Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 704 The Thatched Cottage

Chi Tong is resurrected, but Ai Hui is dead. .

Numerous major events had occurred this year, including the unpredictable battle situation on the front lines, the death of the coaches of both sides, etc., but none of them had an impact comparable to that of Chitong's attempt to seize Ai Hui's body and resurrect him.

The fighting between human beings, fighting for the world and power, proving achievements and great deeds, is lively and cruel. The appearance of the ancient demon god made all this seem like child's play. Humans are like fish vying for food in a pond, while the devil is leisurely hanging his fishhook at the edge of the pond.

Regardless of whether they are demons or gods, as far as humans are concerned, they are the rulers above their heads.

No one wants to be enslaved.

The panic caused by Chi Tong's resurrection was beyond imagination. In comparison, Ai Hui's death seemed so insignificant. Although he is the leader of the Matsuma faction and the commander on the front line, he is really not worth mentioning in the face of the fate of the entire human race.

For example, the army of the Kingdom of God did not take the opportunity to attack. They chose to retreat, and they had no intention of fighting.

Whether it is the Kingdom of God, Tianxin City, or Jade Forest, the most talked about in the streets is about the resurrection of Red Eyes. People are worried. The word "Devil" seems to have some mysterious and terrifying power, which can easily arouse fear in people's hearts.

And of course there is the Patriarchate.

The organization that once lived in the dark underground world is now exposed to the sun. It is said that this mysterious organization single-handedly led the Red Tong resurrection plan. They are ambitious and try to resurrect Red Tong to rule the world.

Tianxin City issued a public statement, strongly condemning the Patriarchate for plotting evil and aiding the evil.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Kingdom of God also issued a statement with fierce words, expressing that the entire Kingdom of God will never accept the slavery of Red Eyes and will fight to the end.

Emerald Forest's statement was much weaker. They called on all humans to unite to fight against the Demon God Red Eyes and the Patriarchate.

This is the first time in history that the three major forces have expressed their stance at the same time. Everyone realizes that the Patriarchate is an extremely evil organization, and the purpose of their existence is to completely bury mankind.

In a short period of time, the Patriarch will become a public enemy of the whole world, like a rat crossing the street that everyone screams for beating.

The turbulent denunciations and accusations were overwhelming, but the top leaders of the Patriarchate seemed to disappear out of thin air, and no one came out to say a word. Like an avalanche, there would be mass defections of members from the Patriarchate.

Bits and pieces of the Patriarchate's Association gradually surfaced, such as the power of chaos, etc., but the most eye-catching thing was the thatched cottage.

It didn't take long for the method of entering the thatched cottage to spread like wildfire. Most people are afraid and dare not try. And some brave guys couldn't resist their curiosity and couldn't help but enter the thatched cottage. They were immediately attracted by the wonderful world of the thatched cottage. More and more people are flocking to thatched cottage, and people find that here, they can easily break the restrictions of distance and communicate without any barriers.

This drives people crazy.

In the past, message trees allowed people thousands of miles apart to exchange messages. However, with the outbreak of the blood disaster, the balance of the Five Elements Heaven's Yuan Power was broken, the Yuan Power was increasingly depleted, and the message tree gradually became unusable. People have to adapt to a more primitive and slower pace of life. However, the life in Wuxingtian has not been forgotten, and people still remember the vivid and convenient life.

When thatched cottage appears in front of people, you can imagine the craze it brings.

The strange thing is that the Patriarchate seems to be indifferent to the increasingly lively thatched cottage and has no intention of closing it.

Luo Hao entered the thatched cottage through familiar doors and familiar roads.

As soon as we entered the thatched cottage, we were greeted by noisy sounds. Although it was not the first time he met it, he was still a little unaccustomed to it, and inadvertently recalled the past cottage. There were not so many people in the thatched cottage before, nor was it so noisy.

There are people all around who are looking around and exclaiming in amazement. They are like tourists, full of curiosity about everything in the thatched cottage.

Luo Hao withdrew his gaze, lowered his head and walked through the crowd, walking to an uninhabited corner.

He stretched out his palm, and circles of light patterns lit up from the edge of his palm. Then a light door appeared in front of him out of thin air, and he walked into the light door. The crowd behind them exclaimed, and several people walked to where Luo Hao was and tried to stretch out their palms, but nothing happened. They muttered something under their breath and turned to leave.

When Luo Hao walked into the light door, the scenery in front of him changed, and a familiar scene came into view.

Senluo Tavern is a quite famous place for former members of the Patriarchate. Not long after the establishment of the tavern, it became famous for selling yangpoku sake. Yangpo wine is very helpful to the essence, energy and spirit. It can strengthen the essence, energy and spirit. Many people come here because of its reputation.

Yangpo wine is not expensive, and everyone has gradually developed the habit of coming here to have a drink, chat and relax. As time goes by, Senluo Tavern has gradually become a news distribution center, where you can find out all kinds of gossip.

Compared with the noise outside, the tavern was much quieter, with everyone sitting together in twos and threes. There is a light curtain around the wine table to isolate the sound, so there is no need to worry about being eavesdropped on the conversation. Some light curtains also have ripples like water curtains, making it impossible to see what is going on inside from the outside. This is to prevent people who can read lips from looking at them.

Luo Hao is a regular visitor here. He sat down on the stool in front of the bar.

The boss, wearing a white apron, nodded to Luo Hao and wiped the cup with his hand: "Want a drink?"

Luo Hao grimaced: "Three souls are enough."

If you don't order a drink, you can't even get a word out of this stingy guy's mouth. Luo Hao knew the boss's temper well, and even though he was short of money, he gritted his teeth and ordered a drink. There are three, six or nine grades of yangpoku wine, and their effects vary greatly. Sanpo is the cheapest yangpoku wine.

The boss sighed: "Everyone is having a hard time."

He poured a glass of Sanpo wine and pushed it in front of Luo Hao.

In the glass, the wine exudes a faint light, like luminous sea water. Three white light groups floated in the wine, like three moons.

Luo Hao picked up the cup and took a careful sip, feeling a cool feeling flow into his throat. Although he knew that the wine had no actual taste, Luo Hao couldn't help but show an expression of enjoyment. He just felt as if his whole body had been washed, and he felt indescribably refreshed.

After enjoying it for a moment, he said: "Isn't the business going well? There are a lot of people."

The boss shook his head: "It can't be compared to before. I haven't sold a cup of Liupao in the past two days."

"No way, it's not that easy to make money now." Luo Hao said while swallowing a ball of light. He closed his eyes and his mind was empty. All worries go away from you, and your mind feels indescribably peaceful.

He likes this feeling, not only him, but most people who come to Senluo Tavern like this feeling.

After a long time, Luo Hao opened his eyes: "Boss, I want to ask about something."

The boss smiled half-heartedly: "Don't ask me where the Patriarchs are, everyone has to ask them when they come."

Tianxin City, Blood of God, and Emerald Forest have all offered huge rewards. They are willing to pay for any clues about the Patriarch. The clues for each Patriarch are astronomical. Among them, the highest reward is the location where Chitong is currently hiding.

There must be a brave man under the heavy reward. I don’t know how many people are eyeing these rewards.

And former members of the Patriarchate like Luo Hao have a natural advantage. They know more inside information. But the strange thing this time is that all the high-level officials seemed to suddenly disappear without leaving any clues. Even their internal members didn't receive any news.

Luo Hao laughed loudly: "If the boss has this clue, he has already gone to collect the reward himself."

The smile on his face did not disappear. He was still so harmless. His voice was very low, so low that it could not be heard even half a foot away from him. He pointed at the wine glass with one finger: "I want to ask the boss about these soul beads." Where did the boss come from?”

The boss who was wiping the cups made a move with his hands, and said with a grimace: "Of course it's inventory. In a few days, my pub will be closed."

Luo Hao didn't speak, just looked at the boss with a smile on his face.


Ai Hui had a dream, a very vague dream. He vaguely heard the voices of many people, and the voices were very vague. They were obviously around him, but for some reason he couldn't hear them clearly. No matter how hard he hit the spirit, the sound was still so vague, like a world away.

He dreamed of a lot of blood and faces.

Those pale faces were like white paint masks dancing in the air, singing songs he couldn't understand.

The scene was a bit scary, but Ai Hui wasn't afraid, he just didn't like it. Although the faces are still blurry and the voices are uncertain.

Later, the dream became even more chaotic, and I felt like a driftwood soaked in the sea, floating up and down in a hazy state. I can't exert my strength, I have nowhere to struggle, and I don't know where to drift.

When Ai Hui woke up from his dream, he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. There is probably nothing more terrifying than a dream. Whether it is life or death, at least there is an end to it.

He prefers a simpler life.

Even death is not that terrible. He didn't want to die, but that wasn't because he was afraid. He had been able to calmly deal with the inevitable fate of death a long time ago. Who can escape death?

Just don’t regret it.

Drowsily, Ai Hui opened his eyes. The long period of confusion caused his brain's reaction to slow down. After a while, his consciousness gradually returned to clarity. Just like a bow that has been unstrung and bent a little bit, and then re-strung. When the bowstring is retightened and calibrated, it becomes dangerous again.

Ai Hui was like this bow, his eyes became alert and alert.

The dark night sky came into view, just like usual.

There was cold, hard rock beneath him, and he struggled to stand. He looked down at himself and saw that there were no wounds on his body, which surprised him. He vaguely remembered that he seemed to have been injured before he fell into coma.

Putting aside the doubts in my heart, the important thing now is to figure out where I am now.

He was alone in the empty black wasteland, with no end in sight, and the wind was strong and cold, chilling to the bone. As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but black rocks.

Where is this?

Ai Hui looked around, doubts growing in his heart.

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