Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1868 Who is testing?

As Li Yan and Li Yan sat here, they could even hear some words coming from nearby.

Li Yan also felt relieved. He was lucky and everything went according to his prediction. Otherwise, he might have to go through some trouble.

For example, if there are already people in the room I am in now, I can only find an opportunity to hide in and stun the people here...

All the rooms here have a set of formations, but once the restrictions are opened, many things will be isolated and the real interest will be lost.

Since everyone who comes here is here to feel the atmosphere, if there is nothing important to talk about, they will not activate any formations.

Soon after, several plates of exquisite food were served on Li Yan's table.

Some look crystal clear, like they are made from some kind of Ganoderma lucidum fairy fruit, while others are lush green, beautifully shaped, exuding bursts of fragrance, making people salivate after smelling them.

"Sister, please, just look at the appearance of these, they look very good. Try them and see if they are as good as others say!"

Li Yan smiled at Bai Rou and said lightly. The two of them started talking again while eating and savoring...

Sitting next to Li Yan were two men and one woman, who were surprisingly the three cultivators of the Yin-Yang Chaos Sect.

They were also admiring the beautiful scenery at night outside the window, and while tasting, they talked about some interesting things. However, this was done deliberately by the two male cultivators, hoping to divert the junior sister's attention.

The female cultivator surnamed Zhong would occasionally interject, but it was obvious that she was still a little absent-minded and could not adjust her mood immediately.

However, the vegetarian food here does taste very good. With some vegetarian fruits and vegetables, some can actually taste like monster meat.

The three of them had no intention of leaving in a hurry. The flowers in the lotus pond outside the window were like bright stars under the light of the house.

In the constantly blowing wind, some laughter from other houses also floated.

Several people next to the three female cultivators surnamed Zhong were whispering about the massacre of a certain sect by a certain underworld tycoon some time ago.

On the other side, there should be a man and a woman. They are also chatting about some unique features in Fengcheng. Their voices are also rising and falling, and it is not too clear...

At a certain moment, a woman's soft voice suddenly came to the ears of the three of them, but they could still vaguely hear the content of the words.

"Senior brother, when we came out of the backyard, I saw a person who looked like Liu Siyu at the front door of a courtyard."

"Liu Siyu? Didn't she mysteriously disappear from the sect a long time ago? How could she appear here? Did you see it wrong?"

"Probably...probably not. I have been in contact with her for decades, and the aura on her body has not changed much.

It's just that I don't know the other three people around her. Therefore, he did not rush forward to talk to her.

At that time, she suddenly disappeared from the sect, and we all thought that she had gone out to practice and died, but last time Senior Brother Ma from the inner sect said...she was going to do something..."

At this moment, with a "sudden" sound, the sound suddenly disappeared in the ears of the three people, and the window next to them was also closed instantly.

When the words "Liu Siyu" appeared, the three people in the room were all stunned, especially the woman surnamed Zhong, who looked sideways at the window on one side.

But the other party suddenly closed the window and made no sound anymore. This clearly activated the formation inside.

"What they were talking about just now was...Liu Siyu?"

Shortly after the sound disappeared, the female cultivator surnamed Zhong was the first to react. She looked at the two senior brothers in disbelief.

"Is it called Liu Siyu? But...but it doesn't sound like the person he was talking about is the same person. The woman said it was Liu Siyu, who is from the same sect as her.

But this person...shouldn't he come from a small family? "

One of the senior brothers said.

He felt that this was too much of a coincidence. They did not know about Liu Siyu's previous experiences, which had been hidden by Yan Qingchen. Only some people within the sect knew the specific situation.

"Can't a monk from a family enter the sect? We don't know much about this woman at all.

And that person also said that he had seen it before. Yan Qingchen said that after settling in, he would come over to taste the vegetarian food here.

Then if they were seen by someone, they might be the same person, and the other party also said that there were four people in total. "

Junior sister surnamed Zhong immediately retorted, and her eyes brightened at this moment.

"Junior sister, so what if they know each other? What do you want?"

The senior brother said with some displeasure. At this time, he had also activated the formation here. He also did not want the words spoken by the three of them to be heard by others.

"I think I can get Liu Siyu's past information..."

"Junior sister, you have gone crazy like this. Could it be that the sect didn't investigate Liu Siyu's origins and let her enter the sect?"

This senior brother couldn't help but get angry. After trying to persuade Junior Sister Zhong for so long, she still didn't listen to much.

"Second Senior Brother, did you notice that before the formation suddenly opened next door, the woman said that Liu Siyu suddenly disappeared from her sect, as if she was on some mission?

And before Yan Qingchen came back this time, he also went to perform a certain task for the sect. What is the connection between them, and what kind of sect are these people next door? "

At this moment, another monk suddenly spoke. With his words, Junior Sister Zhong nodded immediately.

"Yes, yes, these two people obviously don't know Senior Brother Yan and Master, so what is the origin of Liu Siyu?

Why did Senior Brother Yan say that she came from a small family that cultivated immortals? He didn't know whether Liu Siyu's true background was true.

As for the sect's investigation of the monks of a small family, if Senior Brother Yan guarantees it, they may not be able to investigate carefully, but for our sect, this may not be a trivial matter! "

Junior Sister Zhong looked like a drowning person, suddenly grasping a straw, and cast a grateful look at the senior brother.

What the other party said really makes sense. Yan Qingchen has disclosed very little about Liu Siyu's origin to the outside world. What does Liu Siyu hide? That’s not necessarily true.

"But who is next to her? What kind of cultivation level? How can we ask? And don't you think it's a coincidence? We were talking about her before, and now someone said similar words?"

But the second senior brother still shook his head, what if someone has a high level of cultivation? They won't pay attention to the three of them at all.

And here, they can't get some information about the other party by buying nuns.

In a city built by a sect like this and an industry opened by itself, if you inquire about the other party's guests, you will most likely be targeted by these nuns.

The other party just thinks that you want to cause trouble here, which is self-defeating, and it is too coincidental for all this to happen.

Based on the experience of this second senior brother, he felt something was wrong in his heart. He knew that Junior Sister Zhong was now in a corner and could easily see the existing doubts.

And who doesn’t understand the fourth junior brother’s thoughts? I always speak up for Junior Sister Zhong, but I tend to be biased in my judgment.

"Second Senior Brother, some information has been revealed in the other party's words. It is very likely that they are disciples of the same generation as Liu Siyu.

So the most cultivation level is the Void Refining Realm, but the most likely one is the God Transformation cultivator. We just need to go directly there.

If they act on their own initiative after meeting, as long as they don't take action here, what evidence can the nun here have? "

At this moment, Junior Sister Zhong's thoughts suddenly became very clear, and she grasped the content of the previous two people's words.

"But is it really such a coincidence? I even wonder if someone is secretly overhearing our conversation!"

The second senior brother still shook his head.

"This is really possible, but... Second Senior Brother, you can't deny that there are coincidences. Second Senior Brother, did you accidentally meet someone you know when you were walking outside?"

Another male cultivator nodded. At this time, after the second senior brother reminded him, he also thought of this and did not completely deny the second senior brother's suspicion.

He still had such vigilance, but he also raised another possibility.


After hearing this, the second senior brother immediately showed hesitation.

How could it be that I haven't encountered someone familiar unexpectedly while walking outside, and it has happened too many times.

"Senior brother, we just went over to inquire about the news. Is the news true or false? We naturally need to judge. For this, the two senior brothers are masters at this.

You don't know how many investigation missions you have carried out. If the news is false, the flaws in it will not escape the eyes of the two senior brothers.

If the other party is very difficult to deal with, we can just say that we have mistakenly admitted the person and walked to the wrong place and exited. How dare the other party dare to take action here? "

Junior Sister Zhong immediately said pleadingly.

She was very anxious at the moment, thinking that she must find out the origin of Liu Siyu...

Li Yan and Bai Rou are sitting in the house. They are no longer talking at this moment, but are eating quietly.

But Bai Rou would glance at the door from time to time, but there was always no movement there.

But Li Yan, opposite her, had no change in his expression and was just eating slowly.

Li Yan has cast a spell on Bai Rou. At this moment, Bai Rou only needs to keep from acting arbitrarily and not use her own magic power and consciousness.

He is completely a monk in the realm of god transformation. With the abilities of three god transformation monks, there is no way he can see through his own illusion.

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of the room they were in!

Bai Rou immediately looked at Li Yan. Li Yan's face remained calm, but a somewhat impatient voice had already sounded.


"Fellow Daoist Lin, it's us!"

A voice sounded outside.

"Friend Daoist Lin, you have recognized the wrong person."

Li Yan's voice was filled with dissatisfaction.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, is this wrong for you? You lost the last bet, and you have been avoiding us. I saw you walking in here before. What is your intention in doing this?"

Outside the room, the second senior brother spoke in a deep voice.

Now that they had decided to do it, they went straight to the door. They were monks from the Yin-Yang Chaos Sect and were very domineering in nature.

Although this is not the area under their jurisdiction, they have never been afraid of others, not to mention that their master is still behind them.

No matter what happens here, the other party will not take action immediately. They have left themselves an escape route. They are really untouchable people, so they can just apologize.


Li Yan's voice was full of anger.

"Bang bang bang!"

It came from outside again, but the sound was much louder.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, this is not right for you..."


The door to the room opened immediately!

The three people saw the situation inside at once. There was a man and a woman sitting in the room, and the two people were looking at the three people with angry faces.

"Have you three seen clearly? Now go as far as you can, otherwise don't blame me for calling people!"

It was obvious that the two men were very angry at this time, but they did not dare to take action here.

At this moment, the three people from the Yin-Yang Chaos Sect scanned over with their spiritual consciousness and saw clearly that there were two god-transformation monks inside, one in the late stage and one in the early stage.

The second senior brother's eyes flashed, but his face immediately put on a smile, and the three of them walked straight in.

"It turns out that it's really not Fellow Daoist Lin. The following people have to apologize to the two Fellow Daoists. These spiritual stone rights should be used to apologize for the offense just now!"

While he was talking, there was a storage ring in his hand, which bounced directly to the table.

Watching the three people walk in, Li Yan and Bai Rou just sat there without getting up. They were really not afraid of anyone daring to make a move in Yueying Inn.

The two of them stared at the three people who walked in, but did not pick up the storage ring that had fallen on the table.

At the same time, his spiritual consciousness swept inside and found that there were some high-level spiritual stones inside.

"Three of you, is there anything else?"

The voice of the big man Li Yan transformed into was cold, and his eyes were full of vigilance as he looked at the three people who came uninvited.

"Oh, there are indeed some things that may require help from my two fellow Taoists."

"Can I help you? Are you here on purpose?"

Li Yanhuo stood up immediately, and the pressure of the late stage of divine transformation burst out from his body, but he was able to control it well near his body.

"Two fellow Taoists, two fellow Taoists...please be patient. We don't mean any harm. I come from the Yin-Yang Chaos Sect..."

As he spoke, the second senior brother had a black and white token in his hand...

About half an hour later, the second senior brother and the other three looked at the opposite faces. The man and the woman were no longer very good-looking, but the second senior brother had a slight smile on his face.

"Then thank you two fellow Taoists. However, I hope you don't say anything about what you said today. Otherwise, if there is any problem between the two of you and your master, then you will have to consider yourself unlucky!"

When he said this, the smile on his face had completely disappeared, replaced by endless coldness. He was very confident in the sect behind him.

Since these two monks came from a sect that none of the three of them had heard of, it was a sect that was not popular at all.

But the other party knew about the Yin-Yang Chaos Gate, so the man and the woman should have a deep understanding of the weight of his words.

After that, the three of them opened the door to the room and walked out.

Before Junior Sister Zhong went out, she still glanced at Li Yan with her beautiful eyes, her eyes full of warning.

After the three people left, Li Yan waved his sleeves expressionlessly, the door closed instantly, and the formation here was opened again.

Then Li Yan and Bai Rou just sat there, neither of them talking anymore...

At this moment, in the room next to the two of them, the three female cultivators surnamed Zhong returned here again. They just closed the door, but did not activate the formation in the room.

Instead, he released a ray of spiritual consciousness to detect the situation of the man and woman next door. The two people did not leave immediately, but they had already activated the formation. What should they be discussing inside?

After they revealed their identities before, the man and woman there really knew about the Yin-Yang Chaos Gate, and their expressions changed at that time.

It was obvious that the other party's attitude was no longer tyrannical, but became a little nervous, especially the woman's expression became unnatural.

Seeing such a situation, the second senior brother felt more confident. He had spent much more time traveling outside than his junior brothers and sisters. He had already made some guesses in his mind through the other party's demeanor.

Then, they metaphorically inquired about the origin of the other party. The man and the woman did not want to say more, but only named a sect name that the three of them had never heard of.

This made the three of them feel that this man and woman must not come from any big sect, otherwise their attitude would never be like this. Moreover, they were from a "famous family" and had a broad vision. They basically knew about the big forces in the Cangxuan world.

The second senior brother did not take back the spiritual stones that he took out, but began to use words to coerce and induce...

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