Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 671 Clouds and mist cover the mountains

Mr. Big was called "boy" by the other party at his age. Apart from looking at the other party in disbelief, he didn't say a word.

But his face, which had always been like a dead person, was twitching slightly, all of which showed the horror in his heart.

"He can hear my voice transmission, but why does he say that he is a cultivator of the transformed gods? I am already the pinnacle of the transformed gods. It is impossible to eavesdrop on the voice transmissions?

In the Desolate Moon Continent, haven’t many techniques been lost since the war with the demons thousands of years ago? How could he possibly see the 'sun, moon and annual rings' technique at a glance.

The most frightening thing is that he revealed the lifespan that I have consumed. Even the two junior brothers are not clear about this matter. Who is he? "

A series of questions kept echoing in Mr. Da's mind, but years of living in the turbulent space have taught him to be silent.

The various strange beasts in the turbulent space will not answer any of your questions. They only have endless murderous intentions for you. They will either remain silent or violently kill each other.

The old man in gray is definitely much older than himself, and he has so much experience and knowledge, but the strange thing is that he is so powerful, why is he still in the stage of becoming a god.

At this moment, Da Ling and the four others also rushed out of the golden light, and their figures followed Mr. Da and fell thousands of feet away. However, at this time, Da Ling, Zhan Tian and Su Changyang were already very old. ??

The Yuanying in Yuandu has become immortal, and has fallen into a coma. He was brought out by the great order.

At this time, Da Ling and the three of them still have the grace and appearance of the monks in the transformation stage. It is estimated that if only one person from Tutai takes action, the three of Da Ling may not be their opponents if they join forces.

But even so, Tutai and Mr. Da did not dare to underestimate their opponents. As long as the cultivator is alive and fighting for his life, it would be quite terrifying.

As soon as the four people appeared, they formed a triangle with the old man in gray, Mr. Da, and Tutai. Everyone in Da Ling looked at the old man in gray with uncertain eyes.

They didn't know who the old man in gray clothes was who suddenly appeared, but they had never seen such a powerful figure before.

This person's magic power is unfathomable, and even with their cultivation level, they can't even feel a trace of the other person's realm aura.

Moreover, the other party has already released the so-called "small world-breaking bead" in the control hand, but several people still cannot sense it. This is the real gap between the four members of the Great Order, the Demon Commander Tutai and Mr. Da.

Mr. Da and Tutai on the other side were still in shock. When they saw the "Little Boundary Breaking Pearl" appearing in the hands of the old man in gray, their spiritual senses were unable to detect it based on their cultivation.

He could clearly see the "Little Boundary Breaking Pearl" in the opponent's hand, but the power of his spiritual consciousness could not penetrate the invisible layer of protection.

Demon Commander Tutai wanted to activate it at all costs. Even if the "Little Boundary Breaking Pearl" was so close to them and was no longer the best place to detonate it, he also wanted to open up the cracks in the Yin Demon Cliff as much as possible.

Mr. Da also had the same idea, but as soon as their consciousness came within ten feet of the other party, they would be blown away by an invisible force.

The old man appeared so strangely that even the commander and the others didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend.


It seems that he is taking action against the demons now, but he might turn against them at the next moment and suddenly attack them.

Just like how they usually do, their personalities are very eccentric and extreme, and they only act based on their own likes and dislikes.

"Have any of your fellow Taoists ever heard of this senior?"

The great order's voice transmission said that they had seen the scene just now and knew that their voice transmission should not be hidden from the old man in gray, but they just didn't want Mr. Da and Tutai to hear it.

Sure enough, at the same time when Su Changyang and Zhan Tian remembered the message of the Great Order, they saw the old man in gray glance at them casually.

"I don't know!"

Zhan Tian was as indifferent as ever.

After a while, Daling and Zhantian didn't hear Su Changyang's answer. When they looked at Su Changyang in surprise, they saw him staring at the old man in gray in shock.

"not good!"

Dalling and Zhantian secretly said in their hearts at the same time that Su Changyang's offensive behavior might anger the mysterious old man in gray in the next moment.

Su Changyang's black hair was already covered with snow, and his skin was covered with brown spots. The blood essence and blood they had just lost would probably not be recovered without three or four hundred years of seclusion.

Just when Daling and Zhantian were about to remind him, Su Changyang suddenly showed excitement in his eyes, and his look immediately caught the eyes of others.

When Mr. Da and Tutai were all in a daze, Su Changyang actually took a step forward and flew towards the old man in gray.

This made Dalling and Zhan Tian anxious. They knew that Su Changyang was ruthless and scheming, but his actions were even more extreme and he acted so wantonly at this time.

Zhan Tian was already transmitting messages urgently and lost his previous calmness.

"Old Ghost Su, what are you going to do? Stop quickly."

The commander on the side also hurriedly transmitted the message secretly.

"Brother Su, don't be rash!"

In just this moment, so many great changes have taken place. If a few of them make one wrong move at this time, the entire Desolate Moon Continent will fall into a situation that will never be restored.

This couldn't help but make the two of them anxious. A big gentleman alone was already too much to deal with. If this mysterious old man in gray was added to the mix, they would have no choice but to lose.

But Su Changyang didn't pay attention to their intentions at all, and he was already in front of the old man in gray.

While everyone was stunned, he actually bowed respectfully.

"Junior Su Changyang has seen the demon envoy!"

"Oh, you're such a smart kid. You guessed my identity so quickly. You and I shouldn't have met, but we did anyway!"

The old man in gray just nodded to Su Changyang and said something strange.

But the conversation between the two of them fell into

In everyone's ears, the expressions of Da Ling and Zhan Tian, ​​who were originally anxious, suddenly froze.

Immediately, Zhan Tian, ​​who had always been extremely serious, looked moved, and even looked at the commander with a hint of surprise.

"Senior Brother, does the legendary Demon Envoy of the Demon Sect really exist?"

"Amitabha, I just heard what Master said. It is recorded in the classics, but..."

"It is said... that the legendary strongest... guardian of the Sprite Sect protects the Sprite Sect from becoming strong... but it has not been seen for a long time. I... I thought it was just the Sprite Sect... The smoke emitted..."

Yuandu Yuanying was trembling slightly. As a Yuanying body, his senses were more sensitive. When they were brought to the vicinity of the old man in gray, he had already begun to wake up.

He felt an unmatched peerless power from the old man in gray.

There was no sound transmission when the three people spoke. They were subconsciously confirming the words after hearing the conversation between Su Changyang and the old man in gray.

With the ears of Mr. Qianzhangwai Da and Demon Shuai Tutai, they could certainly hear clearly. After their attempts to activate the "Little Boundary Breaking Pearl" failed, they did not dare to act rashly.

Both of them are strong men in the world. When faced with unknown and terrifying existence, they certainly know how to wait for it to change. ??

After listening to the conversation between Da Ling and the three of them, Mr. Da found out the relationship between the four sects and had doubts in his heart.

"The Demon Envoy? Didn't you say that these four major sects have been fighting for tens of millions of years? If the Demon Sect has such great power, why didn't they destroy the other three sects and unify the Desolate Moon Continent?"

In fact, Mr. Da and the other three had the same question in their minds after knowing the identity of the old man in gray.

On the other side, Su Changyang's attitude was more respectful and he had a bitter look on his face.

"If we had known that senior really existed, we wouldn't have had to work so hard to find that old wolf."

When the old man in gray clothes heard this, he shook his head slightly and let out an inaudible sigh. Just now, he seemed to have easily dealt with the two transformed gods, but in fact it was not that easy.

One is that the opponent underestimates the enemy.

The second is that I used a little bit of power from my body to quietly appear here without letting anyone notice, and to catch the opponent off guard, so I could succeed with one blow.

The old man in gray no longer looked at Su Changyang, and then he turned his head towards Mr. Da and Tutai. The two people he wanted to deal with now were the two in front of him.

And at this moment, a sound of gnashing teeth suddenly came from the silent place below. Even so, the sound was unusually pleasant, but it seemed particularly unusual in the silence.

"So it's you, Gu Jiuqi?"

When the three monks and one demon sacrificed their lives to delay the opponent's god-transforming monks, the battle below resumed, but more attention was paid to the four late-stage Nascent Soul monks.

Because of the instantaneous results there, they may not have to fight anymore.

Even Li Yan and all the monks who were ordered to return to the defense focused most of their energy on the air while rushing to the rear.



After sensing that the four late-stage Nascent Soul cultivators tended to self-destruct as soon as they came into contact with each other, Li Yan and the others were extremely panicked.

They don't know why they haven't seen their own god-transforming monks appear at this time.

"Is this war going to be lost?"

This is the panic thought in the minds of many people.

Even the determined Yan Longzi, Wei Chongran and others had already foreseen the coming of the last moment.

But with the sudden appearance of the old man in gray, he knocked down the two god-transformation monks who were arrogant just now with a move of his hand.

The battle that just broke out below fell into deathly silence again.

Even Li Yan and the others temporarily stopped their defense against the crack in Yin Mo Cliff when they saw the gray ball in the hand of the old man in gray.

The moment Li Yan saw the old man in gray, he immediately turned to stone in the air. He had seen this old man twice before.

"Gu...Uncle Gu?"

Li Yan's lips moved and he made an inaudible sound.

This person was the old man in gray who was guarding the Collection Pavilion at Xiaozhu Peak. The first time he saw this person was when Li Wuyi took him to choose a technique.

The second time was after Li Yan established the foundation, it was time to light the soul lamp.

Every time he saw this person, he looked drowsy, which left a deep impression on Li Yan.

"He...isn't he a golden elixir monk?"

Li Yan was confused and glanced at the people at Xiaozhu Peak in the distance. In his mind, the old man in gray was a golden elixir monk who was about to reach the end of his life.

There is no hope of conceiving a baby in this life, so I just spend the rest of my life in a casual job.

When Li Yan glanced at Li Wuyi and the others, he knew the result just by looking at each of them as if they had seen a ghost.

The disciples of Xiaozhu Peak have all met this "Uncle Ancient Master". They all receive their cultivation resources through the hands of this half-dead old man.

Even Li Wuyi only knew that "Uncle Gu" was an old man from Xiaozhu Peak a long time ago.

Li Yan became more and more curious. Finally, when his eyes quickly focused on Wei Zhongran, Wei Zhongran was looking at each other with his wife Zhao Zhi not far away.

However, the surprise and doubt in their eyes also showed everything. They still did not know the true identity of the old man in gray.

Wei Zhongran and Zhao Zhi actually knew that this ancient senior brother had been guarding the "Treasure Pavilion" when Master Da Cen was the peak master.

Senior Brother Gu is just a monk who is about to run out of life. He never fights with others and only likes to be alone. He has a very withdrawn personality. He entered Xiaozhu Peak many years before Wei Zhongran.

It's just that he has a withdrawn personality and never interacts with others. He almost never leaves the "Treasure Pavilion", let alone seeing him anywhere other than Xiaozhu Peak.

Therefore, after Wei Zhongran was curious for a while, he stopped paying attention. He just thought that Senior Brother Gu was disheartened and wanted to spend the rest of his life.

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