Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 699: Awakening and Conflict

This was the sixth time Ai Hui regained consciousness.

The familiar tearing feeling enveloped him like a tide from every part of his body. He tried his best to open his mouth wide and gasp for breath. He could feel every inch of skin being torn, healed, and then torn again by new tissue growth.

The first five times I regained consciousness were very short. Almost as soon as I woke up, I was swallowed up by boundless pain within a few breaths. However, he was keenly aware that the time he spent awake seemed to be getting longer each time.

He stretched out his palm and looked at the monster-like palm and the sharp hook-like claws. He couldn't help but smile bitterly. This person looked neither human nor ghost. If Xueman and the others saw it, they would probably be shocked.

Are you still considered human now?

After laughing at himself, Ai Hui didn't bother to care. What he was most afraid of was that the red pupils would take over his body and hurt Xueman Loulan and the others. Then he would really not be able to forgive himself. The thing you were most worried about didn't happen, and you could still survive from Chi Tong's hands. What else was there to be dissatisfied about? Now, even if he is turned into a wild beast, he is happy with it.

At least half of them are still human, Ai Hui comforted himself.

He turned his attention away from the strange beast's body.

Ai Hui is an extremely self-disciplined person, and absolute control over himself is instinctive. Even though he knew that his waking time was short, his first reaction was to try hard to control his body.

But his reason told him that what he needed most was to try to prolong his waking time at the moment.

This is not easy to do.

His head was groggy and far less alert than usual. The pain in his body reminded him all the time that the next moment they would sweep over him like a tide and swallow him up.

His eyes looked around, and his astonishingly sharp eyesight was also unfamiliar. He could easily see the patterns on the rocks several miles away, as well as the small gray-spotted lizards as thick as a finger hidden in the shadows.

This is where?

Surrounded by vast wilderness, gravel can be seen everywhere. The earth energy is very strong and the temperature is very high. The heat wave rising from the ground distorted the scenery further away and blurred it.

Ai Hui's ears suddenly twitched, and he turned his head and looked to the left.

There seems to be someone fighting over there...

He struggled and stumbled towards it.


In the desert, two groups of people were confronting each other, and the atmosphere was tense.

Xiao Buyu squinted his eyes as he looked at the team in front of him, not hiding the murderous intent on his face. Shan Minxiong led the Shenhu troops to the front line, while Xiao Buyu led some elite members of the Mingguang Blood Department to search for Ye Baiyi's traces. If not found, meet up with Her Highness She Yu as soon as possible.

Xiao Buyu was in a very bad mood. The unsatisfactory nature of this mission made him wonder if he had been possessed by the God of Mold recently. Ye Shuai seemed to have suddenly disappeared without any trace. There was no progress in the mission to meet His Highness She Yu. At the beginning, he could still find the secret message left by His Highness, but the secret message was suddenly interrupted midway.

He searched around the last secret mark, but unexpectedly found a battlefield. The battlefield was riddled with holes, showing that an extremely brutal battle had taken place. It was on this battlefield that Xiao Buyu discovered the traces of His Highness She Yu's blood spiritual power. In addition, another kind of trace is also very eye-catching, that is the trace left by the five elements of energy.

His heart immediately rose to his throat. Although he had never seen anything similar to Yuan Li, he vaguely guessed who the other party was when he recalled the previous information.

And these people in front of him confirmed his guess.

Xiao Buyu's heart was filled with murderous intent, and he squeezed out three words from between his teeth: "Tian Ye Department!"

The traces left on the battlefield show that this strange elemental power is available in all five elements. Only the Patriarch Association and the mysterious Tianye tribe, which was just established some time ago, possess this kind of elemental power. Xiao Buyu didn't believe that the Patriarch could harm His Highness She Yu. They were just a group of rats hiding in the dark shadows. How could they harm His Highness She Yu who had absorbed the divine blood?

The only possibility is Tianyebe!

The leader of the Tianye tribe is named Xu Jing. He is a calm man and is quite famous among the Tianye tribe. The leader Gu Xiaobao has not yet left isolation, so the task of supporting Fu Sisi falls on him.

Xu Jing is tall, with a broad back and broad chest, like a door god. He has a face with a Chinese character, a bronze complexion, eyes like lightning, and thick eyebrows like knives. He is somewhat calm and intimidating.

He saw the person clearly and said solemnly: "It turns out to be Xiao Buyu, the leader of Mingguang."

Although the two sides were in a tense situation, Xu Jing did not want to cause any trouble at the moment. The top priority right now is to find the whereabouts of Fu Sisi and the others, rather than getting entangled with the Mingguang Blood Department. Just as he was thinking about how to break away from the other party, he heard a sneer from Xiao Buyu across from him.

"Kill! Leave no one behind!"

Xu Jing's eyes flashed, all distracting thoughts were immediately thrown away, and he said in a cold voice: "Destroy yourself!"

The two sides immediately strangled into a ball.


Ai Hui flew forward following the sound of fighting, but as soon as his body moved, he realized something was wrong.

His eyes blurred, and he disappeared on the spot. Before he could react, the ground suddenly zoomed in in his field of vision. In the center of the field of vision, a rock several people's height can be seen. Every pattern on the rock is so familiar. The heat waves evaporating from the surface of the rocks that have been heated by the sun are so clear, like surging transparent waves.

Wait... isn't this the rock I saw just now?

Ai Hui's already dazed head was unable to react, and he could only watch the rock rapidly enlarge in his eyes. The little gray-spotted lizard, which was hiding in the shadow of the rock to enjoy the coolness, raised its head and stared blankly at the sudden appearance, also unable to react.

Two equally dull eyes met in the air.

Ai Hui was like a shooting star. He was so slow to react that he didn't even blink before he hit the hard rock.


A bottomless round hole instantly appeared in the rock, like frozen grease being pierced by a red-hot iron drill.

The lizard in the shadow turned its neck blankly, and the figure that appeared suddenly disappeared again. It felt that it was dazzled.


The ground suddenly exploded a hundred feet away, and countless amounts of soil and gravel rose into the sky like a torrential rain. The force of the explosion was so powerful that the soil and gravel that was thrown away were like a huge black wave dozens of feet high.

Phew, a figure suddenly appeared several miles away, and the next moment there was another loud noise, and a huge black wave shot up in the distance.

At this time, the soil and gravel that had just been lifted into the air fell one after another.

A heavy rain fell in the desert, crackling on the rocks. The little gray-spotted lizard in the shadow was frightened and hid in the cracks under the rocks.

Ai Hui was completely unable to control his body shape in mid-air.

At first, he was shocked. But soon he was pleasantly surprised to find that not only was he unscathed by the violent impact, but the pain that was everywhere and deep in his bones seemed to be less.

This discovery cheered up his dazed spirit.

The pain that was everywhere had already made his consciousness, which was barely awake, shaky. According to previous experiences, after a few breaths he will be lost in boundless pain again.

Now that he unexpectedly found a way to relieve the pain, Ai Hui didn't hesitate at all. He threw himself towards the ground like a weight.


The moment he smashed into the soil, an invisible ripple spread rapidly. The ground within a radius of fifty feet was as soft as water, and ripples visible to the naked eye spread out.

The next moment, countless soil and gravel formed a huge black wave dozens of times thicker than before, rushing hundreds of feet into the sky. Like a huge black pillar, holding up the sky.

Boom, another huge black wave rose into the sky several miles away.

Ai Hui's figure was no longer in the huge waves composed of mud and gravel. His body was spotless and he appeared out of thin air dozens of feet away from the black waves. The eye-catching black waves became the background behind him.

He shook his head, and his somewhat distracted eyes regained some clarity.

Summoning up the remaining bit of consciousness, he took a deep breath and threw himself towards the ground again.


The battle between the Tianye tribe and the Mingguang Blood tribe was very fierce, and both sides were evenly matched.

The strength of the members of the Tianye Army surprised Xiao Buyu. Although this team is small in number, only twenty people, all of them are Master Yuanxiu. And it is far more powerful than the average Yuanxiu Master. His progress and retreat are erratic and unpredictable. The power of that colorful light is extremely amazing. In a head-to-head encounter, the Mingguang soldiers cannot take advantage.

This was the first time Xiao Buyu met him.

In a short period of time, the Mingguang Blood Department lost more than ten elites.

Xiao Buyu didn't know that Xu Jing and the others on the opposite side were also feeling uncomfortable. The members of the Tianye Army are all very strong, but their combat experience is far inferior to that of the Mingguang Xuebu who have experienced hundreds of battles and have mature tactics. Xu Jing felt like they had fallen into a swamp, feeling indescribably uncomfortable.

Although they have killed more than ten people from the opponent so far, it does not hurt the Mingguang Blood Department who has the advantage in strength.

What made him feel even more dangerous was that Xiao Buyu seemed to have found a way to deal with them. He clearly felt the pressure suddenly increase, and the invisible restraint became stronger. Xiao Buyu saw the Mingguang Tiger under them. His spiritual sense was extremely sharp and he was connected with the soldiers' minds. Several times, most of his killing moves were dodged, which made him feel like he was punched on cotton.

Xu Jing became a little anxious, it can't go on like this!

According to the current situation, their energy will be exhausted in advance before they finish killing each other. At that time, they can only be at the mercy of others, without even a chance to escape. The Roaring Blood Tribe is good at heavy armor assaults, while the Mingguang Blood Tribe is good at long-distance attacks, with extremely outstanding speed and endurance.

No, we must fight quickly!

Xu Jing made up his mind to use his killing move.

Suddenly, there was a sound in the distance, and the two sides who were fighting fiercely noticed something strange at the same time.

Boom, boom, boom...

Rolling rumbling noises continued to sound.

It's thundering?

Xiao Buyu and Xu Jing looked up at the sky at the same time. The sun was scorching in the sky and there was no cloud in sight. How could there be thunder?

That is……

The roar became clearer and louder.

It's's like it's approaching this way!

Xiao Buyu and Xu Jing once again raised their heads and looked in the direction of the roar.

The vast desert is unobstructed and has an excellent view. You don't need to fly into the sky to see everything.

The smooth and flat horizon in the distance suddenly jumped.

The amplitude of the beat was very small, but everyone present had sharp eyes, how could they miss it?

Immediately afterwards, the horizon began to beat at an alarming frequency, and the amplitude of the beats became larger and larger. After a while, Xu Jing and Xiao Buyu saw clearly that the beating horizon was a pile of soil that had been blown up into the sky.

What it is……

The huge waves of mud that exploded became clearer and clearer, and the roar became louder and louder. Huge black waves kept gushing out in their field of vision, like an invisible giant spreading its legs and striding towards them.

Xiao Buyu and Xu Jing's expressions changed drastically at the same time. They couldn't figure out what was coming. But they all smelled a dangerous smell, an extremely dangerous smell!

The two of them ignored the fierce battle and roared at the same time.

"The enemy is attacking! The entire Mingguang Blood Department is facing the enemy!"

"Be careful! The whole Tianye tribe is facing the enemy!"

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