Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 327: Feisha Ancient Cave (I)

At this time, Li Yan didn't know exactly how far he was from the Chihuo Ancestor, because the maximum distance of his spiritual consciousness was only seven hundred miles. When he could no longer sense the presence of the Chihuo Ancestor in his spiritual consciousness, he Calculating silently in his mind, it wasn't until he roughly calculated that he was about to fly almost a thousand miles away that he began to feel relieved. Then at this moment, he suddenly felt a heart palpitation for no reason. The feeling suddenly came to his mind again, making his heart palpitations become stronger again. Li Yan felt that there was a ferocious beast behind him that instantly opened its scarlet pupils. The hair on his body stood up, and the life and death crisis enveloped him again.

Then a voice filled with murderous intent came to his ears: "Where do you want to go?"

Li Yan's face changed drastically. He tried his best to come down, but unexpectedly the opponent seemed to be lingering. Li Yan hurriedly spread his consciousness back, but there was no trace of the ancestor of the Red Fire. But after less than twenty breaths, Li Yan Yan sweat broke out on his forehead.

His consciousness spread behind him, and he did not glance at the figure of the Chihuo Ancestor at first. However, in less than twenty breaths, a red light that turned into a blurry afterimage appeared in his consciousness. This red light appeared in his consciousness. The speed of light is as powerful as lightning. One breath can travel ten miles. In just a dozen breaths, it can go from nearly a thousand miles away to within seven hundred miles.

A golden elixir cultivator acted with all his strength, and his speed was so terrifying that Li Yan felt powerless from the bottom of his heart. But how could Li Yan be willing to sit still and wait for death, but at this time, his speed had already increased to the extreme, and he Knowing that if this continues, even if he is flying forward with all his strength at the same time, he will be blocked after a hundred breaths.

"Boy, I will let you know in a moment what the pain of soul-sucking and soul-refining is!" The voice of the Chihuo Ancestor became clearer and clearer in Li Yan's ears.

Although Li Yan was breaking out in a cold sweat, he paid no attention to the threat from Ancestor Chihuo. Instead, he galloped at full speed with an expressionless face. His consciousness kept scanning the other three directions, hoping to find an environment that he could take advantage of. .

As for the idea of ​​hiding, Li Yan didn't expect to have any place for him to hide in the vast desert. Only by using different environments to set up ambush again could he create opportunities for himself. However, after ten breaths passed, the red fire behind him The ancestor was already close to about 600 miles away, and Li Yan still couldn't find any suitable place to set up an ambush.

Li Yan, who was flying, suddenly looked in one direction, with a look of hesitation on his face. After feeling the growing murderous intent behind him, he gritted his teeth and flew towards the left side.

Ancestor Chihuo was chasing after Li Yan quickly. His single eye flashed coldly with bloodthirsty. In his consciousness, Li Yan suddenly changed his direction. This caused Ancestor Chihuo to stumble and slow down. He came down, and then there was a look of surprise on his face, "Does that kid want to go to the 'Flying Sand Cave'?" In his consciousness, there was a vast area more than two hundred miles away to his left where sand and rocks were flying all the time. The sky is filled with yellow sand, blocking out the sun. When the wind and sand appear, ruins and broken walls stand everywhere, like individual buildings.


The black hole has a huge mouth, swallowing up the wind and sand all over the sky.

In his consciousness, Li Yan was galloping towards that place. The ancestor of Chihuo couldn't help being frightened and angry, and shouted through his voice, "Boy, don't you want to live now?"

However, no matter how he transmitted his voice and roared, Li Yan acted as if he had never heard him, and just flew towards the vast area of ​​flying sand and rocks with a cold expression.

"Flying Sand Ancient Cave" is one of the two most dangerous places in this desert. It has existed since ancient times. It is said that the reason for its formation was that in ancient times, a top earth-type god-former in the mortal world failed to ascend after a tribulation. , died here, his body turned into a vast 8,000-mile desert Gobi, and his natal magic weapon was also destroyed by the catastrophe, scattered around, and finally formed six dangerous places, large and small, including two The place should be the place where the soul of the monk's natal magic weapon fell and dispersed. One place is called "Feisha Ancient Cave" and the other is called "Land of the Sunset". Even the late Yuanying monks would not dare to go to these two places. If it is easy to enter, the death rate of those who enter it can reach more than 80%, let alone the monks below Nascent Soul who enter.

But because of this, it also attracted many Nascent Soul experts to come and explore the place where an ancient god-incarnation monk transformed his natal magic weapon. The treasures of heaven, material and earth in the small world are absolutely the best and rarest in this world. If you can only capture some of the things, the benefits will be endless. If you can still get some magic weapon fragments, it is possible that your strength will increase several times in an instant, especially the "Flying Sand Ancient Cave" and the "Land of the Sunset", which may be the place where the magic weapon spirit died, or even It is the core of a magic weapon, so you can imagine how precious it is.

Since ancient times, many Nascent Soul monks have entered the treasure hunt, and some Nascent Soul monks have really found many heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the other four dangerous places except the "Flying Sand Ancient Cave" and "The Land of the Sunset". Those things have disappeared in this world for tens of millions of years. Each of them can be described as a rare treasure. After obtaining these heavenly and earthly treasures, you can either refine elixirs that will make your cultivation level rise by leaps and bounds, or make your own magic weapons more powerful. increase.

And the Nascent Soul monk who got some fragments of the magic weapon from this monk in the Transformation Stage was even more powerful in the mortal world in his own era. Although he was not said to be invincible, he was still among the strongest in the Nascent Soul Stage.

However, no one has ever obtained anything from the "Flying Sand Ancient Cave" and the "Land of the Sunset". The Nascent Soul cultivators who enter rarely come out again, even the few remaining gods in the world. After the monk entered, he found nothing in the end, and when he came out, he remained silent and kept silent.

After years of exploration, the "Flying Sand Ancient Cave" and the "Land of the Sunset" slowly turned into places of death, and the Yuanying monks were no longer keen to enter. After all, for thousands of years

The strong men who fell among them gave them a good warning, and the "Flying Sand Ancient Cave" and "Land of the Sunset" therefore became a desperate place. They were separated from the northernmost part of the Sprite Sect, but the Sprite Sect never sent It is fortified around it, and anyone can enter and explore it, provided that he does not think his life is too long.

Li Yan was going to the Pure Land Sect. Of course, he had already studied the map on the jade slips and knew about the existence of these two dangerous places. This was also one of the reasons why the teleportation array to the north was not continued here. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth here was somewhat chaotic. , to arrange a teleportation array, one must pass through this desert. Some sects once tried to arrange a teleportation array to pass through here, but the result cannot guarantee that every transmission is safe. Half of the time, the people in the teleportation channel will be teleported to other places for no reason. area, or even directly transmitted into the space turbulence. In the end, this area had to cancel all passing teleportation arrays.

Although there are dangers in this desert, as long as you avoid those six dangerous places when flying, there will be basically no accidents. The same is certainly true for Li Yan. Another reason why he kept adjusting his direction when he was running for his life just now is In order to avoid the six dangerous places, especially the "Feisha Ancient Cave" and the "Setting Sun Land", and he is now in the middle of the "Feisha Ancient Cave" and the "Setting Sun Land", You can pass through here by flying straight forward, but this does not mean flying in a straight line. The two dangerous areas are irregular in shape. You need to constantly adjust the direction during flight, otherwise you may plunge into it.

Li Yan was flying closer to the "Feisha Ancient Cave" specifically, about two hundred miles away. After looking around, he felt that only by entering the "Feisha Ancient Cave" would it be possible to set up an ambush or escape. Otherwise, you can only wait for the Chihuo Ancestor to catch up directly after a few dozen breaths. Although the Chihuo Ancestor now looks miserable, judging from the pressure radiating from his body, Li Yan is not his enemy at all. .

Gritting his teeth, Li Yan also risked his life, risking death before and after. It would be better to enter the "Feisha Ancient Cave" for a fight. At least whether the Chihuo Ancestor dares to enter is still a matter of doubt. If there is a chance, he will set up an ambush. If there is no chance, he can only resign himself to fate. , no matter how bad the outcome is, it is better than falling into the hands of the Red Fire Ancestor. If he could escape alive this time, Li Yan would have firmly remembered the four branches of the Huchen family, as well as the Ye family.

Seeing Li Yan flying directly towards the "Flying Sand Ancient Cave" regardless of life and death, the ancestor of Chihuo was already very angry. Now he didn't care how Li Yan died, but the magic weapon and skills on Li Yan's body , he will get it no matter what.

"Boy, you don't have to fight like this. As long as you hand over the storage bag and the exercises you have practiced, I will forget the blame. How about this? I am a golden elixir monk, and I don't mean to break my word." Ancestor Chihuo hurriedly tried to stabilize Li Yan with words. From the distance between him and the edge of the "Flying Sand Ancient Cave", he was definitely not as fast as Li Yan.

But Li Yan didn't seem to hear it, and his figure actually seemed to be a little faster.


Yes, this left Ancestor Chihuo with nothing to do. At this time, he also used his speed to the extreme. He kept talking pleasantly and mixed it with confusion spells, hoping to use this to make Li Yan lose his mind for a short time. .

However, Li Yan had already taken precautions and simply closed his six senses. When the Chihuo Ancestor's spiritual sense could not crush him with absolute superiority, Li Yan's body could only occasionally stagnate slightly, and then his speed increased again and he flew towards Even so, Patriarch Chihuo succeeded in slowing down Li Yan by at least five breaths.

Li Yan's side was only more than two hundred miles away from the "Feisha Ancient Cave". Although the Chihuo Ancestor tried his best to stop it, Li Yan was already suspended in the "Feisha Ancient Cave" in less than forty breaths under his desperate efforts. "Cave" edge position.

Looking at the world of flying sand and rocks in front of him, which was like two worlds from the place where he stood, Li Yan's spiritual consciousness peeked inward, and at the same time he turned to look in another direction to the side, where there was already a red light as thin as a fluorescent light. It was continuously magnifying at a speed visible to the naked eye. After two breaths, Li Yan turned his head with a dull expression and stepped directly in. Then his entire figure disappeared behind the curtain formed by the yellow sand in the sky.

The ancestor of the Red Fire came quickly from a distance, roaring unwillingly. Not only did he get nothing, but his body was also destroyed in this hunt. He watched helplessly as the kid entered the Jedi without hesitation. , his losses this time were so heavy that he could not bear them.

After Li Yan took one step forward, the spiritual shield and the "Ghost Car Talisman" appeared outside his body at the same time. Although he had never been here before, he still had a detailed understanding of it before.

In his eyes, patches of criss-crossing black holes appeared. These black holes were like honeycombs embedded in the earthy yellow sand and stone walls. They were high or low, large or small. The sand and stone mountain wall in front of him was like a large piece of ruins, some of which were mostly covered with debris. Buried deep among them, some only reveal the top of the sand and stone walls.

Half of the black hole on the sandstone wall was buried in yellow sand, like a waterfall flowing from a huge mouth. Then it was swept by a strong wind, and the yellow sand on the edge of the black hole was instantly swept into the sky.

Some black holes are like bottomless pits, with yellow sand constantly pouring in, but it seems to be endless, endless.

Li Yan did not feel any pain in his body. After feeling the wind and sand around him, he felt a little relieved.

"It's a good bet. I happened to catch up with the time when the strong wind stopped. This is the so-called 'ancient cave'. It is said that the wind and sand here will turn into a deadly strong wind every once in a while. Only when you enter a certain Only in the ancient cave can we avoid being attacked by these winds and sands, but the danger in the ancient cave is even greater. Anyone who enters is almost certain to die. If you stay outside, you can only gamble on when the strong wind will arise again. "Li. Yan kept walking, his face as cold as iron, and walked directly to an ancient cave. He didn't dare to delay here at all.

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