Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 108 The World of Xianxia

After Li Yan and Li Wuyi raised their heads and searched for a while, they both had expressions of relief on their faces. Xiaozhufeng, the three of them, Li Changting, and Zhao Min were all here, but now these fifteen people didn't look good. Two monks forced themselves to stand in front of the elder and then fell to the ground. Afterwards, Li Yan and the others learned that three monks should have been severely injured in different places by the Shibuyuan, the Pure Land Sect and the monsters, but these three people were actually injured. Successfully escaped.

One person accidentally broke into a secret ancient monk's cave while escaping. This was a blessing in disguise. This cave was very hidden and compact. This person spent a lot of money after the pursuer left the area. His hands and feet actually opened the barrier to protect the cave. Fortunately, the movement was very small and was not noticed by others. After entering and searching, he actually found a magic weapon and a precious "Dinghuangrong" herb. The main ingredient for making Jidan, the age of this herb is not many even in the four major herbal gardens. Although it is cultivated in the four major herb gardens, its growth is slow and it can only be used as medicine after more than 80 years, and the cultivation conditions are harsh. , so the four major sects only have less than a hundred Foundation Establishment Pills in their hands every year. Facing thousands of Qi Condensation disciples, although the proportion of Qi Condensation Dzogchen is smaller, it still pales in comparison. They can only be distributed according to qualifications, or Qi Condensation disciples use high-priced spiritual stones to buy them.

After collecting the magic weapon in the cave, the disciple hesitated when faced with the "Dinghuangrong" plant. He didn't know whether he should pick it up immediately. After thinking about it, he determined that the cave was indeed unusually hidden, so he did not immediately pick it up. After picking, the light spots in the body are stimulated and transmitted out. Instead, the method of protecting the spiritual grass is used to heal the wounds. I want to wait until the picking time is over and directly teleport away. Anyway, I have collected many other rare herbs on my body.

The rich spiritual energy here, if the spiritual grass grows for a day, there may be a slight chance of improvement. Even a small improvement is extremely rare. He was standing guard next to the spiritual herb. Due to his injury, he could no longer go out and fight for it. However, he always maintained the highest level of vigilance. As long as there was any movement in the forbidden area outside the cave, no matter how fast he was, he could not get past him. All he had to do was reach out and grab the herb. , and at the same time stimulate the light spots in the body to teleport away instantly.

The other two monks, one of whom was seriously injured, fled to a place and just hid, he passed out. He was lucky and was not discovered by others until the last day. The force revived him, and he was able to barely hold on until he came out safely.

The other monk who fell to the ground was still fighting with an inner swordsman from Shibuyuan at the last moment. When he saw the light sparking, he became violent and used all the last bits of spiritual power in his body to kill him. The sudden attack caused a flaw in the outer and inner swords. He took advantage of this flaw and used the "Shimulao" poison to entangle the opponent's shoulder. At this time, he was exhausted and fell to the ground. The last trace of his consciousness was not waiting for him. The light spots in the body were automatically activated, and they were the first to pierce the light spots and spread them out. And the sword cultivator from the Shibuyuan actually struck the road when the overall situation was decided. He was also unconscious when he came out. It is estimated that at least the arm cannot be saved. In this case, the severed limb can only be reborn at the golden elixir stage. Otherwise this life


It would be difficult to use the sword as he wished, unless he relied on heaven-defying heavenly materials and earthly treasures to regenerate the severed limbs below the golden elixir stage. With his sharp eyes, he could guess that there must be something seriously wrong with this swordsman's health, and he must have a close relationship with the elder of the Ten Steps Dean.

Wang Tian's face was pale. Although he could move without any hindrance, I heard that he was besieged by two Taixuan Sect masters on the penultimate day. In the end, he used a secret method that greatly damaged his vitality and escaped the encirclement while seriously injuring one person. It is estimated that he will not be able to recover for more than half a year, but the treasures of heaven and earth he obtained are also extremely rich, which makes Wang Tian's face become less gloomy.

Gan Shi and Baili Yuan were fine, and looked like they still had some strength left. The Chu brothers had not separated from the beginning to the end. With the powerful joint formation, they also came out unscathed, but their expressions were a little tired, and they seemed to be exhausted. It's so huge that it's probably hard to have the strength to fight again.

Wei Chituo and Gong Chenying were not seriously injured, but their bodies were stained with blood, while Yunchun suffered serious internal injuries. It was said that they encountered a late second-level monster, which was poisonous in itself. He was immune to many poisons, which reduced Yunchun's combat power by half, and his internal organs were severely damaged when he finally escaped.

Li Changting and Zhao Min have been together since they heard that they entered. The two of them cooperated tacitly. Li Changting attacked from a distance, while Zhao Min personally guarded Li Changting. Whenever there was an opportunity, he quickly attacked the opponent at close range. Coupled with the overwhelming Gu insects, although One day, he was attacked by four Jubuyuan sword madmen, but he managed to escape in the end. The faces of the two people who came out at this time were as white as snow, and they also looked like they had consumed a lot of energy. Controlling voodoo consumes a lot of spiritual consciousness, especially controlling voodoo over a large area like Li Changting's did, which was even more draining. Zhao Min got close and attacked at high speed, trying to explode. The rapid battle was also extremely stressful, and both of their jade-faced faces had lost their former rosy color.

Another girl from Sixiang Peak, Wei Feng, came out safe and sound as a peak cultivator in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment. It is said that her phantom poison formation changes in countless ways, and those who fall into the formation will be unable to extricate themselves. She joined forces with two fellow disciples to , the three of them actually survived to the end, but the overall state of the three of them was not very good. They relied on the joint formation to win many narrow victories. Now they are all injured, and they are closing their eyes and doing their best to recover.

Those who came out last were extremely rich. After they handed over the tasks from the elders, they were surrounded by the remaining foundation-building monks on their own mountain. It seemed that they were exchanging information in the secret realm. Li Changting and Zhao Min They were also surrounded by three foundation-building monks from Buli Peak, but they still caught sight of the glances from Li Wuyi and Li Yan in the distance. The two girls nodded slightly, but it was inconvenient to go over there immediately.

While the elder was still questioning other foundation-building monks who came out, other sects

Everyone was counting the results of the battle. Li Wuyi called Wei Chituo, Gong Chenying and Li Yan to find a corner to ask, leaving Yun Chun to swallow the elixir and meditate to heal his injuries.

That night, Elder Peng announced that the battle of the Wheel of Life and Death would begin at Mao tomorrow. The Demon Sect would be led by Bailiyuan, Gan Shi, and Gong Chenying. This announcement made Li Yan and other Qi Condensation Stage disciples a little strange. Bailiyuan's selection was definitely No problem, Gan Shi and Gong Chenying are a bit weak. After all, the only ones who currently retain combat power in the fake elixir realm are Wei Chituo and a monk named Xie Zhengting from Buli Peak. The two of them are not in the same state as Li Changting. , Wang Tian, ​​and several other fake alchemy monks looked sluggish, and the two selected Gan Shi and Gong Chenying were one of the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment, and the other was in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment. In terms of realm, they are not among the currently reserved combat forces here. The strongest people.

But Li Wuyi later told Li Yan in private that Bailiyuan was one of the strongest, most comprehensive, and highest-level poisoners at present. Of course, this person had no objection; but Gan Shi and Gong Chenying were now in the formation. The two people with the highest spells went in to build the foundation this time, mainly to slow down the speed of the huge black shadow, but it would be best if they could assist other people in attacking at the same time. For such people, except for people like Bailiyuan who have extreme In addition to the powerful group attack method, he must be a master of the Four Elephant Peak Formation. I originally wanted to use one of Gan Shi and the Chu brothers, but the Chu brothers and Wei Feng have not recovered yet, so going in will probably be half the effort with half the effort. Finally, we considered Gan Shi and Gong Chenying, who were very sophisticated in their formation.

As for why people like Li Wuyi didn't choose, it was agreed before. The Wheel of Life and Death would only choose from the foundation-building monks who participated in the picking. I don't know what the other three sects had planned.

The matter was settled like this, and then the three captains of Bailiyuan gathered together to discuss in a low voice, and soon they finalized the candidates for their respective teams. As expected, Li Yan was asked by Gong Chenying, which was also Li Wuyi's. It means that although Bailiyuan and Ganshi are at a higher level, if they want to be close to the disciples of this peak, their own family members will take care of them more. Li Yan had an indifferent attitude in his heart. After entering, he could not survive by relying on others to take care of him, but on the surface he was very respectful, which could not dissuade his senior brothers and sisters.

There was no words all night, and early the next morning, each sect set off on huge flying beasts and flying magic weapons to fly somewhere in the secret realm.

And the monster beasts are even more spectacular. A flying monster beast, carrying one or more monster beasts from other races, has already taken off into the sky amidst roars.

"Lao Liu and Lao Ba, when you arrive at the Wheel of Life and Death in a while, you first have a clear look at the leaders of the other sects and monster beasts. It was impossible to determine when picking before, but you will know it after a while. Before entering, you can also Get to know the other teams," Li Wuyi whispered to Gong Chenying and Li Yan on Elder Peng's giant flying beast.

Of course Gong Chenying and Li Yan didn't have any objections. Everyone wanted to fight a sure battle. There are also foundation-building monks in the other three peaks explaining various matters to the Qi Condensation Stage disciples of this peak. \u003c



An hour later, Haohao and his entourage flew in from the sky. A place with beautiful mountains and clear water, green water and green peaks came into view of the monks. Below here was a piece of calm water. The lake was so vast that the other three shores of the lake could not be seen at a glance. Where.

The surface of the lake is as smooth as a mirror, and you can clearly see all kinds of aquatic creatures swimming around more than ten meters below. The biggest feature of this lake is that above the cool water, there is a thin mountain peak rising from the bottom of the water every ten miles. , the bottom of the peak above the water is covered with green sphagnum moss, as if the whole mountain is full of water vapor and agility. Above the middle of the peak, there are green cypresses and green willows full of life. There is a faint mist lingering in the woods, and the top of the mountain is filled with white clouds in mid-air. A few tips are more or less exposed in the winding, which is like a fairy world.

After the four sect monks and demon cultivators arrived here, they circled in the air and each found the top of a mountain peak and landed there.

On the top of the mountain where the Demon Sect is located, the rocks are jagged and the stone tips are not very smooth, but it is no problem for two to three hundred people to stand spread out. Li Yan looked at the clouds and mist rolling under his feet. There was an abyss below, and white clouds floated leisurely around him. However, I felt like I was at the top of the mountain. I raised my eyes and looked around. I saw that the other three sects and the demon cultivators had chosen the top of the mountain to stay. Except for the clouds and mist in the air and the exposed mountain top, it was extremely comfortable and the view was excellent. .

Li Yan withdrew his gaze from the distance and looked around. The peaks built by several sects and demon cultivators were actually standing around a circular peak. This peak was very strange, without roots or connections, and was suspended in the air in a spherical shape, about a hundred feet in size. , the reason why it is called a mountain is that the ball is indeed made of rocks and is covered with vegetation.

Of course, Li Yan was not the only one to discover this scene. Many people had discovered the spherical peak among the peaks at this time, and began to point and whisper.

"Isn't the sphere in the middle the wheel of life and death? It's only a hundred feet in size, so it won't reach the end in one leap. Is it a space magic weapon?"

"If the wheel of life and death is opened here, this mountain should be a space magic weapon. In this way, the predecessors who built the life and death wheel in the past should have the magical power of space. It is really a big deal. A small space magic weapon has a price but no market. Yes, it is possible to refine such a huge space magic weapon. It must be at least a high-level magic weapon that can accommodate living creatures. If it were placed here like this, it would have been taken away by a powerful person in the outside world. "

"It may not be a space magic weapon. This may be a teleportation entrance. The wheel of life and death is really opened in another hidden place. Is this possible?"


A monk is a monk. He had heard the description of the Wheel of Life and Death before he came here. After seeing a spherical mountain falling here and several directions surrounding it, he made a guess. It is not possible to see such a big spherical mountain and still have it. I was asking if I was the brainless person in the sphere of the wheel of life and death, but I directly saw the core problem.

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