Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 481 Coming at a flying speed

The old man in yellow who was speeding ahead couldn't help but froze when he heard this. Then he looked back and saw the four people who were almost still staying in the same place. Then he frowned and shouted in a low voice, "A bunch of trash!"

Although the old man in yellow said so, he really couldn't abandon the four people.

Before, it was because he was overly excited and had been thinking about the major events that were going to happen later, as well as the long-standing longing for his hometown. After saying these words to the four of them, he left. They left it behind.

So the old man in yellow swung his sleeves behind him, and a line of black smoke was like a long rope. It rolled up the four people behind him, pulled it towards the distant sky, and flew away quickly...

And about thirty breaths later, the entire South China Sea region heard an earth-shaking loud noise, and dark clouds began to gather for no apparent reason above the originally clear sky.

The originally slightly turbulent sea also experienced sudden changes. An overwhelming tsunami rolled up thousands of waves, and the waves rising from the sea were as high as a thousand feet.

No matter how far apart they are, the creatures on all the islands feel a destructive force rising from the depths of the sea.

Under the cloudy sky, at a certain place, a pillar of black air that is more than ten miles long rises into the sky, forming a connection with the lead-heavy ink clouds in the sky, and actually pulls the ink clouds in the sky downward. The tendency of the sea surface to drop.

The small island where the five old men in yellow used to be has turned into nothingness at this moment, as if it had never appeared in this world. It disappeared completely without a sound, and only a huge black hole appeared. The land where the island once was.

What's strange is that the huge waves rolling up all around are not able to pour into the huge hole at all, and they can only roar and roar around the huge black hole.

In the pitch-black cave, there are streams of icy-cold black smoke rising into the sky. Under the black smoke, a vortex covered with ancient runes is slowly rotating, and in the rotation of these ancient runes, this At that moment, something black and messy slowly floated up.

To say "slowly" is only compared to the surrounding roaring waves and the rising black smoke. In fact, in just half a breath, most of the thing was exposed.

Upon closer inspection, he turned out to be a skinny, skeleton-like man in black with long hair. The clothes on his body may not have been black, but over the years, they had become strands of black cloth, just like that. It hangs on the dry body like a scarecrow in the field after the season.

This man's long hair covered his face. As his body continued to rise, his thin body appeared unusually tall, but his long hair kept falling downwards, seemingly endless.

"Slowly" rising up, the man in black, who had his head lowered all the time, slowly raised his face when most of his body was exposed, letting his long hair fall a little to both sides of his face. It was an old face full of wrinkles. Extremely beautiful face.

layers of wrinkles


It was the dry bark on the old tree. His eyes looked greedily at everything in front of him, and then an old voice came out hoarsely from his throat.

"Master, the formation formed by you and your two uncles using essence and blood has finally allowed us to return to the world. The disciples have fulfilled the master's orders and brought them back... In the remaining years, we can take back what originally belonged to us. of heaven and earth.

The most important thing is to find that hidden space and regain our treasure...

We are back in the world..."

As soon as the old man in black finished speaking, he rose into the sky, bringing up bursts of black smoke.

Then, from the black hole whirlpool, two more men with long hair and black clothes rushed out. Looking under the whirlpool, densely packed thin figures emerged, numbering four to five hundred in number.

Their eyes were full of greed and blood, and they sang in their mouths, "If I lose my hometown, the vast countryside will be lost; if I lose my body, the duckweeds will be desolate; if I come flying, the river of blood will sway..."

The hatred in his voice lasts forever...

With a "boom", Li Yan felt his eyes light up, and his consciousness had reached a silvery sky and earth.

Looking at the scene around him, Li Yan was overjoyed, but his head was still a little dizzy, which was the result of overdraft of his consciousness.

"If I hadn't been promoted to Fake Pill this time, there would still be nothing I could do with this silver paper."

Just now, Li Yan had used 90% of his divine consciousness, which was already as powerful as the middle stage of the Golden Core. This time, his divine consciousness was about to be bounced away from the silver paper.

Li Yan instantly forcibly concentrated all his consciousness on one point, forming a black spike of consciousness. Finally, with this blow, he finally entered the silver paper.

Li Yan looked around with full vigilance. He always made decisions before taking action. The moment his consciousness thorn broke through the silver paper restriction, he immediately separated most of his consciousness and returned to his body.

Only a trace of his consciousness entered the silver paper. If the situation inside the silver paper was worse than expected, then at most he would only lose this trace of his consciousness, but his soul would never be severely damaged.

If that were the result, he would be miserable.

Unexpectedly, the situation in the silver paper was beyond Li Yan's imagination, or to be precise, beyond any situation Li Yan had imagined before.

First of all, his consciousness was not attacked by any attack. Instead, the entire inner space of the silver paper was unexpectedly quiet.

There was a silvery white surrounding, and nothing could be seen in the vastness. According to Li Yan's opinion, he should have been attacked half the time when his consciousness penetrated the silver paper.


Or, there will be many words or runes appearing. More than 80% of the minds of the monks who have been fighting for it in the tower believe that it is something like a jade slip. It should be inscribed with some kind of martial arts, magic or formation. , The secret method of refining weapons is.

However, none of this was sent or appeared.

Li Yan was on guard and began to shuttle quickly inside the silver paper. After a while, Li Yan found helplessly that he got nothing.

"This silver paper has been activated with spiritual power and magic spells before when it could not be opened. It should not be any type of magic weapon or talisman. Could it be..."

Li Yan had already determined that these three pieces of silver paper were not magic weapons or talismans. Now that he had found nothing, he couldn't help but think of the magic weapons in the hands of the demons, which he could not use either.

For a moment, I thought it was possible. After all, the origin of Beiming Town Demon Tower is mysterious, and the refining time should be traced back to a long, long time ago.

Moreover, the function of the Beiming Demon Town Tower itself should be a magic weapon refined to suppress souls such as demons. It is not impossible if the original owner of the Beiming Demon Tower surrendered some demons.

After these demons are refined in the tower, the magic weapons they have used may be left behind and eventually scattered throughout the tower. Thinking about this, there is nothing surprising.

In this way, the silver paper that so many monks are fighting for is just a piece of waste paper, useless.

Of course, this is all Li Yan's speculation. He will definitely not give up so easily. A ray of consciousness still remains in the silver paper.

In the cave, Li Yan raised his five fingers. During the change, a stream of spiritual power hit the silver paper. He wanted to use his own spiritual power to drive it. This time, he looked through the silver paper to see if there was any abnormality. occur.

After ten breaths, Li Yan withdrew his spiritual power, and then fired out another spell, causing the silver paper to sparkle with brilliance.

After another ten breaths, Li Yan's spiritual consciousness left inside the silver paper found helplessly that whether it was spiritual power or magic formula entering, at most it would only cause more spiritual power fluctuations inside the silver paper. After a short pause, Finally, everything returned to normal again.

When the time came, Li Yan had also explored what he should have explored, and tried all the available techniques. He could only look around in the silver paper blankly, and then gave a wry smile.

After thinking about it for a while, he felt that he should observe the situation of the other two silver cards. If the situation was the same, he could only wait until his cultivation level increased greatly in the future, and there might be other ways to study the results.

Just when Li Yan was about to withdraw his spiritual consciousness, suddenly an extremely cold voice rang out in the silver paper space. This made Li Yan startled and almost subconsciously withdraw his spiritual consciousness, but fortunately he had always been able to do so. guard against


Fan is somewhat adaptable.

"I am the fourth elder of the fifty-ninth generation of the 'Immortal Mingfeng' clan, and my name is 'Tatian'. There is not much time left, and the remaining essence and blood will be turned into ten collections.

If you are of my clan’s bloodline, this is the last gift I leave to you; if you are not of my clan’s blood, this gift will be handed over to the ‘Immortal Mingfeng’ clan immediately and shall not be kept privately.

And tell them about the remaining nine drops of essence and blood, otherwise you will be hunted by our clan for generations until your soul is destroyed. "

This voice was desolate and thick, and it came unexpectedly, which shocked Li Yan, but when he heard it at the end, his expression changed several times.

What are the reasons why Li Yan was surprised?

One is that there are many demonic beasts in this world, but apart from the four peerless ferocious beasts, the top demonic beasts are none other than the dragon, phoenix, and phoenix clans. The phoenixes behind them are actually from the same clan, one male and one male. female.

But whether it is dragon or phoenix, they are just a general term. There are many types of dragon clan, such as five-clawed golden dragon, candle dragon, Yinglong, Jiaolong, etc.; the same is true for phoenix clan, such as Qingluan, Fire Phoenix, Ice Phoenix, Qingfeng, etc. Phoenix wait.

This "Immortal Phoenix" is a very powerful branch of the Phoenix clan. Its feathers are silver-gray, its blood is silver-white, and its body is like a star. Even though it is not as good at space power as other Phoenix clans.

But the adult "Immortal Phoenix" can travel through any space, and there are almost no spatial turbulence and strong winds that can harm it. It is almost a true immortal body.

But there are no absolutes in this world. Although the lifespan of the "Immortal Phoenix" is measured in tens of thousands of years, and the physical body is so powerful that it is outrageous, but when it comes to death, this "Heaven-Treading" one will eventually die. This is the case with the Phoenix Clan, but it still shows how powerful this race is.

Secondly, since the "Immortal Phoenix" is almost immortal, the words just mentioned undoubtedly reveal that this "Immortal Phoenix" is on the verge of death. Who killed it? Who can kill it?

Even a young "Immortal Phoenix" is thought to exist in the Golden Core stage. Obviously, the vicissitudes of life in this voice undoubtedly indicate that this is an adult "Immortal Phoenix".

According to the classics that Li Yan had read, the adult "Immortal Phoenix" could no longer stay in the "mortal world", and its cultivation level had long exceeded that of becoming a god, which was not tolerated by the laws of this world.

The cultivation of monsters is much simpler than that of humans. In addition to the innate magical powers in their blood, their daily cultivation speed is also amazingly fast. Some monsters even simply eat, drink, and sleep all day long. As long as their bodies grow, they will It will be in constant promotion.

Whether this is the case for the "Immortal Phoenix", Li Yan did not see the introduction in the classics, but this dead "Immortal Phoenix" must have been a transcendent existence. Li Yan could tell just from the faint words. Ignore all majesty.

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