Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 141 A sudden attack

Li Yan withdrew his consciousness, he had to take action, because according to the current forward speed of Wang Lang and the others, as long as they passed two more gates ahead, Wang Lang and the others would have already attacked ten miles away.

But at this moment, he was a little shocked. He didn't expect that the Taixuan Sect and other three sects had conspired for hundreds of years to deal with the Demon Sect. Moreover, he didn't expect that there are actually people with five elements and mixed spiritual roots in this world. Without special skills, not only The foundation building was successful, and he actually reached the late stage of Jindan. According to Quan Jiuxing's words, this Taixuan Sect Jindan senior who discovered the secret of the blue rhombus finally failed in his attack on the Nascent Soul.

"I wonder what kind of elixir the Taixuan Sect's Golden elixir monk swallowed, which can actually make a miscellaneous spirit root practice so heaven-defying. If I can have such an elixir, I think the speed of my cultivation will definitely be faster. More than twice that." Li Yan couldn't help but licked his lips and thought to himself.

Then Li Yan shook his head mockingly and withdrew from the light belt.

Li Yan's consciousness was immersed in the blue diamond crystal. At this time, the penultimate door was already brightly lit from the bottom to the middle, and the upper half of the semicircular arch also emitted orange light, which was a precursor to the gradual lighting up. Seeing this, Li Yan took a step forward and reached the last door of darkness in the blink of an eye.

Li Yan stretched out his hand and patted it, and a new "Ghost Car Talisman" appeared outside his body. The original one had already disintegrated after he came out. But fortunately, Gong Chenying gave him three of his own. In this way, Li Yan had six "Ghost Car Talisman", which was enough for a while.

Li Yan quickly passed through the Dark Door and arrived at the Iron Chain Bridge. He spread out his body skills and quickly swam within a ten-foot radius of where he appeared, and then hid in the light belt again as quickly as possible. In the diaphragm layer, this time he was extremely risky. Although he had already deployed his extremely fast movements, before he entered the light belt, a black strange eagle still appeared behind him and stretched out its long sharp beak to peck him hard. Turning towards his back, Li Yan could only feel the strong wind behind him, but how could he dare to look back? A flash of crystal green light flashed on his hand, and he hit the non-existent invisible door with all his strength. Just as he entered In the moment of the light, there was only a muffled sound from behind. Li Yan felt that the tough membrane was shaking faintly, and he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

"Huh? There is movement ahead." At the same time, Wang Lang and Quan Jiuxing, who were more than a mile away, said at the same time. Then the two of them hurriedly expanded their consciousness and dispersed. After a while, both of them looked puzzled. Affection.

"Strange, Brother Wang, did you find anything?"

"Why is there a black strange eagle? Brother Quan, this should only appear when we get there? Could it be that something unexpected happened?" Wang Lang also looked puzzled. According to previous clearance experience, as long as the team has not arrived There was a certain section of the level where nothing would happen, so in order to save energy, they


His spiritual consciousness was placed on his current position and the huge black shadow in the sky behind him, without moving too far forward at all.

"Could it be that the level difficulty has become more difficult, and some of the rules have also changed?" Quan Jiuxing frowned and said, but there was a vague feeling of uneasiness deep inside.

Wang Lang did not make a sound, but slowed down his attack movements, and after scanning it several times with his spiritual consciousness, he found that even the black strange eagle had disappeared, and he couldn't help but feel a bad feeling in his heart.

"Brother Quan, this is weird. You and I should be careful. There is still more than a mile to go, so we must be on full alert." He said with a solemn expression. Faced with this unknown situation, they couldn't help but be extremely careful. Handle.

In the diaphragm of the light belt a mile away, Li Yan, who was holding a blue diamond crystal, was maintaining the green light at the moment, while thinking to himself, "It's better to let them find something wrong. It seems that after returning this time, I will find a set of body magic skills." It’s just that it took me one breath to complete a ten-foot circle, otherwise I wouldn’t have touched the prohibition here.”

After another two breaths, he carefully held the blue rhombus and shot out a ray of green light, then opened a gap in the still black semicircular arch, and then slowly released a ray of consciousness. After a moment, Li Yan couldn't help but With a soft breath, the black strange eagle disappeared. Except for the rolling river water and the sound of the explosion of magic coming from the distance, it was quiet for a while.

More than ten breaths later, Wang Lang and the others had arrived within the last mile. However, their speed was not very fast at this time, and they were extremely well protected, causing the black strange eagles in the sky to scream sharply, and the golden thread snakes below. They appeared one after another, like a dense rain of arrows shot in the air. The wooden boards under their feet broke apart and turned into debris and fell into the river, leaving a few long empty chains leading to the other side.

This time, the Qi Condensation Stage monks were in a hurry. Some of them were barely suspended in the air, while others stepped on the iron chain with their feet in a "one" shape, and their bodies kept swinging along with the bridge. But Wang Lang and Quan Jiuxing in front seemed not to see them. Their bodies were floating and flying, their expressions were even more serious, and they had no intention of speeding through here. For a moment, the Qi Condensing cultivators behind were in a state of extreme disarray as they were attacked more intensively from above and below.

Several black strange eagles swooped in from the sky with the force of wind and thunder. The friction between their long sharp beaks and the air produced arc-shaped light. A Shibuyuan swordsman stepped on a long iron chain. His body was firmly attached to it, and he was carrying a huge sword box. With every movement of his hands, dozens of flying swords came out of the box behind him.

Whistling out, the flying sword flew up and down, protecting himself in it. Whether it was the strange eagle in the sky or the golden snake in the river, the black feathers were flying around, or several golden corpses fell into the river. He was truly invincible. . The black strange eagle rushing down in the sky saw him at a glance, its eyes suddenly showed a fierce light, and it rushed straight towards the Shibuyuan sword cultivator.

The Shibuyuan monk was in the middle of a fight when he suddenly felt a fierce murderous intention coming from the back of his head. He couldn't help but hurriedly looked up, only to see a dark cloud-like thing attacking directly towards him. He couldn't help but be shocked. This The monster-headed eagle was at least twice as big as the monster eagles around him, and it swooped down from the sky. It was really powerful. He hurriedly put his hands together, and four big swords suddenly appeared above his head. At his fingertips, Suddenly, the four swords buzzed and merged into a giant long sword about three feet long. The sword's edge was dazzling with cold light and went straight towards it. When the strange eagle saw this, it did not dodge, but pecked it hard with its beak. To that big sword, the next moment everyone only listened to the loud noise in the ears, "Dang Dang Dang", between the electric light and stones, the long giant beak was shot out in a row. On the edge of the giant sword, several gaps appeared on the edge of the sharp-looking giant sword in an instant.

The sword cultivator outside the Shibu Yard below had a flushed face at the moment, and his figure was shaking on the chain. The next moment, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. His expression suddenly became sluggish. As he shook, he could not help but hold one hand to one side. On top of the iron chain of the guardrail, at the same time, the giant sword in the sky had collapsed and was restored to four swords, but their spirituality had been lost.

But the strange eagle did not stop because of this. The huge sharp claws in the shape of a "1" under its body shone like a sharp knife and cut hard into the monk's neck. It was too late for the sword cultivator to hide any more, and he was about to die. But at this moment, the Shibuyuan monk next to him let out a cold snort, and the other cultivator had already raised one hand, with his index and middle fingers raised. , pointing forward, a sharp sword appeared under the strange eagle in an arc from the sky at an incredible speed, and slashed towards the sharp claws.

This is a more powerful inner sword monk. The sword pills in his Niwan Palace are more powerful, and the trajectory of the sword is erratic and the speed is astonishing.

This series of actions seems to be a long one, but in fact, it only takes a breath from the time when the outer sword monk forms his giant sword to slash at the strange eagle to when the inner sword monk uses his sword to save him.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the inner sword monk. He had been cultivating this sword pill for more than ten years. He was also one of the few monks among the Qi Condensation monks who could cultivate the sword pill. Although they are all cultivators with mixed spiritual roots, after being cultivated by the sect's massive resources, several of the more than a hundred monks have cultivated sword pills. It is really amazing. They are endowed with sword pills.


If an ordinary monk in the early stage of foundation building is defeated, he should be able to escape. This combat power can be described as extremely powerful.

The inner sword monk believed that with one strike of his sword, the sharp claws of the strange eagle would be cut off. However, in his confident eyes, the sharp sword made of sword pills looked like it was about to cut into that. When the huge strange eagle raised its claws, one of its wings suddenly tilted, and its entire figure disappeared from there strangely.

Just when the inner sword cultivator was in shock, the figure of the strange eagle came from behind, and a pair of sharp claws cut straight into his right arm. The inner sword cultivator was so horrified that he fell on his side in a hurry. , already lying on an iron chain, and the sharp claws of the huge strange eagle grazed his shoulders and sleeves, and only heard a loud bang. After the sharp claws struck the air, it was already cut Standing on the iron chain on one side of the Iron Chain Bridge, the whole Iron Lock Bridge shook for a while. Everyone on the bridge stood unsteadily, either reaching out to hold on to the iron chain, or hurriedly floating up. After the monster-headed eagle missed the target with one blow, it slipped again and charged forward again. The sword cultivator of the inner sword just stood up unsteadily and saw at a glance the extremely hard iron where the monster eagle's claws hit just now. The chain, even when they blasted it with magic before, was not damaged, but the attack from the strange eagle actually left a deep dent, which made me cry inwardly.

Seeing this strange eagle attacking at such a close distance, it was already too late for him to use the flying sword in the air. But at this moment, there was a loud shout, and another sword light struck lightly like a meteor in the sky. It was just a ray of light. In a flash, he was on top of this strange eagle, and in the next moment, the huge strange eagle was torn into pieces. Only then did Wang Lang's faint voice come from the front: "Even evil animals dare to be rampant!"

The inner sword cultivator and the outer sword cultivator who had just stabilized their bodies took a long breath and looked gratefully at the young man in front of them.

But in the next moment, the two of them felt dizzy and dizzy, with cramping pain in their organs. At this moment, some of the monks who were holding the iron chains started to have pus in their hands in an instant, and then their whole bodies began to swell. The screams turned into a puddle of pus, and then slowly dripped into the rolling river below. Some monks turned red all over, and soon black smoke spewed out from their seven orifices, making them want to cry out in pain. But every time he opened his mouth, more thick smoke spurted out from his mouth and nose, turning into fly ash as his face was extremely distorted. During the dripping process of the pus, if the golden thread snakes below got even the slightest bit of it, they would immediately turn into pus and fall into the river. As the flying ashes rose, some strange eagles turned into clouds of black smoke and dissipated. In just a few breaths, more than 20 monks from Shibuyuan and Taixuan Sect had died. Some occur suddenly on their own, while others disappear after being exposed to pus or black smoke from people around them.

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