Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 368 Snow Spirit Lord

Li Yan's attitude this time, the other three did not show any disappointment or displeasure. Instead, after looking at each other, Cheng Wenming quickly said, "Oh, of course, but what I want to say is not 'Xue Jing'" ', but 'Snow Spirit Master', does this Taoist friend also know?" Cheng Wenming obviously saw that Li Yan was impatient and that his spiritual power was surging and he was about to leave at any time, so he spoke faster.

Sure enough, after hearing his words, Li Yan's aura calmed down again, and he asked with a puzzled look, "Snow Spirit Master? What is this?" Li Yan's expression satisfied the three of them, because this was consistent with the situation. The reaction of a monk who entered Beiming Town Demon Tower for the first time. If no one had told him this information in advance, it would not have been in the jade slips. The other person claimed to be a casual cultivator, so the information he wanted to know was not complete.

But this time, Li Yan's expression was really confused. He really didn't know what "Snow Spirit Lord" was. Of course, he could vaguely guess something through the name.

"Yes, it's the 'Snow Elf Lord'. This is the reason why the three of us are looking for fellow Taoists. Of course there are many types of monsters in the 'Melting Cave', but the 'Snow Elf' is definitely the most powerful in this layer." Three, so the snow spirits in a 'melt cave' are the strongest predators. They continue to strengthen themselves by devouring their prey. When they become strong enough, they will break through to a higher level." Cheng Wenming said this. His eyes were turned to Li Yan. He wanted to confirm whether Li Yan believed what he said, otherwise he would have to explain again. He needed the help of a fire spiritual monk.

When Li Yan saw Cheng Wenming looking at him, he nodded. He had no doubt about this. After all, "Snow Spirit" is also a kind of monster. If he is a monster, he may be promoted. This point There is no doubt. He hadn't thought of it before, because he hadn't thought about it.

Another reason is that not all monsters can advance without limit. They are limited by the bloodline and inheritance in their bodies. For example, some peerless monsters may be born as second or third monsters. As they grow, their levels will increase. The higher; and some monsters are born as first-level monsters, and the highest they may only reach is second-level; there is also a race of first-level monsters whose bloodline is low, unless by chance they can swallow foreign objects from the world and change themselves. Bloodline or demon core, otherwise it may be a first-level demon beast for generations.

"A 'Snow Spirit' will either die or become stronger as it continues to grow and kill. When the powerful 'Snow Spirit' that survives reaches a certain level, it will break through to the second level, which is the 'Snow Spirit Master'.

The length of a 'melting cave' varies, some may only be a thousand miles long, and some may be tens of thousands of miles long with twists and turns, so there is no possibility that the 'Snow Spirit Lord' exists within it.


The number is also uncertain. There may be only one, or there may be eight or nine. Generally speaking, there will definitely be only one 'Snow Spirit Lord' within a thousand miles. When the second one appears, it will cause a new and old battle. The battle between the Snow Spirit Lords continues until the last party dies. If both parties die, then there will always be a new "Snow Elf Lord" born within a thousand miles of this melt cave, or it will be occupied by "Snow Elf Lords" in other areas.

Speaking of this, I think fellow Daoist Jiang already knows our purpose. When we come to the tower to explore and hunt for treasures, we are of course looking for what we need. The demon core of the second-level 'Snow Spirit Lord', for us foundation-building monks, is It is very precious, so there are still many people who come here to form a team to hunt the 'Snow Spirit Lord'. The three of me and I have this matter in their plan this time, so we want to invite Fellow Daoist Jiang to participate. "

Li Yan looked at the three of them, his eyes flashed a few times, and he continued, "Is there anything special about capturing the Snow Spirit Master?"

Cheng Wenming did not hesitate again this time, but nodded directly, "Yes, the demon core in the body of the 'Snow Spirit' is fire at extremely low temperatures. This is also their strongest attack method, 'devoured by the ghost'. The feeling of burning is not burning, but a kind of cold and sharp pain. This kind of fire is completely different from the fire in normal form, especially when the level reaches the level of 'Snow Spirit Lord', the fire it casts It would be extremely difficult for even two or three cultivators of the same level to hunt him down.

Therefore, to deal with them is not to use water or sand spells to extinguish them. That will only make the temperature of the fire drop lower and burn faster. The only thing that can fight it is 'fire'. The real Zhiyang Fire cannot be extinguished with metal. The fire magic power transformed from the spiritual power of wood, water and earth, only the real fire magic power can cause fatal damage to it, which is why we want to invite Taoist friends. "

Li Yan nodded calmly. After scanning the three of them, he did not agree immediately. He continued, "I understand what Fellow Daoist Cheng said, but there is still a key issue here. If I agree to Fellow Daoist request, then who owns the last hunted 'Snow Spirit Lord' demon core?"

Cheng Wenming paused this time. He obviously made a sudden decision after meeting Li Yan, so he didn't think carefully about the details. After he and the two monks from Chengxin Sect seemed to communicate for a few words, he smiled at each other again. Li Yan said, "If fellow Taoists join me and the other three,

In the procession, hunting other monsters in the 'Melting Cave' depends on their own abilities. Whoever hunts and kills them will own everything on those monsters; if they meet the 'Snow Spirit Lord', their contribution will be There is no doubt that the two of us are the biggest, but there must also be help and restraint from the two Taoists from Chengxin Sect. So in the end, my fellow Taoists and I will each get 40% of this demon core, and the remaining two will become the two Taoists from Chengxin Sect. Friends, under this situation, if I want to get this complete demon core, then I will spend the remaining 60% of the spirit stones to buy it, and so on. Friend Jiang, what do you think of this method? Of course, if we encounter other powerful monsters, we will allocate them according to the size of our contribution. "

"If Fellow Daoist Jiang can kill a 'Snow Spirit Lord' on his own, we won't ask for half of the benefits." At this time, the monk surnamed Ye from the Chengxin Sect said coldly. He had always been dissatisfied with Li Yan. If it were ordinary When a monk meets someone stronger than him, he must have been extremely polite, but the person in front of him is only in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, which is the same as the two of them, let alone Cheng Wenming, who has already reached the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment. , but with such a level of cultivation, they have no respect for the three of them at all, but they appear to be neither cold nor indifferent. If Cheng Wenming hadn't secretly transmitted messages several times, they would have killed the people in front of them.

Li Yanheng glanced at the monk surnamed Ye, but a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he raised his fists at the three of them, "As fellow Taoist Cheng said, the monks and I are here to hunt for treasures. Since there is such a benefit, then Jiang Naturally, I have to get involved, and everything will be based on what Brother Cheng just discussed."

After listening to Li Yan's words, Cheng Wenming's face was suddenly full of smiles, and he breathed a sigh of relief. It was not easy to find a lone monk in this tower, and he was also a monk with fire magic powers. If it were replaced by Like other experienced solitary monks, once they sensed the aura of others, they would leave quickly and would not let others get close to them. But from this, he was more certain that Li Yan was the one who came out to practice for the first time.

Next, there was nothing more to say, and the four of them immediately flew forward. However, after Cheng Wenming and the three of them saw the "Cloud-piercing Willow" flying under Li Yan's feet, their eyes flashed with a gleam. They were all veteran foundation-building monks. Li Yan just urged the "Cloud-piercing Willow" to fly for a short distance, and he could see that this object was no ordinary flying magic weapon. The three of them looked at each other without leaving any trace, and saw from each other's faces The same meaning was read in his eyes. If the other party wanted to stay away from the three of them just now, his flying boat magic weapon would definitely not be able to catch up.

They flew all the way south, a short


The half-day passed quickly. During this half-day, Li Yan also learned the names of the two people from the Chengxin Sect. The tall one was named Ye Xiuwen and the short one was named Tanzeshan. They were brothers from the same sect. The Chengxin Sect cultivates Confucianism and Taoism. Although Li Yan knew about this sect, it was his first time to come into contact with it. However, he knew that there were similarities between Confucianism and Buddhism of the Pure Land Sect. Power, Buddhism also cultivates mind power, and Confucianism also cultivates awe-inspiring righteousness. Once these two things are used, they can not only attack the enemy, but also entangle the opponent's consciousness and soul, and it is difficult to remove. It is the last thing that monks want to encounter. s things. But fortunately, neither the Buddhist power of mind nor the Taoist wish power, nor the Confucian awe-inspiring righteousness can be cultivated by oneself, but require a kind of belief to be slowly condensed, so not all monks, Taoists and All Confucian monks will have these cultivation levels, otherwise their combat prowess would already be famous all over the world.

The most rare things are things like telekinesis and awe-inspiring righteousness. It would take decades or even hundreds of years to re-condensate even a single trace of them, so they would not use them unless absolutely necessary.

When Li Yan learned that Cheng Xin Sect was cultivating Confucianism, he was surprised, but he did not believe that the two foundation-building monks in front of him could possess the awe-inspiring righteousness. He estimated that it would take at least the golden elixir stage to be able to condense it. A trace of self-defense.

Along the way, he encountered a small population of snow mosquitoes and other monsters on the snowfield. Li Yan did not hesitate to take action. When he took action, it would either be a sea of ​​fire or a heat wave, and the momentum was quite powerful. In the eyes of the other three people, it was not bad, so even Ye Xiuwen and Tan Zeshan softened their attitudes towards Li Yan a lot. Only the three of them knew this softening, that is, they saw Li Yan clearly. His cultivation level was only that of an ordinary person in the middle stage of foundation building, so he let down a lot of vigilance in his heart, and only then deliberately formed a good relationship with Li Yan for the time being.

And Li Yan gradually became more communicative with the three of them, no longer as cold as before. Half a day later, the four of them really looked like a team that had been formed long ago, but in the eyes of a discerning eye. , there is still a difference, that is, the four people are still divided into two flying magic weapons, one in front and one behind, and neither party has any intention of merging together.

In the middle of the night, they finally walked out of the vast snowfield, and what appeared in front of them was a wall of ice and snow that connected the sky and the earth. There were still a few stars in the night sky inside the Beiming Town Demon Tower, but they were missing the ones on the Desolate Moon Continent. The unique huge moon made the night hazy and quiet.

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