Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 643 Tianye Department

A group of figures shuttled through the mountains and jungles. Their clothes were ragged, their faces were covered in smoke, and many of them had dark blood stains on their bodies. They looked quite embarrassed, so they found an open space and sat down casually.

Compared with the previous days when they were on tenterhooks and wary of She Yu's sneak attack at any time, they had not encountered an attack for three consecutive days. However, there was no trace of joy on anyone's face. They knew very well that it was the fear of the gods that lured She Yu away.

Their hearts were full of worries about the fear of the gods.

She Yu's strength is superior to that of Wanshenwei, and the only one who can make her throw a rat weapon is the unconscious Ye Baiyi in Wanshenwei's hands.

Out of caution and caution, the remnants of the Divine Fear Judgment were divided into more than a dozen squads and retreated in different directions. Their team consists of fifteen people. It is small but very powerful. After all, Ximen Judgment is there.

After choosing a piece of fairly flat grass, everyone staggered around and sat down.

Everyone was not in high spirits, and their nerves were tense for days, making them extremely tired. No one spoke, they needed to seize the time to restore their physical strength and energy. But even so, there are still two people responsible for guarding against possible attacks.

Time passed quietly, and after a few hours, people kept opening their eyes.

After regaining energy, he replaced his teammates on guard duty, which boosted their morale and made the silent camp a little more vibrant. It has been a long time since I was able to relax and rest like today. In order to escape from the battlefield as soon as possible, they did not rest for three days and three nights.

After all, they are all elites. After regaining their energy, the previous decline has been wiped away.

Everyone gathered in small groups, eating, drinking water, and chatting in low voices.

"I haven't seen the witch for several days. It seems that I have really gotten rid of her."

"The witch didn't know what she ate to become so powerful!"

"Yeah, so many people can't stop it, it's so evil."

"She can only rely on sneak attacks. If she has the ability, she can do it openly..."

"Come on." Someone sneered: "He killed so many of us by one person. Even if it was a sneak attack, it would be enough to embarrass us. He was so upright and so on, so shameful!"

Everyone fell silent. The red figure like smoke has now become a lingering nightmare in their hearts. Half of the fifteen people in the team were injured. Only after fighting against each other did we realize how terrifying She Yu was when she appeared out of nowhere.

"Is it divine blood? She must have absorbed divine blood, otherwise how could she be so powerful?"

"The evil sect, the evil sect! There are so many things in the Blood of God evil sect. Fortunately, Nangong Wulian was killed by us, and there are even more things in the evil sect of the Beast Gu Palace."

"I wonder what happened to Wan BuShou?"

Everyone was quiet again, they had been subconsciously avoiding this question these days. Worry, guilt and the frustration of being unable to do anything were mixed together, like a rusty dull knife, cutting their flesh bit by bit.

They don't even dare to think about it.

Someone whispered: "It must be no problem, Wan Radical is so strong..."

He couldn't say the rest. He remembered that the injuries on Wanshenwei's body were caused by She Yu.

However, this sentence also ignited everyone's hope.

"You can't beat him if you hit him, but you have cloud wings, so if you can escape, you should be fine."

"Yes, yes! Yun Yi, sir, you have Yun Yi! You are faster than the demon girl anyway."

"Moreover, She Yu will also have scruples when heading towards the Emerald Forest. After all, Daizong is here! No matter how powerful She Yu is, she is no match for Daizong!"

Everyone, you say something to me.

Ximen Judgment, who was upset, shouted sternly: "Shut up!"

Everyone immediately fell silent.

The wrinkles on her face have increased a lot, and the apple face that used to be as smooth as a child has long lost its luster, turning into an old and gaunt old woman. She paid a heavy price for banning Ye Baiyi. She Yu was injured again in the subsequent sneak attack, and the situation became more serious.

But when her eyes widened, the aura of being in a position of power for a long time made her calm and confident.

She was as fierce as fire, and had never experienced such a defeat before. At this moment, she shouted fiercely and stirred up the real fire, spitting out a mouthful of blood. The others were shocked when they saw this and rushed forward.

"grown ups!"

She waved her hand to stop everyone from approaching.

After calming down the blood boiling in her chest, she looked around at everyone, feeling sad in her heart. Since its creation, the God of Judgment has been invincible and its enemies are frightened. How has it ever been in such a state of decline?

Could it be that Judgment is going to die in his own hands?

Suddenly, the soldiers on duty issued a warning, someone was approaching this way!

Ximen Judi's heart tightened. Could it be that She Yu was chasing her? Immediately, he felt inexplicably relaxed and a smile appeared on his face. She Yu chasing after her meant that Wanshenwei could survive. She knew that she was running out of fuel and that she was not far from death. She no longer has the ability to save Judgment God. Wan Shenwei is stronger and has a more determined character. It is better to leave such a difficult task to him.

All gods fear that living is more valuable.

Ximen Judgment had already seen the target at this time, and the smile on his face solidified. In the distant sky, a group of people are flying towards this direction at an alarming speed.

They were coming extremely fast. They were just a group of small black dots, but they flew in front of them in the blink of an eye.

Not She Yu!

It turned out to be a group of Yuan cultivators.

The other party's body exuded energy fluctuations, showing considerable strength, at least he was a master. Wait, there are so many... The number of Master Yuanxiu who appeared in her field of vision was almost a hundred. What makes her unbelievable is that the fluctuations emanating from everyone are masters.

She had never seen so many masters.

Her body froze, and she thought of a possibility

——The light of the master!

Above the sea of ​​clouds, a group of figures were flying at high speed. They were extremely fast, and the cloud wings dragged out long clouds and mist, like a comb with fine teeth combing through the blue sky.

There were more than a hundred people in their group. The men were handsome and the women were beautiful. However, the expressions on their faces looked cold, regardless of whether they were men or women.

The leader was a woman with a long eyebrow and a dignified temperament, and her eyes were indifferent, as if nothing in this world could arouse her interest.

If Ai Hui saw her, he would definitely recognize the origin of this woman. She was Fu Sisi, whom he had dealt with before.

The Fu family encountered a catastrophe and was almost destroyed, but at the critical moment they took refuge with Mrs. Ye. In order to protect Xiaobao and Mrs. Ye, they suffered heavy losses. Mrs. Ye thought about this friendship and rewarded the Fu family generously. Today, the Fu family is a popular family in Tianxin City.

In order to be able to provoke the Fu family, Fu Sisi still decided to participate in the Master's Light plan.

After she was successfully promoted to master, she was deeply appreciated by Madam Ye and was entrusted with important tasks. Her status in the Tianye Department was second only to Xiaobao.

Nowadays, her face no longer shows the youthfulness she once had. Her strong strength has given her great confidence, and her expression is calm but powerful.

"Is Ye Baiyi really still alive? Wanshenwei doesn't seem to be a kind-hearted person. It's hard to imagine that Ye Baiyi can live for such a long time in his hands."

"Nian Tingfeng's news should still be trustworthy."

"How are the progress of Xiaobao and the others?"

"It went very well. Miyano Castle has also been surrendered. The effect of the massacre in Shin Kong City was good, otherwise it would not have been so smooth later. These guys are really cheap. We need to show them some color."

"It's a pity that An Chou Chou is a talented person."

"What a pity? What's the pity? Madam, it's just around the corner to pacify the cities. Who doesn't have the talent?"

"That's right."

Fu Sisi listened to everyone's discussion without saying a word. However, she also agreed in her heart that the chaotic Tianwaitian and the separatism of various cities were the root cause of Yuan Xiu's weakness today. Only Madam can unify all the cities and reunite Tianwai Tian to resist the blood repair.

And their Tianye Department will be the sharpest sword in Madam’s hand.

She suddenly felt something, hummed, and glanced downwards.

"There's someone down there! It's a ruling!"

The team members around him recognized the origin of this group from the clothes of the people below.

Fu Sisi said calmly: "Let's go down."

After saying that, his body sank, like an eagle that found its prey and pounced down in the air. The others followed her and flew downward.


Fu Sisi's figure suddenly disappeared, and the next moment, she appeared out of thin air three feet above the remnants of the Judgment.

Whoosh, whoosh, figures kept appearing next to her.

Hundreds of masters suddenly appeared above their heads, and the impact was unparalleled. And when a hundred masters let go of their momentum at the same time, it was like the top of a mountain pressing down on them, and the adjudicating officers were almost suffocated.

Everyone's face was as pale as paper, except for Ximen Judgment. After the initial shock, she regained her composure.

Fu Sisi's eyes, as if they were real, slowly swept across the crowd and stopped at Ximen Judgment: "But Ximen Radical?"

Ximen Judicial snorted coldly: "It's me, are you the daughter of the Fu family?"

Fu Sisi bowed slightly: "Fu Sisi, a humble official, is the deputy head of the Tianye Department."

Ximen’s verdict was neither yin nor yang: “Why don’t I remember the Tianye Department?”

Fu Sisi said nonchalantly: "It didn't happen before. Madam needs Tianye Department, so of course we will have it. How could Ximen Chief be reduced to such a state? Where is Ye Baiyi?"

Ximen Judgment suddenly realized: "It turns out you are here for Ye Baiyi!"

Fu Sisi admitted openly: "That's right! I would also like to ask Mr. Ximen to elaborate on his experiences these days."

Ximen Judi's face turned cold and he said sternly: "What qualifications do you have to shout around in front of me?"


A Judgment warrior's head exploded like a watermelon without warning.

Ximen Judgment's pupils shrank, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Fu Sisi said calmly: "Those who know the current affairs are heroes. Ximen Radical still cooperates well. Besides, it is better for Ye Baiyi to fall into our hands than to fall into the hands of God's Blood and Dai Gang."

Half an hour later.

Fu Sisi murmured to herself: "She Yu, divine blood, divine heart..."

She seemed to vaguely catch an invisible clue, but she couldn't find anything if she thought about it carefully. She retracted her reverie and left these problems to Madam to worry about. She only had to complete the task.

She turned and left without looking at the body in the pool of blood on the ground.

Ximen Judgment’s eyes widened in anger and he refused to rest in peace. None of the other soldiers survived.

"Direction of Emerald Forest."

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