Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2038 Who knows the meaning of falling flowers, or flowing water?

"I know you will wonder if this is using her and using Min'er as a shield. Actually, there is a little meaning in it, but more of it is my understanding of Min'er. She should have told you that she longs to live in the secular world. Has she expressed the idea of ​​walking in the secular world?" Gong Chenying looked at Li Yan calmly, his eyes full of seriousness.

Li Yan was stunned when he heard it, and then nodded. What Gong Chenying said was indeed what Zhao Min expressed. It was a desire that was revealed inadvertently, and he also saw that Zhao Min seemed to have a very strong desire for family affection. It seemed that a stubborn knot had formed in her heart. Whenever she was with him, she always looked up at the full moon with her fair face, asking about the mundane things he had experienced, but never mentioned anything about cultivation.

Seeing Li Yan stunned, Gong Chenying spoke softly, "Although Min'er doesn't like to talk, my senior brother and I know her best among our peers. You don't have to be surprised. What's more, there is another reason for her to come, that is you. Although it's just a guess, when I asked if she would go out with you, she really agreed. With her character, as long as she thinks it's wrong, she won't compromise at all. .

Through this period of time, I have also figured it out. Maybe I intervened too much. It's great that Min'er can still be with me as before, but does she really not mind?" After saying this, Gong Chenying's tone was full of bitterness. In the past year, whenever she had free time to practice, she often thought of the entanglement between the three. From Zhao Min's silence and Li Yan's eyes, she has basically determined that the two of them at least had feelings for each other in their previous relationship. Even if it was friendship, Zhao Min's friendship was too little, and her nerves were so sensitive. And she was also in constant contact with Li Yan, and the long-forgotten girl's spring love had been ignited, which made her hesitate to leave.

After thinking about it, she made a decision after seeing Li Yan again yesterday. She simply tried Zhao Min and got the answer.

Li Yan saw this, his eyes condensed, and he couldn't help but stretch out his big hand, and actually grabbed Gong Chenying's delicate hand.

"Aying, I Li Yan swear that I will never have any feelings except you two in the future. If you break this promise, you must be under the heavenly tribulation...".

His action came a little suddenly. Gong Chenying's delicate hand was suddenly grasped by Li Yan. She only felt the temperature on her hand that made her heart beat, and her whole body was a little weak. Her face was as hot as burning. She couldn't help but look to the side of Li Wuyi. Fortunately, the two of them were talking to each other with their heads down, and they didn't pay attention to this place at all.

Gong Chenying hurriedly pulled her hand out, but failed after two attempts. Li Yan didn't actually use much force, and Gong Chenying felt as if she had lost all her strength, even the strength to pull her hand out. It wasn't until the third time that she managed to pull her hand out of Li Yan's hand. At this time, she could actually gasp slightly from her nose. The sound was very light, and Gong Chenying's neck turned pink when she heard it. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to stamp her feet and leave. However, with Zhao Min and the other person beside her, how could she dare to make a loud noise? She held back and didn't move. While her mind was in a mess, she heard Li Yan's oath and couldn't help but feel anxious. The oath of a cultivator is not something that can be said casually, especially when it is based on "heart demon" or "heavenly tribulation", which is almost 100% effective. Unexpectedly, Li Yan actually made an oath based on "heavenly tribulation", which scared Gong Chenying. She hurriedly interrupted, "Okay, I know, I know, don't say it, what's more, what's more, I'm not sure what Min'er thinks, and you don't know it either. She has an extremely stubborn personality. If she doesn't want to say it, it's useless no matter what you do. Otherwise, your meeting wouldn't have ended like this. You seem to know Min'er's thoughts..." As she spoke, she raised her jade hand again, eager to cover Li Yan's mouth, but halfway up, she hurriedly withdrew it and glanced to the side again. Fortunately, they were far away from Zhao Min and the others, and the conversation was very low. In addition, Gong Chenying felt something was wrong when Li Yan grabbed her hand, so she stepped to the side and turned her back to Zhao Min and the others, so they didn’t notice anything unusual.

Gong Chenying was afraid that Li Yan would continue to speak. She was actually very happy at the moment. After listening to Li Yan's words, the original grudge in her heart was also relieved a lot. What's more, the other person mentioned was Zhao Min. She hurriedly said, "I sent a message to Min'er yesterday, which can be regarded as fulfilling her childhood dream. The master also agreed after hearing it." Li Yan listened and suddenly felt that the cause and effect of this matter was a bit strange. And this feeling was not just now. After he came out of the secret realm, he felt that the relationship between Zhao Min and Xiaozhu Peak was strange, especially after seeing Zhao Min's soul lamp in the Soul Lamp Hall of Xiaozhu Peak, this feeling was even stronger. But Zhao Min didn't say it, how could he directly ask about the past experience of a girl? Now he felt that this matter was getting more and more strange, so he wanted to ask about Zhao Min's origins, but at this moment, Li Wuyi and Zhao Min walked over here together. Li Yan stopped talking helplessly, thinking that he had to find an opportunity to ask Gong Chenying directly, otherwise why did he always feel weird. Gong Chenying's words just now revealed that Zhao Min and them needed the master's consent to go out. Although Wei Chongran might have been Zhao Min's master in the past, she is now a disciple of Bulifeng. I think she has a new master, so she doesn't need to ask for permission for everything.

"Is Zhao Min and the master a relative? Or a distant relative, otherwise how could she come to Xiaozhu Peak when she was a child?" This thought came to Li Yan's mind, but before he could think about it, his thoughts were interrupted.

"Junior brother, you are all within the scope of the sect when you go there, and most of them can be reached through the teleportation array, so it's not a big deal. It's up to the sixth junior sister to lead the way. She still has a lot of experience outside, and her experience is not as good as I'm bad." Li Wu said to Li Yan with a smile as he walked over.

Li Yan and Gong Chenying turned to look at them. Gong Chenying seemed to be a little panicked and nodded in agreement. After Zhao Min came over in fluttering white clothes, he looked at Gong Chenying who was still a little red, and then looked at Li Yan .

"Let's go." In Li Yan's surprise, Zhao

Min actually spoke to him, her voice was clear and melodious, very pleasant, and then she stretched out her shiny jade hand and waved it in the air. In the flash of light, a green gourd appeared in the air. This gourd was green and translucent. It was filled with light, and runes were constantly flashing across the surface of the gourd. At first glance, it was something extraordinary.

As Zhao Min spoke, he flew up and stood at the tip of the gourd's mouth, standing in the wind, his white robe rustling.

Upon seeing this, Li Yan and Gong Chenying looked at each other, raised their hands to Li Wuyi, and both flew up. In an instant, they also stepped on the green gourd. But at the same time as Li Yan flew up, a message was transmitted to Li Yan. What sounded in his heart was Li Wuyi's voice.

"Junior brother, I will go to this world now and take more care of Min'er. If I can untie her heart knot, I will pay homage to you as a brother. I will shed tears of gratitude." After hearing this, Li Yan looked thoughtful and looked back at Li Wu deeply. Then nodded. He has been dating Zhao Min for several years, and of course he knows a little about what Zhao Min is thinking. Sometimes he wonders why a person cares so much about worldly life.

When Zhao Min saw that the two of them had stood up, he activated his spiritual power under his feet and took the clothes of the three of them flying. The green gourd floated through the sea of ​​clouds and flew away among the peaks.

Looking at the blue sky, the backs of the three people on the gourd among the clouds and mist were getting farther and farther away, as if the gods were disappearing in the painting. Li Wuyi murmured to himself, "Junior brother, please!", but leaned slightly and whispered, "But Why did the Sixth Junior Sister, who has always had a dull temperament, come with him?" He looked suspicious, and when he was about to turn back to the passage, the white light on his waist flashed, and he hurriedly sank in, and a voice came from inside. A nice voice: "Senior Brother, where are you? Sister Changting said that she just left the customs today and may be coming over later?" Miao Wangqing's voice was like the sound of an oriole. Li Wuyi was stunned and suddenly wanted to catch up with Li Wuyi. Tell them…………

Li Yan's heart returned like an arrow. Although he was calm on the surface, he was already flying far away in his heart. Their first stop was a super teleportation array on the back mountain of Zongmen Laojun Peak. This array could directly teleport them to 700,000 miles away. In addition, the spirit stones consumed here almost made Li Yan jump with physical pain. Just to go home, he gritted his teeth and admitted it.

After they teleported out, they reappeared in a strange world. After taking out the jade slips on the map, they identified the direction. Gong Chenying seemed to have been out for many years and was very familiar with the outside world. After looking at the jade slips given by Wei Zhongran, After looking at the map, the guide flew in one direction.

Along the way, the two women whispered in front of them from time to time. They looked at the white clouds and the numerous mountain peaks passing by, the vast land under their feet, and the endless forest. The two women seemed to be in a happy mood, and they spoke more often than they did. There were many more on weekdays, and occasionally there was a chuckle, which made Li Yan a little stunned when he heard it from behind. These two women are famous for being unparalleled in the sect. When did they have so many Laughter, at this time, was like a little daughter's home. Occasionally pointing to the forest, lake or the monster flying by her feet and whispering, from time to time there was a chuckle in the wind.

Those monsters, after feeling the powerful foundation-building aura of the three people,


, had already been far away. Even some second-level monsters in their own domain were instantly furious when they saw the three people flying so wantonly in the air. However, after seeing clearly the cultivation level of the three people, they chose to endure it. , roaring from a distance to vent the anger in his chest.

Li Yan also saw those second-level monsters, and he was very energetic. Although it was his first time away from the sect, he had already known from the classics that although this place was not a secret realm, it was also haunted by monsters. There were ghosts raging at night, and ordinary foundation-building monks did not dare to go out alone, so the three of them used their own aura to frighten them while flying, so those monsters did not attack.

But the two women in front actually pointed at this, "What's there to be curious about? You guys have been building the foundation for so many years, and it's not like you've never been out." Looking at the appearance of the two women sitting on the gourd's mouth, Li Yan I couldn't help but laugh, but then I thought of the reason. Depending on the purpose, a person's mood will be completely different even in the same environment. Just like a person goes to the same store to buy things. If he goes there because of a happy event, he will find anyone he meets on the same road pleasing to the eye and will take the initiative to say hello; if he goes this way because of a sad event, Buying things and meeting all the people would annoy him.

Looking at the pair of beauties sitting on the gourd's mouth, the two women were sitting on both sides of the gourd's mouth. Those slender thighs that made blood flow seemed to have amazing elasticity, and the two pairs of slender legs were swinging outside the gourd.

One has short hair on her face, one has black hair fluttering, one has healthy wheat-colored skin that exudes youthfulness, and the other has a complexion as smooth and attractive as snow, as beautiful as jade in the world. Both women are people who practice Qiongqi purgatory skills, and their bodies are amazingly similar. It's the best, with exaggerated undulations from top to bottom. You can tell at a glance that the skin has amazing elasticity. Occasionally, as the two girls chuckle, they occasionally gently bend their long legs and put them behind their hips. The undulating curves are sultry. The amorous feelings of a person make people feel a kind of madness and a desire to completely conquer them once they take a look at them.

Li Yan just looked at it for a few times, but his heartbeat was as loud as a drum. He had to close his eyes and exhaled a few deep breaths. For a while, he couldn't meditate calmly. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If there was only one woman here, The person I'm talking to right now is me, so why bother being so alone.

Li Yan closed his eyes and slowly calmed down, thinking of Gong Chenying's previous message, which told him that Zhao Min would not be out for too long, and would return to the sect after a while, because As she breaks through to the late stage of foundation building, Qiongqi Purgatory seems to be about to advance. For a cultivator, this feeling is rare. If you miss it once, you will either achieve promotion through countless hard trainings next time, or Waiting for the next time this feeling occurs.

"I hope this trip will also bring her a sense of perfection, which will be of great benefit to her future cultivation. Otherwise, with her qualifications, she shouldn't be in the late stage of foundation building now. She has a fettered heart and will eventually It's troublesome." Li Yan thought silently.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is here, and Li Yan returns with his beautiful lady. I wish all my book friends a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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