Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 518 The Creditor and the Uncle

"... Facts have proved that if the battlefield can be arranged in advance and there is a master of earth repair who is good at construction, the battle will be very beneficial to the defender. The battlefield arranged in advance can provide favorable defense for one's side in fierce battles, and can Clear the offensive line of counterattack. In the foreseeable future, the battlefield construction master is likely to become a new direction for the promotion of civil servants, and will also become a new profession..."

"...The ground fire tower cannon is extremely powerful and can play an important role in battle. However, it will also become a key target of the enemy. It is very necessary to arrange a layered defense around the ground fire tower cannon. Fatty's bombardment The level is amazing, and they have put forward brand-new suggestions for the tower gun. After we discussed it, we think it is very feasible. The specific verification will only be known after we come back and let Master He try it..."

"...I was surprised by the role that the ground-fired turret played in the battle. I had a hunch that it would have a huge impact on the shape of the war. I was already imagining that if the ground-fired turret could be built on Zhenshen Peak, Theoretically, it can greatly enhance the offensiveness of the God-Suppressing Peak, and I even designed several tactics for it. Unfortunately, I don’t have the God-Suppressing Peak..."

"...The enemy is very adaptable. In the later stages of the battle, the enemy has begun to find our weak points. Fortunately, they have not enough remaining strength to tear apart our defense line. The situation at that time was extremely dangerous. , Looking back, I still have lingering fears. We are discussing how to solve this problem. So far, we have some ideas, but whether they are effective needs to be verified in actual combat..."

Ai Hui read Tie Niu's letter slowly and carefully.

The whole letter is like a summary of the battle, without any nostalgia or longing.

Ai Hui was in a trance, and he could picture the battle scene in his mind.

The fire gushing from the ground-fire turret was like a tide of enemies, the eardrum-breaking whistles and explosions, the rising smoke, and the occasional splash of soil would fall down like raindrops. The soldiers on both sides who were hit in the air were like disconnected wires. Kite……

Viewed from the sky, the defense line looks like a squeezed wave. A girl wearing blue and white armor, holding Yun Ran Tian, ​​is nailed to the forefront of the wave like a nail.

No need to think about it, Ai Hui also knew where Tie Niu would be on the battlefield.

She will always take the lead and appear in the most dangerous places. This is something that even Ai Hui admires.

When I saw the end of the letter, the name left behind was: creditor.

Ai Hui laughed out loud.

He read the letter over and over again, frowning and thinking for a long time. Then spread out the paper and start writing.

"...As you said, in future wars, war weapons similar to tower guns will definitely play an important role. As long as there is enough snow and lava, the ground fire turret can roar and cause great damage to the enemy. If If we can place ground-fire turrets on Zhenshen Peak, Zhenshen Peak will undoubtedly become an aerial fortress. It needs to be equipped with Yuan Xiu who is good at aerial combat to prevent the enemy from getting close. As you said, the war is beginning to undergo a drastic change. era..."

"...The idea of ​​the Master Builder is very good. You can consider joining forces with Mu Xiu. Mu Xiu is good at large-scale interference, toxins, and confusion. If you can cooperate with the Master Builder, you should be able to achieve better results. In addition, retreat in the evening middle……"

"...The injury has stabilized, and the Thunder Sword is gradually forming combat effectiveness..."

After writing for several pages eloquently, Ai Hui discovered that if Tie Niu's letter was a battle summary report, then his reply was a war concept report.

Well, report to report.

Very appropriate.

At the end of the letter, Ai Hui wrote seriously: Uncle.

He felt proud, didn't he know that the uncles were all in debt now? What's so strange about creditors?

Yang Xiaodong watched Ai Hui finish writing the letter quickly, then folded the letter solemnly, put it in an envelope and handed it over. His expression also became serious, it seemed to be a very important letter.

Ai Hui asked: "When are you leaving?"

Yang Xiaodong said: "Right away."

The great victory they just had was a true great victory for Five Elements Heaven against the Blood of God. The enemy's strength is strong, and the loss of the vanguard war department is not enough to break the opponent's muscles, but it will anger the opponent.

The other party's next revenge will definitely be very crazy.

Although Yang Xiaodong didn't want to see Ai Hui, he respected Shi Xueman extremely.

Ai Hui then warned: "When you leave, take more snow lava with you."

Yang Xiaodong nodded: "Okay."

He had witnessed the power of the ground artillery tower with his own eyes and naturally knew the importance of snow lava. Moreover, the next battle will not be easy. Supply is a problem. Now is the best time to replenish.

It's a pity that the current situation is not as good as it used to be. Otherwise, a Saluo Pan would solve all the problems.

Whether it is the Saluo Pan or the Message Tree, they are all built on the Five Elements Heaven. The Five Elements of Heaven have been sorted out by powerful men from generation to generation, and the energy of the earth and earth beneath the ground has been integrated without any barriers. The stable and powerful Five Elements Heaven is like a rich and fertile soil, and the Saluo Pan, the Message Tree, and the Cloud Wings are the delicious fruits produced by the big trees growing on this fertile soil.

Now the fertile land has become barren and dry, and the trees and flowers growing on the soil have withered and lost their former glory.

Many things that used to be taken for granted have gradually faded out of people's sight, such as the Saluo Pan, the Message Tree, the Three-leaf Vine Cart and so on.

Yang Xiaodong didn't waste time, the journey was not short, and he left with the snow lava.

Watching Yang Xiaodong disappear into the horizon, Ai Hui felt a strong sense of urgency in his heart.

In Tianxin City, people left their houses and took to the streets.

The movement just now had alarmed everyone, and now they were shocked to see the two sides confronting each other on the street.

The party with a larger number of people is the Tingfeng Department, and the party with a smaller number is the Shenwei Department. Are the three central departments fighting among themselves? Or rebellion? We just announced a great victory, why are we starting to fight internally again?

Nian Tingfeng blocked Wan Shenwei's path and tried to persuade him: "Lebuleng is not clear-headed. Boss Wan, aren't you clear-headed? There is no chance of victory if you act recklessly like this! All three departments of our Central Committee are involved, then So what? Can we win? Can’t win..."

Wanshenwei nodded calmly: "I know."

Nian Tingfeng Qijie: "Since you know, why do you still do this?"

Wanshenwei said calmly: "Senior Lebuleng is right. Everyone has the responsibility to defend our homeland, but it is ours first. Because we are supported by the world, but they are not. If someone wants to die, we should die first and bleed. We should go first before others can take their turn."

Nian Tingfeng was silent for a moment, then said: "Is it okay to die? Winning is the most important thing."

Wanshenwei asked: "Who wins?"

Nian Tingfeng said solemnly: "All of us are the Five Elements Heaven."

"There is no longer a Five Elements Heaven." Wanshenwei showed a faint mockery: "As for us, we cannot represent everyone. Today's Presbyterian Church can no longer represent everyone."

Nian Tingfeng sneered: "Then who can represent it? Dai Gang? They are all scattered, fighting on their own, fighting among themselves, then failing, and then they all become blood cultivators?"

Wanshenwei shook his head: "You have underestimated the heroes of the world. There are many heroes in the wild."

Nian Tingfeng chuckled: "You would rather place your hopes on the so-called reckless hero who doesn't know where he is, than trust in the successor designated by the great elder and who has great righteousness."

Wanshenwei nodded: "Yes. I am not convinced by what Ye has done."

Nian Tingfeng's face turned ugly: "No matter what others don't know, you don't know how corrupt the current situation is. How much thought and exhaustion Madam has put into getting to where she is today..."

"It is precisely the current situation that is so rotten!" Wan Shenwei interrupted him with a magnanimous look: "What we need is courage, not transactions, not calculations. You don't want to die, and I don't want to die either. Everyone is wise to protect themselves, who is going to Die? Don't say anything. The three central departments, including the ordinary war departments, should die in front of civilians, not behind them. This is not an honor, but our basic responsibility."

"well said!"

A sharp voice sounded at the end of the street.

Nian Tingfeng's pupils shrank, it was Ximen Judgment!

Wanshenwei turned to look at Ximen Judgment, who looked like a girl.

Ximen Judgment said: "I never thought that Mr. Wan would be so sharp-tongued one day."

Wan Shenwei's weathered face was a little embarrassed: "It's really embarrassing to say that."

"It's time to be ashamed. I, the Adjudication Department, went to the battlefield together." Ximen Judgment snorted coldly: "Nian Tingfeng, the Ye family has a dark heart. Be careful not to be betrayed."

Nian Tingfeng's face was ugly. He didn't expect that the Adjudication Department would come over to join in the fun.

"Let them be."

Mrs. Ye's voice came from afar, and the guards were guarding her. Her demeanor was solemn and majestic.

Her eyes slowly swept across the audience, and she said in a deep voice: "Go wherever you want, I won't stop you. But I have to say something clearly here. It's easy to die, but it's harder to live. If you have to compromise, you will suffer. Although we have suffered grievances, suffered infamy, and been criticized by thousands of people, we can only have a chance to win if we are alive. The Three Central Departments are the most elite war departments in the world. If they are exhausted, we will no longer be able to build any of them."

Everyone was silent. Mrs. Ye's words were not unreasonable, and many people had worried looks on their faces.

Ximen Judgment sneered: "Sophistry."

Wan Shenwei looked directly at Madam Ye, with a magnanimous expression: "Madam, you can live and pursue Madam's victory. The Three Central Departments may be able to protect Tianxin City. Can Tianwaitian be saved? Can't be saved. What about other cities outside Tianxin City? ?Whether they live or die? Madam's heart only lies in this small Tianxin City. However, the Central Three Departments belong to the entire Five Elements Heaven, not just to Tianxin City."

Speaking of this, Wan Shenwei felt uninterested and was too lazy to say anything more. He directly ordered: "Let's go."

Everyone in the Divine Fear Department responded loudly: "Let's go!"

Ximen Judgment’s sharp voice said: “Let’s go!”

Everyone in the Judgment Department responded loudly: "Let's go!"

(To be continued...)

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