Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2061 Moonlight over the Lotus Pond

After briefly introducing the courtyard, Qin Chengyi turned around and looked at Li Yan and the others seriously, "Qin took note of what several fellow Taoists just said. Since you all firmly believe that you are not the murderer, you can live here peacefully." Stay overnight. When Master comes back tomorrow, he will give you justice. However, I still want to remind you to have a good rest in your room and do not wander around. I think you all know the background of Xuanqing Temple very well. The only way to do this is to The formations are all out here. As soon as you leave this courtyard, your safety cannot be guaranteed. These formations were set up by the ancestor of Yuanying. Once triggered, it will be a golden elixir monk. It is difficult to escape, or you will be killed instantly. Please remember! Okay, you can each choose a room." After that, he made a gesture with one hand and turned around to leave.

After Qin Chengyi left, the five people in the courtyard also looked at each other. After the two men in black robes glanced at Li Yan, they set their eyes on the young man in purple robes. They let out a few strange laughs and turned around. They walked towards the house, then each of them chose a room and closed the door. The young man in purple shirt in the courtyard was stared at by the man in black robe with the sinister eyes. He looked blankly at the room of the man in black robe.

Li Yan's eyes flashed for a few times. He felt that when the two men in black robes finally looked at the young man in purple robes, they seemed to have murderous intent. The young man in purple robes' expression obviously changed a few times before returning to normal.

He shook his head slightly and didn't worry about it. Since it was a show, he should do it for a longer time. He couldn't bring out the Demon Sect just when he was not satisfied. He would have to wait all night. Thinking of this, he felt irritable. It was true that haste makes waste. Da. Then he showed a hesitant expression on his face. After looking around, he walked towards the room at the far right corner.

As Li Yan left, the purple-robed young man in the courtyard seemed to be awakened. He glanced at the two black-robed men's room again, and an old voice suddenly came from his mind: "Master, it's useless to worry." The young man in purple robes looked even paler. He gritted his teeth and walked directly to a room. However, this room was next door to Li Yan. It was separated by a few rooms from the two men in black robes. The master and servant were not separated. .

After Li Yan entered the room, his consciousness sensed the surroundings, and his facial expression returned to normal. He looked around and found that the layout of the room was almost the same as the side room he went to when waiting for the teleportation, except that there were faint traces on the walls of the room. The spiritual power fluctuated. After Li Yan's spiritual consciousness scanned it, he found that it was emitted from the spiritual stones hidden in the spiritual stone tank in the wall. There was indeed a set of formations here.

There is also a chair and a table under the wall window opposite the door. There is a square bronze token on the table, which is obviously used to activate the formation ban in the room. At this moment, three triangle-shaped luminous pearls in the middle of the roof are emitting soft white light. , this kind of luminous pearl, Li Yan knew, was not the common luminous pearl composed of spar in the world. It was the core of a sea shell monster. This monster had delicious meat, and the shell defense was extremely strong, and it did not like to attack actively. The cores of other creatures have no medicinal value after crystallization, but every time the light is dim, as the density of the surrounding darkness increases, they will become brighter and brighter. Therefore, they are often hunted by some monks, and their meat occasionally satisfies their appetites. In order to satisfy the desire, the core is used as the lighting of the cave. Often a core will be damaged by itself after being used for twenty or thirty years, so it is deeply loved by some.


The monk's favorite.

Li Yan flicked his robe sleeves, and the door closed quietly behind him. He did not immediately activate the ban in the room, nor did he take out the formation flag and put on the formation. Instead, he walked to the table and opened the large window first. A gust of breeze came in through the window, making Li Yan feel refreshed and his mind was refreshed. He seemed to be more awake. Just as he expected, the window outside the window was also close to the shore of the lotus pond. At this time, night had fallen, and the stars in the sky were like weaving, twinkling like a dream, like the huge moon of the Desolate Moon Continent. The moon has also gradually risen. Although it still seems to be on the horizon of distant mountains, the white and red lotus flowers in the pond can already be seen clearly.

Li Yan pulled out the chair and sat down. The window was wide open. He could see the houses along the shore of the lotus pond, surrounding them in a semi-arc shape. Some rooms were lit up with white light, while some rooms were completely dark. , Li Yan knew that the dark room should have activated the formation restriction, covering everything in it. Some of the windows in the rooms that were lit up with white light were open, and there were occasional figures moving in the room. It was obvious that these were monks who had not yet entered cultivation. They also did not activate the formation, but opened the windows to enjoy the lotus fragrance and blue waves in the night breeze. Li Yan actually saw someone he knew in these windows. The person was sitting in front of the window just like Li Yan, leaning on the table. He was holding a bottle of wine in his hand. He took an occasional sip and seemed to be thinking about things. Qin Chengyi, who had arranged a room for them before.

Li Yan looked away. He could guess what Qin Chengyi was thinking. The murderer had not been caught for a day, so he and Na Luo Sanpang were the most suspects. He probably had no intention of practicing at this time.

Thinking of this, Li Yan suddenly thought, "The young man in purple shirt also saw the clues, but didn't the record say that the thing was extinct? How could it appear here by such a coincidence? If it is said to be other similar things , but both the attack method and the results are very similar to what is recorded in the classics. What is the origin of the purple-shirted young man? Even if it is recorded by the Sprite Sect, I only saw it on a broken jade slip. After a simple introduction, he actually said it right away.

.........Also, how was this thing put in? "

He just started thinking in a daze, and when people looked out of the window, they were staring blankly at a certain place in the lotus pond.

He had been like this for a long time. Even Qin Chengyi, who was holding a wine pot in his hand, occasionally looked out the window and noticed Li Yan's stunned expression. He had originally arranged the courtyard here, and the immortal cultivator has excellent eyesight. He could tell at a glance that it was the Blood Leaf Sect monk who was alone.

Qin Chengyi couldn't help but said, "It's because he was scared and he didn't want to practice. He was probably thinking about how to get out of here." Then he moved his eyes to the other five rooms. There were only two closed windows with white light shining through. It was obvious that The remaining three dark rooms were inhabited by people and have been protected by formations.

Next door to Li Yan, the young man in purple shirt was also sitting on a chair by the window, while the hunchbacked old man stood respectfully aside. The protective formation in the room was already activated.

"Master, it's okay to speak now, Mr.

Nu deployed two more formations, one to enhance the defense of the original formation, and the other to attack the formation. "The voice of the hunchbacked old man sounded low in the room, and it was no longer a sound transmission.

"Uncle Sang, how sure are you?" The young man in purple shirt looked away at the wood grain on the table, took a breath, and turned to look at the hunchbacked old man.

"At least 70%. It seems that these two people are the ones. However, it is safe here. They don't dare to do anything in Xuanqing Temple openly, so I thought that I couldn't leave in the afternoon. It is better to look for opportunities to make plans. "The hunchbacked old man called Uncle Sang said in a low voice.

"Uncle Sang, if we take out the token at that time, maybe we can leave. Although our identities are exposed, those two people may not be able to leave. How can Xuan Qing Guan give up so easily and let go of someone who doesn't know the details." The young man in purple shirt still felt that he should give it a try in the afternoon.

"Now we are only 70% sure that the other party is the person following. What if he is not? Maybe the two of them are the evil cultivators who robbed money? We can't bet. Without the family, Master, your identity cannot be exposed, otherwise, this will happen , the danger will be at least several times higher, or even higher." Uncle Sang sighed. He is a cautious man. He has seen countless storms in his life, and the dangers among them are clear.

"Whether the Taoist priest Xuan Qing Guan died was the fault of the two of them. This way they can hold us back while they wait for more backup to arrive." The young man in purple shirt said worriedly.

After a moment of silence, Uncle Sang spoke again in a low voice, "Master, did you see the cause of the Taoist priest's death this afternoon?"

"The foundation-building monks there have too much spiritual consciousness to identify the wounds carefully, but I am 60-70% sure. However, I thought about it for a long time and couldn't figure out how someone put this thing in. You must know that this thing will kill you immediately if it touches it. If you wrap it with spiritual power, it will erode the spiritual power and go straight into the meridians. If this problem cannot be solved, it is not caused by this thing, so I think it is not the same as three or four points." His brows were furrowed. He had been thinking about this problem for several hours, but he had no clue.

Uncle Sang looked at the young man's appearance and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Maybe only the young master is so persistent and can practice the "Ghost Poison Scroll" to the fourth level at such a young age. This time, he must give up his old life. The young master can only be sent back to his clan safely. ??

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of Li Yan, interrupting the young man in purple shirt's thinking, "Master, the young man in green shirt who has been silent seems to know about this thing. Although he acted a little frightened, you accidentally The whisper was happened to be heard by a few people, but the others didn't know anything about it. They just glanced at you, but the young man in green shirt looked at you with a different look, and since this person appeared, , I have a very dangerous feeling, which even exceeds the reaction to those foundation-building monks. I always feel that he is not as timid as he appears, but his cultivation is only at the tenth level of the Qi Condensation Stage. In the later stage, even with some advanced aura-concealing methods, Lao Nu's confidence can be seen, unless he possesses superb skills." He said this with a solemn look on his face.

"Oh? Are you talking about the person next door? Is this person also a master of poison? It's just the name of this thing


Few people know, maybe he has a very deep origin. "After hearing this, the young man in purple shirt showed a look of interest in his eyes. He always feels a sense of intimacy towards people who share the same path.

"It's impossible to judge. If he has an extremely deep background, how can he still be willing to be trapped in this second-rate sect? What I mean by saying this is to prevent the young master from losing his guard just because he is a Qi Condensation Stage monk. This person is ours You also need to be careful.”

The young man in purple shirt nodded when he heard the words, and the room fell into silence for a while. The young man in purple shirt's thoughts quickly returned to the murder during the day.

How can I leave here quietly? Uncle Sang thought about it in his mind, and finally a cold light flashed in his eyes, "I can't help but make this place more chaotic." Fishing in troubled waters may be an opportunity.

In another room in the courtyard, the same protective formation had been activated, preventing outsiders from eavesdropping from a distance. Two men in black robes had gathered together.

"Brother, are you really going out to do something soon?" a man in black robe whispered.

"So what? I'll just explain it clearly when the time comes. If it drags on any longer, I don't know who will come tomorrow?" Another man in black robe said grimly.

"Brother, I'm afraid that more people will die by then. Xuan Qing Guan will not let go and will be entangled with what happened during the day." The younger brother said.

"So what, once it succeeds, the rewards obtained will mean that my brothers will not have to worry about the remaining hundred years of cultivation resources. The old Jindan Taoist will only be back tomorrow night. With the two human beings, my two brothers obtained from that woman last time. It should be no problem for the magic weapon to break the restriction of the formation. Although this Xuanqing Observation Formation is arranged by an old monster in the Nascent Soul stage, the amount of spiritual stones consumed every time it is activated is staggering. Do you think they are really all activated? We just activated the mountain gate's protective formation. After that, we sneaked to the mountain gate. As long as we broke through the mountain gate's protective formation and escaped at night, where would they be able to find them?" the black-robed brother said slowly.

Hearing what his brother said, the younger brother among the black-robed monks couldn't help but think of the scene of the woman's plump, snow-white body twisting and resisting under the two of them, and his body couldn't help but heat up. "Hey, although this magic weapon is a broken product, , but we are really good at breaking the restrictions of the formation, otherwise the two of us would have been unable to break out of the ghost fog in the forest last time, and we would all have died like the dozen or so people in Feng Ling Zi. "

"The origin of this magic weapon is unknown. Just its ability to break the restriction of the formation is unparalleled. Not only the forest ghost mist, but also the time when the 'Shen Tou King' teamed up with four foundation-building monks to set up the formation, he led me When the two of them entered, if this treasure hadn't directly broken the formation, the five of them never imagined that the formation was like paper and we would have died there without having time to catch up. It is estimated that there are many secrets in this magic weapon. After returning this time and receiving the reward, you and I will find a deserted place to retreat, and we will thoroughly understand the secrets of this magic weapon."

He seemed to be saying this to his younger brother, but in fact, he was also cheering himself up. After all, the Xuanqing Observation Formation was famous, and he was not sure whether he could really break the formation here, and the Golden Pill Patriarch might not know when. Will be back early.

Next, the two began to discuss secretly in a low voice.

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