Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 602 The Beast Camp Arrives

In the distant horizon, the blood beast covering the sky and the sun swept over like a red-black dark cloud.

Helian Tianxiao had a smile on his face. Behind him, the soldiers were all excited and could not help but wave their fists in excitement. Although they clearly have the upper hand, yet they continue to lose, everyone feels aggrieved. So far, His Majesty has not given any instructions, which has made the Divine Wolf feel uneasy and fearful. It was as if a guillotine would fall from the top of his head at any time, and it would be impossible to escape the fate of the corpse being separated.

Frustration and fear are mixed together, and God Wolf is suffering extremely every day. Now that help has arrived, the emotions that have been suppressed for a long time suddenly burst out.

The beast battalion is the reserve force of the blood department. Each battalion consists of 10,000 people. The blood beasts equipped are broad-backed bat fish. The broad-backed batfish is a new species that combines the black-blooded bat and the manta ray. It looks more like a manta ray that can fly. Its entire body was pitch black, with a red stripe extending from each eye to the tail of its wings. With a wingspan of more than forty meters, it was a truly behemoth.

The broad-backed manta fish has very well-developed back muscles and looks very broad, making it very suitable for riding.

The broad-backed manta fish has a docile temperament, low IQ, and low flying speed, but it carries an amazing load and flies very smoothly.

Were it not for the staggering appetite of the broad-backed bat, it would become an excellent blood-carrying beast. Broad-backed bats need to eat a large amount of fruit jade every day, which is very expensive, so only animal camps are equipped with it.

The general on the back of the broad-backed batfish saw Helian Tianxiao at the entrance of the camp and quickly controlled the broad-backed batfish and landed downwards.

The dark clouds covering the sky were like floods that had opened and poured down.

When all the broad-backed manta rays landed, the camp was surrounded by a black carpet, which was extremely spectacular.

The four beast camp leaders came to Helian Tianxiao at the same time and saluted respectfully: "Sir, I was late!"

Helian Tianxiao said with satisfaction: "It's good to come here. We will repair for two days and prepare to attack the city."


The four of them bowed in unison and obeyed.

Some of them looked solemn, some were eager to try, but no one backed down. Before coming, they knew the general situation and were mentally prepared for the situation they were about to face.

As a reservist, when have you ever seen Master Helian look so kind and cheerful? They were even greeted at the entrance of the camp, which made them even more frightened.

The animal camp has a low status, and its most important task is to deliver fresh blood to the blood department. But in recent years, the blood department has not suffered much damage. Every year, the number of soldiers from the beast camp who can enter the blood department is pitifully few. The vast majority of people can only waste a few years and then be sent home.

The most important thing about the Blood of God is military merit. Only by making achievements can one be promoted and the family receive good treatment. In Blood of God, the status of military personnel is very high, far higher than other professions. Families of military personnel can receive preferential treatment in many aspects. Although the beast camp is a reserve force, the treatment of the soldiers in the beast camp is enough to make blood cultivators in other professions jealous.

Once they are unable to enter the blood department and are sent home, it means that all benefits are lost.

On the contrary, if a soldier dies in battle, his family and children can still enjoy the treatment of military family members. This is why soldiers of the Blood of God are often fearless on the battlefield.

Within the Blood of Gods, no one had objections to such preferential treatment of soldiers, but the emperor personally promulgated the decree and never wavered.

Therefore, when the animal battalion received the order to support the front line, not only did they not fear, but they were in high spirits. They packed their bags as quickly as possible and set off overnight, traveling day and night.

On the way, the four beast battalion leaders discussed possible scenarios, and finally came to the conclusion that the most likely scenario was a siege.

Since ancient times, siege warfare has been difficult to fight.

Relying on a complete defensive system, the defender can often render enemies helpless several times or even dozens of times. Even if a city is captured, the losses are often heavy.

The four beast camp leaders ordered their men to set up camp and rest. They did not dare to rest. Regardless of their fatigue, they all came to the Pearl Wind Bridge defense line to inspect.

When they saw the defense line clearly, they gasped in unison, and even the leader of the beast camp who was gearing up before couldn't help but change his expression.

The situation is worse than they expected!

Accompanying them was Pan Fengling, the deputy head of the Yinshuang Department. Pan Fengling looks like a girl to a boy. She is actually taller and stronger than the average man, and her voice is thick. Her weapon is also very amazing. It is a mace that is completely blue and about the same height as her body. It emits a light white mist and is chilling.

The Blood War Department of God has a strict hierarchy, and the rules between the top and bottom are extremely strict.

The beast camp is a reserve force, and the leader of the beast camp has a status roughly equivalent to that of the middle-level backbone of the blood department. Being able to send the deputy leader of the Yinshuang Blood Division to accompany him is already an exception.

Pan Fengling's face was expressionless and her tone was arrogant, but her description of the battle situation was very clear, "You can't attack on the ground. Look over there, there is a quicksand belt. The Liehua Blood Department was slowed down by the quicksand and suffered a devastating blow. . Moreover, the opponent has a battlefield construction master who can raise a battle corridor in the quicksand at any time, thus giving full play to the advantage of the military department. There are hidden traps in the quicksand, which are difficult to guard against. They also face attacks from ground fire towers and cannons above."

She continued: "The middle position is even less suitable for attack. We have been testing before, and the middle position is the most unsuitable area for attack. The God-Suppressing Peak in the middle is guarded by the Tianfeng Department, and it seems to be the weakest. In fact, it is just the opposite. It is the area where the enemy attacks the most violently. The soldiers below can rely on the battle gallery raised by Master Wang Xiaoshan for support. The ground-fire tower cannon of Chongyun Spear above can also be easily covered."

"Based on our constant testing these days, we have concluded that the only direction of attack is from the sky. We must first solve the topmost God-Suppressing Peak, which is the God-Suppressing Peak where the Chongyun Spear is stationed. If we swoop in and attack from the sky, , we only need to face the attack of the ground-fire tower cannon. Although the power of the ground-fire tower cannon is strong, the attack frequency is not high. If it were not for a tower cannon master, we would have taken it long ago."

Pan Fengling snorted coldly, obviously feeling a little dissatisfied with the need for support from the beast camp. She made no secret of her dissatisfaction, but thought that if she broke through the Pearl Defense Line, everything would be smooth sailing, which would be a greater achievement. Her tone slowed down and she said with some encouragement: "But this is also your opportunity. As long as there are enough manpower and the intensity of the penetration is sufficient, you can break through the defense line of the ground fire tower cannon. And as long as you unplug the Chongyun The two Zhenshen Peaks guarded by guns are nothing to worry about. The Pearl Defense Line can be taken down in one fell swoop."

The four beast battalion leaders carefully inspected every detail of the Pearl Defense Line and had to admit that what Pan Fengling said was the only possible attack path.

Among them, the leader of the beast camp, who looked more serious, said respectfully: "What your Excellency said is absolutely true. I will discuss it again when I get back."

Pan Fengling snorted coldly: "Don't miss the time to attack."

After that, he turned and left.

She Yu stared at the drop of divine blood in the crystal for a long time. She did not expect that His Majesty would grant a drop of divine blood.

Your Majesty has never bestowed divine blood, not even Lord Red Devil, has ever received such a favor. She was just a seed, but to be favored by His Majesty and given such a supreme holy object, She Yu felt as if she was in a dream.

Divine blood is the blood of God, the supreme holy object of the blood of God.

There are many legends circulating about divine blood. Some say that the first emperors were descendants of gods. The gods knew that the era of cultivation was coming to an end and that they were destined to perish, so they gave ten drops of divine blood to bless future generations. There are also legends that the divine blood is the purest blood essence of the ten thousand-year-old ghost. Otherwise, how could it be preserved to this day? The blood spiritual power seems to confirm this.

However, regardless of whether the divine blood came from gods or ghosts, it has no meaning today.

But She Yu knew that every drop of divine blood contained endless power. The reason why His Majesty was able to be promoted to Grandmaster and dominate the world was because he understood the secret of divine blood and absorbed its supreme power.

Your Majesty actually gives divine blood. Has your Majesty already broken through the barrier of divine blood?

This thought flashed through She Yu's mind, and she immediately put these distracting thoughts behind her. When will it be her turn to speculate on His Majesty's affairs?

Her attention returned to the divine blood, and she was filled with gratitude to Master Shuisheng in her heart. If there is anything that can restrain the Life and Death Flower Sacrifice Technique, divine blood is not the only answer, but it must be the best answer. She previously placed her hope in the heart of the gods, because she did not dare to expect divine blood, which was a sacred object. In the blood spiritual power system, there is a supreme existence. No matter how weird and mysterious the Life and Death Flower Sacrifice Technique is, it cannot compare to the divine blood.

The only worry is whether he can withstand the power of the divine blood.

The power contained in the divine blood is overbearing and vast. If ordinary people take it in, they will explode and die on the spot. Among all the emperors and saints of the past, only the current generation of emperors and saints can comprehend its secrets!

She Yu did not seek to understand the mystery of the divine blood, but only to be able to withstand the impact of the divine blood.

Along with the divine blood, there were also some tips on absorbing the divine blood. Judging from the handwriting, it was written by His Majesty himself. She Yu kept every word in her mind firmly in her mind. She knew it by heart and pondered it carefully many times.

She knew that she only had one chance. Such an excellent opportunity would be wiped out if she could not succeed.

Take a deep breath.

A look of determination appeared in her eyes. She was extremely clear and certain that her fate had reached a turning point.

The crystal that sealed the divine blood was thrown into her mouth.


The crystal is not as hard as expected. Instead, it is as brittle as ice and can be easily bitten.

A wisp of breath went down his throat and disappeared into his body.

A look of pain suddenly appeared on She Yu's pale face.

The inexplicable aura spread from her body to the surroundings. The ground at his feet turned into powder silently. They do not fly away, but rise and fall slowly like waves in the water.

Invisible waves filled the room, slowly twisting.

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