Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 572: Who will win?

Teng Wuji finally gave up chasing Li Yan in anger, finally giving Li Yan some time to adjust his breathing.

Li Yan needed at least dozens of breaths of simple rest before he could feel any relief. The heavy load of spiritual energy his muscles and veins endured in this short period of time caused the severe pain of rupture to spread throughout his body.

At the same time, Li Yan did not expect that this demonic cultivator cared so much about his magical beast. He took action while he was still running and took away a semi-middle grade spiritual stone.

And at the same time, he attacked Bai Rou and the puppet with fierce means. He wanted to destroy them all so that he could vent his anger.

The death of the "Incandescent Demon Tiger" greatly exceeded Teng Wuji's expectations, and he was completely unable to react. The pure power contained in the middle-grade spiritual stone was too great. When he heard the mournful words of the "Incandescent Demon Tiger" As soon as the sound left his mouth, he was already unable to return to the rescue.

From the time he took action against Li Yan to the death of the "Incandescent Devil Tiger", there was only a little more than seven breaths, which was just a few blinks of an eye. Everything changed so fast, and the result was so fast that Teng Wuji's heart was bleeding.

The "Incandescent Demonic Tiger" has followed him for two hundred years, growing step by step from a cub to the powerful third-level ferocious magical beast it is today.

Ever since Teng Wuji was a little devil soldier, this "Incandescent Devil Tiger" has been with him all the way. Teng Wuji has lost count of how many bloody storms and how many times this beast has accompanied him. He saved Teng Wuji's life when he was still weak.

Whenever Teng Wuji faces the greatest danger, the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" always drags his scarred body and stands in front of Teng Wuji without hesitation, using his own flesh and blood to fight for Teng Wuji's attack time until he survives. They worked together to kill their opponents in bloody battles time and time again.

It wasn't until Teng Wuji became the Demon General that his own strength had already surpassed the "Incandescent Demon Tiger", and the "Incandescent Demon Tiger" became less effective.

But Teng Wuji's relationship with the "Incandescent Demon Tiger" will not be affected at all by this. He mostly keeps the "Incandescent Demon Tiger" in a state of cultivation and keeps up with him as soon as possible.

When he came to the Desolate Moon Continent, Teng Wuji discovered that after the monsters devoured the monks, their cultivation speed would increase extremely rapidly. This was because the monks' flesh and blood were nourished by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and their essence and blood were great tonics. In the monsters, This is because there is a short leap period after enjoying pure spiritual energy for the first time instead of being stimulated by demonic energy.

Therefore, he often released the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" to hunt and devour human monks. He didn't want his death today to be so unexpected and unprepared. At the same time as the warning sign in his heart rose, the platinum arrow had already penetrated into the body. Inside the body of the "Incandescent Devil Tiger".

Teng Wuji told Bai Rou that he no longer had any desire to save the other party's life.

Teng Wuji returned quickly, but within a short distance, Li Yan was even faster. In front of him, Teng Wuji flew back and grabbed Bai Rou's two middle-grade spiritual stones. Li Yan was also shocked and immediately turned around.


In a blink of an eye, he disappeared from the place.

When Teng Wuji immediately attacked Bai Rou's three puppets, facing Teng Wuji's angry attack, Li Yan was unable to stop him at all. His speed was only one point faster than Teng Wuji, and he was also a little hasty. The most important thing was that he There is no strength to confront it head-on.

Li Yan's complexion was as frosty, and his consciousness instantly entered the "earth spot". In an instant, the sky and the earth were filled with a strange cold. Rows of crystal sharp swords stood up in rows, with nearly a hundred handles, all slashing at them. Teng Wuji attacks.

A series of sounds of cracking ice sounded in the middle of the night, and large swaths of ice mist suddenly burst into the air, followed by Teng Wuji's frightened and angry sounds.

In just this moment of delay, Li Yan seized the opportunity and involved Bai Rou and the three puppets into the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation".

Then Li Yan's spiritual consciousness casually swept away, and he couldn't help but feel heartache in his heart. In just this one blow, 99% of the ten thousand snow mosquitoes died in one blow, except for a handful of snow mosquitoes that survived on the edges.

In order to slightly block Teng Wuji's attack, he used thousands of snow mosquitoes to transform into ice swords and cut them all at once, but it only slightly blocked the opponent's edge and was passed through.

He currently only has a total of more than 50,000 snow mosquitoes in the soil spots. Facing the golden elixir demon cultivator, if he takes out all of them, he probably won't be able to stop the opponent from even a frontal attack, and can only be used as a temporary delay.

At this time, Li Yan didn't have time to think about Xue Zhi. He could only look at Teng Wuji warily and did not answer his words.

Teng Wuji was a little numb now. He couldn't figure out the opponent, the monk in blue shirt. He thought he knew the opponent's details a few times before, but the opponent showed endless trump cards, which always made him fail at critical moments.

"Is he a man or a monster, and he controls such a large number of cold beasts out of thin air?" Teng Wuji only had a dull thought in his mind, and then cast a sidelong glance at Li Yan.

He suddenly grew in stature. His body was like a giant's, and he was even more like a demon god descending into the next world. He stepped out in front of the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation" and stepped down. This time he vowed to kill that name. The girl killed.

The huge sole, like a mountain, covered the earth, and seemed to carry a world-destroying power, causing the entire valley to tremble continuously.

Although Teng Wuji could see that Li Yan's body was shaking more and more violently, it was probably due to the restrictions of that weird body technique that he could no longer use it a few times.

But he didn't want to waste any time on Li Yan now. He just wanted to kill everyone in the formation and use the most cruel method to kill them.

He was standing in the air not far from the formation, but suddenly he saw Teng Wuji really abandoning him.

, attacked Bai Rou and the others again, and simply ignored him.

Li Yan's expression changed. It was obvious that he had underestimated the status of that monster in this demon cultivator's heart. Now the other party obviously ignored him.

At this time, Li Yan, if he would rather give up the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation" and Bai Rou, it would be the best time to escape. He believed that the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation" should be able to withstand the opponent's one or two-breath attack, which is enough to allow them to escape. He escaped very far, not to mention that there was Bai Rou's desperate burst in the formation.

The Cloud-Piercing Willow was embedded under the middle-grade spirit stone, giving him a chance to recover a little. Before the opponent caught up with him, he could at least buy a lot of time, and the pain in his veins could be relieved, and then he could Use the "Feng Soaring to the Sky" movement technique to escape.

But at this moment, a sharp light flashed in Li Yan's eyes. He took a step forward and arrived at the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation" in an instant. The joints on his body were like fried beans, and a series of eardrum-shaking explosions occurred.

There was a layer of faint silver light on his body that instantly covered his whole body, and then a thick layer of black energy covered the silver light. In an instant, Li Yan also felt pain on his face due to the severe pain of his tendons about to break. He looked in pain and was sweating profusely.

Li Yan's spiritual consciousness sent a message to Xiao Zi Shen Long Xiang, "Later, if I'm unconscious, you pull me into the formation!" At the same time, Li Yan shouted, "Get back!"

He stepped heavily on the ground with both feet, and this time there was a louder sound in the valley, which was even more powerful than the giant Teng Wuji had transformed into.

With Li Yan as the center, wherever he stepped, in addition to the purple light emitting from the "big dragon elephant array" behind him, the weeds on the ground and the fallen branches of trees, as Li Yan's feet stepped down heavily, were like As if being swept up by the strong wind, they all shot out in all directions, making dense "ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss" sound.

Bai Rou stood on the edge of the formation, her body shaking from the sudden change. However, at this moment, her spiritual power was pouring all over her body, so she did not fall to the ground.

Facing such power from Li Yan, Bai Rou was not only shocked, but also horrified at the true cultivation level of this junior brother Li.

But Bai Rou is not an indecisive person. She didn't think too much, her body was shaking, her eyebrows were raised, and then without hesitation, her jade hands shot out a set of magic formulas like the wind, and three blue rays shot out from her jade fingers. to the puppet.

The three puppets next to her suddenly had green, blue and golden blue lights alternately rising from their bodies, as if a dazzling and strange fire was igniting outside their bodies.

It's just that the green and blue flames of one of the large puppets only cover the body surface, and the aura seems to be much weaker.

Bai Rou also exploded all the spiritual power in her body in an instant. The three puppets quickly raised an arm each, their eyes red as lights.

At this moment, Li Yan, who was outside the formation, was already sitting upright with his waist twisted.


His fists were like water glue dragons coming out of his hips from bottom to top. The black energy surged out of his exposed fists and turned into a strange black dragon with silver light. During the surge, he looked up to the sky and let out a roar.

This time, Li Yan's Guishui Sutra, Qiongqi Purgatory Technique, and "Immortal Phoenix" essence and blood were fully activated. Although he did not practice intermediate or high-level immortal arts, he could do spiritual transformation attacks.

Although Li Yan was selfish, he still had his own principles, which made him unable to watch Bai Rou, Sun Guoshu and Xiao Zi Shen Long Xiang die.

Since his cultivation, there has never been a situation where he has used all his means today. Li Yan has always liked to use cleverness to defeat the strong, but now he has completely exploded, using his strongest state to forcefully bear a demon cultivator.

Now Teng Wuji has finally revealed his demon cultivator to attack. Although Li Yan is not as physically strong as his opponent, he probably can't be much different. This kind of close combat opportunity between the two sides has always been what he is looking for, and of course he wants to take advantage of it. Traumatize the enemy.

It's just that he knew that by doing this, he might injure the enemy 800 and damage himself a thousand. The opponent might just be injured, but Li Yan himself might be killed in one blow.

If the opponent can be forced to be seriously injured, then it will take longer to forcefully break the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation", and Li Yan's goal can be achieved.

In an instant, Li Yan's fists connected with a huge foot. There was no huge sound, just two extremely dull "bang bang" explosions.

Li Yan's green shirt, especially the remaining leaves in the wind, was torn into countless pieces in an instant, leaving only the higher-grade shorts on his body, exposing his strong upper body skin.

The ground under Li Yan's feet centered on him, with deep ravines extending into the distance of the valley.

In an instant, two streams of thick blood mist spurted out from his nose, and the veins on his raised arms suddenly bulged, and then the arms were like firecrackers for the holidays, and there was a sound of "Bah, bah, bah..." It rang continuously again.

Groups of fine blood mist started from Li Yan's hands and continued to explode towards his wrists, forearms, arms, shoulders, and body. In an instant, Li Yan's entire body was completely covered in a thick cloud of blood. In the fog.

At the same time, Teng Wuji's body, which was still in mid-air, was also violently stunned, and then a twisted and ferocious look appeared on his face.

Immediately, his tall and arrogant body was bounced upwards, and a heartbreaking pain shot up from the bottom of his feet. This kind of pain Teng Wuji had not experienced for many years.

He could only feel the entire right leg from the calf down. The severe pain prevented him from exerting any force, and his right leg also lost feeling for a moment.

Teng Wuji leaned back, and a ridiculous feeling arose in his heart, "The flying dragon shakes the tree!"

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