Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 436: Report your name

The invisible energy sucked into Li Yan's arms turned into a substantial dragon and pounced forward at the same time as he clapped his hands.

Suddenly, the armor leaves on Li Yan's body made a rustling sound, and there was a strong wind around him, bringing sand and gravel all over the sky. A dragon roared and swept away.

Li Yan first slapped his right palm directly on the tip of the oncoming Ruxue spear, and heard a loud "bang" sound. This spear, which was originally filled with internal strength, was hit hard by Li Yan's big spear. There was no damage at all.

But now, after Li Yan slapped it with his palm, the back end was still in the hands of the silver-armored general, and it instantly turned into a fully charged bow.

General Shining Armor only felt a strong force coming from the barrel of the gun. He could no longer hold the lever. He let go of his hands, and the Bailian Spear, which had been filled with full strength, instantly bounced straight, making a "buzz" sound and trembling. The gun was clenched heavily towards Then he hit General Shining Armor's chest.

There was just a loud "click" sound, and a ball of sparks erupted between the gun and the silver armor. The silver armor general's body was thrown directly backward. The other person was still in the air, and he spit out a blood arrow on his back, and the blood arrow streaked in the air. A bright rainbow appeared, and the silver helmet on his head was thrown high with great force, and the red tassels on it flew away.

But it wasn't over yet. Li Yan was unreasonable and concentrated his inner strength under his feet. His body surged forward and he chased after him.

As soon as his feet flew into the air, he was already behind him. His body had already flown above the silver-armored general, and he also used his left palm to carry another domineering gust of wind, slashing straight towards his neck.

At this time, the silver-armored general was hit like a bow, projectile, and gun. Although he was protected by his silver armor, he also wanted to use his internal energy to relieve it in his chest. However, he had already suffered a serious injury. In a short time, his internal energy was completely gone. Chaos, unable to run calls at all.

After spitting out a mouthful of blood on his back, the man was completely powerless in the air. At this moment, his eyes suddenly dimmed, as if the entire sky turned black instantly.

He saw a black shadow flying above him in the air, like an eagle fighting a rabbit. Under the hood, he felt a strong wind blowing against his face, forcing him to no longer be able to breathe.

A thought flashed through General Shining Armor's mind: "This man is not only amazingly powerful, but his inner energy is unparalleled in the world. How can there be such a person in this world? This kind of person should not be born in the world at all." "

This thought just flashed through his mind. He knew that he was doomed this time, so he couldn't help but close his eyes and let his body fall weakly.

"Hey!" Just as the soldiers on both sides below were shouting anxiously, General Shinjia heard Li Yan's surprised voice in his ears. Then the strong wind that had suffocated him and made him unable to breathe suddenly disappeared, and then a strong force blew him away. "Hit" to the ground. \u003c



It's just that this strong force mainly focused on "lifting". It seemed that the silver-armored general was hit hard into the ground, causing dust to fly. In fact, it used hidden force to protect his internal organs, as if he had fallen on the ground. The ground is average.

At this time, there were less than 130 soldiers left in the Meng Kingdom. However, during Li Yan's short attack to trap General Shining Armor for a moment, the west side finally took full advantage because Li Yan brought a large number of soldiers.

Usually, seven or eight people besiege one person from Meng. No matter how capable the opponent is, there are still a few people who can fight one against ten like the silver-armored general.

But when the remaining Meng soldiers saw that their general was defeated, they didn't know whether they were dead or not. Their eyes turned red in an instant, and they desperately attacked here. But how could the soldiers of the imperial dynasty make them come over? Haha. While laughing, they even raised their swords.

At this time, Li Yan had landed not far away with General Silver Armor. He ignored the sounds of killing and insults in the distance, but stared at the exposed figure as the dust gradually dispersed. The white figure's face was full of doubts, but mostly disbelief.

He had jumped down in the air before, and in pursuit of victory, the silver helmet was still drawing an arc and flying back. He saw a beautiful face, with black hair flying in all directions. Although there was blood overflowing from the corner of the mouth, the smooth white skin of the neck was exposed. And the throat there is as smooth as silk.

"Women?" This was the first reaction in Li Yan's mind. Although women were not prevented from practicing martial arts in this world, there were very few real female masters. Li Yan had never heard of a female warrior who could enter the transformation level.

In fact, female first-class masters and top masters are very rare. The most important thing is that when Li Yan saw the stubbornness outlined by the opponent's closed lips, he suddenly felt depressed for no reason. With his peerless martial arts , I actually felt like I had difficulty breathing.

For a moment, he didn't know what happened, but the power of his palm could no longer be used to shoot at full strength.

Li Yan walked forward slowly, and then stopped five steps away from the silver-armored general on the ground.

The silver-armored general had already prepared to die, but a horizontal force pushed her to the ground. Although the force of landing still shocked her internal organs and made her feel extremely uncomfortable, there was no fear for her life. She couldn't help it for a moment. Some don't know what happened.

From the news she had heard and the information she had seen, Li Yan was ruthless and ruthless. Unless he had made it known in advance, those who fought with him would either die or be maimed. There was no trace of anything from him.

There is that kind of chivalrous style, more like the barbarism of primitive humans.

Could it be that the other party was trying to capture him alive? Thinking of this, General Shining Armor suddenly felt the cool breeze blowing on his face, and then he suddenly woke up. The helmet that had been covering his face had been broken open by the collision of the two sides' infuriating energy. Come.

Thinking of this, and looking at the black-armored demon god who was walking towards her step by step, as if from the underworld, her pretty face turned pale. She wanted to stretch out her hands to support herself, but she felt a sharp pain in her chest and abdomen. She could only groan and fell back to the ground softly.

Li Yan stared at the person in front of him, and his doubts became stronger. He confirmed that this was the first time he saw this woman, but why did he feel a very familiar feeling in his heart, as if he had known her for a long time. ??

The woman looked about 23 or 24 years old, and her youth surprised Li Yan. She had a face like the moon, red lips and white teeth, eyes like stars, and her face gave people a soft and rigid sculpture feeling.

The yin and yang of these two are originally extremely contrasting, but I don’t know how they are so perfectly integrated into this face. The pair of thick eyebrows are extremely beautiful. The reason why they are beautiful, not handsome, is that this person is not a sword-like eyebrow, nor a heavy eyebrow, but a masculine eyebrow with six points of femininity.

She has a rare heroic spirit among women, which may be the reason why people think she is the legendary "silver robe young general" when they only look at her eyes.

A pair of dark eyebrows, thick, but each one grows in one direction in an orderly manner, coupled with a face like jade marble, heroic and breathtaking.

Seeing Li Yan standing five steps away from her, staring at her without blinking, General Silver Armor became more and more flustered. At this moment, she had already lost the mentality of a generation of martial arts masters.

Listening to the heart-wrenching shouts coming from all around, she felt even more heartbroken. They were the men who were willing to die to save her. Although her internal breath was not smooth at the moment, her hearing was still very sharp, and she could judge that there were less than 70 or 80 soldiers left.

"Tell me your name?" A cold and oppressive voice came over, interrupting General Silver Armor's thoughts. She took a deep breath, forced to condense her true energy, and made a strange howl, like a wounded mother wolf, making the last cry before dying.

But what disappointed her was that in her ears, the sounds of fighting and shouting did not gradually disappear, but became more intense, mixed with the familiar roars of unwillingness.

She was no longer able to issue orders for the second time, and at this moment she felt a strong sense of oppression

coming, the man who looked like a black devil took two steps forward, and then the cold voice that seemed to come from the underworld came again.

"Your men are all fierce soldiers, tell me your names?"

Although the silver-armored general was flustered, his jade face was as white as frost and snow. "Li Wusheng, the world's number one martial artist, is indeed worthy of his reputation. If you are not as skilled as others, just kill me!"

"Oh? You want me to kill you? Why, want to die? Why not let me guess, are you afraid of falling into my hands alive?" Li Yan hugged his arms in front of his chest, and his eyes flashed a few times.

The silver-armored general trembled in his heart after hearing Li Yan's words, but her expression was still indifferent, but she did not answer, but closed her eyes.

"How about this, if you tell me your origin, I will let your men live a little longer, at least they won't die one by one in front of you, how about that?"

In fact, Li Yan was not as calm as he looked. On the contrary, he was very confused. He didn't know why this woman who appeared inexplicably in front of him made him want to kill her. This was too incredible for him.

For the enemy, he always destroyed it with a wave of his hand, without thinking or hesitation, so he wanted to know more about this person's origin. Could it be that this woman had something to do with his master?

But the other party's martial arts were obviously not from his master's lineage, and he had never heard of his master in the sect saying that there was such a powerful disciple.

If it weren't for him, it would be extremely dangerous for Cui Feng to finally hold on here. It was Cui Feng's rich experience, and he blocked the other party with the help of the terrain and the number of people, but the other party only needed to rely on this person to consume the living force above a little bit, and finally add the army on the east side, then it would be possible to succeed in the surprise attack.

Li Yan's words made the silver-armored general open her beautiful eyes, and then stared at Li Yan, who was only three steps away. This was the first time she really saw Li Yan's face.

He was covered with a simple black armor, and his skin was like fine iron, shining with the luster of strength. His appearance was not handsome or good-looking at all. If he took off his knife-like aura and took off his armor, then if you said he was a coolie, someone would believe it.

"My people won't listen to you!" She just spoke in a cold voice, but she seemed extremely weak.

"Send an order, if the other party continues to attack, I will kill this person immediately, and you will also stop chasing and let them retreat first."

After listening to the silver-armored general's words, Li Yan turned his head to the side and said something. Of course, what he said was for the guards not far away to hear.

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