Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 165 Umbilical Ring

Li Yan turned around, looked at Gong Chenying strangely, and said uncertainly, "If...if you are talking about the silver ring hanging on...that's it, but I only looked at it." One glance and I went to treat the trauma, so I forgot about it just now.”

"That's it, you did see the navel ring." Gong Chenying's delicate body was trembling as she sat cross-legged.

"Sixth Senior Sister, is there a problem with this? I haven't touched it yet. Don't tell me it's a treasure passed down from your family. If something is lost, I can't be blamed for it."

"Family treasure? Lost something? But as long as you say it, let's go." The light in Gong Chenying's eyes slowly returned to normal, and then he suddenly stood up. Li Yan was startled and almost backed out of the cave.

"Why did you get so shocked? Did the pill damage your brain?" Li Yan couldn't help but blurt out. He was really frightened by Gong Chenying's sudden change of attitude.

"Let's go, I'll talk to you on the way." Gong Chenying suddenly blushed, and then she blossomed with a shyness she had never seen before, like a hundred flowers blooming, but this was still the cold and unchanging person in Li Yan's heart. Cold beauty.

Li Yan was shocked at the moment, "There is something weird about the flat earth elixir. Could it be that this is the legendary soul seizing body? There is some kind of demon soul in the elixir. This is not the Sixth Senior Sister herself." He hurriedly retreated towards the entrance of the cave. He looked at Gong Chenying warily.

Gong Chenying, however, waved her jade hand, and the two pieces of Chang Ge in the corner of the cave were rolled back by her, and they were put into the storage bag at the same time. There was only a trace of regret in her eyes, and then she went straight to the entrance of the cave. In disbelief, she was swept up by a strong force and flew directly into the distance, but the moment she flew out of the hole, the circle of red ties that was cut on the ground was also cut by her silently. Put it away.

"Senior sister, senior sister, my formation flag, formation flag!"

Anxious sounds came from the distance, and a gust of wind blew towards the large patch of grass and thorns at the entrance of the cave. Several array flags flew out from the ground, turned into auras and flew towards the sky, and a cave entrance appeared there.

Half an hour later, as the mountains and forests below receded, Li Yan stood on a white jade boat. The white jade boat did not fly high, but just flew close to the ridge. They had left the cave for less than half an hour.

After Gong Chenying took Li Yan out of the cave, he did not immediately fly towards the center, because just when they came out, a somewhat familiar consciousness passed over them. This shocked the two of them and immediately She hid her aura and carefully avoided moving forward. Although Gong Chenying had recovered from her injuries, her spiritual power had only recovered less than 30%. Even if she faced Wang Lang who was injured, she was not sure that it might cause a lose-lose situation again. In the situation of injury, if the fake elixir realm is pushed to the limit, Gong Chenying will not be able to resist the dying counterattack due to insufficient spiritual power.

So the two of them followed the black shadow in the sky


Pressing into the sideline, he made a big circle in the distance. Occasionally, his spiritual consciousness would still pass by in the distance, but it was basically some distance away from the black shadow in the sky. No one would use his spiritual consciousness so close to the black shadow. Visiting, if you are not careful, your spiritual consciousness may be swallowed by the huge black shadow in the sky. If your spiritual consciousness is damaged, the gain will outweigh the loss. Now the two of them are slowly rushing forward along the black shadow in the sky, and Gong Chenying is meditating with all her strength to recover. When she recovers to 70% or 80%, she can rush forward quickly, so that even if she meets anyone here, She won't be afraid.

On the way, Gong Chenying said something to Li Yan with a blushing face. This matter made Li Yan still dizzy and unable to react at all. He didn't know how to deal with it.

Gong Chenying obviously regarded this matter as extremely important, and explained it to Li Yan on the way. Although he did not explain it in detail, Li Yan understood it clearly, which shocked Li Yan.

Gong Chenying turned out not to be from the Desolate Moon Continent, but from the distant Fengshen Continent. Li Yan only heard of the name of this place in the classics and knew nothing about the rest. The place where Gong Chenying was born is the Tianli tribe of Fengshen Continent. It is a powerful race that almost rules the entire southern region of Fengshen Continent. This race also has powerful cultivation methods, but it has a different cultivation method from monks. What they practice For witchcraft. Their cultivation process is weird and gloomy. Many of their skills and magical powers are eccentric and cunning. Their wizards are so powerful that even the ancestors of the human Nascent Soul cannot face them directly. There is also the terrifying presence of the great priest above them.

In addition to the weird witchcraft that causes headaches, the Tianli tribe also has a body-refining technique called Zhiyang Zhigang. This body-refining technique is an extremely mysterious method within the clan and can only be practiced by a very small number of people within the clan. The name of his method is "Qiongqi Purgatory". When he reaches the advanced level, he is said to be able to turn mountains and seas with a wave of his hand, and even destroy an infinite continent with ease. His physical strength has reached an incredible level. When he reaches the intermediate level, he can The magic weapon that can resist the monks is not a problem, so there are even the most core people in the clan who do not practice witchcraft, but focus on physical training.

Gong Chenying did not elaborate on her situation in the clan, but said that when she was ten years old, she was brought here by an ancestor of the Xingshi Sect who traveled from all walks of life, and then became a disciple of Wei Zhongran. The Tianli people are an ancient race with very strict rules and customs. A week after giving birth, a woman will wear a navel ring on her navel. This has been passed down from generation to generation since ancient times and symbolizes the Tianli people's love for love. As perfect as it is, this navel ring can only be seen by the groom on the wedding night, and will only be seen by his lover throughout his life. Even parents will avoid suspicion after their daughter is six years old and will closely protect this part.

From now on, if he is seen by a man other than his lover, he will be regarded as unchaste, so Gong Chenying always wears long clothes when outside.

The body is wrapped around the body, and a red instrument similar to a spiritual treasure made by the clan is tightly tied to the lower abdomen. Even when cultivating the body, only the limbs are exposed at most.

If an unmarried woman sees her umbilical ring for the first time by a man outside her blood relationship, regardless of his age or how many wives he has, the Tianli woman must marry this person, and the man must personally admit that he saw the umbilical ring. If the man sees it but denies that he has never seen it, the woman will think that her virginity is not there. This idea has been instilled in them since they were young and is deeply ingrained in the hearts of Tianli women. Therefore, it is usually not recognized when such things happen. Women will choose to commit suicide to stay clean.

After hearing these words, Li Yan was dripping with sweat. First, he felt sad for the unreasonable rules of this race; second, he finally understood the origin of Gong Chenying's deathly aura at that time. No wonder Gong Chenying was so persistent, ignoring her daughter's shyness and asking repeatedly, that she had to say it herself. If he left in the end, she must have committed suicide. Didn't he kill her invisibly? A sixth senior sister.

Gong Chenying kept silent about the rest and just moved forward silently along the way.

Li Yan was standing at the front of the white jade boat, looking at the scenery flying behind, and couldn't help but feel distressed. He knew that Gong Chenying was waiting for him to speak, but somehow after Li Yan learned about Gong Chenying, the first thing that flashed in his mind was that pretty figure with a ponytail and dressed in white.

He is in the season of youth. It is impossible to say that he has no ideas about men and women. He, Li Yan, is not a saint. At his age, it is already the time to talk about marriage in the village, but in the past few years, he has been I missed my parents and relatives, so even if I was alone with Zhao Min, I would just chat about my past life as a mortal and suppress my other thoughts.

Her impression of Gong Chenying was either good or bad, and she still felt that this was the person that the third senior brother was pursuing so hard. Suddenly, she turned into someone related to him. It came too suddenly, and Li Yan's mind Blank.

After listening to Gong Chenying's calm narration, Li Yan knew that if he didn't admit it, then according to Gong Chenying's character and the rules of the Tianli clan, the consequences would be unquestionable. For a moment, Li Yan fell into Dilemma.

Although Li Yan was looking at the front of the white jade boat, he clearly felt the increasingly unstable aura of the beauty behind him, and was obviously unable to devote himself to training and recovery.

"Third Senior Brother, I really didn't know it would turn out like this, and..." The image of the girl in white in Li Yan's mind was slowly forced out of his mind, and he smiled bitterly and turned around, seemingly reluctantly. , finding a wife in the village for a man like him is a piece of pie in the sky. His third brother has never found a wife, not just because of his lameness. Although Li Yan has entered the immortal world, he is still the same in his heart. People who abide by the Three Cardinal Principles and the Five Constant Virtues.

"Sixth Senior Sister, I don't know


I know your clan rules, but when I see it, I see it. I want to go home and see my parents after building the foundation. If you are willing, can you send me back then? After all, even building the foundation will not take too long, and the journey is far away. There are many beasts. "

Li Yan spoke calmly, but there was warmth in his eyes. Since he admitted it, he couldn't pretend to be reluctant.

Gong Chenying has been waiting to sit cross-legged behind the white jade boat. She seems to have no expression on her face, as if what happened before has never happened, but in fact she is also bitter in her heart, and her cultivation and recovery have long been put aside. Men are definitely not as cultivated as Li Yan. Although Li Yan also made her feel a little incredible, it was not enough. What's more, if she returns to the Tianli clan in the future, Li Yan's cultivation...

She was stubborn by nature, and of course he was stronger than her in her mind. She usually paid great attention to the protection of her navel ring, not to mention that the red protective gear was no less than a high-level spiritual treasure, but things had never happened so unexpectedly. Like all Tianli girls, she is a person who adheres to the ancestral precepts deeply. At the same time, she was also worried, but it didn't show on her face. Li Yan was silent all the way, and Gong Chenying's heart sank.

"What if he doesn't agree? I heard that he and Min'er are very good, and they seem to like each other. If so, I will find a place to bury myself after leaving the secret realm this time."

Just when her mind was in turmoil, she suddenly saw Li Yan turning his head and smiling at her, and she couldn't help but feel relieved.

She bit her lower lip and said in an inaudible voice, "I'll accompany you back then." Although the voice was soft, Li Yan could hear it clearly. He couldn't help but be startled, and then nodded silently.

For the rest of the period, the two of them did not speak again. In this dull atmosphere, after Li Yan responded, Gong Chenying calmed down. She felt bitterly in her heart: "If he and Min'er are really interested, I will... What’s the point? How can I face Min’er again, but I can’t die before I fulfill my wish. Dad, how have you been doing these years?”

Gong Chenying thought about it, a hint of recollection appeared on his face, and his eyes slowly became firmer.

"If you two are really interested, Min'er, I'm sorry. After I fulfill my wish, I will...disappear..., if not, this is the only way...I will reach the later stage of the Golden Core!"

Gong Chenying bit her lower lip, feeling infinitely bitter in her heart. The relationship between Zhao Min and her was extraordinary. She didn't know what the relationship between Li Yan and Zhao Min was, but if Zhao Min was really in love, what did it mean to her? If there was no love between the two of them, she would have accepted her fate. As for the third senior brother Yun Chunqi, although she knew his thoughts, she had never thought of spending a lifetime with him.

After making a decision secretly, she felt a lot more relaxed and slowly fell into trance.

Li Yan kept staring ahead. He didn't know what he was thinking, but it was very messy, very messy...

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