Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1443 Measurement and Judgment

After the stocky man launched a round of overwhelming attacks, he still didn't hear any movement, but he sensed resistance to his attack in one direction through the feedback shock of the spell.

So, he was happy in his heart, but his face didn't show it at all. In an instant, he turned around and concentrated several soul techniques with all his strength to launch an attack in that direction.

But what shocked him next was that after all the soul spells were fired, the attacks in that direction no longer sent shock waves, and they all hit empty spaces...

He immediately launched an attack as soon as he sensed the opponent's location, and the opponent evaded too quickly.

At this moment, a black light flashed slightly at the Mingmen point of his lower back, and disappeared into the blue light silently.


The short and stocky man felt that the seven souls in his body were caught off guard, and a small wound was immediately torn out. He gasped in pain, and sweat immediately rolled down his forehead.

"Senior, senior, please let me go. I have offended you at some point, and I hope you will tell me. Whatever compensation you need, I will do my best to pay it..."

This time, the stocky man's defense was broken again, and he also sensed the spell attacking him. It was the most basic soul attack, and it was the "Point Soul Finger", the basic spell to attack the seven souls.

Facing the different effects of two or three attacks in succession, the short and stocky man suddenly thought of something, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

Where is the enemy that the stocky man can't see, but he can basically conclude that there is only one enemy. Before, he didn't understand why the other party only used the most basic soul skills to attack him again and again.

But just when he was defending himself, that person used his arrogant soul power to forcefully crush him. This made him feel like the other person was playing with him.

This reminded the short and stocky man of some legends, that is, some old monsters cultivating immortals had strange personalities and acted elusively.

Especially the old monsters of their soul cultivating lineage, they are cultivating the soul and soul. If they are not careful, if there is a deviation in their cultivation, their souls will become distorted and fissioned.

From then on, the whole person will become completely different from before, and the character will become eccentric and difficult to distinguish. He often does things that are difficult for ordinary people to understand, but he takes pleasure in it.

Could it be that when I went out this time, I would meet this kind of person from the legend?

Otherwise, if the other party really had a grudge against me, he would have already laid an ambush to trap him, and he would definitely not have too many worries in his heart.

At this time, you should probably vent your hatred, ridicule or intimidate yourself.

In this way, you can make yourself full of anger and fear after understanding the reason, and then beg the other party bitterly, express your regret, and let the other party feel the smooth feeling of revenge in their heart.

Or simply kill yourself happily and leave directly to avoid long nights and dreams.

But what I experienced was that the other party was constantly using these basic soul skills to torture me again and again.

He had obviously guessed that the enemy's cultivation level was the same, but the next moment, he felt that everything he had guessed was wrong.

The other party's purpose may be to see his face confused and angry, and he will hide in secret and be inexplicably excited.

"This is a fucking lunatic, I...Why am I so unlucky? His mind is not normal at all, he is not a human being..."

While begging, the short and stocky man had already guessed his situation. Thinking of the madness of such a monk, he couldn't help but feel extremely frightened in his heart.

He was sure that he was trapped in a phantom formation, so all his previous attacks could hit the outside of the formation.

However, the opponent can change the illusory formation at any time and make himself think that the attack is in the correct direction. In fact, the direction has been changed in the opponent's thoughts.

"Senior, senior, junior should have no grudges against you, so just spare this junior..."

Li Yan, who was outside the formation, listened to the short and sturdy man's pleas, but was completely unmoved.

He had just received this person's counterattack, and after careful consideration, the pain on his face disappeared, and he was contemplating.

Li Yan has been practicing the basic soul cultivation techniques and soul skills for eight years, almost

It never stopped for a moment.

But this kind of blind cultivation made Li Yan unable to determine what state he had reached now.

At the same time, he did not have a definite judgment on the power of the soul arts he practiced.

So a few days ago, he quietly left the cave and flew more than 30,000 miles in one direction.

This was the first time he came out in eight years, and he was not interrogated again along the way. Through these years of practice, Li Yan has gained a deeper understanding of soul cultivation.

After practicing the skills, soul cultivation will not only breathe in the spiritual energy of the world, but also allow the mana in the body to circulate around the sky and blend with the rules of the outside world.

Even the soul in the body will break through the acupuncture points on the line according to the rules.

Once this basic breakthrough is completed, the soul in the body can communicate with the heaven and earth at all times, and will respond to the sun, moon and stars, producing an invisible breath similar to exhalation and inhalation.

In this situation, for non-soul cultivators, even if they see the other party right in front of them, they still know nothing about it.

But a true soul cultivator can easily sense this change, so he can know whether the soul of the people around him is communicating with heaven and earth.

Then, through the strength of this change, the approximate state of cultivation of the other party can be sensed, so as to determine whether the other party is a soul cultivator.

Soul Cultivation is also a type of Dharma Cultivation, but it is a more special kind, just like Poison Cultivation, except that they use different techniques to enter the immortal path.

Therefore, soul cultivation still requires the formation of elixirs and infants in the Dantian. Even if the attack is based on soul power, it still requires the support of mana and spiritual consciousness.

When the outside world can use their spiritual consciousness, their realm strength can also be basically determined by judging the mana fluctuations on their bodies.

In the "Earth Realm", if a normal soul cultivator goes out, he or she will not deliberately shield the soul in the body from sensing the world to avoid misunderstandings in the "Earth Realm".

As long as you are a true soul cultivator, you can sense it, just like an invisible pass token.

Although Li Yan's soul power was already quite impressive, it was just a simple and crude use of it.

If the soul induction wants to break out of the body and communicate with the world, the key is to break through some acupoints and let the power of the soul follow the circuit of the technique to form a complete cycle.

At that time, Li Yan had not broken through this cycle at all. There was no technique circuit for the soul power to circulate. Of course, others would not sense his response to the world.

Only when Li Yan invokes his soul power to attack, will other soul cultivators be aware that his soul power exists and can be separated from the body.

Therefore, whenever he goes out, he will be constantly interrogated!

But because there are many people in soul cultivation who are unwilling to show their cultivation, they sometimes close these acupoints to hide their cultivation.

Therefore, some of Li Yan's behaviors are not unusual in soul cultivation. They will only make others suspicious, but then there will be more inquiries about him.

After all, in the "Earth Realm", the monks here have long regarded this space as their own forbidden area, and are strictly guarded against the intrusion of those "evil spirit monks".

If the "evil monks" take root here, they will lose their paradise again and can only live in the darkness and hide here and there.

After Li Yan went out, he began to look around for the lone monk. Finally, he identified a soul cultivator who was in the golden elixir realm. After using "Stealth and Night Hiding", he quietly chased after him.

Poor this golden elixir monk, he never dreamed that there would be a Yuanying monk who would use sneak attacks to deal with a young monk like himself.

With such a huge gap between the two sides, Li Yan knocked the opponent unconscious and sealed it with just one move.

Afterwards, he did not hesitate to consume the power of his spiritual consciousness and immediately absorbed this golden elixir soul cultivator into the "earth spot". Then, swaggering all the way, he took this person back.

He wanted to test his cultivation on this person.

As a result, he would not kill the Golden Elixir monk.

After using it, Li Yan will once again use the power of his spiritual consciousness to absorb the other person into the "earth spot" space again, then completely erase this memory, and then fill in the other person's other experiences to modify his memory.

Not killing the other party is not because Li Yan is kind, but because he doesn't want to attract other people's attention. It's better to do less than to do more.

This kind of person may also have soul lanterns and natal soul cards left in the sect. Even if the other party is a casual cultivator, it may be that the other party has left some backup, but it is not certain.

Now, after slowly getting used to losing his consciousness, Li Yan also discovered many benefits of this place. I can use the means of spiritual consciousness, but I have more abilities than the monks here.

He can search for souls and modify other people's memories. Things that others can do easily in the outside world are already extremely difficult here.

Therefore, once Li Yan tampered with others, 99% of them would not suspect him, because 99% of the people here should not be able to do it, so they would naturally not suspect him.

The sounds of pleading kept ringing in his ears, but Li Yan turned a deaf ear, frowning and falling into deep thought.

He just passed a simple offensive and defensive test and found that the soul technique he had cultivated still had quite a few problems and did not achieve the purpose he expected.

He just attacked a golden elixir monk. Except for the first successful sneak attack, he was immediately defended by the other party.

Later, Li Yan could only forcibly increase the power of his soul to overwhelm people with force and break them with violence...

After practicing the "Soul Condensation Technique" in the past few years, Li Yan felt that his soul power, which had not increased for a long time, had increased again, and the speed was not slow.

This made Li Yan very happy, but he knew that this situation would not last long and would not happen again after a while.

The reason is that this is Li Yanai's first real practice of soul cultivation techniques, so even the most basic and superficial techniques can allow him to improve quickly.

Sure enough, after one year of practicing "Soul Condensation Technique", the speed of practice began to slow down, and after the third year, it became even slower.

When encountering this situation, it already means that he needs better soul cultivation techniques.

Through these years of practice, Li Yan has learned more about the magical uses of the soul. By the way, even the power of the "soul-inducing killing" technique has been greatly improved.

In fact, Li Yan had already anticipated this matter before practicing. This technique can also be regarded as the soul technique of the Guishui Immortal Sect.

But he still didn't expect the final result. After the soul cultivation technique was upgraded, the power of "pulling souls to kill" increased by at least 30%.

If Li Yan were to calculate this based on his normal cultivation of the Guishui Sutra, he would now be in the late Nascent Soul stage. The next time he could improve his "soul-drawing and killing" skills, he would probably need to reach the state of transformation.

Li Yan had no exact measurement standard for the power of the soul cultivation technique, so he captured a golden elixir monk to test it.

But as for "Leading the Soul to Kill", he has used this technique against too many enemies, and he clearly knows how powerful it is, and it will have a certain impact on dealing with the mid-stage gods.

After these years of practice, if he were to encounter someone like the old woman surnamed He who was in the middle stage of becoming a god, Li Yan felt that just using this technique would cause the other party to suffer a big loss, and might even cause his soul to be severely damaged.

"The soul skills I have practiced are still very rough to use. Even the use of soul power and courage cannot be smooth and smooth, and 30 to 40% of the power is wasted.

The training time is still too short, and it is very difficult to improve the cultivation level just by relying on the introductory technique of 'Soul Condensation Technique'.

The strength of my soul is much higher than others. As far as practicing soul cultivation techniques are concerned, my foundation is nothing.

To improve your soul power, you can only find better techniques to practice, but you can continue to hone your basic soul skills..."

After practicing the soul cultivation technique, Li Yan also learned about the classification of soul levels by soul cultivation.

Before his soul level increases, although it is much stronger than ordinary monks, in soul cultivation, it is about

It belongs to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

After the practice of "soul condensation technique" increased again in the past few years, he actually reached the late Nascent Soul stage, which is the same as the state of dual cultivation of law and body.

But if he only uses soul skills to fight the enemy, his combat power will be greatly weakened, and at most he can only perform close to the early stage of Nascent Soul.

This is under the premise that Li Yan has never practiced soul cultivation techniques. This shows how powerful the underground alley of the "soul prison clan" is.

At the beginning, Li Yan had the power to condense his soul to such an intensity without any skills.

Li Yan is now certain that it must be the core area of ​​the Soul Prison Clan, but there are no Yuanying-level souls there.

But luckily it didn't, otherwise, he and Zhao Min might not be able to come out until now.

This phenomenon can actually be explained. First, the training place there may only be for ordinary disciples in the clan, not high-level monks.

In other words, there may be a more terrifying training place underground in the Soul Prison Clan, or there may simply be no place to train Nascent Soul cultivators.

Li Yan himself explained that the Nascent Soul monks in the lower realm are already top-level existences, and the realm of transformation into gods should not exist. Therefore, they were unable to exert their true power as gods.

Under such circumstances, if you want to capture Yuanying monks in the lower realm and then refine their souls for training, you will know how difficult it is if you think about it.

Even if there is a possibility, it is probably only enough for a few people to practice, so the long alley that Li Yan experienced may have already consumed all the souls of the Nascent Soul level.

"...My current soul power has actually reached the Nascent Soul level requirements for soul cultivation, but my soul skills are not good enough.

Therefore, I accept the lease and need to renew the lease for another ten years, and concentrate on practicing these basic soul skills to at least a small level, so that I will be more confident in the sect's assessment..."

After testing his own strength today, Li Yan had already judged his own strength in his mind and began to think about the next plan.

But when I thought about continuing to rent the cave, I sighed in my heart.

After he came to the "Di Zhen Realm", although he had a good fortune, the spirit stones kept going out. In order to speed up his cultivation, Li Yan often used the spirit stones to recover when his mana was almost exhausted.

If this continues, he estimates that if he does nothing, he will be able to cultivate to the point of becoming a god, but this kind of forced consumption will probably consume about half of the spiritual stones by then.

Once you break through to the realm of God Transformation, the subsequent resource consumption will only be more terrifying. It is good to be able to survive to the middle stage of God Transformation, but you still have to rely on a big tree to practice.

At this time, he raised his head again and looked at the short and stocky man in the "Mirror Flower" illusion formation.

The short and stocky man in the illusion formation also stopped begging at this time and was constantly looking around. This time, he was not attacked again. He felt that his words had an effect.

Although the other party continued to remain silent, he was already thinking about it.

And at a certain moment, the short and stocky man suddenly felt that a pair of eyes were watching him quietly, and he suddenly had an unpleasant feeling...

The time of a cultivator always flies by easily. When ordinary people are still lamenting the ruthlessness of time, how beautiful women grow old easily, and their hair and bones turn gray, time flies by and another ten years pass by.

On this day, on the low mountain where Li Yan was located, after the formation restriction flickered for a moment, a figure rose into the sky, and the next moment, it flew towards the distance.

This person was Li Yan, who had been in seclusion for another ten years. After choosing a direction in the air, he left this place.


The short and stocky man stood in a cave, surrounded by nothingness. He stared blankly at the dark mountain wall in front of him.

He remembered that when he was flying over a sea of ​​clouds, he suddenly lost his way in the sea of ​​clouds.

Then, while he was flying with all his strength in one direction, trying to shuttle out as quickly as possible, he plunged into a thicker cloud.

What followed was a period of dizziness, as if he had entered a teleportation.

After that, he found that he was in a forest without human traces!

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