Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 156 Earth Spot

Li Yan, on the other hand, thought more about it. What he valued most was the third one. He knew what it meant to be in the secret room where he was now. Based on his feeling from practicing just now, he didn't know whether he could successfully form the foundation pill in the future. If he practiced here for half a year, he was sure that he would be able to successfully build the foundation, and he might not even need the "foundation pill". Another advantage is that if he encounters anything life-threatening within ten thousand miles of the Demon Sect, he can teleport here as soon as possible to resolve the worries about his life. Although this can only be done if he is thousands of miles away from the secret realm, Li Yan is not a greedy person, and these two alone can benefit him endlessly.

He took a few long breaths to let his mind slowly calm down, and then said, "Senior, I will come here to ask you for the first promotion opportunity when needed." Li Yan knew very well in his heart that something like this This kind of promotion must require the assistance of some secret method or elixir from the Five Immortals Sect, and it may only be used once in a lifetime. As for why it can only be used below the God Transformation stage, Li Yan guessed that it may no longer be a skill or method above the God Transformation stage. The elixir can be directly improved, and it should take a great opportunity and years of hard work to advance to the next step. In fact, Li Yan's guess is already very close to the truth.

He only has some confidence in foundation building now, but if he really can't, how can he easily take advantage of this opportunity with the help of "Foundation Building Pill". But he was not sure about forming pills and forming babies. From what he saw in the classics, it was extremely difficult to advance to a major realm after establishing the foundation. He could only decide which step he would take.

"The second item needs to be explained carefully by the seniors. What will happen if the junior does not reach the middle stage of integration in his life? The third item is whether there is a time limit after the junior comes here." Li Yan continued. He was a little hesitant about the second item. He certainly knew how precious this top-quality storage magic weapon was. As long as he thought about its requirements, he had to reach the late stage of integration before he could get the chaotic soil, and he also had to sign the "Blood Word Curse" to know how much he valued it.

Pingtu raised the corners of his mouth and looked at Li Yan with a half-smile. Of course, he could see through Li Yan's thoughts.

"This third rule, you can come in and practice as long as you want." He did not answer Li Yan's previous question, but pointed out Li Yan's thoughts directly.

Li Yan couldn't help but blush, thinking, "Didn't you come here just for the rich spiritual energy to practice?" Apparently Pingtu felt that Li Yan knew the third purpose, but insisted on asking in circles, and couldn't help but Break it directly.

"As for the second item, this top-quality storage magic weapon is called 'Earth Spot'. After dripping blood, it can turn into a shape similar to a birthmark and fall anywhere on the body. When needed, just contact with the spirit. The 'Blood Word Curse' is an ancient It is a kind of contract that existed only in that period. It is signed with one's own essence and blood. If there is any violation, the inner demon will backfire. No one can escape from this restraint, so don't try to break it. As far as I know, in ancient times, even the Mahayana monks broke the contract. Those who died in the end were all succumbed to their inner demons, and no one was spared.

As for if you can’t cultivate to the middle stage of integration in this life, then


The natural contract will not create any inner demons for you, but the 'Earth Spot' magic weapon you use will dissipate and return here after five thousand years or when you accidentally die early. Others cannot take it away unless they are cultivated by others. For those who are higher than those who refine the best magic weapon of "Tu Ban", that is, those who are in the middle stage of transcending tribulation or the Mahayana stage. As for some in the late stage of fusion and the early stage of transcending tribulation, their cultivation techniques are simply not comparable to those of the same level in the middle stage of fusion in the Five Immortals Sect. But this is not absolutely the case in this world. There may be stronger techniques than the Five Immortal Sect techniques, but at least I haven't seen them yet. " When Pingtu said this, he actually showed a arrogant expression, which reminded Li Yan that this kind of expression was also displayed when Dong Fuyi talked about the Five Immortals Cultivation Techniques.

Li Yan already understood after hearing this, but first he was a little helpless about the name. "Tuban" was too rustic. Are you afraid that others wouldn't know that it was refined by your own earth fairy sect? But at the same time, he also became curious about the name of this top-quality storage bag refined by the Guishui Immortal Sect and the other three Immortal Sects, but this thought only passed by in a flash.

"This top-quality storage space is made of chaotic soil as the main material. Even if not all of it, it is the most important refining material. The starry sky in that area seems to be an extremely dangerous place. Even the Five Immortals Sect This kind of skill that can transcend levels and kill people must be practiced until the middle stage of integration. At the same time, this top-quality storage magic weapon should be refined by each of the five immortal sects. It was just that Pingtu didn't find it on me, so he gave it away. If I already have a top-quality storage magic weapon from the Guishuixian Sect, I will probably replace it with another top-quality magic weapon. I just don’t know what it is. But for me now, this 'earth spot' is indeed the best one. The thing I need most can theoretically be used for five thousand years. If it doesn't reach the middle stage of integration, it will disappear on its own. Five thousand years is enough. It doesn't matter how many years I can live to that point."

Li Yan glanced at the densely packed storage bags around his waist and thought about many things at the same time.

"Senior, junior will definitely work hard to practice." Li Yan bowed respectfully. Just after Li Yan finished speaking, the sky above his head suddenly darkened. Li Yan hurriedly looked up, only to feel a bloody aura rushing straight to the tip of his nose. , as if he was in a sea of ​​Shura blood.

It was a simple dark red scroll, with a thick and evil smell of blood, floating in front of Li Yan. It moved automatically without wind, like a big flag fluttering in the wind. There were dozens of tiny weird things on it. The symbols are shining with dazzling red light. Each symbol seems to have gone through tens of thousands of years of vicissitudes, making the entire scroll exude the meaning of time. Li Yan didn't recognize any of these symbols, but when Li Yan glanced at them with his spiritual consciousness, the symbols squirmed one by one like disturbed spiritual insects, and then large paragraphs of text filled Li Yan's spiritual consciousness. Come.

After a moment, Li Yan raised his head, and lightly slashed his right index finger with his left hand like a knife. A few drops of blood flowed out immediately, but at the moment when they flowed out, those drops of blood floated up out of thin air. In just the blink of an eye, they floated up. It flew into the ancient scroll in front. Just as those drops of essence and blood entered the scroll, the entire scroll erupted with dazzling red light, making the stone room look like a golden gem with a red teardrop in the middle. .

While Li Yan was thinking, the dazzling red light in front of him shrank rapidly. When it shrank to the size of a grain of rice, it suddenly turned into a red light and shot straight towards Li Yan, but Li Yan could not dodge it.

At the same time, a breath suddenly appeared in Li Yan's mind. This breath made Li Yan feel like a light on his back. But when his consciousness glanced into his body, the breath had disappeared without a trace. It's like it's never happened before.

Li Yan couldn't help but smile bitterly. He knew that it was not that the aura disappeared, but that his cultivation level was too low to detect it. It was already dormant somewhere in his body. If he had not completed the scroll in the middle stage of the integration, I swear, it will definitely break out when the time comes.

Pingtu had been standing there, staring at Li Yan without saying a word. He saw a red dot shot into Li Yan's body. His eyes also flashed. He didn't know what he thought of, and then recovered. Feeling calm, he waved his hand at the next moment, and a cloud of yellow-brown mist quickly flew towards Li Yan. At the same time, he shouted in his mouth, "Just pick it up. After communicating with your spiritual consciousness, you only need to make sure to pull it."

Li Yan saw a ball of yellow-brown mist flying towards him, and his eyes were full of curiosity. When the ball of yellow-brown mist flew in front of him, Li Yan looked carefully. This mist was surging gently, and its shape kept changing. Li Yan followed his words and slowly probed it with his consciousness. The moment his consciousness came into contact, a large yellow sky and earth appeared in his consciousness. , this world is about a thousand feet in size, and it is a hazy color, but there is a high mountain and a river surrounding the mountain looming in the yellow mist. Although the spiritual energy here is not as rich as in the secret realm, it is basically the same as Xiaozhu Peak The spiritual energy is similar, so it is really an excellent place. His consciousness slowly fell to the ground. The ground was full of green grass, spreading along the river rocks to both sides and disappearing into the yellow mist. It was like an early winter morning, but still full of spring. Li Yan couldn't help but be amazed. Thinking that his storage was only a few feet in size and the space was lifeless, he was of course extremely satisfied.

His consciousness didn't stay there for too long. After a slight circle, it flew out. Perhaps it was because he signed the 'Blood Word Curse'. His consciousness was already closely connected with this piece of yellow-brown mist. Contact, as if his consciousness is the only link, and no other way can enter. Li Yan's consciousness moved, and the yellow-brown mist slowly descended towards his left wrist. The moment it fell towards his wrist, it shrank dramatically, and finally formed a circle.


A yellow-brown mark the size of a fingernail was embedded on Li Yan's left wrist.

Li Yan took a look and couldn't help but shook his head, "It really looks like a patchy birthmark." He tried it again with his spiritual consciousness and felt that the 'earth patch' could still be moved. Then he felt relieved and then looked down at his waist. There were dozens of storage bags. As soon as he thought about it, a lot of brilliance came out of the storage bag he used, but it just flashed in the air and disappeared without a trace. When Li Yan's consciousness entered the "earth spot" again At that time, a lot of things had been accumulated in a corner of Huang Mengmeng's space. It was the things he had just taken from the storage bag. Li Yan couldn't help but feel elated. He planned to put the things on the storage bag he got this time when he was free. All the spiritual consciousness was wiped away, and then these things were put into the "earth spot". At that time, only Miao Zhengyi's storage bag used by foundation-building monks was left on his body. He put some random things in it and hung it on his waist. I used the time to hide it from others, and bought all the other storage bags and unused items, thinking that I could exchange them for a lot of spiritual stones.

He didn't need Ping Tu to explain, he also knew that if others knew about "Tu Ban", they would try their best to snatch it away, and he would only end up dying miserably, with the treasure hidden from others.

"I'll give you this round rhombus, too." After Pingtu saw that Li Yan could already use "Earth Spot", he waved his hand again, and a round object about the size of a soybean flew directly towards Li Yan with flashing blue light.

After Li Yan stretched out his hand to catch it, he saw that the diamond crystal was just a bean-sized particle with blue light shining on it. When his consciousness came into contact, it was easily bounced back.

"There's no need to try. The ancient formations are engraved on this rhombus. It's not something you can detect now. In the future, when you reach the level of Nascent Soul, you may be able to get a glimpse of it. If you can understand a little bit, you may be able to arrange it. Create a teleportation formation."

"It turns out that this rhombus crystal is engraved with ancient formations. This formation has been extinct in the mortal world for a long time. I didn't expect that this soybean-sized particle could have such magic. If others knew about it, it would be like a 'soil spot' Just like that, it is inevitable to kill people and steal treasures." Li Yan couldn't help but take a breath after hearing this. What kind of precious treasures are the ancient formations, so easily engraved on them? You must know that the four sects of the Demon Sect only have protection. The Pai Grand Formation is a formation that has been passed down from ancient times, and it is the treasure of the sect. The only people who know about it are probably a few Nascent Soul Ancestors in the sect.

Li Yan was so dizzy with happiness at this moment. He knew that when he reached the level of cultivation, he would benefit a lot from studying the formations on this round rhombus crystal. He could guess all the formations on it. Guess, in addition to this long-distance ancient teleportation formation, there must be a forbidden formation to protect the round rhombus itself. As long as this rhombus crystal is known to the Sprite Sect, it will definitely become a treasure of the sect. , keep it secret and will never have anything to do with him, Li Yan.

Li Yan took a long breath and put the round diamond crystal into the "earth spot" carefully.

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