Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 455: Escape all the way

While the giant man roared at Li Yan, he made a move with his giant hand, and the huge black stick flew into his hand with a "buzz", and the huge stick trembled slightly in his hand.

The giant black net was once again suspended in the air on the side of the giant monster, shaking in the wind.

The giant weird man glanced at the young woman in pink palace clothes, and then took a step forward. His step was like crossing a thousand mountains and rivers, and he arrived in front of Li Yan in just one step.

The black giant rod swept across Li Yan's waist in an instant. Li Yan felt as if the spiritual energy in the surrounding space had solidified. His body seemed to be embedded in a small box, and it was very difficult to move at the moment. ??

Li Yan hurriedly exploded with spiritual power, his whole body flashed with light, his eyes also shot fiercely, and his body suddenly flew to one side.

Even though Li Yan reacted very quickly and flew more than ten feet away in an instant, the huge black stick also grew up in an instant and still hit him close to his body.

In the flash of lightning, Li Yan had no choice but to bend one knee and collided hard with the black giant stick.

There was a loud "boom", as if the huge nearby mountains were shaking. The four foundation-building monks only felt their hearts shrink suddenly, and then their heads kept buzzing, and their bodies kept retreating.

There was fear in their eyes, and they were shocked in their hearts: "Isn't that person also a master of the golden elixir? Otherwise, how could he take the attack from the village master?"

Li Yan felt as if his leg bones were about to break, and his entire body flew backwards to one side like a meteor, and then hit a mountain peak two hundred feet away.

There was another loud noise, and the mountain peak was hit by this collision, and gravels of all sizes rolled down the mountainside like rain, as if there was a rain of stones in an instant.

Then a figure rushed out from the splashing rocks. Li Yan's right leg was already a little weak. After this rough-looking man transformed into a giant monster, he was not only able to suppress the severe poison, but also his strength was greatly increased. .

Since Li Yan trained as Qiongqi Purgatory, in addition to the initial disadvantages in his sparring with Gong Chenying, in subsequent actual battles, even in the early stages of foundation building, Qiongqi Purgatory could also act as a sneak attack against a side in the early stage of Jindan. Wonderful effect.

But today, he really suffered a loss. In terms of physical strength, there was a big gap between him and the opponent. He was now in the fake elixir realm.

Seeing Li Yan flying out from the rocks again, the giant man's eyes flashed with surprise. You must know that after he appeared in his true form, even the middle and late Jindan monks may not be able to take over without using magic weapons and magic. Hold his blow.

But this kid took it without hesitation, and it didn't explode into a ball of flesh. A strong murderous intention arose in his heart.

"It turns out that he was the first to take my blow, and he was just pretending to vomit blood.


Come out, damn boy, you are still a physical practitioner. "Now he finally understands that he was deceived by Li Yan.

As soon as Li Yan flew out, he knew that he was not going to get a good deal today. He thought that his cultivation had greatly improved, so he would still be able to fight against the early stage cultivators of the Golden Core. However, this turned out not to be the case.

Just as Li Yangang flew out, his mind suddenly changed, his face suddenly changed, he endured the discomfort in his right leg, and his body blurred, and at the same time, a bloody mouth suddenly appeared on top of his head, and he bit into it. Come down.

There was only a "click" sound, and the bloody mouth closed and bit half of Li Yan's body. However, the bitten Li Yan's body gradually collapsed and eventually turned into nothingness.

Li Yan reacted very quickly. In the moment of life and death, he escaped in an instant, but the residual image of the original place was still there, bitten on the head by the big mouth.

Then a pink figure appeared where Li Yan was just now. It was a young woman in pink palace clothes. In front of her was the pink flower. At this time, the buds had opened again, and the stamens inside turned into a row of sharp teeth, spreading around. Scanning Li Yan's presence.

The young woman in pink palace attire saw that she had missed a single hit, and her originally beautiful and picturesque face became more malicious. She looked to one side, and Li Yan's figure gradually became clearer dozens of feet away.

Before his body materialized, Li Yan had already penetrated the clouds and willows. The figure he had just revealed suddenly lengthened and became illusory again.

Time seemed to stand still for a moment, and then two voices, one thick and one thin, sounded out of thin air,

"Where are you running?"

"Little bastard, you have to die for Mo'er!"

Li Yan wanted to escape.

Li Yan had to run away. Originally, he felt that he was somewhat confident in dealing with the one in the early stage of Jin Dan. If he wanted to leave with the two in the early stage of Jin Dan, it should be no problem.

But now the two of them were definitely not as good as when they met the golden elixir monk before, especially after this rough-looking man transformed into a giant weirdo, Li Yan even suffered a setback with his always confident Qiongqi Purgatory Technique.

Naturally, Li Yan could no longer fight. At this moment, he felt that even escaping was a problem. The giant man behind him seemed to have crossed dozens of feet with one step. Li Yan couldn't get rid of the cloud-piercing willow with all his strength.

"Why is it that the Guishui Sutra is the only miraculous skill in the world? There is such a powerful person in this bitter and cold place."

Li Yan secretly warned himself. When he turned around, he saw a giant weirdo holding a black stick only about 300 feet away from him.

Right, then he had the first chance to escape.

After the giant weirdo reacted, it was extremely difficult for him to expand the distance.

In Li Yan's field of vision, the speed of the young woman in pink palace clothes behind the giant monster was not much different. At some point, her jade feet stepped on a flying sword.

The flying sword was like tearing the sky apart, and it was following closely behind the giant weirdo, whizzing towards him.

The three of them turned into three-color rays of light and flew away, leaving only the four foundation builders standing there staring blankly ahead.

"I have scanned that man several times with my spiritual consciousness. He is in the realm of fake elixirs. How can he still fight with the village owner and his wife several times? Could it be that I have misjudged him?"

"It is indeed the realm of fake elixirs. No matter how well a monk hides his skills, when he fights with others, the fluctuations in his spiritual power will be completely revealed."

"What Brother Nian said is not entirely true. I heard that a monk who is so powerful as Yuanying wants his spiritual power to fluctuate in whatever realm he wants to be in. No...but, this is obviously impossible. If it is really a Yuanying monk, Ying, I guess..." ??

The giant weird man and the young woman in pink palace clothes were so angry that today was a very small thing. In their eyes, Li Yan's arrival could only be blamed on his own bad luck. After finding out the details of the other party, they would Kill the opponent immediately.

But Li Yan's aura was strange, so his original plan to capture Li Yan and immediately use the soul-searching technique changed. What happened next made the couple's eyes wide open.

Until now, they all seemed to be in a dream and couldn't believe what happened today. What was most unacceptable to them was that they and the couple took action at the same time and failed to retain the foundation-building monk.

They also asked the village owner to reveal his true form to suppress the poison. If Li Yan was allowed to escape, their whereabouts would be exposed.

“This kid is so cunning that he even hesitates to harm himself to achieve the purpose of harming others, and he is also very slippery.

The exercises he practices are both righteous and evil. He has the most powerful and yang physical cultivation skills, as well as sinister and poisonous cultivation methods. His flying magic weapon is also a top-notch item.

I wonder if he and the ten monks in the village are traveling together? "

The giant weirdo was thinking in his heart, but his eyes were even more ruthless. He had seen that the Chuanyunliu under Li Yan's feet was good before, but Li Yan didn't use all his strength to destroy it at that time. Now that he was running for his life, the giant weirdo For a while, I was helpless.

The young woman in pink palace attire behind him was also hurt by Li Yan's cruelty to the bone: "This kid is very thoughtful, and while paralyzing people, he follows one link after another.

Even to deal with


For Mo'er of the same level, he only used basic magic to make people look down upon, and then suddenly used great magical powers, and... Moreover, he didn't forget to seal Mo'er's soul before killing him.

You must not let his soul be annihilated. When the time comes, your family and disciples will be captured by soul searching, and they will slowly and miserably die one by one. I will let you see this scene with your own eyes and experience the feeling that this life is worse than death. "The young woman in pink palace dress was filled with resentment.

The two people behind were thinking this way, and Li Yan in front was feeling depressed.

"What kind of monsters are these two people? Not only has one person suppressed the poison of the 'Three Thousand Worry Threads', but he is also more ferocious, and his flesh and blood can be continuously regenerated. This is not something ordinary golden elixir monks can do.

Even if there is a secret method that can do it, it will consume a lot of essence and blood. For ordinary golden elixirs, it only takes two or three times, and the whole body's essence and blood will be exhausted.

This person had only been able to regenerate his flesh and blood four or five times at the beginning due to insufficient control over the toxicity. What a powerful bloodline he could achieve.

What's more, even when the young woman arrived, why was there still nothing wrong? Damn it..."

As he was escaping, Li Yan's mind was in a state of flux, and for a moment he had some doubts about his being separated from his body. These invincible killing moves in the past were ineffective today.

The three of them flew hundreds of miles away in a matter of seconds. The place was originally vast and sparsely populated, and they were unable to alert the other monks during such a chase and fight.

Suddenly, the snow-white face of the young woman in pink palace dress who was flying suddenly changed, her flying speed suddenly stopped, and then large beads of sweat rolled down her smooth and jade-like forehead.

She had felt some discomfort in her chest before, but because she was too sad, she thought it was caused by the depression in her chest, so she used her spiritual power to suppress it.

As the spiritual power circulated rapidly during the flight, the pain in the abdomen became more and more painful. At this moment, it was actually difficult to breathe, and a pure white color began to appear in the eyes. There were spasms of pain in the heart, and the face The muscles twitched constantly.

The giant weirdo who was striding across the void in front also felt something strange about his wife behind him and quickly stopped pursuing him.

He hurriedly looked back and saw the lady pressing her heart tightly with a jade hand, as if she was afraid that her heart would jump out of her chest, and white things kept rising from her beautiful eyes.

The white color seemed to cover the entire eyes, but was immediately suppressed by the madam. In this way, her eyes were sometimes pure white, and sometimes normal. Her expression had become extremely painful, as if she was struggling to suppress it.

Just when the giant man looked back, the young woman in pink palace clothes could no longer stand in the air. She fell from the flying sword and plummeted downwards.

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