Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 319: When it’s over, go away

Just stay and participate. "In his words, there was no mention of whether Zhuo Lingfeng stayed.

After hearing this, Huchen Wuding felt anxious and wanted to speak, but was stopped by Zhuo Lingfeng's wink. He knew what Huchen Wuding wanted to say, but he just wanted to keep him around for a few more days, but Zhuo Lingfeng knew that this place was no longer a place to stay for a long time, and he would definitely not stay here again. Huchen Wuding finally recognized the current situation, and finally stopped talking with a gloomy expression.

"Thank you, senior. I'm leaving today after taking the 'Xuan Ming Order'. I've been delayed here for some time. The sect's mission has a time limit." Li Yan said to Ancestor Hu Chen A respectful bow.

"In this case, I won't stay any longer. When you return to the sect, tell Old Ghost Da Cen that I will go to him to catch up with you when I have time." Ancestor Hu Chen turned around and left as he spoke. As night falls, his figure has long disappeared, leaving only the lingering sound.

Li Yan still said "yes" to the empty land respectfully.

It was night, on the top of a hill in the "Wangzeling" mountains, Li Yan looked at the light door gradually disappearing behind him, and then looked up at the bright moon in the sky. He couldn't help but smile, and said to Zhuoling Fengdao beside him, "I can't think of the pot." Chen Wuding is extremely smart after all.”

After he said these words, Zhuo Lingfeng nodded with a smile. They knew what they meant. Just after they left the square, they waited for him in the dusty courtyard. After taking the "Xuan Ming Ling", the two of them started talking in the courtyard without having to worry about anything. In less than half a stick of incense, Hu Chen Wuding hurried back to the courtyard, but the last thing he took out surprised Li Yan. He Zhuo Lingfeng was a little surprised. In addition to Li Yan finally getting the "Xuan Ming Ling", Hu Chen Wuding also took out a "Wu Chen Pill" and gave it to Zhuo Lingfeng, along with a The spiritual stones in the storage bag were also given to Zhuo Lingfeng.

It turned out that when he was in the square before, Hu Chen Wuding had kept an eye on it. The reason why he only proposed the "Xuan Ming Order" was that he wanted to know whether he had the power to control it, and he wanted to know who these things were. in the hands? Because he knew that Zhuo Lingfeng had been waiting for the opportunity to condense the golden elixir. If he could have a "Chenless elixir", it would be a huge help. However, he did not dare to propose it in front of the ancestor Huchen. Regarding Zhuo Lingfeng's attitude, he might simply reject it. At that time, there would be no chance at all. After learning that all these things were at Hu Chen Wandong's place, Hu Chen Wuding felt happy.

Later, after finding Hu Chen Wan Dong, he asked for the "Xuan Ming Ling" and "Wu Chen Dan". He said that it was his ancestor's order that he controlled. Hu Chen Wan Dong was no doubt that the son of the inheritance had it. These rewards were all taken out and handed over to him. Just when Hu Chen was about to leave, he was stopped by Hu Chen Wandong. Huchen Wandong looked a little hesitant, but immediately he took out a Hu Chen Wu Ding was surprised when Hu Chen Wu Ding was surprised when Hu Chen moved late and handed over these spiritual stones to Zhuo Ling Feng. Hu Chen Wu Ding swept his consciousness and was shocked to find that there were one hundred thousand pieces of low grade souls in the storage bag.


Stone, this is a huge fortune.

Hu Chen moved late and hesitated, then said to Hu Chen Wuding, "You... you can't use the 'Wuxen Pill' now. It's best to give it to Fellow Daoist Zhuo. He has paid too much for you and your mother." "I think you won't refuse this proposal, and...and this is what Xiangyun should want to see." Hu Chen Wan Dong seemed to have known the news that Zhuo Lingfeng would not stay in the Hu Chen family. I also learned from Chi Dongli that Yue Xiangyun had passed away more than ten years ago, and I couldn't help but feel sad.

After hearing these words from Hu Chen Wan Dong, Hu Chen Wuding's cold expression finally relaxed a little, but he still nodded coldly. When leaving, Hu Chen Wan Dong told him that he must not do anything recently. Go out, because the family is about to take some action. Recalling the message that Hu Chen Wan Dong sent to him in the square before, Hu Chen Wuding knew that the ancestor of Hu Chen was going to take action against the first and fourth rooms.

Zhuo Lingfeng looked at the bag of spirit stones and the "Wuchen Pill". A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. He did not know that the spirit stones were given to him by Hu Chen Wandong and would not take them away, as Hu Chen Wuding had expected. , but stretched out his hand to take it, patted Hu Chen Wuding's shoulder again, and finally took a deep look at the wing where Yue Xiangyun lived, and then drifted away outside the courtyard in a flash, leaving only two lines of hot tears shed. The pot dust is uncertain.

There was a look of surprise in Li Yan's eyes. He didn't expect Zhuo Lingfeng to be so cheerful. He seemed to have forgotten his initial hatred for Hu Chen's late move. However, this made Li Yan understand even more what the He brothers called the "Devil Dog Yueying". The so-called fierce reputation, this person is really good at things, he is definitely not a high-spirited person, and he will just leave after the matter.

Then he said calmly to Huchen Wuding, "Fellow Taoist Wuding, I'll see you again someday, farewell!"

Looking around the hillside and listening to the dull roars of the monsters in the swamp at the foot of the mountain, Zhuo Lingfeng looked at Li Yan and suddenly bowed respectfully to Li Yan, "I really have to thank you Daoist Li for this matter!"

Zhuo Lingfeng's sudden move did not show any surprise on Li Yan's face, as if he had expected it. He knew what Zhuo Lingfeng was referring to. First, he was helping Hu Chen Wu Ding in the final round. Although even if he didn't take action, Huchen Wuding would still be the son of inheritance, but at least he allowed Huchen Wuding to gain the ranking as a matter of course; secondly, Zhuo Lingfeng thanked him for saving his life. Zhuo Lingfeng had never expressly thanked Li Yan for these things when he was in the Huchen family, so he naturally had to say it when the two were alone.

"You don't have to be like this, Fellow Daoist Zhuo. I'm just protecting myself. If I hadn't been greedy for the 'Xuan Ming Order', I certainly wouldn't have gotten involved in these disputes." Li Yan shook his head.

When Zhuo Lingfeng heard what Li Yan said, he was not unhappy. On the contrary, he looked at Li Yangao, saying, "This person has a very clear understanding of things. He is definitely not one of those people who likes to seek fame and reputation."

Zhuo Lingfeng was thinking in his mind and suddenly said, "I didn't know that Li Daoyou was from the Xiaozhu Peak of Xiaozhu Peak in the Huchen family before. Do you know Li Wuyi?"

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