Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 565 Despair (I)

The three long-armed giant ape puppets were already very well coordinated, just like twin brothers with a tacit understanding and blood connection.

After giving up the defensive momentum, every attack was like a heavy hammer, and the "White Incandescent Demon Tiger" was hit in pain and could only retreat again and again.

While attacking, Bai Rou slapped her waist with her jade hand, and a pill suddenly flew out of the storage bag and went straight to her mouth. The next moment, she was held in her mouth.

Although Bai Rou could not practice poison, she was a disciple of the Wuliang Sect and still had poison pills on her body. She knew what it meant for a female cultivator to fall into the hands of the enemy.

She was making a last effort now, hoping that Li Yan could hold on for a while longer. She had to severely injure the demon beast in front of her as soon as possible so that she could rush over, but she knew in her heart that facing a middle-stage Jindan demon, there was no hope at all, but she still had to risk her life.

The poison pill in her mouth would dissolve if touched, and she would die if she entered her stomach. Now she was just wrapping the pill with her spiritual power to prevent it from dissolving. As long as her spiritual power was dispersed, the poison pill would melt in an instant, and the next moment, she would become a pile of bones.

Bai Rou had not learned the poison cultivation methods of the Wuliang Sect, but she had learned the decisiveness and viciousness of poison cultivation. Bai Rou planned to detonate the three puppets immediately while approaching the magic cultivator.

Teng Wuji, who was far away, had just received Li Yan when he saw the girl suddenly swallow some pill when she opened her mouth, which made him frown. Although he didn't know what pill the other party swallowed, the resolute look on Bai Rou's face made Teng Wuji feel something was wrong.

"It should be just a pill to replenish blood or spiritual power." Teng Wuji thought in his heart.

Originally, with his cultivation, he thought that the other party could resist the "White Incandescent Demon Tiger" in the early stage of the third stage with the help of the magic puppet, but in front of him, it was simply a joke.

It is not as easy as blowing a breath to kill a Jindan in the middle stage, but it is definitely not too troublesome.

But he had to capture Bai Rou alive, and secondly, he had to get the storage bag on this kid, so the task of killing two people with a wave of his hand became a little complicated.

After several hesitations, Teng Wuji made a mistake that made him regret it. Otherwise, when Li Yan and others were knocked down by the "Dark Gold Lightning" and revealed their figures, he only needed to take the opportunity to kill everyone here.

Up to now, the only threat to him was the small piece of jade ruler.

Seeing that Li Yan had been sucked into the "Soul Absorbing Bottle", Teng Wuji did not have time to check the result, and in fact, he did not need to check the result.

Even if a Jindan cultivator entered the "Soul Absorbing Bottle", he could only resist for a while, and he would still be unable to escape the fate of death in the end. He only needed to pour out the boy's dried corpse and storage bag in a short time.

Teng Wuji took the "Spirit Absorbing Bottle" with his right hand, and appeared in front of Bai Rou. He felt that the pills swallowed by the girl made him very uneasy, so it was safest to capture her.


Teng Wuji did not give Bai Rou any time to react, and grabbed her head with a claw.

Bai Rou was casting a spell desperately, forcing the "White Incandescent Demon Tiger" to retreat continuously amid the roar.

At this time, the "White Incandescent Demon Tiger" swung its thick tail like a windmill, making a sharp "swoosh" sound of stirring the surrounding airflow.

Every time it hit the puppet, one of the puppets would tilt its body and stagger backwards, leaving a dazzling white mark on its body that went several inches deep.

But the other two puppets would take the opportunity to punch the "White Incandescent Demon Tiger" or knee it in the waist with a dazzling blue light of spiritual power.

At this time, the puppet giant ape that was repelled had red flashing in its eyes, and once again, it rushed forward with a dazzling blue light.

The eyes of the "White Incandescent Demon Tiger" showed some fear. The attack launched by the three puppets after being embedded with the middle-grade spirit stone was not something it could bear. At this moment, it felt that its internal organs were turned upside down, and its muscles and bones were in great pain.

Bai Rou's three long-armed giant ape puppets were already close to the strength of the early stage of the golden elixir. Under this desperate fight regardless of damage, and with the help of the middle-grade spirit stone, knowing that the "White Incandescent Demon Tiger" was extremely fierce, it was barely defeated.

But all this lasted for less than two breaths, and Bai Rou felt a flash in front of her eyes, and the hairs on her body stood up. Her reaction was many times faster than her brain, and she subconsciously played a spell with her hands to make the three long-armed puppets self-destruct.

In just a moment, the space around her seemed to have stopped in time. Bai Rou's jade arms were nailed in the air at the moment when the spell was started.

And on her snow-white jade neck, a pair of black dry giant hands were stuck on it.

Bai Rou's jade face flushed, and her heart was horrified beyond words. She hurriedly used her luck to resist, but the spiritual power in her body, which had always been surging freely, lost all control the moment the big hand was stuck on her jade neck.

Bai Rou's heart was instantly dead. She couldn't even break the spiritual power wrapped around the pill in her mouth in an instant, but she still bit her silver teeth fiercely.

The spiritual power on the pill would automatically dissipate after two breaths after losing the follow-up support of the spiritual power in her dantian.

Under Bai Rou's weak appearance, there was a fiery heart. She didn't want the other party's dirty big hand to stay on her for a while, so she wanted to kill herself immediately.

But what frightened Bai Rou was that after the other party's big hand grabbed her throat, she couldn't even bite it.

The three long-armed giant ape puppets below

After losing the control of Bai Rou's consciousness, the red light in his eyes quickly faded, and the attacks stopped. He was knocked to the ground one by one by the "Incandescent Demon Tiger".

At this time, Bai Rou's desperate voice sounded in her ears, and a stench sprayed to the tip of her nose, which was nauseating.

"What do you want to do? Let me see what you just swallowed, hehehe..."

Teng Wuji said in his mouth, but his hands moved as fast as lightning. With a slight force on his left hand stuck on Bai Rouyu's neck, Bairou's sandalwood mouth opened involuntarily, revealing a pill between the fragrant tongue that was about to lose its spiritual power. .

With a series of lewd laughter, Teng Wuji bent his left arm into his arms and brought Bai Rou's entire body in front of him. And his other hand had already suspended the "Spirit Absorbing Bottle" in the air.

A finger that was as dry and black as a withered branch stretched out into Bai Rou's mouth...

Li Yan entered a red space, and red light spread all around his body. These lights were like the sun's rays. The moment Li Yan entered, he felt dry in the mouth.

Everything in his body was evaporated in an instant, and even his spiritual energy was like boiling water flowing through his body, eager to break out of his body. What frightened Li Yan even more was that there was no change in his consciousness. I have become confused.

The temperature here far exceeded the scorching temperature in the Fire Palace of the "Beiming Town Demon Tower". In just less than a breath, he was already drowsy, and his three souls and seven souls seemed to be exposed to the sun. Transform into a line of empty energy and disappear.

But somewhere, Li Yan felt as if there was still a force in his body, helping him barely suppress the heat. However, this force was very weak and seemed to disappear in the next moment.

Li Yan has always been determined and determined. When he was half-conscious, he knew in his heart that he was in danger. Subconsciously, he bit the tip of his tongue. A sharp pain first swept through his entire brain, waking him up.

Then Li Yan took advantage of a moment of clarity and reluctantly raised his consciousness to check his body. What made him feel a little relieved was that the force that originally wrapped his body had faded and his body had regained its freedom.

Li Yan instinctively took a deep breath, and suddenly a flow of air that almost melted his internal organs entered his abdomen, almost causing Li Yan to faint from the pain.

But as he inhaled this breath, the spiritual power like boiling water in his body was finally suppressed, and Li Yan did not dare to breathe anymore.

In just a moment, a large amount of water mist was rising outside Li Yan's body, and his originally burly body was drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Li Yanna dared to be negligent and quickly tried to mobilize magic power to protect his whole body, but what frightened him was that although the spiritual power in his body was restored to freedom, it was not under control at all.

Li Yan started to move for a moment, and just now


The spiritual power that had just subsided was about to burst out of the body, like a flood that burst a dam, rushing around in the body.

Li Yan resisted the fainting attack again and bit down the tip of his tongue fiercely again. Taking advantage of his brief awakening, Li Yan hurriedly immersed his consciousness into his dantian and purple bowels.

Li Yan couldn't care less about where he was at this time. If he sensed correctly, there was a weak force in his body that seemed to be resisting everything here.

He kept repeating "That power, that power..." as if this was the only way to remind himself of what he had to do even when he was in a daze.

He didn't know where this power came from. A drowning person should grab every straw. This is an instinct of any life.

The moment Li Yan's consciousness reached his dantian and purple bowels, his consciousness became weak again, and his consciousness was rapidly fading.

Li Yan knew that the heat here was too overbearing and that he could not hold out for long. However, with his vague consciousness, Li Yan saw a strange phenomenon in his dantian and purple bowels, which made him happy.

Li Yan hurriedly forced the Guishui Sutra and guided it according to the Five Elements method. What made Li Yan ecstatic was that just a moment later, Li Yan felt that his consciousness had become clear quickly.

The spiritual power in the body gradually calmed down, and the three souls and seven souls no longer felt like they were dissolving.

Li Yan did not dare to be careless. While he was constantly running the Guishui Scripture, his consciousness exited the body and he quickly checked the situation outside.

The first thing he saw was his own body, and Li Yan couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. At this time, almost 70% of his body's flesh and blood had been lost, and his skin had begun to dry out and crack.

The skin has fallen off in many places on his body, revealing dry blue-black veins, like earthworms that have been exposed to the sun, lifeless. If he only needs to take one step slower, he will probably be a mummy by now.

As soon as Li Yan's consciousness entered his dantian, he discovered an abnormality. In addition to the fire spiritual power of the five-port spiritual cauldron he had cultivated from the Guishui Sutra, there was also weak spiritual power surging at the bottom of the cauldron. outside.

In the remaining four spiritual power cauldrons of water, earth, metal, and wood, the spiritual power is lifted up high like a wave, almost breaking through the cauldron. Whenever it is about to break through the top of the spiritual power cauldron, there will be a force that forcefully Suppress it and cover up the gushing spiritual power.

Just such a trace has saved Li Yan's life. The wave of spiritual power like boiling water has never been able to leave the cauldron, and only the spiritual power that originally existed in the veins was in vain in Li Yan's body. With Li Yan With a strong body, the destructive power caused by those spiritual powers is still not enough.

And the trace of spiritual power that saved Li Yan's life was the fire spiritual power, but it was defeated by one against four, and 90% of the spiritual power in the fire spiritual power cauldron had been consumed.

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