Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 112 Pure Land Sect Monk

Because Gong Chenying is still in mid-air at this moment, although he is only more than a foot tall, his line of sight is much wider than that of Li Yan and the others below. What Li Yan and the others below see now is the endless streets twisting and extending forward, with such turns. They had experienced it many times in the past half hour. When many people first see such a corner, they subconsciously think that there will be a bright future after turning the corner. But every time they try their best to get to that place, after turning a corner, they are greeted by the winding street and endless shops. . After experiencing it many times, many monks have placed their last hope on the number ten miles. If it is still like this at ten miles, it is hard to say whether they will collapse. After all, it is like an endless cycle.

"There are no streets five hundred meters ahead." A voice without any fluctuations rang in the ears of everyone below, but this voice was like a sound of nature to the ears of the monks in the Qi Condensation stage, and there were low cheers involuntarily. outgoing.

A few hundred meters away, a group of monks with great confidence ran to resist. It only took less than twenty breaths to reach the corner of the street. Everyone resisted another wave of various missiles fired from the ruins that had been reduced to rubble by Gong Chenying. After the attack by the fragments, I walked carefully around the corner of the street, only to feel my eyes light up. The road ahead was blocked by a huge yellow luminous sphere.

They quickly looked at Gong Chenying. At this moment, she had landed on the ground. Her short hair had already been wet with sweat. Her hair and sweat stuck to Yingqi's cheeks, exuding steam and heat, which could make a foundation-building monk survive in just ten miles. The way the road looks like this shows how difficult the journey is. The ten-mile journey would only take a few dozen breaths of leaping, even for a senior monk in the Qi Condensation Stage who cannot fly on his own.

Gong Chenying looked at the huge yellow luminous body, and then looked back at the sky where he came from. At this moment, the huge black shadow was less than four miles away from them in a straight line. Judging from its speed, it could arrive in half a stick of incense. Here, it was only after all of them tried their best that they could close this distance.

Long Chenying walked up to the yellow sphere in a few steps. The green light in his hand was brightened by the Chang Ge. He rotated his arm and struck a spear. The spear hit the wall of the ball. He only heard a slight chirp as the Chang Ge penetrated into the ball. Halfway through, she shook her arm, Chang Ge had already retracted, and looked at the light of spiritual power on the head of the gun.

"In", she had dove in.

Li Yan and others did not hesitate. Looking at the huge black shadow floating in the sky in the distance, they had no choice. They were divided into teams and filed in.

Li Yan's team was the fourth group to enter. After he entered, he saw everyone in front of him standing blankly, and in the front was Gong Chenying's tall figure. She was holding a long sword in her hand at the moment, looking around, and turned around , Li Yan saw her frowning eyebrows.

This is a closed space, about forty feet in size. Except for the rippling water in the direction they entered, there is no exit anywhere else.

"Is the exit also hidden?" A Qi Condensation Stage disciple looked around and asked in a low voice to the person next to him.

"It's possible," another burly man replied with a puzzled look on his face.

"I wonder if the black shadow outside is coming soon, but here is another closed space."

"Can we resist the black shadow here?


s attack? "

They had an order before they came in. They must obey the captain and not act without permission. Therefore, although some people discussed in low voices, no one touched the four walls of the sphere. Instead, they were all nervous and put their hands on the storage bags. , they were not sure if there was a sudden and unexplained attack here like on the street outside.

After Gong Chenying stood in front and looked around, the Chang Ge in his right hand "suddenly" turned into a ball of blue light, and with a "clang" sound, the Chang Ge was inserted into the hard bluestone ground. Then his hands quickly formed a handprint in front of his chest. During the opening and closing, large yellow sand grains were overwhelmingly hitting the four walls. The next moment, in this space, a dense sound like rain hitting the beach sounded, Li Yan and the others all at the same time Be on full alert to deal with sudden changes.

After the dense yellow sand hit the inner wall of the sphere, except for the ripples in the direction they came from, the rest of the place was like a mud cow entering the sea, without any ripples.

Li Yan saw Gong Chenying doing this, and after thinking about it for a moment, he understood her intention. Gong Chenying was not just doing this to find out what was abnormal here like in the fabric shop, but he was also looking for a way out.

Sure enough, after Gong Chenying saw the result of his attack, he turned to look at the monks behind him, "There is no way out here. I think we are waiting for a certain trigger to occur. At that time, we will either teleport to another place or meet another person." , otherwise the trial here is a dead end."

After hearing this, everyone nodded. There was no way out. They could only wait, waiting for the arrival of the black shadow and the unknown.

"Then you should seize the time to meditate and rest, and regain your strength as soon as possible." After that, she did not wait for anyone to reply, and her figure flashed out of the ball wall where she came from.

Now, except for a dozen or so monks in the late tenth level of the Qi Condensation Stage, the monks of the Sword Sect are still looking calm and calm. Most of the monks have suffered a huge loss of spiritual power. After hearing this, they saw Gong Chenying coming out of the sphere again. After some of the monks took a look at this place, they took out their spirit stones and meditated on the spot to recover. However, there were seven or eight monks who were in the late tenth level of Qi Condensation and Dzogchen who dispersed and looked at the space here. They were quite impressed by this place. Looking interested, they walked around in the space, touching the ball wall from time to time, and occasionally wrapping their palms in spiritual energy and patting it gently.

Li Yan looked at Gong Chenying's disappearing back and his eyes flashed. He didn't immediately sit down cross-legged to regain his strength. He came to the ball wall with the same interest, reached out and pressed it, and a soft elasticity bounced back. , His actions were a bit surprising in the eyes of several Qi Condensation Stage masters. Unexpectedly, Li Yan did not seize the time to recover at this time, but instead observed here like them. It seems that Li Yan was competing in the sect's Qi Condensation Stage. The spiritual power comparable to the tenth level of Qi Condensation is not a false appearance, but just looking at him one more time, they all turned their heads and continued groping. Li Yanze was like others, walking around, occasionally holding his palms. He patted the ball wall lightly and lowered his head to think from time to time. Soon he had walked through the forty-foot radius here. When Li Yan looked up, he found that he was the only one left standing.

, the few Qi Condensation masters obviously didn't notice anything, and at this time they were already recovering from cultivation with spirit stones in their hands.

He chuckled lightly, then found a corner and sat down, took out a spiritual stone and closed his eyes. He could guess that Gong Chenying went out to see when the black shadow in the sky would arrive so that he could make the next plan.

Gong Chenying stood outside the sphere. At this time, the pale yellow light emitted from the huge sphere behind her and shone on her tall and pretty body. Facing the dim yellow light in the opposite sky, her face was illuminated and flickered with magic. Color, she looked at the huge black shadow slowly pressing down from the horizon, and silently calculated in her heart, it was estimated that the black shadow would be here in half a quarter of an hour at most. If no certain restrictions were triggered by then, then What awaits them will be the last moment. She doesn't know whether this luminous sphere can withstand the huge black shadow in the sky. Even if it can resist, how long can it withstand it?

From the information she knew, in addition to the blue diamond crystal in her arms that can activate the wheel of life and death, this black shadow can be slightly delayed. It is said that everything that comes into contact with this black shadow will turn into powder in an instant, and from this world Disappeared without a trace.

The breeze blew her hair, causing the clothes on her body to tighten back a little. The huge peaks on her chest and the round arc under her thin waist were even more thrilling, as if this figure was in this empty world. of isolation. She tilted her head and thought for a moment, then suddenly her figure flashed and disappeared without a trace.

After a short period of time, the ball wall rippled, and Gong Chenying entered again, with the Chang Ge in his hand gone. No one noticed her voice. She glanced at everyone, and then found a place to sit cross-legged with an expressionless expression.

After she had just determined the approximate arrival time of the huge black shadow outside, she circled around several times, trying to find a switch that could trigger the restriction here. However, she was ultimately disappointed. In addition to the occasional attacks from those remaining in the ruins, she Looking outside her, this huge sphere was blocking the middle of the street like a mountain. She could not see the other directions. As long as she touched the sphere, there would be a suction force that would pull her into the sphere. In other words, the part of the sphere that can be seen from the direction of the street is just an entry channel and has no other purpose.

In this case, there was no other choice but to wait. She did not believe that when the huge black shadow came to the sphere, they would die instantly. This was not the setting in the trial. After sorting out these things, she entered the sphere and simply crossed her legs. When Zui took out the spiritual stones to restore his physical strength, it usually took not only half an hour to restore his spiritual power, but even it might not be possible to fully recover it in one day. But the rich spiritual power in this secret realm is several times higher than outside. Without the use of spiritual stones, it takes one or two hours to replenish the physical strength during the Qi Condensation period, and two or three hours during the Foundation building period. It has recovered to 7788, and now with the mad absorption of spirit stones, it can recover 40% or even higher in half an hour during the Qi Condensation period. During the foundation building period, it is estimated that it can recover and increase by 20%. Fortunately, their spiritual power, which consumed the most just now, is still at around 40%. In half a quarter of an hour, it can be restored to almost 60% or 70% of the usual level.

But things didn't go as they expected. Just before half an hour passed, Gong Chenying and Li Yan opened their eyes almost at the same time. Gong Chenying looked surprised again.


He flashed, his body had already stood up, and he shouted, "There is someone."

The monks opened their eyes in confusion, and saw two figures standing there among them, looking warily at the 20-foot ball wall in front of them.

Everyone hurriedly jumped up and quickly formed a team to be on guard. Only then did someone look at the two people again. One person had a bumpy figure, so there was no doubt that he was Gong Chenying, but the other person made them stunned. It was Uncle Xiao Zhufeng, who had the lowest level of cultivation but also had a weird look. At this time, some people couldn't help but think of Li Yan's appearance on the road, which was almost animalistic. With human intuition, I thought in my mind, "Could this young uncle be transformed into some kind of monster that is gifted with alertness? There are many tenth-level Dzogchen monks here, but none of them have given any advance warning." But this thought only passed by in a flash, because at this moment, a figure appeared in the ripples of light somewhere in the sphere in their eyes.

"Pure Land Sect?"

"The Demon Sect?"

Many voices sounded almost at the same time, but the Qi Condensation Stage monks from the Sprite Sect who made the "Pure Land Sect" voice had many mixed and unexpected voices. And there is only one person who can say that "The Demon Sect" is the figure who just entered the sphere.

Li Yan squinted his eyes. When he was practicing just now, he felt that the circulation of spiritual power on the sphere in front of him was stagnant and paused. He suddenly woke up. Before he could remind him, a cold voice like a clear bell rang. He When he looked back, he saw Gong Chenying looking at him with a surprised look on his face. He couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. Since arriving in this secret realm, his Guishui Sutra seemed to have changed to the point where he didn't even recognize it.

Just as both sides were shouting, waves of light continued to ripple behind the person on the other side, and people appeared one after another. In a short while, as many as eighteen people appeared. At this time, the Demon Sect did not rush forward rashly, but just Staring at each other coldly, they had guessed that "the two roads intersect, and the final battle is coming."

According to the information before coming here, during the final fierce battle between the monks on the two roads, the leader could not take action, otherwise the huge black shadow would accelerate and devour time. Now the leaders of both sides did not know how to face this sudden change, so they Wait for things to develop.

The first person who came in from the Pure Land Sect was a Zen master wearing a yellow cassock. He was about 25 or 26 years old, with a thin build, a long face, dark skin, and a pair of dark eyes that were calm. After he saw the people here clearly, Except for a drink, he made no sound. Instead, he clasped his hands together and looked at Gong Chenying quietly. Gong Chenying already had a hand in his hand, closed his lips tightly, and looked at him coldly.

The wave of light behind the black and thin Zen master only flashed for a dozen times, but there was no more movement. The black and thin Zen master looked back at the eighteen gray-clothed monks, and couldn't help but a look of regret flashed in his eyes. Now eighteen gray-clothed monks The monks and he all had more or less injuries on their bodies. Many monks still had blood stains on their faces and bodies. The monks' robes were covered with mud and blood stains, and many places were damaged. I thought of that damned robe. The muddy mountain road and the nephew who stayed in the heavy rain to form the Eighteen Arhat Formation in order to protect them couldn't help but feel sad. "The damn rain channel up the mountain, the damn heavy rain, the damn black shadow in the sky, and this bunch of damn Monster Sect monks in front of you."

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