Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1763: Hidden Fog

Just when Liu Siyu flew out, the other three people in the light column saw Liu Siyu's figure outside the light column.

At this time, I don't know where the three people got the strength from. They were too weak to speak, but each of them began to twist their bodies a few times, and their eyes were full of desire for life...

After Yan Qingchen collected Liu Siyu, the aura on his body suddenly became sharp and cold.

If his sect knew about his behavior, he would be severely punished.

Because the white and black light columns emitted by the dark gold bowl magic weapon in the air could not gather the five elements, because its essence was the Yin and Yang Avenue.

The five elements that Liu Siyu and the other four saw were just an illusion, so they seemed to be false.

And his real purpose was to have two wood-attribute cultivators in the black light column and two fire-attribute cultivators in the white light column.

By borrowing their two different attributes of blood essence, with his help, he could open the second restriction of the "Reef Formation".

Liu Siyu and the monk surnamed Qian were both wood-attributed, belonging to Yin, while the other two were fire-attributed, belonging to Yang.

These two spiritual root attributes were the most common in Huangqi Valley, so he just needed to find a more suitable candidate.

The candidate for this kind of disciple should be less powerful than himself, but the spiritual root attribute should be pure, at least a heavenly spiritual root.

In addition, this kind of person is considered to be a medium-average existence in terms of status in the sect. Once he dies, the sect will not conduct a thorough investigation.

However, the power in the dark gold bowl has temporarily lost the balance of the two forces of Yin and Yang due to the disappearance of Liu Siyu.

The result of his doing this may cause problems with the plan that the sect has worked hard to plan this time, or even lead to failure in the next moment.

Yan Qingchen's face became colder and colder, and his hands suddenly changed like a storm, which made his arms blurry and impossible to see clearly.

He didn't care that the three people in the light column struggled like dead fish in the end, and shouted in a hurry.


Just two breaths after Liu Siyu disappeared, the remaining three people in the light column also fell into a coma.

After they lost their blood and magic power, their flesh and blood were also quickly absorbed. The three people now looked completely old.

As their flesh and blood dried up quickly, they could no longer see their previous appearance!

With Yan Qingchen's urgent shout, the two rays of light shot out from the dark gold bowl suddenly disappeared.

Then the dark gold bowl suddenly moved, and in a gust of wind, it directly hit the diamond-shaped light on the cliff!

At the same time, the three people who lost their binding power fell unconsciously into the abyss below like a puddle of mud.

Yan Qingchen didn't even turn his head, his eyes were fixed on the diamond-shaped light, and he casually swung his sleeves back, and three starlight flashed out, instantly hitting the bodies of the three people who fell.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Three explosions sounded at the same time below, and the bodies of the three people exploded into three balls of blood mist in an instant, but the strange thing was that the three balls of blood mist just expanded, but suddenly shrank back.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into three star rays again, and with a "chi chi chi" sound, it shot back to Yan Qingchen's back.

And Yan Qingchen just swept his sleeves behind him again, and the three star rays wrapped in seven or eight storage magic weapons were directly collected by him.

All this happened in just a moment, and of course he would not let any traces of these three people remain in the world, and completely destroy everything they have.


At this moment, the dark gold bowl on the diamond-shaped light on the cliff also burst into a golden light.

Just as the golden light appeared, the dark gold bowl rotated towards the depths of the cliff, and in an instant, it turned into a spinning wheel.

Seeing that a deep hole had been drilled out of the cliff covered with diamond-shaped light, Yan Qingchen's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he felt a little relieved.

Because of the loss of Liu Siyu, the yin and yang forces could no longer be balanced and gathered, so he had to interrupt the gathering of power in advance and break the formation in advance.

But the final result was that what he was worried about did not happen completely.

A hole began to be drilled in the "reef formation", but because the power of the dark gold bowl was not enough, the entrance that was broken was not only as thick as the mouth of the bowl, but the formation only temporarily expanded the restriction.

As long as a moment later, the restriction power of the "reef formation" can be completely repaired, but this is enough for him to enter.

After entering, although no one helped him to use the dark gold bowl, he was much more confident in finding the eye of the formation and breaking out of the formation.

So, he turned into a light smoke without hesitation, and immediately followed the dark gold bowl and drilled directly in.

Soon, the abyss became silent!

Just as the diamond-shaped light on the cliff wall quickly dimmed, and the bowl-sized hole was about to be smoothed out by the formation, a breeze suddenly blew gently in the dark abyss...

Soon after, the diamond-shaped light on the cliff wall quickly disappeared, and a blurry small tree re-emerged!


Six days later, somewhere on the magnificent river, the banks were still in endless darkness, and only this river was like a bright starry river hanging in the sky, flowing all the time.

"Sister, the end of this river is still not within the scope of spiritual consciousness! The places we have searched for are almost always the same!"

Mingyu withdrew her consciousness, stopped temporarily, and looked around again. Her subconscious action revealed her inner emotions, which were already anxious.

Although their cultivation was intact here, their spiritual consciousness could only scan more than six thousand miles, which made the two of them quite uncomfortable.

But we can only explore a little bit like this. After time flies by, we still haven't found the end of the river, as if we want to search endlessly.

The two of them see similar scenery all the time!

At the beginning, as women, they were still full of wonder and appreciation for this dazzling gem-like river.

But after a long time, no matter how beautiful the beautiful scenery is, it will become monotonous and boring, and you may even feel dizzy after looking at it for a long time.

“The first place we entered was near the source of the river, which should also be an exit in this space that was blocked by the formation.

So it seems that we have actually saved the time of searching towards both ends of the river.

No matter how long this river is, we will eventually finish exploring it. The worst we can do is not get out! "

Ming Qi said quietly, but her proud body did not stop, but continued to fly forward slowly. She was still searching carefully.

When Mingyu saw this, he knew that he was just cultivating Qi after all, and was much weaker than his sister.

However, this can't be entirely blamed on her being so impatient. The main reason is that all the expectations this time are placed on them.

Now that she had actually found this space, her mood inevitably began to fluctuate after she kept exploring it to no avail.

Seeing his sister's consciousness once again reaching into the depths of the river bottom, Mingyu also calmed down before exploring into the distance again.

They are a kind of alternate exploration, which can avoid omissions to the greatest extent.

But this time, shortly after Mingyu's consciousness was revealed, the expression on her face suddenly changed.

"elder sister!"

This time she used sound transmission, but she only said two words.

Ming Qi, who was connected with her, immediately raised his head and looked downstream the moment he heard these two words.

Without Mingyu's explanation, she knew what the other party wanted to say, and her consciousness suddenly became vague.

Just a moment later, Ming Qi did not transmit the message, but spoke.

"That fluctuation is not spiritual consciousness, and the other party should not be able to detect us. It seems that the spiritual consciousness of the monks over there has also been suppressed within ten thousand miles!"

Although they sensed spatial fluctuations, it was not spiritual consciousness. Instead, there was a strange fluctuation that continued, which showed that even if there were people, the other party did not know their existence.

"It should be someone or a monster casting a spell!"

Mingyu said.

There was vigilance and excitement in her tone. After coming here for so many days, she was a little happy that other situations finally appeared, even if they were unknown situations.

However, although they now sense space fluctuations, they only sense an abnormality in one space and cannot know exactly what happened.

"I'll make a mark here. I'll give up the exploration of this section for the time being and go take a look first!"

Ming Qi was also very decisive and made a decision immediately.

At the same time, she waved her hand gently, and a little light shone into a field of sparkling cobblestones. She worked very carefully.

If there are no problems after the investigation over there, they will search along the river bank and return here, so that nothing will be missed and time will not be wasted.

After sensing that the logo was correct, the figures of the two women became illusory. Coupled with the various colors of light shining in the sky, they soon merged into the large rays of light and disappeared.

The two of them were flying one behind the other in hiding, and the distance between them was also widened by Li Xu.

This distance will allow them to support each other as quickly as possible when encountering danger, and at the same time, it will not affect the instant encirclement between the two.

After they entered the hidden state, they stopped even transmitting sounds, but kept silent and moved forward.

Between the two of them, sometimes as long as the other party has a thought, the other person may sense it. This is many times more tacit understanding than the cooperation between any team.

Ming Qi flew ahead, and her speed was not slow this time. In a short time, they flew more than four thousand miles.

And just when he was about to reach that location, Ming Qi's figure in front suddenly stopped.

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