Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 555 Confirmation (2)

The death of his clan brother made Yu Yuanjun turn from panic to despair. However, among the group of monks who suddenly appeared today, someone secretly sent a message to him, asking him if he knew "Luoshu Lake"? At that time, Yu Yuanjun thought he was hearing hallucinations.

The existence of "Luoshu Lake" was only known to a few senior officials of the closely-knit "Qingling Sect".

Even the elite disciples who had been to "Luoshu Lake" thought it was just a branch of the "Qingling Sect", but they didn't know that the two were former allies.

Therefore, when Yu Yuanjun woke up, he thought that the other party was a direct descendant of the top brass of "Qinglingmen", so he knew the existence of "Luoshu Lake".

He was frightened for a moment, not knowing what the other party was going to do. He even thought that the other party was trying to test his identity and wanted to inform the demon cultivator.

Surprised in his heart, he just stared at the middle-aged woman carefully with a shocked expression. It wasn't until the middle-aged woman told the content of the distress message they had sent and the appearance of the "Luoshu Lake" family token that he I began to believe that this person was not a temptation from the "Qing Ling Sect".

But before he saw the family token, Yu Yuanjun, who was now as frightened as a bird, still had doubts, but he still refused to admit that he knew any "Luoshu Lake" family, and was vague with the other party. Do not deny.

Even when the woman asked about his clan brother, he still gave a calm answer. That man had died in the battle. He also pretended to ask the woman if she had any relationship with the "Qingling Sect", otherwise how could he know him? them.

Yu Yuanjun has no choice but to be on guard, and now he is also in panic all day long. Unless a golden elixir demon cultivator captures him to search for his soul, he must be careful in everything.

The reason why he has such confidence is because the whistleblower will end up even more miserable than him if the whistleblower fails.

The reason that kept him from making a final decision was that the woman actually said that the family token was with their captain, who was a demon cultivator.

How ridiculous that a demonic cultivator actually came to rescue him. He could feel the aura he was most familiar with recently from that demonic cultivator, which was the pure demonic energy that had always frightened him.

Once he realized this, he was like many human monks. In the long years, low-level monks had never seen a demon cultivator at all. Even the cracks in the Yin Demon Cliff had become a secret, let alone those who knew about the demon cultivator. It's a secret.

Just when Yu Yuanjun was thinking wildly, a voice suddenly sounded, which made the six people in the room open their eyes at the same time, but later the other five "Qingling Sect" disciples all focused on Yu Yuanjun.

"Junior brother Yu, what did that demon cultivator want to do with you? It's already midnight, and you didn't explain it clearly to him just now?" At this time, an older-looking Qingling Sect disciple said cautiously.

He is the person with the highest level of cultivation here. He is in the same realm as Yu Yuanjun. They are both in the late stage of foundation building, but Yu Yuanjun’s essence and blood are consumed.


Even bigger, the current level has fallen sharply.

The two of them were in the same realm before. They had a lot of contact with Yu Yuanjun in "Qingling Sect", so when they heard that Yu Yuanjun was asked to go to the other side, they immediately became cautious.

Yu Yuanjun had already made a guess in his mind. He was very conflicted at this time. He wanted to go out immediately, but he was afraid that it was really a trick of the demon cultivator. In the end, he came to confirm his identity.

Once he fell into the trap, he would be forced to lead a team to find the entrance to the "Luoshu Lake" family. Hesitating, he said vaguely to the "Qingling Sect" disciple, "I think that's about it. "

After all, he left himself a way out and didn't say anything.

At this moment, Sun Guoshu's voice sounded again, but it had become a little colder. "Fellow Daoist Yu, this is Master Jiao's order. Do you need Master Jiao to issue the order in person before you obey the order?"

Yu Yuanjun's heart was agitated at this moment. He knew Jiao Hua's temper. Now that Jiao Hua had not spoken out, it meant that he was really looking for something. Jiao Hua was right next door. If he waited for Jiao Hua to speak out, he would not die. It's also about to shed its skin.

But when he thought of this, Yu Yuanjun suddenly became disappointed. Could it be that he had really guessed it right and that the other party was testing him? But no matter what, he couldn't escape.

So Yu Yuanjun forced a smile to the people at "Qingling Gate" and said, "We are in the same courtyard, Master Jiao is here, if anything happens, I will come back as soon as I go!"

After saying that, Yu Yuanjun stood up and walked out.

When Yu Yuanjun followed Sun Guoshu to Li Yan's room with uneasiness, King Hu Xiao immediately opened the formation in the room.

At this time, Li Yan did not delay at all. With a wave of his right hand, a small iron scroll appeared in his hand, and then he threw it to Yu Yuanjun. At the same time, he shouted in a deep voice, "Quickly confirm, we must leave here immediately." !”

Looking at the walnut-sized iron scroll floating in front of him, Yu Yuanjun's hands started to tremble a little, and he was a little confused for a moment. "Why is it different from what I thought? What is going on? Mr. Jiao, he …”

Seeing Yu Yuanjun's shock, Li Yan dissatisfied and urged again, "Hurry up!"

Yu Yuanjun immediately woke up and subconsciously took the iron scroll in front of him in his hand. It was indeed a familiar family keepsake, with the word "Yu" engraved on the front and a lake pattern behind the scroll.

But when he raised his head with excitement and saw Li Yan's carved face, he was a little confused. A monk could transform into a demon cultivator, but the demon cultivator in front of him clearly had demonic aura.

"Could it be that the ancestor of the family is powerful enough to bribe the demon cultivator? How did the demon cultivator in front of him hide it from Jiao Hua?" Ding Yuanjun thought inexplicably.

But he kept saying nervously, "We have all been restrained by the demon cultivator, and the restraining token that controls our life and death is still there..."

Before he could finish his words, a red light flashed in the hands of the demon cultivator opposite, and something was suspended in the air again. It was a red iron block. Li Yan only took out the token that was bound to Yuan Jun's essence.

The next moment, Ding Yuanjun trembled all over, then he excitedly raised an arm and touched the red iron block suspended in the air.

Although there is no magic formula being sacrificed at this time, and the red iron block is like a dead object, Ding Yuanjun has already felt the most familiar aura from it, which is the feeling emanating from his essence.

Looking at the red iron block in his hand, Ding Yuanjun's palms were covered with sweat, and his eyes had turned red. It would be great if his clan brother could persevere until now.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a light touch in his hand. Li Yan had snatched the red iron block back with his hand, and then Li Yan quickly hit the red iron block with a spell, "See clearly, there is something here." A piece of your soul.”

As he spoke, Li Yan pointed at the two transformed faces. As soon as Yuanjun's face appeared, Li Yan put away the magic formula in his hand, and then took advantage of the situation to put away the red iron block.

When someone else took the prohibition token away from his hand, Ding Yuanjun almost jumped up subconsciously, as if he had lost the most precious thing in the world.

But when he saw Li Yan's ferocious face, he thought of Jiao Hua again, and his momentum suddenly stopped.

" are you doing?"

Li Yan said coldly, "It's nothing. I just took it out for you to confirm that the prohibition token is correct. When you return to the rear, this object will be handed over to your ancestor. Now you are sure to release the essence in it." Po?"

Ding Yuanjun, who was still feeling disappointed in his heart, was speechless for a moment after hearing this. Now that the prohibition token is placed in front of him, there is really no way for him to return the ray of his soul to his body without any harm.

But he still said unwillingly, "But, after all, it is my essence that is imprisoned here..."

"If I give it to you now, can you guarantee that the essence of the forbidden token will not be leaked? It will not be discovered by others. Find out why a forbidden token that controls the life and death of human monks appears on one of your taxis?"

"I..." Ding Yuanjun couldn't help but be speechless for a moment after hearing Li Yan's words. He didn't expect so much just now. It's hard to tell whether the demon cultivator has any tracking marks on this forbidden token.

Now put it on this demon cultivator, everything


It's all normal, but if someone is found to be holding this object in his hand, it can't be explained clearly.

Seeing Li Yan put away the red iron piece, he felt reluctant to let go, but he could only do this, but then Ding Yuanjun suddenly asked.

"There are five other senior brothers from the 'Qingling Sect' here. If I escape, their fate will be extremely miserable. Can we bring them together..."

"No, everything from now on can only depend on their good fortune. If they can detect something wrong in advance after we leave and take the opportunity to escape, that will be their good fortune.

And if you are lucky, you may be able to recover the essence in this forbidden token. We will not do the rest. Unless you want to expose your whereabouts, we will immediately give up the plan to rescue you. . "

Li Yan directly interrupted Ding Yuanjun's words, and sneered in his heart, "I can rescue you because you are valuable. Otherwise, I will kill you now. I don't know how many of our monks you have killed on your hands, and you still want to let those few... People go back together.”

If Li Yan hadn't been afraid of arousing the alertness of other demonic cultivators here, if only Jiao Hua's team was here, he would have planned to kill the five spirits in the forbidden tokens with the exception of Ding Yuanjun.

Li Yan himself didn't realize that as his cultivation level improved day by day, his character gradually became ruthless like other immortal cultivators.

It's just that Li Yan's deep attachment to family affection remained deep in his subconscious, so he always thought that he hadn't changed and that the change was just the environment.

This is the tragedy of cultivating immortals. The further you practice any skill, some of your humanity will slowly be erased and disappear.

Until the end, perhaps only one's close relatives can arouse a long-lost warmth deep in the heart of the cultivator.

But this does not mean that Li Yan is heartless, but his standards for love are getting higher and higher and more stringent.

Yu Yuanjun opened his mouth and still wanted to ask, but at this time Li Yan had already stood up, and said at the same time, "From now on, shut up honestly, everything will be handled by us, otherwise if it happens because of you And if your whereabouts are exposed, you don’t have to think about going back.”

Then he winked at King Hu Xiao, who took a deep breath, waved his sleeves, and the door opened again, and then several people filed out. At this time, they didn't want to stay here for a while. .

Without being greeted, Yu Yuanjun shut his mouth honestly, and then followed everyone nervously. As soon as Li Yang arrived in the courtyard, he glanced sideways at the room where Jiao Hua was, and said lightly.

"Fellow Daoist Jiao, I'm going to check now. It's best that everything you say is true!" What he said was so confusing that outsiders were confused as to what happened between the two demon cultivators.

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