Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 627: The viciousness of the Demon Sect

"Master, how are the guards distributed there?

How far are they from the altar?

Does the place that the guard can reach include the place where the destroying magic weapon is placed?

Are there any abnormal spatial fluctuations after taking out the magic weapon to destroy it? "

Since it is speculated that the ancestor of Nascent Soul may have been paying attention to the situation here, Li Yan's mentality has changed. He has become much more cautious and does not dare to say nonsense.

At the same time, with his usual caution, regardless of whether he was going to perform this task or not, it was better to ask everything.

All this is just like when he accepted the "Zhouyang Town" mission. He had to put forward the problems he could think of first.

Seeing how Li Yan had regained his composure in such a short period of time, Wei Zhongran admired Li Yan's character in his heart. A monk who acted steadily would complement him in practice.

Let a foundation-building monk place something under the nose of the old monster Yuanying. Although he is not facing the Yuanying monk directly, he is so powerful.

If the Nascent Soul cultivator wants to remember the place where his spiritual consciousness passes, he can even remember how many ants and mosquitoes there are, and he can capture every plant and tree in his mind.

Even Wei Zhongran himself would feel less than 20% confident about such a task.

But he had to admit that it was precisely these reasons that caused those Nascent Soul monsters to want to send a real foundation-building monk.

In addition to having a strong foundation in cultivation, this foundation-building monk must be someone who is good at disguising himself and is calm and composed. But the most important thing is that this foundation-building monk should have a will to die.

This is hard to find. Who among the immortal cultivators is not here for immortality?

When Li Yan was questioning him, Wei Zhongran didn't feel any trace of consciousness coming from Li Yan, and he already knew that Li Yan might have guessed that the old monsters of Nascent Soul had not left.

The reason why he said those words just now was actually because he wanted to tell those Nascent Soul old monsters.

Li Yan can be used, but he can never be abandoned. This is Wei Zhongran's bottom line.

Being an abandoned son is also the thing that Wei Zhongran is most worried about. If Li Yan agrees, then these Yuanying old monsters may have other ideas after Li Yan and others enter the valley.

Maybe Li Yan and the others just need to sneak into the vicinity of the altar and reach a suitable distance, and they don't even need to take out the magic weapon of destruction and put it down.

In order to ensure that the opponent's demon general would not detect any abnormality, the Yuanying old monster on the Fengliang Mountain side could even activate the magic weapon remotely immediately, without caring about the lives of Li Yan and the others.

By then, it goes without saying that several of the opponent's powerful magic weapons have been destroyed. Except for the demon general, all the other monks, monsters, and monsters in that area may have disappeared into the world, leaving nothing behind.

Therefore, he did not send a message to Li Yan just now, but just whispered the mission and his intention to protect Li Yan.

With his magic power, it is impossible for ordinary Yuanying to eavesdrop on his voice transmission. He did this,


It was to give a clear message to the superior, that Wei Zhongran’s disciples must not be used casually.

About seven or eight thousand feet in the air above Wei Zhongran's head, there was a man and a woman sitting quietly cross-legged in the clouds. After a while, the male cultivator suddenly spoke, full of anger.

"Both the master and the disciple are not simple. They have known for a long time that although the lineage passed down by the old ghost Da Cen is small in number, every disciple has always been extraordinary and everyone can stand alone.

When I saw it today, it turned out to be true. Wei Zhongran was clearly warning us seniors who didn’t know what they were talking about, but he didn’t have the slightest sense of awe, hum! "

Although the male cultivators claimed to be of the Da Cen lineage, their tone afterward was extremely dissatisfied. With their level of cultivation, they regarded all living beings as nothing but dirt. As long as they themselves did not die, they did not care about the lives of others.

Now being challenged by two juniors, I feel very unhappy. Although the two below are already the second-generation elites of the Sprite Sect, and Wei Zhongran should also have the combat power of Nascent Soul, before he can truly grow up, the Nascent Soul cultivator I still don't care about them in my heart.

This made the Nascent Soul male cultivator extremely dissatisfied with Xiao Zhufeng, but he was unwilling to offend Da Cen, otherwise he could kill the two of them directly now.

"That old ghost Da Cen is very protective of his shortcomings. If the two of them disobey orders, we can take advantage of them, but now they have not said they can't go, they just expressed their unwillingness to die.

If you really take action, Da Cen will probably go crazy. Even if a few of us work together to 'dissuade' him, we may not be able to get too much advantage.

You and I both know very well that the assassination of the Demon Sect is the most elite in this continent. As long as we can't capture the opponent at once, what awaits us will be a nightmare.

With the character of Old Ghost Da Cen, it will definitely be a fight to the death.

What's more, we, the independent sects and families, can't we still have the support of the great power of the gods? Although the war is about to start now, the seniors of the gods will not do anything to us, but in the future, once the disaster is over, this will It’s hard to say.

At that time, can the Pure Land Sect and Taixuan Sect behind us really stand up for us? Without the power of transforming gods, we would just show off our power in front of those first- and second-rate sects. "

The middle-aged female cultivator's tone was cold, and she actually felt helpless after speaking.

Anyone in the world of immortality would be extremely annoyed if a junior challenged him in front of him like this.

These two people were the two people who had been talking to Wei Zhongran in the cloud before. They were also the two mid-stage Nascent Soul monks who were responsible for handling the aftermath of the "Thunder Thunder" incident.

If either of the two of them were placed on this continent, even a casual word would be a powerful presence that could cause a bloody storm in the Desolate Moon Continent.

"Hmph, am I really going to give them time to report to Old Ghost Da Cen, as long as they don't do it later?"

If you take action, don't blame me for being ruthless! "

The angry male cultivator became even more angry after hearing the female cultivator's words. He is a person who practices fire-attribute skills, and his nature is like a raging fire, which will explode at a moment's notice.

Although at his level of cultivation, Qi nourishing skills must be extremely advanced, but it also depends on who angers him. If it is a monk of the same level, he still has a lot to consider.

But being challenged by two weak cultivators who could decide between life and death with a single thought, he had already developed murderous intentions. Although he also knew that the Nascent Soul female cultivator from the Taixuan Sect of the South China Sea in front of him might not have any good intentions.

However, the angry male cultivator still decided that as long as Li Yan expressed his unwillingness to go later, he would not give the other party a chance to send a message to Da Cen and would kill the little Zhuji first.

As for Wei Zhongran, he really didn't dare to move. Da Cen had seven or eight disciples, but Wei Zhongran was the only disciple. ??

If Wei Zhongran was really killed, not to mention that Da Cen would fight to the death with him, and the Demon Sect would not agree. His sect might completely disappear from this continent after the war.

The middle-aged female cultivator did not speak this time, but just closed her eyes again. She fled here with the Taixuan Sect. Tens of thousands of years of sect foundation was destroyed in one night, which meant that her sect was in her hands. He almost died, and he already hated the demon cultivators to the core.

As long as she can kill demons, she is willing to do it by any means, let alone using a small foundation-building monk. No matter how good his background is, he is still an ant from the Demon Sect, and he is not worthy of carrying her shoes.

Da Cen can't be unreasonable. If in a war, everyone takes care of his own disciples, it will be unreasonable. If he can convince others, after all, Da Cen still has a few disciples.

Although they had just praised Li Yan for being brilliant and beautiful, they were just an outstanding young man who had not yet grown up, and was nothing in their eyes.

Wei Zhongran's voice sounded softly below again.

"There are four golden elixir monks leading more than a hundred human monks to patrol the outer layer of the guard. These monks are not Nanhai monks, but people who have loyally surrendered to the demons, so they must have done their best to complete their duties.

There is a formation protection over the valley, and the internal exploration was not very clear before. As soon as our senior Yuanying's spiritual consciousness approached, he was discovered by the opponent, and then used the power of the large formation to cover it.

However, we can probably know that there are also defensive monks among them. Among these monks, there are demon monks and human monks. The number is not too clear.

Therefore, I cannot answer the two questions you raised later. It is even more uncertain whether the guarding monks can reach the vicinity of the altar.

If someone wants to use the identities of these human monks to sneak in, there may still be some chance.

The fourth question is that after this destructive magic weapon is taken out, it will not cause spatial fluctuations as long as it is not activated. This is certain. "


After Wei Zhongran finished speaking, he felt increasingly pitiful that the success rate of this mission was low.

Li Yan fell into deep thought for a moment. Although he looked like this on the surface, he was already in a state of confusion inside.

Because just now, the fire spiritual power among the five elements of spiritual power in the body jumped violently, and a trace of explosive murderous intent disappeared in a flash.

When Li Yan looked up at Wei Zhongran, there was no strange expression on Wei Zhongran's face.

But he clearly sensed a murderous intention growing in his heart just now, but the murderous intention came and went faster. If Li Yan hadn't been extremely confident in the Guishui Scripture, he would have suspected that his fire spiritual power had appeared. There's nothing wrong with it, or it's an illusion.

"There is someone who has been monitoring everything here. This person practices fire spiritual power. That's why I reacted like this. The murderous intention is aimed at me alone, but he doesn't know that my five elements are very balanced. Any one line of spiritual power All are extremely sensitive to me.

Moreover, he didn't think that a Nascent Soul's murderous intention aimed at a small Foundation Establishment would be sensed by the other party, so he didn't deliberately restrain himself, and then I sensed it.

Otherwise, with the huge realm gap between the two sides, like heaven and earth, if he didn't want me to know, I wouldn't be able to sense it. "

Li Yan's mind was extremely quick. He quickly analyzed the results from a moment of induction. He didn't know why the other party suddenly had murderous intentions.

However, Li Yan knew that his sense was correct, and the attack that killed him might come at any time.

Looking at Wei Zhongran's clueless expression, this situation made Li Yan's heart tremble even more, and huge waves surged in his heart.

This can only show that the Yuanying cultivation level hidden above must be much higher than that of Wei Zhongran. Based on the previous judgment of the master's strength by those golden elixir monks, the person behind the scenes is at least an old monster in the middle Yuanying stage or above.

Once he takes action, even Wei Zhongran may not be able to stop him in time.

"What you said just now has angered the other party. He is planning to kill himself to establish his authority!" Li Yan quickly thought of a possibility.

"Although my master is close to Nascent Soul in cultivation and has experienced many bloody experiences, he is not only decisive in killing and punishing, but he is also cold-blooded towards others.

But compared with these old monsters, they still have more arrogance than the core disciples of the sect and less awe. "

Li Yan quickly remembered the origin of the master that Gong Chenying briefly mentioned. This master had an extraordinary background, and his family was a powerful being in the mortal world.

Later, after joining the Demon Sect, he became a disciple of Da Cen. Although his ambition to become an immortal was extremely strong and he had participated in many bloody trials that others could not imagine, the pride in his bones was always there.

So just now Wei Zhongran felt that he was safe, so he said the words to find Patriarch Da Cen. These words must have completely angered the old monster Nascent Soul above.

Li Yan couldn't help but feel bitter about his guess.

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