Nowadays, the price of snow lava remains high. The key is that you can’t buy much yet. Otherwise, he wouldn't have to go to Anmuda.

Yuan Xiu began to pour the snow lava into Fatty's fire pool, as clear as water, with wisps of transparent flames.

In the blink of an eye, a whole bottle of snow lava was poured into the fire pool, and the fire energy in the fire pool immediately became much stronger.

Le Buleng frowned slightly, it was such a waste. In order to increase the concentration of fire energy, is it necessary to use first-class fire liquid as precious as snow lava?

As expected, Shi Xueman was still too young. He didn't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt were before he became a family man.

Then, Yuan Xiu took out the second bottle, uncorked it, and poured it all into the fire pool.

Lebuleng stared blankly at Yuan Xiu, who was holding a basket and poured five bottles of snow lava into the small fire pool. And that’s not all, there’s fire pool after fire pool, bottle of snow lava after bottle of snow lava.

Twelve bottles!

He suddenly turned his face: "Isn't snow lava very precious?"

Ai Hui replied naturally: "It's very precious."

Le Buleng turned to Shi Xueman and asked, "How many bottles of snow lava do you use in a day?"

Shi Xueman, who is very skilled in business, immediately gave the answer: "About fifty bottles."

"How many liters?"

"Five liters."

Le Buleng's face turned ugly. One hundred liters of snow lava was enough for twenty days. However... Zu Yan's construction period is ten years!

Twenty days, ten years!

When Ai Hui saw the livid-faced Le Buleng, he secretly screamed, "Oh no, Tie Niu is too honest."

He coughed lightly and looked serious: "The Spear of Chongyun is our core war department. From the beginning, we set the tone and spent a lot of money to build it! The purpose is to allow everyone to quickly improve their strength and survive on the battlefield. .So, we do not hesitate to use snow lava! Everyone knows the price of snow lava, but!"

Ai Hui suddenly raised his voice and his expression became more solemn and solemn: "We believe that no matter how much money you have, it cannot be compared with your lives! Yes, war is unavoidable! But now that you have joined the Chongyun Spear, from now on we will As a big family, bringing everyone back alive is our highest goal. For this, no matter how much money we pay, we are willing to do so. We also hope that everyone will not let down the painstaking efforts of the division leader, practice hard, and improve yourself!"

These words speak loud and clear.

The Yuan Xiu in the fire pool were all excited. They had experienced the years when the fire Yuan materials were depleted and their cultivation was difficult. They had seen the harshness of the world, and they deeply understood how hard-earned the happiness at this moment was.

Ai Hui's words really touched their hearts, and they were moved to the core. If it weren't for their hard support at this moment, many people would have to take an oath.

Shi Xueman glanced at Ai Hui. After the production of snow lava in the Songjian Valley increased, it was afraid that it would hit the market and could not be sold. Now there were more and more snow lava piled up, and it could only be used for cultivation...

Lebuleng's expression softened slightly, thinking about it. The price of snow lava is there. It can only be said that they are willing to give it, but it cannot be said that it is not precious.

He pointed at Fatty's fire pool: "Just that one."

Ai Hui wiped away a cold sweat in his heart, but luckily he followed him.

Shi Xueman reminded him: "We will change places in a few days. Uncle Le, do you want to wait?"

Lebuleng was a little surprised: "Change the place?"

Shi Xueman explained: "We built a new city where the fire energy is more abundant."

Le Buleng was secretly surprised: "A new city has been built?"

Nowadays, these young people are getting more and more powerful, and they are building the city so casually?

"Well, we have a very powerful soil cultivator who is good at construction." Shi Xueman said: "It will take some time on the road. I don't know if it will affect Zu Yan's cultivation."

Lebuleng heard the words: "Then let's wait until you go to the new city before starting. You should also reserve more snow lava. Once Zu Yan starts to absorb the fire energy, he cannot stop halfway."

Ai Hui said quickly: "Okay, we will sell less, and we will definitely guarantee Zu Yan's place first."

Le Buleng showed satisfaction.

Shi Xueman couldn't help but glance at Ai Hui again. This guy... is indeed a profiteer!

Ai Hui took the opportunity and said: "Senior, I wonder if you can give us a lesson? Can you give us juniors some guidance?"

Le Buleng, who was in a good mood, said: "Xue Man doesn't need my guidance. If you continue on the current path, your future will be limitless. As for you..."

Le Buleng looked Ai Hui up and down, frowning: "Your situation is rather complicated."

Everyone was startled and looked nervous, including Shi Xueman. On the contrary, Ai Hui himself was relatively calm and in a mood to smile: "Fortunately, the situation is complicated, not bad."

Everyone could see everyone's expressions of happiness and indifference, and they were surprised at Ai Hui's high status in everyone's hearts, and also surprised at Ai Hui's calmness.

The little guy is interesting.

Lebuleng nodded: "Yes, it's complicated, not bad. Is there something that needs to be formed in your underground palace?"

Ai Hui finally showed a surprised look: "How do you know, senior?"

When he broke through the master, he felt that something was taking shape in the underground palace, but until now, there was nothing in the underground palace, but this feeling always lingered with him.

So he was really surprised when Le Buleng said it right.

"When your Yuan Power flows through the underground palace, there is a very small pause." Le Buleng showed a look of memory: "I have encountered it once, but it was not the underground palace. It seems to have been twenty years ago, when I was practicing What is it? I can’t remember clearly.”

Ai Hui was stunned: "I can't remember clearly..."

Are there still people who can’t remember clearly what they practice?

Others were also stunned, thinking that their ears heard wrongly.

Lebu Leng said calmly: "I challenged the master eight times. Every time I failed, I would change the way of a master and forget the previous one. How can I remember it clearly?"

He said it in an understatement, but everyone was shocked, even Shi Xueman looked horrified.

Once the impact of the master fails, he will suffer huge trauma and his realm will collapse. They will have doubts about their own mastery, and many of them will not be able to get out of the shadows in their entire lives.

Yuchi Ba failed to attack the Grand Master. It was only now that he had the courage to attack the Grand Master again. Everyone who heard this admired him.

He is not cold, and when people talk about him, they often sigh. In people's eyes, he is like a backdrop used to set off Dai Gang's brilliance.

However, this is the man who is regarded as the backdrop.

Attack the Grandmaster eight times without anyone knowing!

He tried eight times and endured the pain that made him cringe for the rest of his life and not dare to do it again.

Ai Hui was completely shocked.

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