Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 659 An unexpected gift

"Chen Wu Dan" is a third-grade elixir, and its potency is just right for Foundation Establishment monks.

According to common sense, third-grade elixirs can be refined by many elixir masters from the four major sects, but "dustless elixirs" have always been hierarchical and unmarketable, so it is difficult to see them in the market.

The reason is that the raw materials are very difficult to find. When Li Yan and the others entered the secret realm to pick, one of the tasks given to the foundation-building monks was to collect the raw materials of some precious elixirs including "dustless pill".

Zuo Qiu Dan got two pills at once. Although he said that Wei Zhongran could find this pill, it was already very precious.

At first, Wei Zhongran also spent a lot of effort to get one for Li Wuyi.

After Li Yan took the green vial, he bowed deeply to Zuo Qiu Dan and planned to send the alchemy master to the entrance of the cave.

Zuo Qiandan waved his hand and signaled to Li Yan that there was no need to send him off any more, and he left directly towards the entrance of the cave, leaving simply.

"Bro, come with me, there are some things I need to explain to you."

Bro had no intention of following him. He hoped that the young master would go talk to other Jindan monks now, and he might have forgotten to collect a magic weapon from his bamboo basket. ??

He just heard that Zuo Qiu Dan was about to leave, so he didn't say anything in order to avoid it.

But Zuo Qiu Dan's voice finally came through, and looking at Zuo Qiu Dan's back, Bro had to stand up from the stone bench reluctantly.

When passing by Li Yan, he held his hand to Li Yan listlessly.

"Brother Li, I'd like to take my leave first. Oh, the 'Wu Chen Pill' was improved by the Young Master. There are only five refined pills in total. He gave me two pills earlier, but now he only has one on him."

After that, the person disappeared at the entrance of the cave.

Looking at the two disappearing figures, Li Yan held the green vial in his hand and murmured to himself, "Improved elixir. This is the purpose of Senior Zuo taking out this elixir."

Sensing that the two of them had left, Li Yan flicked his sleeve forward, and the restriction outside the cave was opened again.

In the cave, Li Yan had opened the cork of the small green bottle. A scent of fragrance penetrated the tip of his nose, and a green light came out of the bottle mouth, making half of Li Yan's body turn into green.

Li Yan suddenly felt cool all over his body, as if he had gone from the scorching heat of midsummer to the coolness of golden autumn, and the entire cave suddenly became full of life.

As the coolness entered his body, all the muscles and veins in Li Yan's body seemed to become extremely light, and his consciousness became as quiet as a water mirror, making him unable to have any distracting thoughts.


Feeling the tranquility in his consciousness, Li Yan silently recited the word "dustless" in his heart.

Li Yan had never seen a real "dust-free pill" before, but now just opening the bottle cork had this unexpected effect.

Li Yan could imagine how effective it would be in calming the mind and suppressing demons when he swallowed this pill while forming it.



Li Yan took a few greedy breaths, and after a while, he slowly woke up from the tranquility.

He turned the bottle over, and two translucent pills shining with crystal green light appeared in his palm.

After taking the pills, a comfortable feeling, like cooling the whole world, penetrated into Li Yan's palms, and the two pills seemed to be integrated into Li Yan's palms in the next moment.

Li Yan was startled, and his spiritual power gushed out from his hand. A black mist enveloped the two elixirs, and then the two elixirs became quiet.

In a black mist, two emerald-like pills flashed and flashed, adding a spooky color to these two pills for no reason.

Li Yan stared at a pill carefully. The pill was only the size of a grain of rice, with light black lines on its crystal-clear surface.

These lines are constantly changing with the flickering green of the surface. Sometimes black light is swimming, and sometimes gray light is flickering, like tiny elves dancing.

"Is this a fourth-grade elixir?"

Li Yan couldn't help but be surprised. Although Bro said it was an improved elixir, looking at the appearance of the elixir, it was clearly two fourth-grade elixirs.

Although Li Yan has never seen the "Wu Chen Dan", he still knows about it. "Wu Chen Dan" itself is only a third-grade elixir, and its formula can only refine a third-grade elixir.

The so-called improvements usually only focus on removing impurities from the elixir itself, which will slightly improve the efficacy of the elixir.

An elixir like "Wu Chen Dan" that has been around for tens of thousands of years, or even longer, has been improved by countless people, and it is already mature and can no longer be mature.

It is extremely difficult to remove even a little more impurities. It can be said that no one can improve the effectiveness of the "Dustless Pill" for at least a thousand years.

And the two "Wuchen Pills" in his hand actually reached the fourth level. This means that Zuo Qiu Pill has completely improved the pill.

Li Yan didn't know if the other three people who had become alchemy masters on the Desolate Moon Continent could do this, but apparently he had never heard of the existence of the fourth-grade "dustless elixir".

Looking at the elixir in his hand, Li Yan couldn't help but admire him in his heart.

"What a 'two-part yin and yang'. This is how far you need to understand elixirs to achieve this level. In this aspect alone, Senior Zuo has surpassed many senior elixir masters."

If the ordinary "dustless pill" can increase a person's chance of forming a pill by 20%, Li Yan believes that any "dustless pill" in his hand can increase the chance of forming a pill by at least 40%. It is already a heaven-defying elixir.

If all kinds of luck are accumulated, it can be increased to five

It is possible to successfully form an elixir. This is a major improvement that elevates an elixir to a higher level.

If this elixir is released, even if Li Yan is a disciple of the Demon Sect, it will attract endless assassinations and robberies.

Every 10% increase in the potency of the elixir is something that is desired but cannot be obtained. What's more, such a substantial improvement from the third grade to the fourth grade is enough to make every foundation-building monk go crazy.

"It's really a generous move. I refined five pieces in total and gave him two pieces. Even if only one of them is used to put a reward, it can attract hundreds or even thousands of protectors for Bro."

At this time, Li Yan felt how precious the elixir in his hand was.

But he could also guess that Zuoqiu Dan must have spent a lot of money refining these five "dustless pills". Just by listening to the meaning of Bro's words, he could guess that after refining only five pills, There was no follow-up.

He was right about this. Zuo Qiu Dan had been looking for alchemy materials since he improved the "Wu Chen Dan" recipe.

The last time he went to the "Beiming Demon Town Tower" was for a kind of main material, which he exchanged from some old demons on the third floor at a great cost.

And after refining this time, he will basically not refine this kind of "dust-free pill" again in the future, which means that if the fourth-grade "dust-free pill" he improved does not have a successor.

From now on, there should be no sixth-grade fourth-grade "dustless pill" in the world.

The reason is that in order to refine a fourth-grade elixir, the raw materials spent far exceed the value of the normal refining of a fourth-grade elixir. It seems that the gain outweighs the loss.

Another reason is that Zuoqiu Dan will only continue to move towards sixth-grade and seventh-grade elixirs in the future, so why is it still wasting time and effort on refining fourth-grade elixirs.

If Li Yan knew this, he would be more able to appreciate the value of the two pills in his hand.

After Li Yan carefully looked at the two elixirs in his hand, he reluctantly put the two elixirs back into the green vial, and then put them carefully into the soil spots.

"Chen Ying should be about to form a pill, maybe she can use it!"

Li Yan felt that this thing should be given to Long Chenying and Zhao Min.

Just based on time, when Zhao Min returned from the mountain village, he had already broken through the bottleneck in the late stage of foundation building. Now he may be in the late stage of foundation building, and there is still a long way to go before forming a core.

As for himself, he is very confident in the "Guishui Sutra", and he should be able to successfully form elixirs without the help of any elixirs.

Li Yan is like this, he is not stingy with the people around him, and he has already thought about taking out this kind of medicine that is considered heaven-defying.

Zuo Qiu Dan not only taught him many skills in the alchemy path today, but also took out two such precious elixirs. This was not only a favor to Li Yan, but also a favor to Li Yan.


Yan has some teaching grace.

This is because he wants Li Yan to take more care of Bro in the future. Li Yan understands this. After all, Bro is a member of his team.

This damn war between the two clans will still continue to fight, and as a Jindan monk, Zuo Qiandan obviously has another mission, so how can he take Bro with him to take care of him.

There was another reason that Li Yan didn't know. If it weren't for this sudden demonic invasion, Zuo Qiudan would have gone far away to find his destiny.

And the one he was most worried about was the docile Bro. With Bro's character, it was extremely rare to be able to befriend a strong monk like Li Yan.

What's more, after learning Li Yan's identity, I felt even more reassured. The disciples taught by Wei Zhongran would definitely not be any worse in character.

Especially when Li Yan was in the "Beiming Town Demon Tower", even though he knew that Bro was carrying a heavy treasure, he did not kill anyone and seize the opportunity to take away his bamboo basket. This is enough to illustrate Li Yan's character.

With the background that Li Yan is a monk in the four major sects, he can be regarded as finding a big tree for Bro.

The Zuo family is very important in the Pure Land Sect, but Bro is not a direct descendant of the Zuo family. In the final analysis, he is just a slave. After he leaves, it is impossible for those in the Zuo family to treat Bro as a bloodline.

Due to various reasons, Zuo Qiudan originally only wanted to take out one "Wuchen Pill", but finally added another one, and also gave some pointers to Li Yan's alchemy skills.

Even if Li Yan does not specialize in developing alchemy in the future, it will open a shortcut to the alchemy path for him, saving him many detours.

Thinking about Li Yan's intelligence, he would have understood the meaning without having to explain it.

Of course, Li Yan didn't know all the thoughts in Zuo Qiudan's mind, but he knew about this considering Bro.

In fact, even if there is no "dustless elixir", the golden elixir demon cultivators came in large numbers a few days ago, and Bro's last message telling him to run away, Li Yan will try his best to help Bro when he is in trouble. .

After collecting his thoughts, Li Yan felt that it was time to enter the "Tuban" space to see the practice of the Snow Mosquito King. He didn't know whether the mosquito had been fainted by the poison.

But just when Li Yanggang mentioned his spiritual consciousness, his expression froze again, and he couldn't help but look outside the cave again.

"There are really a lot of things going on today, who is this?"

With this thought in his mind, Li Yan raised one hand and pointed towards the entrance of the cave.

The next moment, with a "whoosh" sound, a ray of green light flashed in from the entrance of the cave and flew directly towards him, and was caught by Li Yan in his hand.

Just now, his consciousness suddenly sensed a transmission note flying from a distance, and he plunged into the restriction of the magic circle outside the cave.

Then he was like a dazed fly, bumping around within the confines of the magic circle.

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