Five Elements Heaven

Volume One Chapter 513 Ideas

The voices of people gradually became quieter, the sporadic shouts and roars fell silent, and the smoke of gunpowder curled up in the empty battlefield. Burnt black potholes are steaming with heat, and such potholes are scattered everywhere. If viewed from the air, the giant's footprints become riddled with holes.

But at this time, no one paid attention to this.

Everyone collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily, greedily breathing air. Even the smell of gunpowder smoke in the air seems so charming, the best smell in the world.

Around them, body parts and scraps of flesh could be seen everywhere.

It’s great to be alive.

Their expressions were a little dull, and their minds were filled with this idea.

Iron soldiers patrolled the battlefield, patted the surviving soldiers and boosted their morale.

The battle was more intense than they imagined. Even if they completed the encirclement, the enemy was more tenacious than they imagined. I have to say, this is somewhat ironic. These soldiers were all ordinary warriors of the Five Elements Heaven in the past. They were not even veterans. They had crude strength and low fighting will, but now they have become elites.

Even the Iron Soldiers, who were enemies, admired them in their hearts.

He was a little confused.

He couldn't understand why he was just a group of stragglers in Five Elements Heaven. Why in Blood of God could he become an elite who was in dire straits but did not collapse but instead fought back crazily?


Is the Five Elements Heaven so bad? No one is willing to die for it?

There was no joy of victory in his heart, but instead a layer of gloom enveloped him. Thinking of Mrs. Ye and the overt and covert fighting between the cities, he felt inexplicably irritable.

Well, what does it actually have to do with myself?

He is just the head of the military department and has no power. But even if he has the power, can he reverse all this? cannot.

The iron soldier looked up at the sky, his silver mask reflecting the sky obscured by gunpowder smoke.


Kunlun's reminder alarmed the somewhat distracted Tie Bingren. He looked back and saw Shi Xueman and others walking towards this side.

He immediately adjusted his emotions, put those messy thoughts behind him, stepped forward to meet him, raised his metal arm, and said solemnly: "Thankfully it's you this time, otherwise it would be really dangerous. I'm the Iron Soldier." "

This is not a polite statement, but the truth.

Chongyun's Spear played a vital role in this victory. If Chongyun's Spear had not established a defensive position in advance, it could block the enemy's attacks one after another and firmly stick to the enemy. Tianfeng and Bingren had no chance to launch an attack on both wings.

And when the opponent was about to counterattack, it was Shi Xueman who took the lead, blocking the enemy's craziest counterattack and completely destroying the enemy's morale.

Otherwise, they will need to pay greater casualties.

As a local war department, but undertaking the most dangerous and difficult tasks, the iron soldiers admired him very much. The strength of Chongyun's Spear is actually more powerful than Bingren and Tianfeng. It is really worthy of praise, "General Tiger Girl".

Shi Xueman raised the Yunrantian in his hand slightly, greeted the two of them, and said, "You're too polite. Your battle plan and everyone's concerted efforts are the key to our victory. I'm with you, Shi Xueman."

Kunlun's eyes looked at Shi Xueman with some curiosity, and he raised his sword in greeting: "I am Heng Kunlun."

The two female radicals had a certain liking for each other at first sight. Kunlun was the first master of swordsmanship, invincible and extremely sharp on the battlefield. Shi Xueman came from a famous family, and his strength far exceeded that of ordinary masters.

Nowadays, there are countless war departments, but there are very few female leaders. There are only two of them such young female leaders.

The two have very different temperaments, Shi Xueman is firm and calm, while Heng Kunlun is awe-inspiring and sharp.

"Is Ai Hui okay?"

Tie Bingren's sudden question surprised Shi Xueman. Tie Bingren actually knew Ai Hui?

She said: "He was injured. When we left, his injury was not healed."

The Iron Soldier was taken aback and asked with concern: "Is he injured? Is he seriously injured?"

Shi Xueman glanced at him, and the iron soldier's tone did not sound like he was being hypocritical. He asked directly: "Your Excellency, are you familiar with Ai Hui?"

Tie Bingren said: "I once stayed in Songjian City for a while."

Shi Xueman was suddenly enlightened and explained: "He was hit by the borer fruit. Although the poison is relieved now, his body has also suffered a lot of trauma."

When he heard about the Boreal Fruit, Iron Soldier's eyes showed fear. Later, he felt relieved when he heard that the poison was removed. He shook his head and said, "He was often injured before, always leaving himself covered in bruises, even during his training."

When thinking of Songjian City, Ai Hui and Duanmu Huanghuang were rescued naked outside the Hanging Gold Tower, and a smile unknowingly bloomed on their faces behind the masks.

A gentle figure just broke into his memory.

The smile froze behind the cold mask, and the unspeakable sadness and pain made him forget to breathe at that moment. The smile turned bitterly behind the mask. After so many years, he tried his best to forget it, but it turned out that he still hadn't forgotten it.

There are no eternal vows, no magnificent waves, only warm sunshine, only a gentle smile, as beautiful as a dream. So short, so real, so cruel, it is the most deadly poison in the world, lurking deepest in the heart.

All this is what you should bear.

He said to himself in his mind.


He suddenly woke up, and then saw Kunlun's worried eyes and came back to his senses. The pain recedes like the tide, quietly disappearing in the deepest part of my heart.

How can a person who is just surviving be so pretentious?

Such a beautiful dream has happened before, how lucky I am in this life.

His eyes became deep again, like a river flowing quietly, with no waves visible, and he said, "I thought of something about Songjian City."

Shi Xueman thought that the iron soldiers were thinking of the bloody battle in Songjian City, and Jiang Wei, Sang Zhijun and others looked at the iron soldiers with much softer eyes.

Shi Xueman didn't talk nonsense and asked simply: "What should we do next?"

Everyone else looked at Iron Soldier. The victory in this battle also made everyone recognize Iron Soldier's ability.

The iron soldier didn't say a word. The eyes exposed in the silver mask swept across the battlefield. The tired and dull faces came into his sight, and he sighed in his heart. In fact, what is needed most at this time is rest. Most of the three war departments are newcomers. The first battle is so difficult. It is not easy for everyone to not collapse. Even if we win, it will be the end of our efforts.

But time is life at this moment.

In the head-on battle between the two sides, the Blood of God had the absolute upper hand. Five Elements Sky relies more on the defense line to resist the attack of the Blood of God.

This defeat was a big shock to God's Blood.

The Blood of God will definitely react. They stationed their army on the North Sea Wall. This casualty is not enough to break their muscles and bones, but it will anger them.

Angry beasts are more dangerous, but also have more vulnerabilities.

You only have one chance, if you lose it, you won't get it again.

Most things in life are like this.

At this moment, his pity and pity for life became meaningless. His eyes were cold and his heart was stone.

"I have an idea."

Valley between the pines.

Ai Hui, who was wearing the demon armor, did not dare to waste time and energy. He was observing his body carefully. The Demon God Armor is still extremely mysterious in Ai Hui's eyes, but Ai Hui has unusual insight into combat and training.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, and strength never comes out of thin air. The ancient magic weapon Flying Sword consumes spiritual power, but today's heavenly weapons consume Yuan Power.

What does the Demon God Armor consume?

He guessed that the Demon God Armor consumed life force.

Taking off the demon armor was so weak that Ai Hui felt like he was only one step away from dying. This was still the case with the bandage. Without the bandage, Ai Hui had no doubt that he would be drained by the demon armor. In order to replenish physical strength, you need to take a leaf of the Northern Dark King Tree every time you come out.

Of course, this is just Ai Hui's guess. He has not yet reached the stage where he can define vitality.

However, from another perspective, Ai Hui was convinced of his guess. Would a demon who wished to be resurrected be friendly? Then he is no longer a demon.

Regarding this, Ai Hui is not optimistic at all.

As long as there is a chance to turn against the guest, how can a proud demon allow his body to be manipulated?

Guessing, guessing, at this time, let alone guessing, it was the truth, and Ai Hui had no other option but to bite the bullet. The leaves of the Northern Dark King's tree that can relieve and stabilize injuries are limited, which means that he cannot use the Demon God Armor unlimitedly.

So once he uses it, he must devote himself wholeheartedly.

He has tried several options, but so far has not found the right one. Ai Hui realized that there might be something wrong with his thinking.

Maybe think differently?

It is common for Ai Hui to encounter setbacks in his cultivation. Most of his practice was based on his own exploration and summary. After encountering countless setbacks, he gradually found some tips for solving them. Sometimes, changing an angle and thinking can often produce good results.

He did not put on the Demon God's armor rashly, but thought carefully for a long time, and an idea took shape in his mind, clarifying his goal.

After thinking about it completely, he put on the demon armor.

The world is different again.

Ai Hui was already very familiar with this feeling. This time he did not try other powers, but put all his attention on himself.

The flesh and blood are dry, the vitality is dim, and wisps of tiny electric light are wandering between the flesh and blood.

These tiny electric rays were the remnants of the last time lightning entered his body, and were also the culprits that destroyed his body's vitality. It is easy to understand that flesh and blood cannot grow in an environment full of electric light.

Thunder is the nemesis of almost all creatures.


According to common sense, when so many electric lights wander around, the remaining flesh and blood of one's own body will gradually wither until it disappears into ashes. But no, his injuries were serious, but if he didn't use any force, Ai Hui's life was not in danger.

Ai Hui noticed that his flesh and blood became different from before.

A bold idea popped up in Ai Hui's mind.

Could it be that my own flesh and blood has actually become a new, alternative, and distinctive new flesh and blood?

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