Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2045 Mountain Village, Road

The mountain road was rugged, but it couldn't stop the laughter from flying into the air. Amidst the sound of the cart, it turned all the way. Aunt Chang Bo Chang greeted the villagers coming towards her from time to time, and wherever they passed, they left behind everything. She had the same shocked expression, and Chang Bo hummed a folk song in a low voice. The old woman proudly held the somewhat restrained Zhao Min's hand, and then looked at Gong Chenying who was holding Xiao Wu on the other side, her face already filled with tears. The joy was blooming, and without others knowing it, she really thought she had married a daughter-in-law of several houses, especially when someone stood up in the field or walked towards someone, looking at the look of disbelief on the other person's face, the old woman They even loudly introduced to Zhao Min and Gong Chenying that this was Li Yan's second aunt, that was Li Yan's cousin, whose daughter-in-law had just entered the family, etc... Especially when it came to that. When asked about someone else's daughter-in-law, she even emphasized her tone, and occasionally looked at the two girls with a little hope on her face.

Li Yan easily pulled a cart of wheat, followed by Li Wei and Xiaoyu on both sides of the cart. One of them supported the wheat stack with a fork and walked with the cart. Li Yan looked at Zhao Min who was walking a little stiffly in front of him, and secretly smiled in his heart, "You guys The Immortal Cultivation Family, have you ever seen the enthusiasm of villagers and insisted on experiencing mortal life, this time it is you who asked for it. "

Zhao Min felt that she didn't know what expression to use. She wanted to laugh but couldn't do it naturally. When the old woman held her hand, she didn't feel uncomfortable because of the old man's rough skin. Instead, she felt a warmth coming from the palm of her hand. As it flowed over, she didn't know how to feel in her heart for a while. She just felt that the old man's hands were warm and kind, and a feeling of relaxation arose in her heart that she had forgotten for a long time. However, she didn't know how to express her emotions, so she had to remain silent.

Gong Chenying was a little less cold, and Xiao Wu in her arms would lie in her ear from time to time and talk about what she thought was a big deal.

"Sister, the day before yesterday, the little kite secretly took the old wine from home. He took a sip in front of us, but...but...he fell to the ground. Later, he was...carried back by Uncle Bai and was beaten. Where’s the butt…”

"Sister, look at the three fat aunts in the field. She is the worst. Yesterday she said it would be best if I wore a bellyband... the best look. She also took off my pants, and finally... ended up being fucked by Si Ya... They...they saw it, it was embarrassing."

"elder sister……"

Gong Chenying gradually smiled in his eyes as he listened, and asked softly about Xiaowu's affairs in the village from time to time.

As everyone knows, although the two of them are cold in their bones, in the eyes of outsiders, they think that this is the coldness they should have. After all, they are the daughters of a high-ranking official in the court, as Uncle Chang and Aunt Chang said. Even the young ladies from the families of several members of the family in the county usually look very aristocratic when seeing strangers approaching from a distance, and their faces are not very tight.

Soon, they arrived at the entrance of the village. At this time, many people had gathered at the entrance of the village. Everyone stretched their necks and looked into the distance. When they saw Li Yan's family in the distance, they started pointing and talking. The sound also became louder.

"I said, can you guys have some rules? Don't bring out the cheeky and shameless things you have at home.


, so as not to let Li Yan go back and be criticized. "Li Guoxin stood at the front of the crowd, with a slight anger on his face. As soon as he spoke, the surrounding area suddenly became much quieter.

When he was resting at home, he was thinking about how many days it would take for each family in the village to finish their farm work, and then they would have to go into the mountains to hunt. But unexpectedly, several loud exclamations came into the village. The mountain village was not very peaceful in the first place. It can spread throughout the world, not to mention several people drinking loudly at the same time.

When Li Guoxin walked out of his courtyard, he saw a figure running straight towards him, shouting as he ran, "Uncle Guoxin, that boy Li Yan is back and has brought two fairies with him..."

Li Guoxin quickly figured out the reason, and he couldn't help but feel happy. The village had relied on the belt that Li Yan had brought back all these years, which made him feel even more sorry for Uncle Chang. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find out any information about Li Yan. Unexpectedly, a magpie came to visit today.

Suddenly, the village felt like it was going crazy. Li Guoxin frowned, but he also knew that people in the mountains were like this. If he directly restrained them, no one would listen. But at that time, the village was too quiet and the atmosphere was lost. In the end, he didn't speak again.

As the mountain village approached, the small road turned into a bluestone road. Stepping on the smooth bluestone, Li Yan felt a very familiar feeling in his heart. He had walked barefoot countless times in his childhood, and the pits on each bluestone were , the grave road were all so familiar, and the sound of carriages rumbled. Through the gap between the figures of his father and mother in front of him, Li Yan saw many familiar faces under a few old locust trees at the head of the village. There were also many familiar faces among them. There were some strange people, most of whom were young women, and many of them had children in their arms. The person at the front was tall, thick and muscular, with a smile on his big face, and he was looking at Li Yan with burning eyes.

When Li Yan saw it, he hurriedly put the car on the side of the road, straightened up, and walked over quickly. He passed several people in an instant and reached the entrance of the village first.

"Uncle Guoxin" looked at the big man who was still as strong as a tiger, and Li Yan bowed respectfully.

"Hahaha, it's Brother Yan as expected. How dare I recognize you with your appearance." Li Guoxin looked at the young man who was already half a head taller than him and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Uncle Guoxin, I haven't seen you in the military camp for several years, but you are still the same as before." Looking at the big man in front of him, Li Yan felt in his heart that it was this man who sent him to the military camp, and all the cause and effect were attributed to him. It can also start, just like the past life and this life.

"Okay, okay, I haven't seen you for several years, and you have learned a lot. I don't think you are as knowledgeable as you when it comes to talent and talent. When you come back today, you also have to deal with the longing for your parents. Otherwise, I would feel wronged. They, hahaha..." Li Guoxin looked at Li Yan with a respectful attitude and couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, a hesitant voice came again, "Yan...Brother Yan." Li Yan looked over after hearing the words, but there was a big man like a black tower in the crowd. He was looking here hesitantly, wanting to come but not daring to come. look.

"Li Shan?" Li Yan looked at the vaguely familiar look on his face and spoke hesitantly.

"It's me, Brother Yan." The big man from the Black Tower scratched his head when he saw Li Yan looking at him.

"Haha, it's really you. With this change in appearance, I almost can't recognize you." After Li Yan smiled at Li Guoxin, he strode towards the crowd.

Li Shan couldn't help but feel happy when he saw that Li Yan didn't show any airs. He had already known from others that Li Yan was back, but when he saw Li Yan's outfit, he didn't dare to step forward.

Li Shan squeezed out of the crowd and came to Li Yan. Li Yan grabbed his big hand. Looking at the big man who was as good as himself, Li Yan smiled slightly: "Li Shan, you must be doing well in the past few years, otherwise what?" Looking so vigorous? By the way, where is Li Yu? "

Seeing that Li Yan was so familiar with his attitude, Li Shan felt even more relaxed. He grinned, "Li Yu, he is still in the city. He is now a chef. He can't escape easily. But I am Inmura." The middle farmer harvested, and many of the farm tools in the village were made by my master, so he sent them back together and took back the damaged farm tools for repairs in a few days. "

"Oh, that's a pity. I thought I could see Li Yu this time." Li Yan lightly punched Li Shan in the chest. ??

"Hey, what's the matter? This time I also used the master's two fast horses to pull the farm tools back. After a while, I rode to the city and called Li Yu. I think he will come back anyway." Li Shan Hehehe smiled.

At this moment, Chang Bo and his party had already walked over, but the moment they arrived, the place suddenly fell into deathly silence. This familiar scene, Chang Bo and Aunt Chang had long been used to it, and she couldn't help but There was some childish pride on the corner of his mouth.

Aunt Chang spoke hurriedly, as if she was afraid of being upstaged, "My fifth son is finally back today. No, he is in the north now... what is the north? Look at my memory. He is under Marshal Zhao." On duty, and, and, this is Marshal Zhao's daughter." As she spoke, she couldn't help but feel annoyed at her memory. The old man mentioned the place where Lao Wu was staying several times, but she couldn't remember it.

She gently helped Zhao Min forward, and then pointed to Gong Chenying, who was holding Xiao Wu beside her and was also very cool and attractive, "This is the daughter of the Royal Palace Physician Gong."

Everyone had already heard about the fairies mentioned by the few people who came back first, and although they had already had expectations, when they actually saw the two girls, their tall figure, cold and unparalleled temperament, and skin that could be broken by blows, all combined They are all unimaginably beautiful when they look up, so they can still


He was stunned, and when Aunt Chang spoke, there were sudden gasps from the crowd.

Especially the eyes of those young people showed shocking looks, and when these fell into the eyes of their own daughters-in-law, although they were smiling, they quietly stepped forward, pinched their husbands' hands or waists, and started to twist them hard for a while. The sound of breathing became even louder, but I don't know whether it was because of surprise or pain.

"This...this...this is your wife?" When everyone was surprised, Li Shan stared at Li Yan in shock and asked.

"This... this..., cough cough cough..." After hearing this, Li Yan reached out and patted Li Shan's shoulder, coughing a few times.

"You idiot, why are you asking such questions?" At this time, a young woman carrying a child about one year old walked out of the crowd and kicked Li Shan directly in the calf. Although this young woman was not very beautiful, her appearance was extremely delicate. She had a blush on her face and smiled gratefully at Li Yan.

Li Shan was in pain and couldn't help shouting, "How come..." But when he turned around and saw the delicate young woman, his voice immediately disappeared, and he immediately put on a smiling face, then turned to Li Yan and said, "Brother Yan, I can't do anything like this." Got a wife." After saying that, he pinched the face of the child in the young woman's arms. The child was obviously in pain and immediately started crying.

When the girl saw this, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, "You are a bastard, and you treat your own children like iron. You really don't want to come back after you go to the city this time." After saying that, he glared at Li Shan fiercely. He bowed to Li Yan again, but quickly went to comfort the child.

Li Yan looked at Li Shan with a smile on his face, and Li Shan froze there with a depressed look on his face.

After such a commotion, the crowd suddenly became lively, and the voices of praise came from the women's mouths. Many people came up to Aunt Chang, talked to Aunt Chang, and made tut-tut sounds from time to time. When he looked at the two girls, the place was very lively for a while.

Li Yan glanced at the two girls and saw that Gong Chenying's face was obviously red after listening to Li Shan's words. Zhao Min was stunned and glanced at Gong Chenying beside him, his body a little stiff. Still letting Aunt Chang hold her hand, she remained silent. Seeing this scene, Li Yan smiled in his heart.

"Okay, okay, everyone doesn't have to go back to cook tonight. They will gather in the village like a new year. Each family will bring out the hidden monster meat and their own good wine. Don't let the distinguished guests feel that I waited for the villagers to get angry, so you...went to the fields to call everyone back together." Li Guoxin waved his hand and spoke loudly, then pointed at the three thick leaves covering the sky at the head of the village. , under the old locust tree with the fragrant white flowers, people gathered here. He raised his hand again and pointed to two or three people and ordered them to arrange to search for the person back.

After listening to Li Guoxin's words, the village became more lively for a while. What Li Yan saw was Gong Chenying and Zhao Min's blank stares, and he couldn't help but laugh.

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