Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1821 The law of the jungle (I)

"Its body has some tricks, and it has a certain self-healing ability, but unfortunately it is still not strong enough to restore blood.

In has lost a lot of blood and qi, even if it has stopped bleeding later, there is not much blood left in its body."

At this time, Li Yan's voice came over. After exploring the surroundings, he slowly walked behind Bai Rou.


Bai Rou hummed lightly.

Then, with a light wave of her snow-white jade hand, the fiery red fox covered with blood and mud on the ground floated up and floated in front of her.

She just raised her other hand, and a red pill was already clamped on her slender jade fingers like green onions.

With a flick of her hand, the red pill turned into a red line and shot towards the unconscious fiery red fox.

At the moment when the red line reached the opponent's mouth, the mouth of the fiery red fox also opened immediately...

Then, the pill instantly entered the opponent's stomach!

The things of the immortals are the things of the immortals, especially for such a low-level beast. In just a moment, the fiery red fox's body immediately changed, and the vigorous blood and qi surged in an instant.

And Bai Rou did not wait for the opponent to wake up. With a stretch of her snow-white jade hand, the fiery red fox flew under her palm, and her palm pressed on the opponent's head.

Then, Bai Rou quietly closed her eyes, and Li Yan smiled and watched Bai Rou do all this after saying that sentence.

Soon, a series of pictures appeared in Bai Rou's mind...

A little fox and two big foxes were running on the grass. The two big foxes also had soft fiery red fur.

They ran in the spring breeze and in the sunshine. The two big foxes rubbed their necks against each other from time to time, and at the same time were alert to all the movements around them.

Whenever they looked at the little fox behind them, which was still struggling to run, their eyes were no longer cunning and clever, but filled with endless kindness...

The little fiery red fox was trying hard to chase a hare. The hare was already injured, but every time it was caught up, the hare would always kick it away fiercely, or even kick it directly into the sky.

Then when the little fiery red fox fell, the severe pain of falling made it constantly make painful sounds, and in front and behind them, there would always be two big fiery red foxes.

The two foxes firmly controlled the injured hare within a certain range, waiting for the little fox to wake up from the dizziness of being thrown.

Then there would be a big fiery red fox, making a very rapid hissing sound, and every time the little fiery red fox heard it, there would always be unwillingness or pleading in its eyes.

But the result it got might be a fiery red figure that suddenly rushed over and hit it hard, and then bared its teeth at it, staring at it fiercely with a pair of fierce eyes.

That was no longer the loving gaze it remembered. The little red fox could only whimper in fear with its tail between its legs, and rushed towards the injured hare again...

Under the dark sky, the little red fox shivered. It hid in a tall bush that looked like a towering tree in its eyes.

It was raining heavily in the sky, and the little red fox felt very cold. Not only did the rain wet its smooth fur, but the chill of late autumn also kept getting into its body.

It made its always soft, fluffy and warm fur hard like a hedgehog's needle tip, tightly attached to its body.

This made its body, which originally looked a little strong, suddenly reveal its true form, and it looked so thin and weak.

At this time, what made the little fiery red fox feel terrified and even more chilled was that in the bush beside it, a big fiery red fox with the same fur turned into "hard thorns" was lying in the rain.

The rain falling from the sky had already soaked its body, and there were two blood holes on its neck and soft abdomen.

As soon as the blood inside flowed out, it turned into a light red stream along with the rushing rain, and soaked into the earth along the grass stems under it...

The belly of this big fiery red fox was panting violently, and it kept making low whining sounds. The little fiery red fox was frightened and kept using its mouth and head to push the other's body.

In its memory, the other party was so powerful that it could easily knock it down, so it hoped that the other party could stand up quickly.

But no matter how it pushed and pushed, this big fiery red fox was no longer able to stand up, and it only made waves of whining, which urged it to leave quickly.

At the same time, in the heavy rain, there were fierce roars from afar from time to time, and at the same time, there was also a familiar voice of the little red fox.

But that voice had become extremely crazy, full of sadness and anger!

Not long after, the fierce roars in the heavy rain and the familiar crazy cries of the little red fox were getting farther and farther away in the heavy rain...

Since then, the little red fox has never seen the majestic figure that it once regarded as a mountain.

And that day, it also looked at the big red fox that raised it, staring in the rain with its eyes wide open, letting the cold rain fall into its eyes without any feeling...

Finally, the voice that kept urging it like a child slowly lowered until it could no longer be heard, and its abdomen no longer had any ups and downs.

Just as the fiery red fox was at a loss, it waited for the rain to stop and the sun to rise, but at the same time it also welcomed a black shadow in the sky, it was a goshawk!

The goshawk just circled and rushed down. The fiery red fox instinctively rushed to the depths of the grass, no longer caring about the silent fiery red fox.

When it ran for an unknown distance and was almost too tired to walk, it finally stopped and fell into a deep sleep.

Until it was awakened by endless hunger, the fiery red fox looked around in horror, with only endless fear and loneliness in its heart...

It could only hide and rely on the smell it left behind, and finally returned to the grass.

But there, in addition to the fallen weeds and the faint blood on them, there was no figure of the fiery red fox...

One day, in a valley, the fiery red fox dragged an injured hind leg, sneaking through the grass with difficulty, while carefully alerting the surroundings.

It felt very weak. Its last meal was four days ago, and it was already dizzy with hunger.

It knew that it would not live long. Now it understood that this injury meant that it would no longer be able to get enough food, and would become the food of other beasts.

It worked hard again today, but under the influence of its injured hind legs, it could not catch up with even a small lizard.

At this moment, it saw a small mountain crack. Based on its experience, there should be mice in this mountain crack, but it should not be able to catch up.

But the extreme hunger still drove it into the mountain crack. At least here, there were no natural enemies in the air.

It also had a certain guarantee for its own safety, but it did not get the food it wanted there.

Then, just as it was staggering to move forward, it was tripped by a pile of rocks in the dark cave.

The little fiery red fox felt that this pile of rocks was not bad, at least it could give itself some sense of security, and there was also a kind of airflow that made it feel comfortable.

So, it instinctively arched up one stone after another, trying to arch out a space for itself to lie down. It was almost completely out of strength.

Finally, there were a few stones that it couldn't arch up, so it fell asleep there. When it woke up, it didn't know how long it had been.

Although it was still hungry and weak, that sleep still made it feel better. It instinctively felt that sleeping here was very comfortable.

So it wanted to expand this place a little, and then pile up a circle of stones around it, which would be safer.

But there were a few stones lying there, so it kept trying to bite with its teeth and dig with its claws, trying back and forth, one by one.

It didn't know why it did it? Maybe it was because the previous sleep gave it a very comfortable feeling, making it feel that this place was good.

After digging and biting for a while, the little red fox was finally tired and didn't want to move. It couldn't get up at all, but there were a few larger stones that blocked the view of the caves on both sides.

This made it feel very insecure. In order to save energy, it finally bit and dug back and forth again according to the distance that saved the most energy.

When it wanted to bite a stone, it suddenly felt dizzy, and then in the light in front of its eyes, it was horrified to find that it had arrived in a strange place.

This was a place it had never seen before. The strong light from outside made the little red fox feel uneasy. It was afraid of being exposed like this...

After that, the little red fox was terrified and wanted to go out. With its shallow thinking, of course, it ran towards the direction with a gap regardless of everything.

But in the end, when it ran to the gate of the fence wall, it was immediately bounced back and then fell heavily to the ground.

After several efforts to rush out of the gate, it was bounced back, which filled the little red fox with fear. Its ears and fur fell to one side, and there was endless fear in its eyes.

It just wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. There was no thatch and jungle that it was familiar with here. The ground around it was bare, exposing it to the sun without reservation. That was the most terrifying thing.

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