Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1489 Discussion (1)

"But if you want to get the real secret, you still need some means!"

Li Yan knew that just knowing Tang Feng was not enough.

Don't look at yourself and save the other party this time. The more core disciples look like this, the more loyal they are to the sect.

As long as you show that you want to find out the secret, the other party will be more vigilant. This would have been repayable in the past.

Tang Feng had always concealed his identity in the past. Of course, seeing him asking for this information, he could just say a few words casually from time to time.

Li Yan's curiosity and doubts were normal for ordinary monks.

But now that Tang Feng has revealed his identity, and Li Yanruo asks for some secrets, the meaning is different.

If one person is not good enough, the other person will become suspicious and speculate that Li Yan has ulterior motives.

Therefore, from some aspects, the relationship between the two seems to be not what it used to be.

But if Li Yan can really get the other party to tell him some news, it will definitely not be the superficial news Tang Feng said before, and it will definitely be what Li Yan needs.

Tang Feng gave a simple answer, and after explaining the reason why he had concealed his identity before, he immediately changed the subject.

"By the way, Brother Li, how did you get here? Can you tell me the details?"

Because Tang Feng was chasing an enemy, there wasn't much communication between him and Li Yan.

Tang Feng felt a little strange when he saw Li Yan leading so few golden elixirs. He didn't understand what they were doing with such strength.

Under normal circumstances, these Jindan monks would form a large army, or at least a team of more than a hundred people, in order to be effective.

In the process of escaping back, after meeting the escort, he got some sect news from them, and also learned about the sudden rebellion of the nine major forces.

At that time, he had already guessed that the rebellion might be related to his exposure.

They had only found problems with seven forces before, but this time they found a flaw when checking another suspected sect.

According to the news Tang Feng received from the escort, the commander of the escort only informed them of important matters and did not mention the subsequent cleanup.

In his opinion, these things are nothing more than trivial matters. A team of some Jindan Yuanying monks were doing trivial things.

After hearing this, Li Yan didn't hesitate at all and immediately told the mission of his group, and also mentioned that he and others were almost ambushed and annihilated in the Huangyuan Village.

But here, Li Yan didn't talk about meeting Jin Xueyu's group of escorts. He didn't think it was necessary. Logically speaking, Tang Feng could survive thanks to Jin Xueyu.

Only then did Tang Feng understand the reason, and Li Yan and the others did not originally have so many people, and many of them were ambushed and killed.

"The 'Five Ghosts Turning Sophora Tree' teleportation array that is not inspired by spirit stones is indeed insidious. I didn't expect that the construction method of this array actually exists in their hands.

I have only seen the classics recording this formation. Even Master Lan couldn't construct it, and I don't know where they got this formation.

No wonder there are sudden changes in the rear that has been sorted out twice. This formation is very concealed and it is difficult for people to detect problems.

When I met the escort at the front, I was suddenly attacked from behind, and I finally managed to get out! "

Tang Feng nodded.

This time, he finally figured out how the enemy that flanked the escort army appeared behind the escort army.

When he first met the guard, the commander there was still very proud, saying that their war was on a front-line offensive trend, and they defeated the nine major forces.

It turns out that all this is just the nine major forces deliberately showing weakness to their enemies and deliberately putting the battle in Zhenhun Palace to the test.

The line stretches infinitely.

Not only was the distance between the front and back lengthened, but the distance between the east and west was also widened. This caused the forces of the escort and the three halls to become scattered all over the place.

Then the nine major forces suddenly attacked from front to back and defeated them all. This caused the Zhenhun Palace to suffer a big loss.

This is not because the Soul-Suppressing Palace is incompetent, but because there are nine forces, and the total number of people is much larger than that of the Soul-Suppressing Palace, and the other party's high-end combat power has the upper hand.

Li Yan also said indirectly.

"It is for this reason that I have decided that I can no longer move forward to clean up. I have to rush back to report the situation to the sect. I need to gather strength and redeploy.

Otherwise, we will become a small lone army. With our little skills, we will soon be eaten without even the bones left.

It has been several days, and I have just reached the previous place, and then I met Brother Tang! "

Li Yan told him his previous plan.

"Brother Li is right. I don't mean to look down on you. Even if you have several times more people, as long as you don't have several god-transforming monks to lead the team to support you and are in the mezzanine, you will all fall.

You don’t have to report this matter after you go back. I will handle the rest of this team’s affairs.

And now that the opponent's offensive has begun, they can no longer hide it. There must be other suppression teams or escorts that have retreated back.

Perhaps they may have broken through the siege and returned to the sect! Therefore, the sect may have already known what happened here. "

Tang Feng said.

When Li Yan heard this, he immediately agreed with Tang Feng's statement. With so many teams coming out, Li Yan was not the only one who was smart. Whatever he could think of, others could think of it too.

Sure enough, just after they had walked for half a day, they encountered a large number of monks from the Soul-Suppressing Palace. These people were led by three to five god-transforming monks.

They, the monks from the sect, immediately made redeployments after receiving the news. They sent out men and horses to start cleaning from the inside out, and at the same time, they contacted the monks from Zhenhun Palace who were in the mezzanine.

When these people met Li Yan and the others, Tang Feng went straight up to them, took out a purple token, and whispered a few words to a god-transformation monk with a look of surprise on his face.

After that, the cultivator who transformed into gods did not interrogate any of Li Yan or the others. He looked respectful and allowed Li Yan and his group to pass by.

Ever since they met a large number of monks from Zhenhun Palace, Li Yan and the others' journey back has become extremely smooth. They no longer have to hide and hide, but fly straight to the sect.

It took almost no time for the group of them to arrive at the mountain gate of Zhenhun Palace. Tang Feng did not leave immediately, but went to Yique Hall to hand in the task with Li Yan and the others.

It's just that this task was handed over very quickly, and Li Yan didn't need to explain anything.

Tang Feng still took out the purple token, and after a brief talk with the shocked Yiquetang deacon, Li Yan and his team dispersed.

The deacon only recorded some things and did not immediately arrange follow-up tasks for people like Li Yan.

The more than 20 surviving Jindan monks also left the Deacon Hall after thanking Li Yan and Tang Feng again.

They also have to go back to rest and wait for subsequent orders.

After leaving the main hall, only Li Yan, Tang Feng, and Mu Guyue were left. Tang Feng didn't look at Mu Guyue behind him. In his eyes, he was just a soul slave.

"I have something else to do and I have to go back to the mountain behind. The courtyard where I lived in Yiquetang will never be passed in the future.

This is my token, Lee

If anything happens, brother, you can take this token and go to the mountain behind to find me, and someone will take you there.

If you can't find me, you can also find me through Master Lan and ask her to help deliver the message. Anyway, Master Lan is also very familiar with you.

In the next period of time, as long as there is no critical incident in the sect, Brother Li should not have any tasks, so you can just practice with peace of mind! "

While Tang Feng was speaking, he raised an arm. There was a flash of light on his hand, and a small dagger, only about an inch long, appeared in his hand.

Then the knife head fell off, the handle of the knife hit the front, and was handed to Li Yan.

As soon as Li Yan saw it, a smile appeared in his eyes and he took it over without politeness.

"This token of yours is really special. This is the first time I have seen such a token, hehehe..."

He told Tang Feng that he would no longer live in the previous courtyard, which was of course not a surprise.

This person got into Yique Hall just for the mission. Now that his identity has been exposed, he will definitely not live there again.

Moreover, Tang Feng said that when something happens, he can also be found through Master Lan. It seems that Tang Feng also knows everything about his affairs with Master Lan.

Therefore, he said this, otherwise if he asked other elders to help find someone, they would have to take care of him.

After Tang Feng heard Li Yan's words, a bright smile appeared on his face.

"This is a small magic weapon that I refined myself. I rarely give it away to others. I don't have anything special, so I can't give you my token, hahaha..."

In the midst of laughter, Tang Feng arched his hands and lifted into the air. Then he turned around and flew towards the north at high speed.

After Li Yan watched Tang Feng leave, he turned around and looked at Mu Guyue, who had been following silently behind him all the way.

"Let's go back too. After we go back this time, you don't have to go back to the spirit storage space. You can just find a room in the courtyard to practice by yourself!"

Mu Guyue was silent at first, glanced at Li Yan, and nodded when she saw that the other person didn't seem to be faking it.

She originally thought that she would be semi-imprisoned again like the "Blue Falling Demonic Vine", after all, she was back in the sect.

Although she is just practicing cultivation, it is actually the same no matter where she practices.

But Li Yan's arrangement actually made Mu Guyue's heart relax for no reason, and something quietly escaped from her heart...

At this moment, she was sure of one thing, Li Yan had already let down his guard against her.

This made her feel that the reason she had given herself before might not be entirely correct. At that time, she thought that humans were humans and demons were demons.

Li Yan was able to save himself only because of that bad fate, which only shows that this person still retains a trace of humanity and is not completely cold-blooded.

And she herself only survived by borrowing the remaining bit of humanity from the other party. If Li Yan continued to be wary, she, Mu Guyue, would of course leave immediately as soon as she had the chance.

She didn't want to be dependent on others for a long time, and from now on, she would no longer have any dissatisfaction with Li Yansheng. Everything had been repaid.

"Let's go!"

Li Yan didn't know that Mu Guyue, whose expression was as usual at this time, was starting to fluctuate because of his words.

Today's decision was made along the way. From his repeated observations, Mu Guyue should indeed have no enmity with him, and he no longer had to guard against the other party all the time.

But after he returns, the caution he should have will certainly not be removed.

At the same time, in Mu Guyue's eyes, that woman was an arrogant and cold-blooded female devil. Her nature was more focused on killing and massacre, so how could she have a daughter's family?

Be careful.

Then, without Tang Feng by their side, Li Yan and Mu Guyue both flew up, side by side, their skirts fluttering, and walked away on the clouds!


Not long after Li Yan and the others returned, they were on the solitary peak in the north of the Soul-Suppressing Palace. This was the core area of ​​the Soul-Suppressing Palace.

At the top of the mountain is the main hall of Zhenhun Palace. The main hall is extremely majestic. Because the mountain peak reaches deep into the sky, the unobstructed sky near the main hall is filled with clouds and mist all year round.

Surrounding the palace is a huge platform extending thousands of feet. The ground on the platform is as smooth as a mirror, reflecting the blue sky and the floating clouds and mist.

If you walk on it, you will see a sea of ​​white clouds drifting around your head and feet, making you feel like you are in it for a while, unaware of the heaven and earth.

At the edge of the huge platform, it was surrounded by tall white jade railings. Within the railings, there were teams of red-clad soldiers, guarding the place firmly with weapons.

Each of these red-clothed armored men had solemn expressions. Their lowest cultivation level was at the Nascent Soul realm. Each of them exuded strong iron-blooded murderous intent, with bursts of ice that could repel people thousands of miles away.

At this moment, four people were sitting in the large hall. At the top of the hall, sat the gentle-looking contemporary leader Xue Tieyi.

Below him on the left side are the tall and thin Master Lan and a slender-looking white-haired old man. Below the right side is Tang Feng who has just returned.

At this time, Xue Tieyi was looking at Tang Feng solemnly.

"You are finally back. I asked the two elders Ming and Wan to go out to look for you. Until now, they have not heard back!"

After hearing the words of the sect leader, Tang Feng swallowed back what he wanted to ask. He was about to ask where the other two Lianxu elders in the back hall of the Soul Palace were.

"We'll talk about my subordinates later. Did the sect leader and the two elders find out about Elder Ling? In order to protect me, he stayed behind to fight the enemy."

Although Elder Ling is not the elder of the Guards and the Back Hall, he is the elder of Fuchentang. He is also the core elder of the sect.

"Elder Ling did not come back, but Elders Ming and Wan were dispatched by me as soon as possible.

The two of them went directly behind the enemy's rear to look for you. The route they took should be the shortest route. You are back now, I must have missed you!

You first tell us about your investigation, and then we can judge the situation. Maybe the two elders can meet Elder Ling, but that doesn't mean it's possible! "

Xue Tieyi's expression remained unchanged, he could see Tang Feng's anxiety.

Ever since Tang Feng started to carry out this task, Elder Ling has been protecting Tang Feng. The two have been together for a long time, sometimes openly and sometimes secretly. This person's care for Tang Feng can be said to be half that of Tang Feng's master. .

It's just that in the entire sect, he can't be Tang Feng's master, so even if Elder Ling wants to accept him as his disciple, it's impossible.

However, they all knew the relationship between Elder Ling and Tang Feng, and they were all very polite to Elder Ling.

After hearing the news that Elder Ling had not returned, Tang Feng's aura immediately surged.

Before, when he was with Li Yan and the others, although he was anxious to come back, even if he stayed to help Li Yan arrange things, he did not show his anxiety.

"Tang Feng, Elder Ling's cultivation is stronger than mine. Don't worry too much. It's better to tell you what happened to you first so that we can confirm Elder Ling's location again. If that doesn't work, I'll go over there too! "

When Master Lan saw it, he immediately spoke.

"Okay, go ahead. Master Lan, you don't have to go there, I'll just go find Lao Ling!"

The slender-looking white-haired old man raised his arm, waved gently to several people, and then spoke softly to Tang Feng.

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