Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 187: Not like the past

Li Yan walked over slowly until he sat down on the other side of the edge of the platform as before, still about ten feet away from the girl. The girl kept this posture all the time and did not turn her head to look at Li Yan, only her hands hanging in the air. His legs swayed gently outside the cliff, and his eyes looked into the distance with some confusion.

After Li Yan sat down on the edge of the platform, he lay on his back on the platform, his legs crossed on the edge of the platform, his hands behind his head on the ground, looking at the dark blue sky, biting a slender piece of bamboo in his mouth Ye did not speak. It was a piece of bamboo leaf that he tore off when he was restless on the road just now.

The two of them were just like this quietly, one looking at the mountains in the distance, the other looking up at the white clouds in the sky and the occasional flying birds. There was only the sound of the breeze blowing the bamboo leaves, which occasionally echoed. The chirping of birds came from far away in the sky.

After a long, long time, the sun set further in the west and the evening breeze became cooler.

"You have gained a lot this time. You should have reached the tenth level of the Qi Condensation stage. But be careful that your understanding and state of mind are not enough, and your foundation is unstable." The girl still looked forward, her long legs continued to swing, and she spoke lightly.

"Well, you should be upgrading too." Li Yan looked at the white clouds on the horizon that looked like jagged and protruding rocks. It looked like a steep mountain peak standing in the sky in the distance, but these strange rocks and peaks were all light yellow. , there is a sense of three-dimensional interlacing, reflecting the afterglow of the setting sun in the distance, coating the white with a layer of yellow light.

On the surface, Li Yan's realm is only at the eighth level of Qi Condensation, but because he has advanced so quickly during this period, his perception is really far behind, so there is a kind of disharmony in him, which can still be seen by a foundation-building monk. The aura on his body was somewhat incompatible with his realm.

In fact, Zhao Min had gone through a life-and-death fight in this secret realm, and his cultivation had reached the peak of the middle stage of foundation building, and was only half a step away from the late stage. However, the aura on Zhao Min's body was vague now, and Li Yan could only vaguely sense the difference. If he had reached The Qi Condensation Stage is complete, and with the power of the Guishui Sutra, one should be able to sense Zhao Min's true state.

"Well, after you build the foundation, you will go home as I said before." Zhao Min hummed, and then continued to ask softly. ??

"I have to go back. My parents don't know whether I am alive or dead... I haven't tasted the sweet-scented osmanthus cake for a long time..."

"How many years of raw materials do you need to make Osmanthus Cake?"

"Osmanthus cake is a kind of food, it is not an elixir. Every autumn comes..."

The two of them were talking quietly like this, but they seemed to be talking nonsense, until the huge full moon appeared over the platform, and the low hum of insects came from the bamboo forest, but neither of them mentioned Gong Chen Yingzhi. Things are just like before, they are just chatting quietly and looking into the distance. But tonight, the full moon above the head cannot encircle the two figures in the same circle. Each of them occupies half of the edge of the full moon. …

The full moon is like a halo, the stars are sparse, and the sky is empty


The valley seemed to be asleep, and only the occasional whisper from the platform would break the hum of insects in the ordinary tranquility.

At night, the bamboo shoots that had just sprouted from the ground outside the platform fell down with their roots and loose mud, and fell into the endless abyss, leaving only a pit and a few threads in that place. Roots...


In Li Yan's Xiaozhu courtyard, the seven people from Xiaozhufeng gathered here. Even Yunchun came after returning for a long time to recuperate. At the same time, there were also two girls from Bulifeng.

When Li Yan came back, several people had already arrived at the entrance of his courtyard. When Lin Daqiao saw Li Yan, he jumped over and gave him a bear hug. Li Yan also showed a knowing smile. Behind Lin Daqiao was someone with a The fifth senior brother Wen Xinliang smiled evilly, as well as Gong Chenying who was leaning on the ink bamboo, and Yun Chunqu who was sitting cross-legged on the ground not far away.

Li Yan came back alone. When he saw the bright rabbit Dongsheng, Li Yan stood up from the platform and patted the dust on his body. He glanced at Zhao Min who had no intention of getting up and said, "I'm going back first." "

"Yeah." Zhao Min still didn't turn his head, but looked at the rising full moon carefully, as if to see everything in the bright yellow light. After hearing Li Yan's words, he hummed softly and kept silent. say.

Li Yan glanced at the girl under the moonlight and walked away. However, as his footsteps gradually faded away on the bamboo path, the girl's body trembled slightly and she whispered, "Sixth Senior Sister, why do I feel a little disappointed?"

The full moon, the platform, the girl, and the cyan mountains under the blurred endless night.

Zhao Min was the last one to come. She had changed into white clothes. The white clothes were better than snow. She floated in, still looking cold and cold. The moonlight shined on her jade-like cheeks through the gaps between mottled bamboo leaves. There were more. There was a sense of tranquility and whiteness. As she entered, it was as if there was a cool autumn night in Li Yan's bamboo courtyard. Lin Daqiao and the others who were enjoying themselves could not help but silence themselves. The entire bamboo courtyard suddenly became silent. Come down. Zhao Min was as usual, calm, cold, taciturn, and just walked slowly.

It's just that this look is a little different to Li Changting and Li Wuyi who are familiar with her, but for a while they couldn't tell what the difference was.

In the silence of everyone, Zhao Min, like a white cloud with halo under the moonlight, came to Gong Chenying's side, sat next to her on the stone bench, then looked at Li Changting, her red lips lightly Kai "Where's the wine?"

As Zhao Min asked for wine, the small courtyard suddenly became lively. Li Changting smiled brightly and set up six celadon altars like a magic trick. Then he waved his jade hand again, and small wine bowls appeared on the stone table one by one. superior. Miao Wangqing smiled softly while her big eyes flashed, and unexpectedly took out the storage box

Platefuls of delicacies were taken out of the bag, and the stone table was immediately piled full of them. Some of them were actually the meat of rare monsters rarely seen in Shiwanda Mountain. Suddenly, the bamboo courtyard was filled with aroma and light. The color makes people's index fingers move, and Wei Chituo and Lin Daqiao's eyes sparkle.

Miao Wangqing glanced at Li Changting with a look in her eyes, and then glanced at Li Wuyi aside. At this time, Li Wuyi's eyes were a little dazed, and he kept staring at the row of celadon altars. , suddenly Li Wuyi coughed dryly, "Oh, I still have two jars of pear blossom wine given by my master. I have been drinking it very much, so I will drink it with you. Junior sister Li's wine is too strong." , Brother Yu is too drunk, so all junior brothers and sisters should drink more, ah, haha..."

As soon as Li Wu finished speaking, a black wine jar appeared in his hand. Without waiting for anyone else to say anything, he waved his hand and smashed the mud seal on it. Under the astonished eyes of everyone, he poured a bowl directly in front of him and then put the wine jar in front of him. The jar of wine was placed under his stone bench, as if he had held it between his feet intentionally or unintentionally, for fear that others would snatch it away.

When Wei Chituo saw this, he couldn't help but curl his lips. He picked up a celadon jar and said, "Let's start drinking." He couldn't wait to break the clay seal and poured it directly into the bowl.

On the side, Li Changting looked at Li Wuyi with a half-smile. Li Wuyi felt his heart tremble at the sight. Just as he was about to speak, he felt that his eyes were blurred. The pear blossom wine he had just poured in front of him had been wiped out by someone. After taking it away, he couldn't help but feel furious that someone was snatching food in front of him, the top expert in building the foundation of Xiaozhu Peak. He was about to scold him, but when he looked up, he was stunned.

Li Yan held the pear blossom wine in his hand and said with a smile, "I am young and not good at drinking, let alone strong alcohol. First of all, thank you to Senior Sister Li and Fourth Senior Sister for their warm hospitality. Then I would like to thank all the senior brothers and sisters for taking care of me these years. First of all Do it out of respect!" He said these words very smoothly, and while Li Wuyi was stunned, he drank it all in one gulp, and even lit up the bottom of the bowl. There was no trace left, and he was sincere.

When the others saw this, they opened the mud seal and poured the wine. For a while, a strong aroma of wine filled the whole courtyard, making people take a few deep breaths. The wine bug had already hooked up. But under the shadow of the bamboo, few people really paid no attention to the color of the wine. Wei Chituo, Lin Daqiao, and Wen Xinliang had already impatiently picked it up and drank every drop in one gulp.

Gong Chenying's body seemed to have become more tense since Zhao Min sat next to him. At this time, he picked up the wine bowl, glanced at the wine bowl, and frowned, but saw Zhao Min and Wei Chituo, who were all in a row. Without looking at the wine bowl, he drank it all in one gulp.

Gong Chenying just had a meal, and then drank it all without hesitation. As soon as the wine entered her stomach, it was like a line of fire rising from her lower abdomen. In an instant, her whole body seemed to be on fire. The power of the medicine that she had suppressed seemed to It was like being ignited, and it was like a wave that wanted to flow away all over the body. This made Gong Chenying couldn't help but be shocked, and hurriedly mobilized all the spiritual power in his body.


Pressing hard on her Dantian, she blocked the frenzy that was about to burst. Her face became even more flushed. She couldn't help but secretly thought, "What a domineering wine. I've heard that Senior Sister Li's Gu wine is one of the best. At this time, If you do it, you will get twice the result with half the effort." But that's all she thought about at this time. The power of the wine was suppressed in her body, and it would have a complementary effect with the remaining medicinal power after being catalyzed later.

Yunchun also drank it all in one gulp, his eyes lit up, and he drank "good wine", then he poured another bowl without waiting for the others, drank it all in one gulp, and then threw the wine bowl away without eating a bite of the food. , he actually sat up cross-legged and meditated on the spot. In an instant, white mist rose from his body, and he used the wine to heal his wounds.

Li Wuyi glanced at those people, with admiration rising in his eyes. After glaring at Li Yan, he reached out and took out the pear blossom wine under the stone bench. Unexpectedly, he felt a fragrance coming from his nose, and it was already there for a while. A jade hand stretched out and snatched the jar of pear blossom wine. Li Wuyi was so skilled. He was about to use his strength to shake the hand away when he heard a charming smile coming from his ears: "Brother Wuyi, take it back and try." , Believe it or not, I will come to Xiaozhu Peak every day from tomorrow.”

Li Wudun's hands trembled for a moment, and his face showed a sly smile, he still dared to exert force.

Then, a few inches away from his face, Li Changting's beautiful face appeared, holding the jar of pear blossom wine with a smile.

"Junior Sister Li, Brother Yu really can't drink strong alcohol." A smile appeared on Li Wuyi's handsome face.

"Huh, I can't help you today." Leaving Ting snorted.

At this moment, in the midst of an exclamation, a trembling voice sounded from the side, "Ah, this...this...what is in this wine?" Everyone looked around, and it was Miao Wangqing who was holding the wine. Bowl, looking into the bowl with a hint of fear in his eyes.

When everyone heard this, except for Li Wuyi, Li Yan, Zhao Min, and Gong Chenying, the others were stunned and looked into the second bowl of wine that had just been poured. According to the eyesight of an immortal cultivator, as long as they wanted to see But he could see it very clearly, and just this look made Lin Daqiao jump up from the stone table.

"Oh my god, it's a Gu insect!" Lin Daqiao exclaimed.

Wei Chituo and Wen Xinliang were also shocked. The hand holding the wine bowl trembled and they almost threw the wine bowl on the ground. They couldn't help but look at Li Changting.

Fortunately, Yun Chun had already entered samadhi to heal his injuries, and he was considered the calmest person.

It can be said that this poisonous insect was not unfamiliar to the monks of the Wuliang Sect, and even felt familiar with it. However, this was only true for the monks of the Buli Peak. The monks of the other peaks were still somewhat wary of it, especially since it was beyond their psychological endurance to eat it raw. Fortunately, they were all monks of the Wuliang Sect after all, and were not unfamiliar with poisonous insects. They did not lose their composure in fear. For example, with Miao Wangqing's weak character, it was rare that he still held the bowl and did not throw it away after seeing it.

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