Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2065 The Invisible Hand

Half an hour after Li Yan and the others came over, the palace Taoist came roaring through the air. However, he did not say anything after he arrived, but landed directly on the futon in the middle of the platform from the air, facing the square, with the majestic hall facing behind him. At the door, a yellow curtain hangs under the lights inside the door, and a huge pillar that only a few adults can embrace rises from the ground. Above the giant pillar, dragons and clouds surround each other, lifelike, as if they want to soar into the clouds. There is smoke in the hall, and there are three statues and four statues. The ten-foot-high statue is located in the center. It is the Taoist Three Pure Ones, Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun and Daode Tianzun. The whole hall is filled with light and glory, and there seems to be solemn Taoist voices chanting in a low voice, echoing in the hall. On both sides of the hall There are also statues of immortals such as the Jade Emperor, the Four Great Emperors, and the Five Elders. Although the statues are also magnificent and majestic, they are much shorter than the Sanqing Tianzun in the center.

The Taoist priest sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes tightly. If you look closely, you can see that there are two extremely bloody threads wrapped around his skin, which penetrate from the middle fingers of his left and right hands and go up towards his arms. Every time he took a breath, these two blood streaks would flicker and extinguish.

The scene on his side had long been noticed by Li Yan and others. In front of Li Yan's eyes, he heard a man in black robe whisper: "This is the Blood Oath Formation. I heard that only those who have reached an extremely advanced level in the formation." Only then can we understand that Xuan Qing Guan is indeed well-deserved.”

With the arrival of the palace Taoist, the world gradually became quiet. Only in the gentle breeze, the bright moon gradually rose and then slowly set in the west.


At Yin Shi, although the sky in the east is still dark, it has already ushered in the daily morning chanting time in the Taoist temple. Perhaps due to the special nature of today, the morning chanting has already begun in the square below, and many disciples have already started chanting silently in a low voice. Twenty disciples stood up in the square and faced Xing. Each of them had an extraordinary aura, and they should be the most outstanding people in the Taoist temple. They went to the main hall to offer incense on behalf of each branch.

After they stepped onto the white jade steps, they first bowed deeply to the Taoist priest sitting on the platform in the middle of the steps. Then, Luo Sanpang, Qin Chengyi, and Kong Nantai led ten people into the main hall. The rest were still sitting outside the main hall. .

Li Yan and others were surrounded by ten new disciples.

From time to time, the melodious sound of bells came from the hall, and then thicker sandalwood overflowed. These sandalwoods are not used by ordinary mortals, but are refined from spiritual herbs. Not only do they have the effect of clearing the mind and calming the mind, It is also very beneficial to practice. When Li Yan smelled the fragrance coming from the tip of his nose, he felt that the pores all over his body relaxed, and the spiritual energy in the air jumped and danced happily. As he breathed in and out, it traveled happily through his muscles and veins, and his mind was clear and centered.

"This incense is comparable to first-level elixirs. If you can find some, it will be somewhat beneficial to your practice." Li Yan thought in his mind that in his consciousness, several people around him seemed to be taking the opportunity to breathe in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

In this tranquility, a sudden sound of panic broke the silence of the morning: "Uncle Luo, Uncle Luo..."

Then there were more sounds.

"Oh no, something happened to Uncle Luo..."

"Uncle Kong...Uncle Qin, come here quickly..."

Suddenly, bursts of exclamations came from within the main hall. In the chaos, Kong Nantai's scolding voice came out, "Shut up, everyone.", like a suppressed thunder, suddenly there was another sound in the main hall. There was no sound.



br\u003e At the same time, the figure of the palace Taoist on the platform was blurred and disappeared. At the same time, his deep voice came from the air: "No one can move rashly, please stay where you are."

The five Li Yan disciples and the ten disciples on the platform also stood up one after another, but due to the words of the Taoist priest, they were not allowed to enter the main hall.

The hundreds of monks in the square of the main hall also started talking instantly, but there was no chaos on the whole, which showed the foundation of Xuan Qing Guan as a sect with a long history.

The palace Taoist stood in the main hall, his face originally pale due to the wear and tear of controlling the Blood Oath Formation, but now he was livid. There were more than a dozen disciples around him who were trembling with fear. Kong Nantai and Qin Chengyi also stood aside with ugly expressions.

The Taoist priest looked at Luo Sanpang, who was offering incense in front of the huge statue of Sanqing. He also held three thick incense sticks in his hand. The incense was extinguishing and the clear smoke curled up, as if he wanted to go forward and insert the incense into the incense burner, but he just stood there. In place, motionless.

The Taoist priest stopped his breathing when he came in. He stood two feet away from Luo Sanpang. His consciousness scanned Luo Sanpang several times from top to bottom. Then he looked back around and whispered, "What's going on?" ?" These words seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth. In his consciousness, Luo Sanpang had already died, and his soul had also disappeared.

After he asked the question, the hall was as silent as death. The disciples around him were trembling. They felt as if a volcano was about to erupt on the leader's body.

Kong Nantai frowned, snorted coldly, pointed at a rather sturdy Taoist priest and said, "Bai Kui, tell me, you were the first to discover it."

The Taoist priest who was pointed at by Kong Nantai turned pale and hurriedly stepped forward, "Disciple Bai Kui has met the master. Just now, under the instructions of several uncles and uncles, I was cleaning, and offering incense. Sanqing Tianzun has always been cleaned and incense offered by the uncles and uncles, so we went to the side hall to offer incense to the emperor, the six emperors, and the five elders.

Today, Sanqing Tianzun's immortal throne is still offered by three masters and uncles. When the disciples and others passed by several times, they found that Master Luo had been holding incense respectfully. They thought he was silently praying for something, so they didn't He didn't care, but after a while, the disciple realized something was wrong. When he stepped forward to ask, he didn't see Master Luo's answer, and he felt something was wrong. Then he boldly stepped forward, only to see Master Luo's eyes were dull, and there was something strange about his body. Lifeless, with a sweep of his consciousness, Master Luo is already...already..." After saying this, Bai Kui looked horrified. What happened in the Taoist temple in the past two days, as a senior disciple selected to enter the temple today, he Based on his position in the sect, he knew that he had more disciples than other disciples in the square. Unexpectedly, under the eyes of everyone, a powerful monk in the middle stage of foundation building died like this, and there was another one in the hall. Uncle Ji Zhu, the master is right at the door of the palace. This makes him not afraid.

"Oh, you didn't find any clues at first?" Gong Taoist's voice suppressed his anger. He looked at Kong Nantai and Qin Chengyi this time.

"Report to the head of the school, brother, here

People were coming and going, either cleaning or offering incense in the side hall. After coming in, the three of me dusted the dust first and then each offered incense to the Sanqing Patriarch. After Junior Brother Qin and I finished paying respects, I saw Junior Brother Luo still looking like someone. After meditating silently, I went to arrange for other disciples, but… actually… I didn’t find anything unusual. "When he said this, his face was also uncertain.

After hearing this, the palace Taoist was silent, and his spiritual consciousness scanned the standing body of Luo Sanpang several times again. The incense of clear smoke floating there was not poisonous, otherwise none of the people in the palace would be alive at this moment.

The palace Taoist walked slowly in front of Luo Sanpang, and suddenly opened his mouth, and a green bead exuding rich cyan wood spiritual power flew out of his mouth, and the green light of the bead instantly flew to Luo Sanpang's forehead, The moment it came close to Luo Sanpang's forehead, a ripple-like cyan wave rippled for a while, and then a "buzz" sound was transmitted to everyone's ears. The cyan halo of the cyan bead dimmed for a moment, and then quickly moved towards The ball flew over Luo Sanpang's body, and after spinning around Luo Sanpang's body, it finally flew to the three pillars of sandalwood held in Luo Sanpang's hand, and shot back with another "buzz" sound.

Looking at the bead floating in front of him with green light flickering in and out, the Taoist priest penetrated the bead with his spiritual consciousness. The name of this bead is "Qinglan Bead". It is a mid-level magic weapon, especially against evil spirits. Meiyin Poison has a powerful restraining effect and is the natal magic weapon of palace Taoists.

The palace Taoist looked at the two silky gray thin lines in the green bead. They were bumping left and right in the bead at the moment. However, compared with the vast blue spiritual power surging inside the bead, the gray thin lines seemed too small. It is too small, but it is extremely ferocious, and it does not look like it is inferior to the wind at all.

He couldn't help but his face became solemn, and he shouted in a low voice, "It's actually Gray Qumantra water applied on the sandalwood. It's no wonder that Junior Brother Luo looks like this. I'm afraid the sea of ​​consciousness has been swallowed up long ago, leaving only the empty space." 's body."

After everyone around him listened, the disciples were still confused. Even Qin Chengyi looked confused, but Kong Nantai's face changed drastically and she couldn't help but said in a voice, "Brother, are you really sure that it's Junior Brother Luo who is the middle school student?" The poison of Huiqu Manduo water? Isn’t this poison only occasionally found in the extreme southern sea? It is extremely difficult to collect. If you are not careful, you will be killed. However, someone has obtained this poison. We in the Western Region This poison has not appeared in this land for at least thousands of years. It is said that those who are poisoned by this poison will have their whole body stiffened and their consciousness will not be lost, but they can feel that their souls are entangled by the poison, like mandala king snakes, until their souls are finally After swallowing it all, the poisoned person's soul felt like it was being pulled out, but he couldn't make a sound. Even his expression was paralyzed without any change. Although it lasted only two or three breaths, the poisoned person felt like he was alive. Ten thousand years of purgatory.”

The palace Taoist looked at the gray thread that had almost disappeared in the blue ball, and nodded slowly, "It is this poison. I never expected that someone would use such a vicious method to deal with me, Xuan Qing Guan. Although there are only a few threads of this poison, it can kill a person." Building a foundation is also a piece of cake. It will probably take nearly a year to refine the remaining two threads of my natal magic weapon. It seems that I, Xuan Qing Guan, have made a powerful enemy." At this point, his eyes flashed. Squinting, my mind was spinning rapidly, but for a moment I couldn't figure out where it came from.


After a few breaths, his body trembled slightly, and a thought flashed through his mind, "Could it be related to the two disappearing sects nearby?" Thinking of this, Taoist Gong couldn't help but feel a chill on his back. The two disappeared sects had thousands of people in total, and this one was strange and disappeared overnight. They were all guarded by Jindan monks, but now the ancestor of their own sect was not there.

The more the palace Taoist thought about it, the more chilled he felt in his heart. But after all, he had been in charge of the sect for decades. Although he was shocked, his face was still gloomy.

He felt the terror of his opponent, and every time he killed, he left no useful clues. Even if he killed Junior Brother Luo in this hall, it seemed that the killer must be among Junior Brother Kong, Junior Brother Qin and the ten disciples, but the fact was not the same. In this way, after the sandalwood is worshiped every day, the sandalwood will be placed again in the same position for reuse. Even if you find the person who placed the sandalwood, you still can't be sure. They just gathered here at midnight yesterday. , has these sandalwoods been touched by anyone during this day, and how many people have been touched? Therefore, it is not certain that the poisoning took place this morning.

What's more, there is another question that puzzles the Taoist priest. Since the murderer wanted to kill people, why did he only poison the few incense sticks that Junior Brother Luo took? If he only targeted the Foundation Establishment monks, this person must have known about Sanqing. The Heavenly Lord must be offered incense by the foundation-building monks, so why not just poison all three of them? Of course, Qin Chengyi is a person whose seniority and realm do not match.

For a moment, Taoist Gong felt that his head was swollen. The murderer was either killing without trace, killing directly, or planning to kill. There was no pattern at all, which made him more and more confused.

At this moment, a red light flew rapidly from the distance. The light came extremely quickly and did not stop at all. It flew into the hall in front of everyone's eyes. After the light dissipated, Hall Master Ji's livid face was revealed. After receiving the message from his disciple, he flew back directly from the patrol. He first glanced at everyone in the hall, and then came to the side of the Taoist Gong in a few steps. Then the two of them started whispering. Afterwards, Taoist Gong and Hall Master Ji spread out their figures and walked around the hall for several times, and then went directly out of the hall. After lighting half a stick of incense, they returned to the exhibition hall again.

"The clues here are even more confusing than Junior Brother Song's. There were too many disciples who came in and out yesterday, so we can't rule them out." Hall Master Ji's eyes seemed to be filled with fire. As the leader of the Gatekeeper Supervisory Hall, he seemed to have lost his magical power this day. Being restrained everywhere, and still looking a little like an immortal there, made him extremely depressed.

Seeing this, the palace Taoist thought for a moment and said, "Senior Brother Ji, don't blame yourself. I have thought about it for a long time and feel that this matter may be related to the two missing sects nearby that the master reported a few days ago. There are Jindan cultivators, and something has happened, and I don’t know if Master has any clues.”

This time he did not call him "Hall Master Ji", but "Senior Brother Ji", which shows his comfort. Hall Master Ji started his career earlier than him and was the senior senior brother of this generation. However, since Gong Taoist became the leader, he also followed others in calling him "Senior Brother Head". Gong Taoist had no choice but to talk to each other. When I call him senior brother again, I just call him "Hall Master Ji" every time.

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