Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 549: Reorganizing the Team

But at this moment, one of the other two demon cultivators who did not move suddenly spoke up, "My fellow Daoist, you said you were looking for friends, are you going to form a new team?"

When Li Yan heard this, he thought, "Here we go!"

In the news they had received before, they found that some demon cultivators in the town seemed to be forming new teams, and these teams were often teams with only a few people. Li Yan and the other five discussed the reason, but there was no good answer.

If this was the gathering place for the army's attack, then all the cultivators would be incorporated into the team, and there was no need to form a team.

Before they understood it, the last piece of news was ignored by others, but Li Yan thought he could give it a try, so he was also ambiguous in his words.

He turned his head and glanced at the bald man. "I originally wanted to find someone familiar to join the team and make some preparations early, but I couldn't find him for a while. There are people coming and going in the town. Bringing these human cultivators will not only not help, but will hinder us in some places."

What Li Yan said just now was a trap based on his speculation, but he was not very sure. If it didn't work, he would try other reasons.

But Li Yan felt that with the indifferent attitude of several demon cultivators in the courtyard, the most likely possibility was that they had to temporarily retreat from the courtyard.

Later, Li Yan wanted to quietly perform "Stealth at Night" to sneak back to the courtyard alone, waiting for an opportunity to see if he could contact the "Luoshu Lake" disciple, and then make further plans.

As for how to call out the demon cultivator with the forbidden token alone, it would be difficult for the five of them to ambush and kill him together.

Now there are cultivators everywhere in "Zhouyang Town", and there may not even be a place to ambush and kill, so the implementation of the following series of plans is very difficult, but they can only take one step at a time. Now the changes here are too big, which caught them off guard.

Until the bald demon cultivator spoke, Li Yan was overjoyed. This person was the only leader of the "Qingling Sect" that Bai Rou had discovered when she was lurking in the mountains before.

Although Li Yan was happy in his heart, his face remained calm. Instead, he looked up and down at the bald demon cultivator and did not speak immediately.

"This fellow Taoist, I am Jiao Hua. The team went out to perform a mission the day before yesterday and encountered a fierce battle. Although we killed the entire team of the other side, we also suffered nearly half of the casualties.

The human cultivators are despicable and shameless. The two cultivators attacked the deputy team leader together but could not win. In the end, the two chose to self-destruct together, causing the deputy team leader to die on the spot." At this point, the bald man's face showed a ferocious look.

"But in the end, I didn't let the surviving cultivators have an easy time. I sealed their cultivations one by one and lined them up so that they could see each other. Then I slowly cut open their intestines one by one, dragged their intestines on the ground, until they wailed and screamed for a long time, and slowly died in pain, hehehe..."

Speaking of this, the patterns on the bald man's face trembled violently, and he seemed extremely excited.

The other three demon cultivators also laughed after hearing this, and even talked about how they had tortured and killed human cultivators.

Li Yan's face was still indifferent. He interrupted the excited words of the four demon cultivators directly, and clasped his fists and said, "I am Li Yan, what does Fellow Daoist Jiao mean by combining our two teams?"

As Li Yan spoke, he clearly felt that the four people behind him, except Sun Guoshu, were trembling slightly, and their breath fluctuated.

Li Yan knew that the three people were not afraid because they heard about the other party's torture methods, but were extremely angry.

Before Jiao Hua could answer, the short and strong demon cultivator suddenly shouted in a deep voice, "Friend Li, it seems that your subordinates are not satisfied." This demon cultivator was the strongest among the four, so he was the most sensitive and noticed the abnormality at once. As soon as he said this, everyone in the courtyard looked at Bai Rou and the other three. Sun Guoshu felt as if he was being stared at by a group of evil men, and couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart, "Why are these masters of the Wuliang Sect so impatient? Are they going to take action now?" But when he thought of the result of taking action here, it would almost be a certain death, and Sun Guoshu felt unwilling. At this time, Li Yan's voice sounded again, "What if they are not satisfied? If there is no one available, they will die now. It's just a matter of a thought. However, your people are not much better?" After saying that, Li Yan glanced at the Nanhai monks who were on guard in the courtyard. Some of them still had shame and reluctance on their faces. It seems that some of them have participated in this kind of slaughter. The four demon cultivators, who had glared like knives, snorted heavily at the cultivators in the courtyard after hearing Li Yan's words, and then stopped looking at Bai Rou and the other three.

They certainly knew that the South China Sea cultivators who were planted with restrictions hated them deeply, but the restriction token that controlled their life and death was on themselves.

It was exactly what Li Yan said, wanting them to die was just a matter of a thought for them, and no matter how unwilling they were, they would still obey the orders given.

Jiao Hua retracted his gaze and said to Li Yan, "I was thinking about this. Now time is urgent, and it is possible that Li Daoyou's friends may not be able to come to 'Zhouyang Town'. How about we form a team?"

The demon cultivators here all knew that the number of them who broke through the South China Sea Second Realm Channel was limited. If they did not have people to direct them, they would be the first to bear the brunt, and they might have to go up in the first wave of charge.

Although the demon cultivator is tough, no one wants to die easily. If he can control the Nanhai cultivator to consume the opponent's power, why not do it.

And if he accidentally dies in the battle, then these Nanhai monks under him will definitely take the opportunity to escape. Therefore, a team like them with only one demon cultivator left hopes to reorganize, so that even if he dies, his body will not be destroyed. Banning tokens will also come into play.

Even if the Li Yan in front of him dies and gets the prohibition token from him, then the four people under him will belong to him. Among these four people, there are two fake alchemy monks.

After hearing Jiao Hua's words, Li Yan did not reply immediately. Instead, he looked around at the people in the courtyard before speaking.

"Fellow Daoist Jiao's suggestion is definitely the best suggestion at the moment, but who are your people here?"

As soon as Li Yan said these words, Jiao Hua looked embarrassed. He still has six people under his command, but the two with the highest cultivation level are only in the late stage of foundation building, and the rest are in the early stage of foundation building.

Although there seemed to be more people than Li Yan and the others, their combat power was not as good as theirs. Even their own cultivation was incomparable to the Li Yan in front of them.

He understood what Li Yan meant. He clearly wanted to see how strong his side was, for fear that he would drag down their overall strength.

At this time, among the other three demon cultivators, the short and stocky demon cultivator was in the same team as the other demon cultivator, and their team had just come here and had not suffered any losses.

At the same time, even if Li Yan's team can be recruited to strengthen its strength, if a team has too many demon cultivators leading the team, the distribution of command rights in the team will also be a problem.

So the short and stocky demon cultivator and his vice-captain just laughed and just watched the show with their arms folded.

At this time, except Jiao Hua, the remaining demon cultivator with a gloomy look looked at Li Yan and said slowly.

"My team also has two fake elixirs, but there are more people than you, two in the late stage of foundation building, and five in the middle stage of foundation building.

If we reorganize the team, we should be able to form a stronger combat capability, but the position of captain must be taken by me. What do you think, Fellow Daoist Li? "

The team of this demonic cultivator is far superior to Bai Rou and others in terms of number and cultivation. Of course, this is when the other party does not know that Bai Rou has a strength comparable to the fake elixir.

After hearing this, Li Yan glanced at the gloomy demon cultivator, and then looked at Jiao Hua again, "Fellow Daoist Jiao, what do you say?"

After the gloomy demonic cultivator was ignored by Li Yan, his face could not help but become more gloomy. He let out a heavy "hum" in his nose, then turned around and walked towards a house.

Although his men are stronger than Li Yan, they


His strength is only equivalent to the middle stage of foundation building, and there is a lot of difference between the fake elixir realm revealed by Li Yan.

But he was definitely not willing to hand over so many of his people to Li Yan's command, so it was just a test.

"Hehehe, there are still six monks below me. How can they compare with Fellow Daoist Li? The position of captain is of course held by Fellow Daoist Li."

Jiao Hua stretched out his hand and touched his bald head, then smiled. His thoughts are completely different from those of the gloomy demon cultivator. Despite his vulgar appearance, he is actually very cunning on the inside.

In his words, he only said that Li Yan would be the captain, but he did not say that he would be the deputy captain. By then, all of his men would be dead, and he would definitely not listen to Li Yan's orders.

The six people under his command are only two in the late stage of foundation building. If they fight with the enemy, they will most likely be consumed as quickly as possible.

But if combined with the five men under Li Yan, the combat power will be doubled, and they should be able to hold on for a longer period of time. In this way, he can hide behind and gain a lot of safety time.

After hearing this, Li Yan nodded as expected, "Then Brother Daoist Jiao should also bring your people out to meet them. After both parties get to know each other, we will make further allocations. What do you think?"

At the same time, Li Yan was overjoyed, thinking that the progress was going so smoothly, this was the so-called luck.

"Oh, of course. All my people were injured. Thanks to the kindness of my friend Wen Dao, I was exempted from the duty of guard and rested in two rooms."

When Jiao Hua heard that Li Yan agreed, he felt happy. As he spoke, he bowed his hand to the short and sturdy demon cultivator on the side. The short and sturdy demon cultivator waved his hand and did not speak, but he also did not talk to the other demon cultivator Leave immediately.

"You guys, come out and see Captain Li." Jiao Hua then changed his voice and shouted to the house behind him.

At this time, Bai Rou and the others behind Li Yan also raised their heads and looked at the house opposite. They had not said a word since they entered the hospital.

Of course, the reason for their silence is also due to their current status. If they transform into foreign monks, they may have the right to talk to the demonic cultivators.

Several people's emotions were a little complicated, from the initial nervousness of following Li Yan in, to the confusion of not knowing Li Yan's plan, to the anger after hearing the words of the demon cultivator, to the final turn of events.

In the end, I watched helplessly as Li Yan completed the plan that was close to the goal step by step. The whole process seemed so smooth, even easy.

It wasn't until this moment that they realized that they had ignored a seemingly insignificant piece of information just now, which was caught by Li Yan keenly. However, without knowing the reason for this piece of information, if a bad thing happened, they might now It's already been exposed.

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