Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2048 Mountain Village, Time

After several rounds, the two girls gradually learned the trick, and finally they simply blocked their ears and eyesight to the point where they were no different from ordinary people. As a result, winning and losing began to change. Li Yan was drinking with a wry smile. They were close to the two altars, but on the other side, Li Yu, Li Shan and others were getting even stronger with the help of wine. Although they were already drunk, more people gathered around them and finally joined them. Even some women, girls, and children joined in, but not all of them joined Li Yu and Li Shan, but many joined Zhao Min and the others.

The two girls were also very interested, like two elves in a moonlit night. From time to time, they began to run between the wine table and the area where locust leaves were collected. Later, they also began to whisper in the ears of some children and girls, analyzing the other party's possible collection places. , and then directed the children to go forward. When the children returned holding a bunch of locust leaves high in the air, their eyes also turned into crescents. When they failed, they frowned and listened to other people's suggestions...

The moon was high in the sky and the night was deep, but cheers erupted from time to time in the mountain village.

In the distance, Uncle Chang and several old men in the village squinted their eyes, occasionally picked up a glass of wine, and took a sip with a "sizzling" sound, but a long-lost smile appeared on their faces...

It wasn't until dawn that everyone dispersed, leaving only a fresh day to come.

In the days that followed, Li Yan lived a long-lost life as a commoner. He took off his long robe and put on a coarse cloth shirt. He went to the fields to harvest, and to thresh wheat in the fields.

Zhao Min and Gong Chenying seemed to have forgotten Li Yan. Zhao Min and Aunt Chang picked up the bamboo baskets and went to the village to pick strings of locust flowers. When they returned home, Aunt Chang taught her step by step how to put them in. Minced green onions, flour, salt, etc., were used to make Sophora flower cakes for lunch, Sophora flower pork dumplings for dinner, and Sophora flower egg custard for breakfast. Zhao Min studied each item very seriously, although every time There were mistakes, but with Aunt Chang, a master who has been involved in home cooking for decades, beside her, and with Xiaoyu helping her from time to time, the food was quite delicious, which made Zhao Min satisfied every time he watched Li Yan and his family eat. There was a slight smile on his face.

Gong Chenying, as if the Holy Hand of Xinglin came to this world, deliberately extended the time to treat Li Wei's leg disease under Li Yan's instructions. However, after seven or eight days, the lameness that had troubled Li Wei for nearly ten years unexpectedly disappeared. Both Li Wei himself and everyone in the village were so shocked that they were cured. In addition, Gong Chenying subsequently nursed back and treated Aunt Chang Bo, which not only cured some of their old illnesses, but also secretly assisted them. With the help of the elixir, the two people who already looked old seemed to be more than ten years younger, with their faces rosy and their skin regaining its luster.

As a result, both young and old in the village immediately regarded Gong Chenying as a fairy who came to the world. After some troubles, several people began to come to seek medical treatment with worries on their faces. Although Gong Chenying could not speak well, Although there were many villagers, they did not refuse them and simply treated them one by one. In the end, more villagers came to seek treatment.

For a time, Gong Chenying's name and the name of the miracle doctor were unknown to everyone in the village. Even the figures of Li Yan and Zhao Min were covered up. However, as a result, other nearby mountain villages Everyone knew about this and came one after another. At first Gong Chenying still refused all comers, but gradually


Things have lost their flavor. Not only does she not charge for medical treatment, she also doesn't even charge for medicine. This makes the number of people seeking medical treatment more and more, and sometimes the people seeking medical treatment stay up all night. , rushed dozens of miles up the mountain to queue up, which left Gong Chenying with no time to meditate.

When Li Guoxin saw this, he immediately got angry. First, he severely reprimanded some women in the village. Most of them had reported the story of Gong Chenying's miracle doctor back to their parents' families, and then he kicked them back one after another. The parents asked them to wipe their butts clean, otherwise they would not return to the village.

Li Guoxin has an absolute status in the village. He is supported by a group of old people such as Chang Bo. In addition, he is the top in the village in terms of fairness in dealing with things and bravery in hunting. Once he got angry, except for a few elders, every family in the village was silent. Although the women were crying, they really didn't dare to stay in the village any longer. Each one of them had to be beaten by their own men when they were shouted at harshly. Picked up the package and returned to her parents' home.

Li Guoxin then organized the young and middle-aged people in the village to directly set up a card at the entrance of the mountain to deny entry to all outsiders. In this way, although the people who came were extremely dissatisfied, they did not dare to force their way in. Firstly, Li Guoxin was one of the best heroes in the surrounding area, and secondly, It is said that this miracle doctor is the daughter-in-law of the Li family in their village, and she is also said to be a high-ranking official in the court. The authenticity of these words is what the women who returned to their natal family swore to themselves. How dare they use force? No, if you offend someone, it's easy to kill them directly with officers and soldiers.

In this way, the matter slowly subsided. Li Yan had no choice but to shake his head and smile bitterly when he knew about the matter. It seemed that he had made a mistake, but good people were not so careless.

The days that followed finally returned to calm. Gong Chenying, like Zhao Min, was always pulled by Aunt Chang and Xiaoyu, and they did not give the women in the village a chance to get close. They took the two girls to pickle monster meat and collect it. Making wild garlic, baking pies, and making various snacks, the two girls were enjoying themselves for a while, and slowly began to compete with each other about who could make more delicious meals. They had long forgotten about the immortal cultivator's fasting.

During this period, Li Yan used his consciousness and spiritual power to secretly observe the physique of the people in the village, especially Xiao Wu, but he was ultimately disappointed. No one in the village had spiritual roots, so he was disappointed. Some of his original thoughts were nipped in the bud. What made Li Yan a little relieved was that the eldest sister and fourth sister Li Xiaozhu also rushed back after receiving the news. When the siblings met, there was another sigh. The two sisters saw Gong Chenying and Zhao Min again. Finally, his eyes were almost blinded by his own rubbing. Finally, he unceremoniously pulled Li Yan aside and asked for more details. He almost made Li Yan leak the identity of the two girls. Finally, he finally satisfied the two sisters. Out of curiosity, Li Yan quickly ran away.

The eldest sister Li Yan and the fourth sister finally enthusiastically joined their mother's team, and even showed off their special skills such as embroidery and textiles, making Gong Chenying and Zhao Min envious. Soon after, Xiaoyu was added to the team. The five girls even mingled together, and even the second girl who wanted to come back for a few days

The elder sister, however, kept putting off staying and was unwilling to go back immediately. Gong Chenying and Zhao Min also gave a lot of beauty elixirs in return, which the eldest sister, second sister and Xiaoyu regarded as treasures. However, Li Yan's second sister was married too far away, and it was difficult to inform her of the news, which made Li Yan feel a little regretful.

When Li Yan found an opportunity to hand over ten thousand taels of gold to his father, Chang Bo was so frightened that he almost bit off his own tongue. On Li Yan's suggestion, he thought it would be better for them to move to the city, where Xiao Wu could live there after all. If you study hard, you can't make a living by farming and hunting for generations, but Changbo couldn't let go of the place where his ancestors were born and raised, so he directly dragged Li Wei to talk all night. The next day, Li Wei's eyes were red, and he was alone. After going to Qingshan Pass, Li Yan didn't want to ask about the specific result. He had done everything he could. After he felt at ease, he took out the "Muliumen" puppet introduction technique that Bai Rou had given him. After careful study, the small mountain village returned to its former life.


A million miles away from Daqing Mountain, there is a place where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and it is like a fairyland on earth. There are many buildings and pavilions here, small bridges and flowing water, and there are many enchanting or beautiful women strolling there, or The fluttering clothes are like a fairy in a fairy palace slowly flying through the misty clouds.

This place is a place that many young talents who cultivate immortality extremely yearn for. It is called "Hongchan Sect", and all of its disciples are women. Although it is only a second-rate sect, and the sect's power is only about a thousand miles around, it is also in this area. The name is very famous. First of all, due to the special skills in the "Hong Chan Sect", all the women who practice the skills in the Hong Chan Sect are extremely differentiated in two directions. They gradually become either gorgeous and charming, and they can be beautiful with just a few gestures. It is charming; or it is fresh and beautiful, spotless like a fairy in the fairy palace. All this makes many young male cultivators extremely eager, always thinking about having such a dual cultivator.

However, not many people dare to go to the "Hongchan Sect" to mess around after being sexually anxious, because the head of this sect, "Fairy Hongzhu", is a mid-stage Jindan major cultivator, and his cultivation is just like his temper. The same aggression is like fire, and the combat power is also extremely sturdy.

At this time, there were two people standing in the hall of the main peak behind Hongchanmen. One was wearing a fiery red dress and her figure was so hot that it made people crazy. The already extremely loose long dress was under her plump figure. It looks extremely tight, and the undulating curves make people feel like they are in the midst of mountains and ridges. Three thousand black hair is tied into a bun on the top of the head. The face is pink and green, and a pair of phoenix eyes carry a trace of evil spirit.

Next to her stood a beautiful middle-aged woman wearing a green gauze cover. This beautiful middle-aged woman was about thirty years old. There was no trace of fireworks on her face. She looked like a hibiscus, but it made people look at her. , she looks so fresh, but the long green gauze dress she wears is translucent, with the breakable snow-white looming inside, and her plump hips show a heart-beating arc, not a looming hot desire. White and greasy, a contrast that makes people gushing blood makes people crazy, and her cultivation also makes people look at her. In the early stage of the golden elixir, at this moment, she is talking to the woman in the red dress with a face as quiet as a virgin.

"Master, are you calling your subordinates here because of the news that came last night? Is this the reason?


My subordinates have obtained information some time ago, and I heard that other chess pieces are looking for that thing everywhere. The specific results don't seem optimistic. "

The woman in the red dress didn't have much emotion on her face after hearing this. "This matter seems to be extremely difficult. Otherwise, why would you think of us again now? Didn't the message from last night also ask us to intervene in this matter? They also stated that There should be three items, but one has not yet been found.”

"Master, how do we find that thing? Now that there is an order coming, how can we find it?" The beautiful middle-aged woman thought about it for a moment and then asked.

"This matter is easy to solve. A magic weapon will be delivered in the next few days. I heard that as long as the thing appears within a radius of ten thousand miles, the magic weapon will be affected. However, this magic weapon is too precious. I heard that they also spent a lot of money on it. After tens of thousands of years, a lot of manpower and financial resources were used to refine only three pieces. From this, it can be seen that there should be at least two sects that are already searching for them with all their strength, but they don’t know which sects they are. ." The fiery woman in the red dress said calmly.

"We have always had a single line of contact, and we don't know the existence of any other sects at all. Even we have been hidden for hundreds of years. We only do trivial things to find out the news. This time, it was suddenly activated. It seems that the sect is concerned about this. We take this matter very seriously." As the Qingli woman spoke, she unconsciously moved her body slightly. It didn't matter that she moved. There was a vague white rolling that made people breathless.

"Well, Shangzong should have made big moves this time. By the way, you have to take good care of the girls below, and let them inquire about information according to their ability. Don't be like Cheng Huanqiao and Sun Meiqian last year, who don't know the depth. I actually wanted to seduce the monks of the Demon Sect, but was eventually found out and took my life. I almost exposed the hidden thread that was finally buried in the Demon Sect. If I hadn't deliberately gone to Fangshi to make a big fuss afterwards, I would have definitely caused the incident in the Demon Sect. Zong is suspicious." The woman in the red dress seemed to suddenly remember something, her eyes narrowed, and a trace of anger appeared on her beautiful and confusing face, but this anger added a bit of heroism.

After hearing this, the Qingli woman hurriedly bowed, "It's because my subordinates have neglected to control me. At that time, my subordinates were in seclusion to condense the golden elixir. Cheng Huanqiao and Sun Meiqian thought they had achieved a little success in their charm skills. After several attempts, they were invincible, but they were so complacent. I have already punished several elders for this matter, and everyone below is aware of it and will definitely not show up."

"That's good. You have to know what kind of sect the Sprite Sect is. In the past year, everything seems to be calm, but many sects have disappeared quietly. According to my guess, these disappeared sects may be like ours. It's also a lurking secret. It's very likely that they made some moves recently but were discovered by the Demon Sect or the other three major sects, and they were uprooted overnight." The woman in the red dress said here, and she directly switched to sound transmission. , the expression is even more solemn.

Mrs. Qingli originally had a calm expression, but after hearing these words, her expression changed several times. She had just condensed the golden elixir last year, and spent most of her time in seclusion to consolidate her cultivation, and such confidential matters Only the leader in front of her knew about it, but she didn't know anything about it. She couldn't help but murmured, "The entire sect...disappeared?"

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