Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2016 Weakness and Power

But when he saw the girl following behind him, Li Yan felt helpless. This senior sister from the Four Elephants Peak was unwilling to accept the 1,000 spiritual stones after Li Yan dealt with Sun Guoshu's matter. Even if Li Yan finally proposed to give each of them half, she just shook her head silently. Li Yan couldn't force her hand to go, so he had to give up for a while and think about what reason to say. If the other party really didn't accept it, Li Yan would not be polite in the end.

Once this matter was delayed, and Sun Guoshu slowly found out about the raw materials for him, Li Yan lost the intention to continue looking in the free market. However, when he walked out, the girl also quickly followed him, which made Li Yan stunned and couldn't help but look back at her. The girl's jade face flushed when he saw her, and she was a little at a loss. She whispered, "Li... Li... Li Junior Brother, are you... are you also going back to the sect? I... I... can we go together?" The last part was almost like the low buzz of a mosquito, and Li Yan could hardly hear it clearly.

Li Yan couldn't help but look at the girl a few more times, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't tell that this pretty girl was a powerful foundation-building cultivator. She looked like a beautiful girl from a small family, so helpless when encountering things.

Li Yan's look made the girl even more nervous. She couldn't help but twist her hands harder and squeeze the puppet she had been holding. She thought Li Yan didn't want to, so she hurriedly said, "Junior brother, I... I have a flying magic weapon, which is very fast. You just need to sit on it. You don't need to do anything."

Li Yan was stunned when he heard it. He didn't expect a powerful foundation-building cultivator to be so timid by the scene in the free market just now. He smiled. Anyway, he had to go back. Besides, this senior sister did seem to be a little too frightened. He looked up at the sky and estimated the time.

Seeing that Li Yan didn't answer immediately, but just smiled at himself and looked at the sky again, the girl from the Four Elephants Peak couldn't help but feel more anxious. She was really a little scared about the nearly thousand miles she had to go back this time. Just as she was about to speak again, Li Yan had already looked at her again.

"Of course it's okay, but it's not just the two of us, but four people, including my fifth and seventh senior brothers. It's almost time, so let's go to the west gate to find them and go back together."

After hearing what Li Yan said, the girl couldn't help but feel happy. When she heard that there were two more people, she smiled happily. Then the girl hesitated and whispered to Li Yan if she could delay for a little longer. She wanted to buy some materials she needed in the free market, and repeatedly said that it would only take half an incense stick of time, which was dispensable for Li Yan, so she agreed.

In the following period, Li Yan's bargaining skills made the girl sister tremble with fear, fearing that Li Yan would annoy the stall owner by talking nonsense, and he would be driven away directly, and she would not be able to buy raw materials. But fortunately, every time she almost pleaded, Li Yan always stopped bargaining when the stall owner was extremely impatient, and finally saved her more than 400 spiritual stones. The girl sister was full of admiration for Li Yan.

Flying is not allowed in the city. After the two of them left the free market, they walked all the way to the west gate. On the way, Li Yan also learned the girl's name and why she was familiar with him. ??

The girl's name is Bai Rou. She has been in the sect for fifteen years. She is a cultivator from a small sect called "Muliu Sect" nearly 400,000 miles east of here. The cultivators of this sect are good at puppetry. Their own attacks are medium, but they can use puppets to exert a powerful combat power that exceeds the cultivators of the same level. Because they are only obsessed with puppetry, the elder with the highest cultivation level in the sect is only a cultivator in the late foundation building period. However, thousands of years ago, "Muliu Sect" was still very powerful and was once a first-class sect. However, after the mysterious disappearance of the three Jindan elders, it began to fall from grace and finally fell to the point of being a gatekeeper. There are only thirty cultivators in the sect, and they have been in seclusion for many years to study puppetry, which makes this sect even more unknown.

Bai Rou is the best of this generation. She is talented and cultivates very fast, especially obsessed with puppets. Because of this, she delayed her cultivation. She was only in the Condensation Stage until she was 18 years old. Then she was noticed by a Jindan cultivator from Sixiang Peak who had come here for training. He was amazed by Bai Rou's cultivation talent and puppetry skills and brought her back to Sixiang Peak. After Bai Rou arrived at Sixiang Peak, her formations and mechanisms made great progress. To put it bluntly, puppets are also composed of small formations and prohibitions, and the resources of Sixiang Peak are not comparable to those of Muliu Sect. Bai Rou is like a fish in water, but her cultivation did not succeed until last year. Not many people in other peaks know her. She almost never leaves the house. It was only today that she left the sect alone for the first time in the past 15 years.

Li Yan couldn't help shaking his head when he heard this. There is a reason why a sect like Bai Rou has declined. No matter how powerful the puppets are, they must be used by people with combat experience. If the sect blindly works behind closed doors, it will only decline slowly. Bai Rou said that when the three Jindan elders were there, Muliu Sect was also very powerful, and often sent disciples out for trials. However, later on, the foundation-building master and the two elders were extremely obsessed with puppets, and ignored the affairs of the sect's disciples, which led to this situation. When Bai Rou said this, there was a hint of sadness on her pretty face. Li Yan knew that she was thinking about her childhood master again, so he did not speak, but slowly walked forward side by side.

After a while, Bai Rou raised her head and said that she had seen an image of the sect carved into the puppet when she was a child. It was a scene of the former Muliu Sect senior Jin Dan fighting with others. , but with the disappearance of the golden elixir, their sect has become even more low-key, let alone fighting with others. This shows that people who are good at controlling puppets are also extremely powerful. Li Yan also nodded silently after hearing this. The art of puppets is to cultivate immortals. It was a very important branch of the branch. Although he didn't know much about it, he knew how important it was just by looking at its inheritance.

The two of them chatted all the way and unknowingly arrived at the west gate of Fang City. During this journey, Bai Rou gradually became more fluent in speaking, but her voice was still soft, as her name suggests.

Just as Li Yan and Bai Rou approached the west gate, two monks wearing the costumes of the Demon Sect were already standing by the road inside the city gate. They were looking in the direction of Li Yan from a distance. However, when Li Yan and Bai Rou looked at each other at the same time, When he appeared in their sight, the fair-skinned and tall young man couldn't help but open his mouth wide, then raised his hand and pointed at Li Yan, seeming to be saying something. Another young man with a lazy face was stunned at first, but then he laughed evilly, and Li Yan also saw the two people from a distance, it was Lin Daqiao and Wen Xinliang. It seemed that he was in the free market because of

The event came too late.

Soon, Li Yan and Bai Rou arrived in front of them. While Bai Rou's cramped jade hands kept rubbing, Lin Daqiao rushed over, pushed Li Yan away, and said, "I "Junior brother, your abilities are really becoming more and more unclear. I haven't seen you for an hour. Where did you find this beautiful junior sister from Sixiang Peak? This junior sister looks familiar. Have we met?"

Li Yan was staggered by him. Hearing Lin Daqiao's words, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly. This seventh senior brother still had such a character, he would just talk to himself regardless of the occasion. Bai Rou was startled by Lin Daqiao's move. After hearing what he said clearly, her pink neck turned red immediately, her head dropped to her chest, and she said in an inaudible voice, "See you... see you... ...I have met two senior brothers, name is Bai...Bai Rou."

"Bai... Rou, Bai Rou, Bai... Oh, so you are Junior Sister Bai Rou. I know your name, but I have never seen you on the Four Elephants Peak. I heard about your puppet skills. It's amazing..." After hearing this, Lin Daqiao tilted his head and thought for a moment, as if he immediately remembered someone.

His sudden enthusiasm made Bai Rou feel at a loss and she involuntarily shrank behind Li Yan.

Wen Xinliang, who was behind, also looked at Li Yan with bright eyes, then looked at Bai Rou, but did not speak. ??

Li Yan had no choice but to say, "Senior Brother Seven, please don't scare Senior Sister Bairou. This is her first time coming to Fangshi, and she is here alone..."

Next, he briefly talked about Bai Rou's visit to Fangshi, but he didn't mention the matter of Sun Guoshu. Now that Sun Guoshu was working for him, he didn't want to cause trouble because of Sun Guoshu's disrespectful remarks about the Sprite Sect. Senior brother, if the next time he encounters the same fate as the two Hongchanmen women outside the city, he will have wasted his efforts.

He just said that Bai Rou came by herself, and after meeting her fellow disciples, she proposed to go back together, and he agreed.

Hearing that Bai Rou was going to travel with the three of them, Lin Daqiao's eyes flashed with excitement, and he said repeatedly, "Envoy, envoy, I didn't expect that this was the first time for Junior Sister Bai to go on a long trip. If you go alone next time, you can ask me to come with you, Senior Brother." , I usually stay in the mountains, it’s still easy to find.”

After Li Yan explained the origin of the matter, Bai Rou gradually calmed down. She just heard what Li Yan said about the free market and passed it by without mentioning anything about helping her. She felt a little strange in her heart, but she was rarely talkative. People who are taciturn don't like to speak much, so they won't say much.

Later, when she saw Senior Brother Lin from Xiaozhufeng speaking openly and looking like a straightforward person, her nervousness gradually began to disappear. She raised her head and slowly showed a smile on her face. This smile was really beautiful. Chun Hua, the three of them were stunned when they saw this, which made Bai Rou immediately lower her head shyly, which was particularly pitiful.

Seeing that it was getting late, the four of them stopped delaying and went directly out of the west gate, quickly heading west thirty miles away.

More than an hour later, the mountain gate of the Sprite Sect that reached into the sky was already in sight. The four of them stood on top of the warm purple butterfly, talking in a low voice.

"Oh? According to what Junior Sister Bai Rou said, my flying magic weapon can fly faster?" Wen Xinliang was a little surprised.


Looking at Bai Rou.

"Sister...Junior sister doesn't dare to lie. Although Senior Brother Wen's flying magic weapon is not a middle-grade one, it is still an elementary-level weapon. Junior sister is not very familiar with this type of weapon refining, but during the flight just now, it was I saw that there are two spiritual stone slots that are in a slightly off-center position. It seems... it seems... it seems that when walking through the formation route, it is obviously detoured, and in the process, spiritual energy will flow out. These two points are at least There should be some shortcomings for this magic weapon." Bai Rou lowered her head and pondered, then raised her head and spoke slowly, but at this time, there was still a slight look of weakness on her face, but her eyes were full of confidence.

"I have long heard that there is a junior sister surnamed Bai in Sixiang Peak. She is a master of mechanisms and formations, but she rarely shows up. I didn't expect that when we met today, junior sister Bai could see the problem just by using Wen's flying magic weapon. This This magic weapon was purchased from a down-and-out late-stage foundation-building monk from the market a few years ago. At that time, the monk once said that although this flying magic weapon was already the top among junior magic weapons, it was only a master of the weapon refinement. When I was refining this object, due to the limitations of my own formation cultivation, I designed two spiritual stone slots several times, but I was not very satisfied with them. In the end, I had to place them in the way I thought was best. Today, they were Junior Sister Bai could see something was wrong at a glance. I had asked some senior brothers from Sixiang Peak to see it before. It was possible to re-engrav the entire formation, but they were unsure about modifying two of them, but I didn't want to lose this. The original nature of the magic weapon has been put down." After hearing this, Wen Xinliang couldn't help but nodded repeatedly and praised it.

"I have also heard of Junior Sister Bai. I once wanted to ask Junior Sister Bai to help me burn a set of formations on the weapons. I just asked a few people and none of them were familiar with you. I only heard that you and Senior Sister Wei Feng were friends. Very good, but I am not familiar with her anymore." Lin Daqiao also looked at Bai Rou with hope in his eyes.

Bai Rou still looked extremely confident just now, but after listening to the two people's words, that confidence completely disappeared from her face in an instant. Blushes appeared on her face, and she quickly lowered her head again. Unexpectedly, Li Yan and the others had seen her changing state more than ten times along the way, and they had gradually become accustomed to it.

Li Yan has been listening quietly beside him. He is very unfamiliar with battle techniques, magic weapons, puppets, etc. He has gained a lot of knowledge by listening to the three of them along the way. But after seeing Bai Rou's repeated contrasts, I thought to myself, "This Senior Sister Bai is quite interesting. When talking about anything else, she always looks unconfident and even evasive. She only talks about puppets and formations." When I was on the road, I suddenly felt like a different person.”

After a while, Bai Rou still lowered her head, as if she didn't dare to look at the three of them. She said softly, "Senior Brother Wen's magic weapon, the two spirit stone tank girls can try to improve it, but they still have to keep it consistent with the original formation. The synchronization of the method and modification without destroying the original formation may take some time, estimated to be about five days. However, except for the refining of puppets and mechanisms, I am not proficient in other types of weapon refining. At that time, senior brother will need to redraw the formation and find new people."

Wen Xinliang couldn't help laughing after hearing this. He had exactly what he meant, but it was hard to speak directly when they met for the first time. At the same time, he also understood what Bai Rou meant, which was to thank the three of them for taking her back to show their goodwill. .

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