Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 562 Tianxin City’s Countermeasures

The soldiers' war department camp.

The iron soldier silently looked at the bandaged red-eyed zombie in the phantom. Except for the sound he could hear, he really couldn't connect the figure in the phantom with the embroidery shop boy in Songjian City. Even the voice is familiar, but the calmness and determination contained in it are the steel will that has been tempered, and it is no longer as immature as before.

It's like a lifetime ago.

When he woke up injured, he found the details of the Battle of Songjian City, which were so tragic that he almost suffocated.

When he saw Ai Hui thrust his sword into Wang Shouchuan's body, and saw Mingxiu burst into tears and heartbroken, his heart was cut like a knife.

That night, he got very drunk.

Fate seemed to have played a joke on him, throwing him into the sunshine to enjoy its warmth and beauty, but kicked him mercilessly into the cold abyss.

A lukewarm palm gently grasped his iron hand. The palm was not soft because it was covered with calluses from long-term sword practice.

He came back from the whirlpool of memories.

Just laugh at yourself, what right do you have to be sentimental if your life doesn't even belong to you?

He smiled at Kunlun Tianfeng: "I'm fine, I just didn't expect that this kid has grown to this point."

Kunlun Tianfeng knew that her senior brother was thinking about Songjian City again. She could feel that her senior brother had been depressed over the years. Every time he thought about Songjian City, his mood fluctuated greatly.

I wonder what kind of person my senior brother was before he was injured? Are you as serious as now? Do you never smile like you do now?

She whispered: "Aunt Ye seems to have some ideas about snow lava."

Iron Soldier said: "It doesn't seem like it, it has always been there. Snow lava used to be first-class fire liquid, so it was very useful. Now with tower cannons, such sharp weapons, how could Tianxin City turn a blind eye."

He then mused: "That kid Ai Hui is very naughty, and he won't take any losses. He will definitely fight tooth and nail for anyone who wants to snatch food from his bowl. Judging from this news, this guy probably knows that Tianxin City is going to move. He strikes first to gain the upper hand."

"Look at what he said, he is trying to squeeze Tianxin City. The war department fighting on the front line needs snow lava more than the war department at the rear. Tianxin City must be very injured now, but you can't refute it. This guy is very bad. , it was like this before, you have to be especially careful when dealing with him, if you are not careful, he will lead you into a ditch. I don’t know how a serious girl like Shi Xueman could fall in love with this bad boy. "

The eyes behind the tulle are slightly curved. Kunlun Tianfeng likes to see his senior brother thinking seriously. At this time, the senior brother will forget those unhappy things and his injuries, focusing and serious.

She then asked: "What about us?"

The Iron Soldier thought for a while: "We will continue as usual, unless Tianxin City comes with clear instructions. I guess Tianxin City will not dare to mess around, and the situation is so critical now. Once it collapses and causes a chain reaction, it will really be unstoppable. Blood cultivation. When the time comes, the blood cultivation army will march straight in, which is something Tianxin City absolutely does not want to see."

Kunlun Tianfeng is not a brainless person. He tilted his head and thought about it, and felt that his senior brother was right. She was very familiar with Aunt Ye and knew that Aunt Ye was best at forbearing. She nodded slightly and said, "Senior brother is right."

The Iron Soldier sighed with emotion: "So this kid is naughty. Look at the timing he chose. Tianxin City can't have an attack at all. Although I don't know how this kid can open up the situation, but with this period of buffer, he can Do a lot of things. This kid is a master of chaos and a loach, and he will get through any cracks he sees."

Kunlun Tianfeng chuckled: "I think senior brother actually appreciates Ai Hui."

The iron soldier was stunned for a moment, then nodded after thinking for a moment: "There are many things about him that are different from ordinary people. His fighting spirit is so tenacious that I have never seen it in anyone else. For others, fighting spirit may be the persistence of a certain belief. But for Ai Hui, it’s like he was born with it, it’s an instinct, and he doesn’t insist on giving up.”

Kunlun Tianfeng was moved: "Senior brother thinks so highly of him!"

The iron soldier laughed at himself: "In fact, what qualifications do we have to evaluate him now? His current achievements are all achieved by hard work, and we are beyond our reach."

Kunlun Tianfeng tilted his head, thought for a while, and nodded: "Senior brother is right."

She and her senior brother were able to become the leaders of the Tianfeng soldiers all because of their father. And Ai Hui is now the leader of the Songjian faction, and even Shi Xueman is his deputy.

Having fought side by side with Shi Xueman for so long, she admired Shi Xueman's strength and conduct. Ai Hui is indeed very powerful to have someone as powerful and outstanding as Shi Xueman as his deputy.

Tie Bingren said: "Let Tianxin City worry about the snow lava issue. I am very interested in Ai Hui's Tower Cannon Alliance. In any case, this guy is a good hand in combat. He can ease the situation." We’re under a lot of pressure.”

Kunlun Tianfeng chuckled: "After being told this by senior brother, I hope Ai Hui can come soon."

Tie Bingren was right, Tianxin City was worried about Ai Hui's statement.

"Is this what you said you can do with confidence? Is this how you can do it?"

Madam Ye's stern voice echoed in the meeting hall, and everyone fell silent. Madam had always been graceful and elegant, but this was the first time she had lost her composure like this. Even when the Divine Fear and Judgment Department left the city, Madam was not so angry.

Nian Tingfeng unknowingly had beads of sweat on his forehead. He thought about various possibilities, whether it was success or failure, but he never expected that Ai Hui would behave in such an unexpected way.

Mrs. Ye's face was ashen and she said sternly: "He is slapping us in the face! The war department fighting on the front line needs snow lava even more. This means that we are struggling to survive in the back! Haha, he immediately went to the front line, what a beautiful move! , slapped us in the face, crackled, and we couldn’t fight back!”

Nian Tingfeng bit the bullet and said, "This subordinate is not doing his job well. Please punish me, madam."

Seeing Nian Tingfeng's honest attitude, Mrs. Ye's face softened slightly and she snorted coldly: "Punishment? What's the use of punishment? Can punishment prevent us from being laughed at by the world?"

Speaking of this, she felt irritated. Every time it came to matters in Songjian Valley, it always made her extremely irritated. She was regretting why she didn't level the Songjian Valley earlier!

Nian Tingliang lowered his head even lower: "This subordinate's crime deserves death."

Taking a deep breath, Mrs. Ye forced herself to suppress the irritation in her heart: "We will discuss the crime later. Now let's talk about what we are going to do? Also, what is Ai Hui's intention in making this statement?"

Everyone was watching, no one was speaking.

When Nian Tingfeng saw this, he had no choice but to say: "I have some guesses."

Mrs. Ye said coldly: "Say!"

Nian Tingfeng did not speak immediately, but gathered some thoughts before speaking slowly: "My subordinates were surprised at first after reading Ai Hui's statement, but after thinking about it carefully, they realized that this is a way to survive in death. He might After noticing our intention to deal with the snow lava, he simply put justice against justice and went to the front line so that public opinion could not be harsh on him. Ai Hui also knew that the front line was surrounded by dangers and relying solely on the power of the Songjian faction was of no use. . So he came up with the Tower Cannon Alliance to recruit a group of people, increase the momentum, and increase the hope of victory."

Madam Ye snorted coldly: "Ai Hui seems to be frank, but in reality he is most treacherous."

Nian Tingfeng's heart trembled. Mrs. Ye's "Ai Hui is the beast" clearly revealed her murderous intent.

Everyone nodded in unison. Before this, no one thought that Ai Hui could cause trouble to Tianxin City. Although Songjian Gu is quite powerful, it is too small. What kind of disturbance can be caused by just ordering so many people?

However, Songjian Gu is now like a thorn stuck in Tianxincheng's throat. It is not fatal, but extremely uncomfortable.

"Madam is wise!" Nian Tingfeng flattered him first, and then said: "From the current point of view, it is not appropriate for us to take action. There are two reasons. One is that the situation is critical and the key to this battle. The other is that Thunder Sword takes the initiative to rush to On the battlefield, we can't find a reason. At this time, we should stop quietly. There are many obstacles for Ai Hui to achieve his goal. He has several disadvantages."

Mrs. Ye was in high spirits: "Go on."

Nian Tingfeng talked eloquently: "The first disadvantage is that its reputation is low. Before this, Songjian Valley could only be a small force. Ai Hui's personal strength was good, but it was not enough to attract others to join. Even if someone joins, there will be no success after that. There will be a problem of not obeying orders, how can Ai Hui convince the public?"

Everyone nodded, Nian Tingfeng's words made sense.

Mrs. Ye has a deeper understanding.

Ai Hui being the leader of the Songjian Faction was not a big deal, because the Songjian Faction only had a few hundred people at the time. Once any force reaches a certain scale, it is not an easy task to suppress the situation.

Mrs. Ye was born into the oldest family in Five Elements Heaven. The Great Elder has been paving the way for a long time, but even so, many people still disobey. Xinguang City seems to be under the control of An Chou Chou, but in fact, Yu Chiba and several other elders are the real people in charge.

Once Ai Hui forms the tower gun alliance, the issue of the right to speak will inevitably be involved. On the battlefield, there may be the power of life at any time, and you will directly obey it for the sake of snow lava? This is absolutely impossible.

"Disadvantage number two is that since he has made a gesture of going to the front line, he must win. Otherwise, his statement will only become a laughing stock."

Nian Tingfeng continued: "Whether it is the infighting within the Tower Cannon Alliance or Ai Hui's failure, we have enough reasons to clean up the mess. By then, the snow lava will naturally be ours."

Mrs. Ye coughed lightly: "We need to encourage some capable war departments to join the tower gun alliance."

Nian Tingfeng responded: "Yes."

Mrs. Ye: "We must take the initiative and not be so passive every time."

Nian Tingfeng said respectfully: "Subordinates, please keep this in mind!"

Mrs. Ye pondered: "Failure will have to wait until we block this wave of enemies."

Nian Tingfeng understood: "I understand."

Mrs. Ye said to herself: "I hope God will fear the judgment and not let me down."

Nian Tingfeng didn't say a word. He immediately became the center of attention in the hall, and several looks contained contempt. He remained calm and calm, and the two members of the Shenwei Judgment Department went to the front line, causing the Tingfeng Department to be ridiculed a lot.

Mrs. Ye's anger disappeared at this time, and her eyes fell on Ma Shiji: "The light of the master is our foundation. We must also trouble you, sir, to work harder, not to seek quick results, but to be steady and steady. Only success is allowed, not failure."

Masji did not dare to neglect at this moment, and said cautiously, "Yes."

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