Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 391 Li Yan’s Luck

The Taoist priest surnamed Ren on the opposite side split his long sword into two and attacked the enemy. He was instantly counterattacked by the opposite side. The five-color bird and the azure snake attacked almost at the same time as he took action. .

However, monk Ren's face did not show any panic at all. Instead, his shoulders shook, and the empty sword sheath he had been carrying behind him let out a dragon roar, and sword energy burst out from the sheath like thousands of arrows. In an instant, he hit the three colorful birds and the small azure snake that were already approaching.

First, the five-color bird first burst out with five-color rays of light, bursting into flames. The little blue snake's eyes became more fierce after being beaten. There was a crackling sound on its body, green light flowed, and its body kept trembling backwards. .

The attack and defense of both sides were completed in an instant. The monk surnamed Ren had his sword energy flowing freely in the scabbard. The moment he came into contact with the opponent's four monsters, his body was violently shaken, and he staggered back five or six steps in succession, and the corners of his mouth spilled. With a trace of blood, he stabilized his figure, but still resisted the attack.

Even though he was weaker than his opponent in terms of both realm and numbers, although he was at a disadvantage, he was still defeated. This made Li Yan, who was watching secretly, admire him. This person was really worthy. He was actually better than he had seen before. The monks from Shibuyuan who had passed were even more ferocious.

At the same time, only in this round, Li Yan also gained some understanding of the monks of "Beast Refining Mountain". The combination of monsters and spirits in their magic weapons has certain rules. The most obvious one is to have both offense and defense, and have monsters that are the main attacker. When it appears, there will be defensive monsters behind to defend the master.

As for how many monsters they have sacrificed in their magic weapon, Li Yan no longer cares at this moment. Judging from the fact that the Nascent Soul of "Beast Refining Mountain" has sacrificed up to seven monster spirits in his life magic weapon, ordinary disciples also don't care. Not too much.

The "Jade Blood Sect" sword cultivator didn't seem to care after losing the first confrontation. To Li Yan's surprise, the sword cultivator launched a second attack, and he was still the first to attack.

This kind of behavior may be a kind of pathological stubbornness in the eyes of some people, but Li Yan caught a hint of intelligence in the other person's eyes. Li Yan knew that this person was by no means the kind of stupid person, and he was clearly testing the other person's eyes. After using the technique, he knew he was invincible and seemed to have the intention of retreating, but he concealed it very well, and on the surface he still looked like he would never stop fighting.

Li Yan knew that he didn't have much time. The sword cultivator surnamed Ren might leave in the next moment, so Li Yan used all his skills to use the concealment technique and sneaked towards the location of the "Silver Vein Flower".

The three people in front were fighting fiercely, and neither party paid much attention to what was happening behind them. With the cultivation levels of the three of them being almost the same, their spiritual consciousness and combat consciousness had been raised to the extreme, and their sense of surroundings had also reached the highest level. The most sensitive stage.

They simply don't believe that there are people within a thousand feet.


, but just when Ningji drove the little Zhanqing snake to meet the enemy, the little Zhanqing snake suddenly stagnated and seemed to have an abnormal look. Ningji thought that Ren Jianxiu had made a sudden attack, and was killed by his own Zhanqing little snake. The snake discovered it in advance.

He looked carefully, but then he realized something was wrong, because the small blue snake he was worshiping looked at the snake's head somewhere behind in confusion. Ning Ji did not look back, but his consciousness was swept away. Go, then, his expression changed drastically.

How could Ning Ji's instant change escape the eyes of Hu Hai and Ren Jianxiu opposite him? It's just that the two had different reactions. Hu Hai trusted his junior brother, but Ning Ji's change just now was not communicated with him at all beforehand. , so something definitely happened.

However, Jianxiu Ren, surnamed as Ren, thought that the other party was cheating, so he sneered and retreated slightly, and then his consciousness swept away while he was on full alert.

Because both sides deliberately avoided the "Silver Vein Flower" during the fight just now, it would be easy for the foundation-building monks to destroy a town with their fighting skills, so the three of them deliberately controlled it and placed the battlefield at the "Silver Vein Flower" Thousands of feet away, the distance of thousands of feet is simply within reach in an instant for the foundation-building monks.

Their reactions were different, but the result was the same. The black flowers that had been swaying gently in the wind just now disappeared, and disappeared completely. There was only a mud pit left on the ground, as if it had been dug up by the roots. Go.

At such a close distance, the three of them could find nothing. Even if Ning Ji had noticed something in advance, all he saw was a mud pit. For a moment, the three of them looked extremely embarrassed, especially Hu Hai and Ning. fierce.

This "Silver Vein Flower" was easily available to them half a day ago, but they gave up picking it immediately just to lure people in. But now it has disappeared out of thin air. What shocked them the most was that everything was silent.

If it weren't for the ferocious little azure snakes, which were souls refined by the Dark Moon Green Snakes, and they had a perverted feeling towards the light, they might not have noticed at all.

Ren Jianxiu rolled his eyes, stretched out his hand, and two long rainbows flew into his hand, and then turned into a long sword again. He smiled at Hu Hai and Ning Ji, "Hey, hey, the geese pecked them instead. It's a blink of an eye, it turns out to be a good thing, haha..." After saying that, his body flew back violently, leaving only bursts of laughter in the moment.

However, Hu Hai and Ning Ji only had a few fierce flashes in their eyes. Hu Hai also shook his head. They did not pursue them and allowed the "Blue Blood Sect" sword cultivator to go away.

They also

Knowing that Buyi had been staying here for a long time, and what happened just now was too weird, they thought that the most likely possibility was that a master at the Golden Core Stage passed by just now and took the "Silver Vein Flower".

Most of the mid-level and high-level monks have weird personalities. No one knows whether that person will turn around again to seek their misfortune, so why are they still willing to tangle with the "Blue Blood Sect" sword cultivator, not to mention that person is really difficult to deal with. , with the strength of the two of them, although there is hope that they can kill each other, it will not be a matter of time, and they will have to pay a high price. This is not the purpose of their coming here.

Li Yan was actually hiding nearby at the moment and had not gone far. The process of approaching the "Silver Vein Flower" just now was very smooth, but at the last moment when he was picking it, he was discovered by the little azure snake, which was like breaking the law. He learned his "sneaking and hiding at night" magic.

This made Li Yan, who had always had absolute confidence in this technique among monks of the same level, almost fly away directly. Fortunately, he suppressed his uneasiness and stayed in place to observe. ??

The little azure snake didn't know whether it was sensitive to space fluctuations or had other innate powers. When Li Yan picked the "Silver Vein Flower" at an extremely fast speed, it immediately turned its head and looked at " Fortunately, Li Yan moved incredibly quickly and threw the "Silver Vein Flower" into the soil spots in an instant.

Then, the little azure snake seemed to have lost its target and just looked around hesitantly. This made Li Yan feel a little relieved. Although he was confident that he could escape from others' pursuit, he did not want to be followed by several people. .

Making a fortune in silence was Li Yan's consistent goal. It wasn't until Hu Hai and Ning Ji hurriedly collected their magic weapons and flew away from here, and after about a cup of tea, that Li Yan slowly The figure appeared thousands of feet away.

He put his chin on his hand and murmured to himself, "That monster must have some kind of space-like innate magical power, which actually allowed the secret technique of the Five Immortals Sect to reveal its flaws under the soul of a second-level monster. Now You will have to be more cautious when using the technique later.”

Li Yan, dressed in black robes, walked through the forest. Since leaving the location of the "Silver Vein Flower", Li Yan became more careful in his movements. Even so, he still met several monks on the way. Some of them were Travel together or ride alone.

As soon as Li Yan discovered it in his spiritual consciousness, he would either avoid it from a distance, or he would hide his presence and pass by without coming into contact with anyone at all. Li Yan felt that with his carefulness, he was far more powerful than those of the same level. With the exception of monks in the middle stage of the Golden Core and above, in most cases at this second level, one should be able to successfully reach the "Red Maple Pond".

But if we move forward like this for a long time, our consciousness will become very tired.


, the spiritual power was also consumed a lot. Li Yan thought about the several groups of monks he had just met, and simply used the "Sneaking at Night" magic to reduce his spiritual consciousness to within two hundred miles, so that even if the other party could find it, Unless he was specifically looking for trouble, he wouldn't come to the door with a glaring look on his face.

After flying for dozens of miles, Li Yan suddenly raised his head and looked in one direction, because there he felt a palpitating aura flying quickly towards him.

Li Yan quickly expanded the scope of his consciousness. At first glance, his expression changed, because there was a middle-aged monk in green robes, chasing a woman leisurely, and the direction they were traveling in was , no coincidence, it was exactly where Li Yan was.

Obviously those two people had discovered Li Yan, especially the middle-aged man in green robe behind him. When Li Yan's spiritual consciousness swept over, a cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and his eyes seemed to see Li Yan through the distant jungle. , a powerful aura was exuded from his body without concealment, and at the same time he coldly shouted "Get out!"

"Rhinoceros-horned green python!" Li Yan recognized this person's identity at a glance. Although he had transformed into a human form, he was not at the level of a third-order monster, and his demonic aura was still very obvious. However, this monster had already reached the level of He was at the peak of the second level, so his demonic aura had become very weak, but he was still recognized by Li Yan at a glance.

Li Yan actually recognized the woman flying in front. It was when he entered Beiming Town Demon Tower that he met the plump woman wearing tight clothes outside the tower. Her face was red at the moment, and her hair was disheveled like dark clouds. , his expression looked nervous and embarrassed, his clothes were torn in many places, revealing a large area of ​​snow-like skin, which was extremely tempting.

"Fellow Taoist, help me, I can..." Just when Li Yan discovered the other two, the beautiful woman changed her previous indifference outside the tower, bit her teeth and actually sent a message to Li Yan, but Li Yan didn't wait. After he finished speaking, he had already turned around and flew in the other direction at top speed, without any regard for the rhinoceros-horned green python ignoring him just now.

Li Yan didn't want to cause trouble. The one chasing the beautiful woman was a second-level peak rhinoceros-horned green python. He should be the overlord of this "green python forest". This monster has been here for so many years and still exists in the jade slips. Then Combat power is by no means as simple as a fake human elixir.

What's more, the plump and beautiful woman's aura was exposed at this moment, and she was also a fake alchemy monk. Under the situation that both parties were in the same realm, the beautiful woman was forced to such a point, which shows how powerful the monster is.

Although monks of the same level have different combat abilities due to differences in the techniques they practice, at the same level, the rhinoceros-horned green python in the back looks calm and clear, while the beautiful woman in front can't even run away. , how could Li Yan not guess how tyrannical this beast was.

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