Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 638: Illusion of Divine Consciousness

"Red Candle Fairy" searched her guts and could only think of several existences similar to this poison, but they were quite different from this poison. She could only curse the monks who refined this poison in her heart for being sinister and shameless.

Although "Red Candle Fairy" only took a short shot, she already used the strongest means and elixirs.

Even though it seemed that she was using her spiritual power to control poison simply, in fact, when the spiritual power entered Zhong Mengyin's body, it had already transformed into more than ten ways.

Each of them contains the Taoism of the Immortal Family, but they still can't force any poisonous energy to leave Zhong Mengyin's Dantian.

On the contrary, her spiritual power was eroded a little by the unknown gray mist, which even helped it grow a few points. This made the "Red Candle Fairy" neither surprised nor afraid.

"Sect... Master, I... came... here... for... purpose..."

"Okay, you don't have to say anything. I understand what you mean. If Master Wan Zun was here, he would probably help you.

But Senior Mu..., I hope Senior can take it for Wan Zunzi's sake..." ??

For seniors, "Red Candle Fairy" naturally did not dare to say anything nonsense, but now that she had made a decision, she immediately turned around and bowed to Yingying in the center of the valley.

"Senior, Elder Zhong is poisoned, and I am incompetent. Please have mercy on me, senior..."

The female cultivator surnamed Mu had just had a spiritual confrontation with the Nascent Soul cultivator of Fengliang Mountain once, and after her spiritual consciousness was blocked, the other party immediately retreated.

She was thinking about this in her mind, wondering if there was anything wrong with the other party's strong reaction today.

Suddenly hearing the voice of "Red Candle Fairy", she glanced back slightly with her consciousness and knew it. She was annoyed and immediately interrupted.

"Whether she dies or not, what does it have to do with me?"

She herself didn't have much fondness for the monks in Desolate Moon Continent, especially these two female monks who relied on their bodies to please others.

In her mind, female cultivators are no worse than any male cultivators, it just depends on whether you are willing to improve yourself or not.

Although Anton arranged for these people to come to assist her, which could be regarded as freeing herself from some trivial matters, it did not mean that she had a good impression of these monks.

After hearing this, Zhong Mengyin's face became even more miserable and pale.

She finally flew here, but after thinking about it, she felt that "the only way to quench her thirst is to be close to water." She placed all her hopes on this, but she didn't expect that the other party refused so simply.

If she could find Wan Zunzi, she would definitely not come here rashly, and her hope of seeking Wan Zunzi would be much greater.

Zhong Mengyin struggled hurriedly, then turned over and lay on the ground, but her body was already very weak. With just one movement, she gasped for breath for a moment and was speechless.

"Red Candle Fairy" did not stop her movement, and immediately knelt down together.

"Senior Mu, we serve the adults sincerely.

Over the years, in order to open up the passage between the two realms, he not only shed blood and sacrificed his life, but also sold his innocence in exchange for information that could not be obtained through normal channels.

Elder Zhong this time


In order to keep the safety of the valley, we were plotted, and now the war is about to begin. Although we have humble magical powers, we are still pawns. I hope Senior Mu can take action once. "

After saying this, tears welled up in her beautiful eyes, and her words sounded powerful and righteous.

If Li Yan had listened to it, everyone would have felt that he was selling out his lust and body, and he could say it so eloquently.

After hearing this, the female cultivator surnamed Mu suddenly felt frost on her face.

"Oh? According to what you said, if I don't save you, my demon clan will have betrayed its trust? Are you threatening me?"

At the end of her words, a pressure with murderous intent crashed down on the two of them.

Zhong Mengyin was already on the verge of collapsing. Before the pressure could reach her body, she groaned miserably and fell to the ground as if she was bowing to the ground.

Although "Red Candle Fairy" was higher in cultivation than her and had no abnormality in her body, she still groaned and fell directly to the ground, and blood suddenly flowed from her smooth forehead.

Obviously what she just said angered the female cultivator surnamed Mu, and her punishment was even more severe.

But then, she gritted her teeth and grabbed the ground with her head, holding her hands on the ground without making a sound.

Both of them knew that the female cultivator surnamed Mu was just exuding a trace of coercion for the sake of Wan Zunzun's face. Otherwise, just a coercion could kill the two of them directly.

"Haha, I can't tell that your bones are still very hard..."

Just like that, after three breaths passed quietly, the words of the female cultivator surnamed Mu rang coldly in the air.

In the second half of her book, there is still a sentence: "No matter how hard your bones are, you are still a person who betrayed your own race."

Deep down, she looked down upon the monks who betrayed her own race.

But such words cannot be said. Otherwise, if it reaches the ears of those human monks, it will be detrimental to the overall situation.

She only said half a sentence, but in other people's ears, it turned into a compliment to "Red Candle Fairy".

"Red Candle Fairy" still touched her head to the ground and let the blood flow out. She closed her mouth tightly and did not make any more pleas.

At this time, the movement here had attracted the attention of many people. The female cultivator surnamed Mu raised her eyebrows, and suddenly she chuckled.

"Red Candle Fairy" and Zhong Mengyin suddenly felt a sudden relief in their chests, and the mountainous weight that had been on their bodies just now was gone.

"You and Elder Zhong are both close followers of Wan Zun. You really made a lot of efforts to open the passage to the second world. I have also heard of this contribution. For the sake of Wan Zun, you can take her with you. come on."

The female cultivator surnamed Mu was thinking rapidly, gauging the power of it, and then calculated the time, and found that there was still half an hour before the attack.

Thinking of the power of Wan Zunzhe to instigate rebellion, it cannot be ignored. Now they have no backup force to support them.


Even if she doesn't have any good feelings towards the betrayer and the female cultivator who showed up physically, she still has to win over him in the overall situation.

"Red Candle Fairy" was overjoyed when she heard this and hurriedly kowtowed forward. Zhong Mengyin on the other side was already in a semi-conscious state due to the pressure just now.

The female cultivator surnamed Mu has long been aware that Zhong Mengyin's body is extremely poisonous, but this should not be difficult for her.

As long as the poison does not invade the golden elixir, it is still possible to save the soul. As for whether Zhong Mengyin can save her physical body, it depends on her luck.

After the female cultivator surnamed Mu waved her hand to open the ban, the "Red Candle Fairy" soon carried Zhong Mengyin and flew near the altar.

And just when she was about to take Zhong Mengyin to the altar, the female cultivator surnamed Mu who was sitting cross-legged on the altar suddenly changed her face and shouted angrily.

"You old man, you really think I'm afraid of you, how dare you peek in here!"

As she spoke, a terrifying force burst out from her body and shot straight into the sky. ??

This sudden change shocked all the monks in the entire valley.

With a loud "boom", two spiritual consciousnesses collided high in the valley, like a cloud of sand and dust, shaking the earth.

Then, a spirited laughter came from the air above the valley, "Haha, you are only allowed to peek into Fengliang Mountain, can't I come and take a look?"

It was Xiao Yaoyuan's voice.

As soon as Xiao Yaoyuan finished speaking, there was another thunderous voice: "Are you going to bully the small ones with more people? You really think that there is no one in my demon clan."

Then, there was another loud "boom" above the valley, and a huge, fuzzy, illusory figure appeared in the air.

The monks in the valley who had not yet awakened their minds felt the heavy feeling in their chests that had not calmed down yet again. Some of those with low cultivation levels had already turned over and fell down, and they did not know whether to live or die for a while.

Then another middle-aged woman's voice came faintly: "You are Tiedong, but you are nothing more than mediocre!"

The same vague illusory figure appeared in the air, and collided with the huge figure before.

The thunderous voice snorted coldly, "You guys are just talking, so it seems there is no need for the people below to fight again. Why don't we just have a fight now."

In addition, if the Taoist friend who has been secretly taking action unexpectedly comes out together, what will happen to Tie Mou? "

There was an extremely domineering tone in Tiedong's voice.

"Haha, fellow Taoist Tiedong, you are indeed a person who is infinitely close to the great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage. I am no match for you with my humble Taoist skills."

Mo Qing's fluttering voice also sounded in the sky, far and near, erratic.

"To deal with you, a monk at the peak of the early stage of Yuanying, why does Brother Tie need to take action? A certain family can kill you immediately!" Another deep voice sounded, and another demon general's consciousness appeared.

Just a moment,


These are the powerful monks of the Nascent Soul who have been seen before the dragon, and there are as many as six of them in this small valley.

Three Nascent Soul monks from Fengliang Mountain and three demon generals confronted each other. For a time, there was deathly silence within a thousand miles.

Whether it was the monks on both sides or the wild beasts who had not yet developed their spiritual intelligence, everyone was trembling in their hearts and frightened inexplicably.

"Is the decisive battle finally coming?"

This idea arises almost simultaneously in most people's minds. There is fear, excitement, worry, and desire.

Li Yan felt the pressure increase tremendously. He didn't dare to make a sound, so he could only operate "Stealth and Hiding at Night" to the extreme.

His heartbeat almost stopped, and the breath of life disappeared. Only a faint breath in the spiritual platform remained awake.

"Sure enough, the other party has already taken precautions against the Nameless Valley, and it is not just this Nascent Soul cultivator who is guarding it.

Three Nascent Souls appeared in Fengliang Mountain, and three Demon Generals appeared on the other side. It is unknown how many Demon Generals and Nascent Souls are hidden in the secret. "

Whether in the open or in the dark, for Li Yan, everyone is a scourge, and it only takes one thought to make him die.

On the Fengliang Mountain monk side, one person seemed to have intentionally or unintentionally sealed the area where Li Yan was located after his spiritual consciousness invaded.

In Li Yan's perception, it seemed more like he was taking care of himself.

If the Nascent Soul cultivator in Fengliangshan hadn't intentionally or unintentionally blocked the opponent's spiritual detection in other directions, Li Yan felt that he would have been exposed.

Li Yan has never met Master Mo Qing, so he is not familiar with Mo Qing's voice and consciousness.

He just felt that the Nascent Soul of Fengliangshan who appeared last had a ray of consciousness that was always hovering around him.

Unlike Xiao Yaoyuan's spiritual consciousness which only blocked the passage of the opponent's spiritual consciousness on a large scale, in comparison, the Nascent Soul that appeared at the end seemed a bit deliberate.

And the other party didn't mean to hide anything at all. He clearly told Li Yan not to worry, as he would be there to protect him.

Otherwise, if Li Yan didn't want him to know the consciousness of a Nascent Soul, he would not be able to detect it at all.

"Who is this senior? He takes care of me like this."

Li Yan speculated in his heart that he had heard the message from Master Da Cen in the back mountain, but this person was not the same person.

No matter what Li Yan thinks, that ray of spiritual consciousness will stay away after hovering for a while, and will return here again after a while.

From this point, Li Yan judged that the other party was very cautious and tried not to make the other demon general suspicious when protecting himself.

In the sky, six vague shadows stood high above the clouds in the sky. Both sides only used the power of their spiritual consciousness, and no real bodies appeared.

Even the female cultivator surnamed Mu, while guarding the "Hang Tian Lei" with her real body, only released the phantom created by her spiritual consciousness and flew into the air.

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