Five Frozen Centuries

Chapter 6 God Makes No Mistakes

The advantage of human beings lies in their intelligent brains and the knowledge passed down from generation to generation. If other animals also possess these two advantages, then the status of human beings on the earth will be in jeopardy.

Wei Huo was worried about this at the moment. All he could do was to pray secretly. It would be better to stop for a shorter time. Or, because of him, these monkeys had no ill feeling towards humans, and after the recovery of human time, finally It's best not to treat these monkeys as hunting objects.

Because human beings killed the monkeys maliciously and thus confronted the monkey group, this was the last scene Wei Huo wanted to see.

But at this moment, Wei Huo couldn't care less, he was going to find the cave with the secret books of Qi practitioners, which was his primary goal next!

Having said that, Wei Huo also saw a lot of things on this trip and gained a lot.

He walked along the river, because he needed to be hydrated at all times, and it was cooler by the river.

The weather is getting worse and worse. The hottest time can reach over 50 degrees, and the coldest time can reach minus 40 degrees. And Wei Huo's location is not in the middle of country Z. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be such a situation. The temperature is right.

And because of the increased mutation rate of animals and plants, Wei Huo also saw all kinds of weird animals along the way.

For example, self-explosive sheep that blew up when they disagreed with each other. This kind of sheep has an organ in its body, which stores a substance with the same composition as TNT. Once it is provoked or preyed by hunters, they will blew up and die with the hunter. If you are not careful, it will cause a forest fire.

So this ghost thing has almost no natural enemies, and its reproduction speed is extremely fast, and they can be found everywhere.

However, Wei Huo guessed that if humans wait for time to recover, this species might be hunted to extinction by humans, because hunting them can get ready-made explosives.

In addition to self-exploding sheep, Wei Huo also encountered zombie deer, a weird creature that would attack other creatures if they disagreed with each other. Whether it is a powerful hunter or a weak animal or plant, they will attack if they don't like it , and even face a willow tree with antlers for half a day.

In addition, Wei Huo also encountered a strange kind of dog. No matter what animals or plants they encounter, this kind of dog will pose in a strange posture. They can walk upright like humans, and then use their two front legs Grab the target, and finally go crazy. Well, this kind of animal should have mutated before the human stopped.

In addition to these weird creatures, there are also some endangered creatures that originally existed on the earth, such as large carnivores such as bears, wolves, and tigers, precious birds, spiders, and many plants.

The expressway is gradually covered by vegetation. Occasionally, Wei Huo can still see one or two animals walking on the road. Because of Wei Huo's title of "The Lonely Man Ignored by God", many animals ignore him, and even if they find him, they will Bypass him with an instinct of caution.

This allowed Wei Huo to travel all the way without encountering any danger, and saw many strange pictures and scenes.

And this journey lasted eight years. In fact, Wei Huo didn't know how long he had been walking.

In the eighth year of traveling, Wei Huo had already grown a full beard and looked like a savage. His clothes were worn out, so he could only wear the wild animal leather jacket and leather pants he made.

But after these eight years of traveling and constant hunting, Wei Huo's level has also been qualitatively improved.

"Level: Just a little ordinary."

Wei Huo: "."

What's the matter with your level?

Because there is no limiter, the current Wei Huo can kill a bear with his fists and kicks, his speed is comparable to that of a cheetah, his hunting skills have made a qualitative leap, his shooting skills have reached level 1, and he is quite proficient in the use of bows and arrows.

but that said

"Why do I always feel that this pause will last until I die of old age, even many years after I die of old age?"

Time is running out, three years plus eight years have passed since Time Stop, Wei Huo can't remember the time, but fortunately, the age and lifespan in the health panel keep reminding him: your time is running out.

"Time is not about how much you have, but how you use it." Wei Huo suddenly said a famous quote from someone, but after a while, he complained loudly, "But the problem is that if you have unlimited time, then you can Use it however you want!"

Wei Huo climbed to the top of a high mountain again, and then he saw an even higher mountain. The mountain was very beautiful, with hundreds of peaks standing side by side, and countless cliffs connected together, like a huge screen.

Wei Huo closed his eyes for a few seconds, then opened them again, and what he saw was a boundless green scene!

Wei Huo saw a very tall and towering ancient tree. Because of the dense branches and leaves, it was impossible to see how thick its trunk was. However, this towering ancient tree was already as tall as a building with more than 30 floors.

When Wei Huo was about to take a break and enjoy the natural scenery, he suddenly heard a loud "cracking" sound from a certain direction!

The sound seemed to have been there all the time, probably because the leaves were too dense, and I ignored it when I was concentrating on finding the way.

Wei Huo turned around and crawled towards the direction of the sound of water. Gradually, the sound of water became louder and louder, and the sound of crashing water continued to come.

But the trees, weeds, and shrubs here are very dense. Wei Huo pushed aside the leaves, split the shrubs with a stick, and finally saw a new sky and earth!

In the distance are endless mountains, red, yellow, green, all kinds of scenery decorate the mountains into an excellent beauty, and there is a hanging wall directly on the mountain, from which the river slopes and flows. Down, the water hits the bottom of the vertical wall with the help of powerful kinetic energy, the deafening sound of the water hitting, countless water mist rushes up, unpredictable!

But at this time, the place where the fish belly was bright suddenly lit up on the edge of the sky, and the dazzling white light sprinkled on the mountains and forests, and the light shone on the leaves, and the dewdrops on the leaves glistened! The whole mountain forest seemed to come alive!


Without a camera, such beautiful scenery can only be remembered in the mind, but when life is over, all memories will disappear with the wind.

I must find the cheats for Qi practitioners!

Wei Huo walked forward again, this time for two years. The reason why he stopped was because he saw a mountain that was completely different from the surrounding ones.

There are not many green plants on that mountain, and the artificially built roads are not covered by vegetation, because there are too many humans densely scattered all over the mountain, and because of the time-stop effect, the vegetation within five meters of humans will always be covered. Keep it as it is, otherwise, when time recovers, humans in the wild will suddenly find themselves covered in dense vegetation, unable to move.

God, how could you make such a low-level mistake?

Why are there so many people on this mountain? Wei Huo guessed that this mountain should be a tourist attraction, and during the holidays, many people will come to travel, climb, and play. Human beings have fallen into a state of time-stop, so this mountain has not been "returned to the forest".

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