Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 178 Meeting (6)

After listening to everything Li Yan said, even Elder Peng, who had always been serious about his words and extremely rigid, looked moved. He couldn't help but asked in surprise, if what Li Yan said was true, what would this disciple do this time? It's quite astonishing.

Even Gong Chenying's expression was a little dull. She didn't know many of the things Li Yan said. Li Yan only briefly mentioned some of them after treating her without going into details.

However, Li Yan still omitted some things. If they knew that he also seriously injured a second-level top-level beetle and triggered the ban on the red wall and killed many first-level demon cultivators, they would not know what to think.

Li Yan didn't want to say it out loud, but Gan Shi and Gong Chen had personally experienced the serious injuries suffered by Miao Zhengyi and Wang Lang, especially since Wang Lang himself was not dead yet. Once he woke up, the sneak attack by the shadows could not be kept secret no matter what. , these are all related to Gong Chenying leaving Mei Bucai and the others, so it is better to talk about it.

Taking into account the relationship between Taixuan Sect and Shibuyuan, he simply told the story of Wang Lang and Quan Jiuxing's meeting together with the secrets they revealed at that time. What they said must be revealed to the sect. Only when the door knows.

"There is also the secret of the wheel of life and death discovered by Taixuan Sect that you said about Quan Jiuxing and Wang Lang. This matter ends here and cannot be spread. You understand." Without waiting for Li Yan's reply, Elder Peng thought for a moment and asked with a serious expression. Li Yan ordered.

After a pause, Elder Peng continued, "Including the deaths of those foundation-building monks, don't mention it to anyone except Wei Zhongran, otherwise these three sects will definitely put you on the must-kill list. As for Wang Lang, even if he wakes up, , I believe that the Shibuyuan will strictly keep the matter of your entry into that deadly black shadow in the sky, and will even issue a hush-hush order. Not even the Taixuan Sect and the Pure Land Sect will know about it, not to mention that Wang Lang has not seen it. The person who attacked him in the end was a human, a demon, or an unknown creature."

Li Yan nodded silently after hearing this. No matter how he wanted to be remembered by others, he was still three giants.

After Elder Peng finished speaking, he also glanced at Gong Chenying, "You too, do you understand?"

Gong Chenying was still in shock. When he suddenly heard this, he raised his head and nodded blankly.

"Well, after Bailiyuan, Gan Shi and everyone else come out, I will issue a hush order. But you said you can enter that deadly black shadow. How are you sure?" Elder Peng thought for a moment, then put the one who couldn't The issue of neglect was raised. After listening to what Li Yan said, the other elders kept staring at Li Yan and did not interrupt Elder Peng's words. They followed Elder Peng's lead throughout the trip.

Li Yan had known that he would ask this question. Some things during his trip could be explained away, but some things were a bit far-fetched. But Elder Peng's question was easy to answer.

There was a trace of fear and fear on Li Yan's face


With an expression on his face, he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, "Senior nephew, how could I have the courage to try those deadly black shadows? I discovered them all by accident. After I came out of Senior Brother Baili's place, I was involved in the last level and started looking for them. After searching for a while, they happened to see Wang Lang knocking away the injured Senior Sister Zhongliu. Seeing that Senior Sister Sixth was about to fall into the boundless black shadow, they wanted to stop the castration of Senior Sister Sixth from one side, but the result was unexpected. Given my strength, even if Wang Lang was seriously injured, I couldn't stop that blow. When I blocked Sixth Senior Sister's castration, I was knocked into the deadly black shadow from behind. At that time, my back was already stained with black. At the edge of the shadow, he threw Sixth Senior Sister out in severe pain, and then used his right arm to hit the ground behind him with all his strength. With the help of the rebound force, he escaped from the black shadow. At that time, he thought that he would definitely die, but he didn't expect to fall. After landing on the ground, I found that except for the black shadow on my back and right arm, all the clothes were gone. There was only a sharp pain but nothing serious happened. Wang Lang didn't notice this move." Li Yan said this with a smile on his face. The fear is heightened.

After listening to Li Yan's account, Elder Peng and others couldn't help but cast their eyes on his clothes.

"Oh, that set of clothes is no longer there. Later, during the sneak attack on Wang Lang, when he ventured into the shadows again, all the clothes were corroded." When he said this, Li Yan's black face actually felt faintly hot. Fortunately, his face was dark, so it didn't matter. Show.

Elder Peng and others suddenly realized that Gong Chenying's injury was just mentioned in passing without going into details. Li Yuyin's charming eyes were looking around Gong Chenying's body with a look on her face. A weird smile. From Gong Chenying's simple sentences before and Li Yan's description now, she felt that there were some different meanings in them.

At this moment, Gong Chenying's expression was a little complicated. She didn't know about this before. She only knew that Li Yan saved her, and that all her attention was on the magical elixir and the navel ring. It was really I didn't know that Li Yan had been exposed to that terrible black shadow because he saved himself. Then he remembered Li Yan's torn robe, exposed right arm and back. For a moment, he felt mixed emotions in his heart, and he felt inexplicably moved. , there is a slight soreness in the nose.

"If he hadn't been torn apart and poisoned, he would have died at that time. And I was also killed by Wang Lang while I was in a coma. I never knew that this happened. He had already traded his life for me. The elders in the tribe often say that the navel ring is their own life ring. Only the elder brother who comes by boat singing folk songs should see it. It turns out that these legends are true. This folk song should be A love song that blends blood and blood." Gong Chenying's thoughts flew to her hometown for a while. When she was a child, her grandma often told her about her brother and sister standing there.

The story of clear water and beautiful mountains, seeing through the heavy water mist, and melodious singing coming under the stars.

But when a few eyes fell on her, she suddenly sobered up a lot. Her heart beat faster, her face turned pale and she nodded quickly, saying in a low voice, "Yes, after he pushed me out, the back of the robe and The right arm was completely corroded."

It's just that her expression caught the eyes of several elders, who couldn't help but smile knowingly, and felt strange in their hearts: "No wonder this girl mentioned that she was injured in a fight with Wang Lang before, and she only said a few words in a hurry. It turns out that there is such a reason. "It's really hard to talk about it." They thought of one thing at the same time, that is, when Li Yan was blocking Gong Chenying's castration, the two of them must have come into contact with each other. How could an unmarried woman say this? No wonder the girl's pretty face turned red when Li Yan mentioned this matter.

These elders are all spiritual people. How can they continue to ask about this matter? After a moment of nodding, Elder Yi from Sixiang Peak spoke again, "Li Yan, after you came into contact with that deadly black shadow, you felt other sensations besides the huge pain." "?" He attaches great importance to this matter. In his opinion, this matter is more useful than the green gourd of the three sects. Who knows whether the wheel of life and death will continue to be opened next time.

"The slave family is also curious. That deadly black shadow can devour all things. All the classics kept by the sect are all recorded like this." Li Yuyin blinked at Li Yan with big eyes, which made Li Yan's pressure increase. .

Of course the others were also very concerned about this, and they all looked at Li Yan with burning eyes.

But Li Yan had a look of confusion on his face at this time. He shook his head first, and then nodded again as if he remembered something. "I remembered that when I came into contact with the black shadow, the severe pain directly entered my body and stirred me." , the fragmented poison body in the body seems to be very active, wandering around uncontrollably in the body. Now that I think about it, it seems that the severe pain wherever it goes has been relieved a lot. "

Li Yan is so smart. He can't act ignorant on this matter, nor can he act too clear. He has to blame Zhi Lidu for this matter in the end. Otherwise, he doesn't know anything, but it won't be justified and he won't be able to protect everything. These people will have their own intestines cut open when they go back.

As soon as Li Yan said these words, Elder Yi and the others nodded as expected. They had some guesses before that if there was any secret about Li Yan, it was that he had a poisonous body.

"Your poison-free body is really amazing. Not only is it so incredible, but your cultivation level is actually..." Just when Elder Yi wanted to continue asking, a dazzling multi-colored light suddenly shone from the spherical mountain peak in the center. He stood up and immediately interrupted the conversation of several people, and they all looked there through the light shield.

At the same time, the crowds on the surrounding peaks began to boil again.

"Come out, come out


, someone came out again. "

"I wonder who else is coming out?"

"It's been almost half an hour since the last time we came out. I don't know if it's the top three or the other teams behind."

"No one from the Demon Cultivator or the Pure Land Sect came out just now. It will be embarrassing if they don't come out this time." Someone gloated.

On the mountain peak where the Sprite Sect stood, Elder Peng had already removed the mask, and everyone focused their attention on the colorful light in the center.

That ball of colorful light was extremely dazzling. After the light slowly dissipated, what appeared in everyone's eyes was a large team of demon cultivators. The leaders were Jin Chuixuan and Wu Wu'an, and behind them were more than a dozen first-level demon cultivators. Beast, but at this time the two demons looked extremely gloomy. As soon as the light dissipated, the two demons immediately looked around and saw that there was no other person on the spherical mountain. The two demons were stunned, and then immediately turned their eyes to the sprites. Zongsuo stood on the mountain peak, with anger in his eyes. What disappointed the two demons was that they did not see the person they wanted to see. This discovery made the two demons look fierce. They were teleported out first. It seemed that they were teleported out. It should be in order from low to high.

Seeing nothing, the two demons stared at the Demon Sect fiercely. Without speaking to each other, they each led a team of demon cultivators and flew towards their respective tribes. However, while they were rising into the air, the two demon cultivators flew towards each other. The demon dropped a sentence at the same time.

"Is the Baili Garden of the Demon Sect still not out? I would like to learn a lesson again when I have time."

"Wu also wants to seek advice from Brother Baili and Brother Gan."

The two demons finished speaking and left directly, but everyone could hear the hatred in the two demons' words.

"Why did these two teams of demon cultivators come out in the same batch? It seems that the Sprite Sect and these two demon cultivators have developed a huge grudge."

"To be able to let the two clans of demon cultivators hold grudges at the same time, what did Bailiyuan and Gan Shi of the Monster Sect really do? Could it be that they killed their closest relatives and juniors."

"Hey, hey, hey, did you hear it? What they said clearly meant that Bailiyuan and Gan Shi of the Demon Sect seemed to be still alive."

"Yes, that's clearly what it means. It's just that these two teams of demon cultivators came out at the same time just now. Did the teleportation get the ranking or not?"

"In my opinion, this should not be teleported by the top three, otherwise how could the second team teleport out at the same time." The appearance of the second demon only caused a brief silence in the surroundings. After the second demon left, the surrounding discussions started again.

The monks of the Demon Sect had happy faces. Of course, they also heard another meaning of the two demons' words. As for asking for advice, they didn't care at all.

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