Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 673: Flying flowers are as light as dreams

However, this one-way restriction also has many disadvantages, just like when a monk like Tutai breaks through here forcefully, no one can stop him for a while.

But in any case, the top of the cliff is controlled by humans, and these risks are originally within the controllable range.

After all, powerful monks like Tutai were top-notch beings, and there were only a few of them in the world.

The entire gourd-shaped cliff space is black and blue. As long as a monk or a demon cultivator is in it, the color of everyone's body and the magic they perform will be either a light black and blue color, or an extremely thick black.

Li Yan saw at a glance that the monks stationed below were mainly from Shibuyuan, and they were fighting extremely fiercely with each other while flying with their swords.

It seems that even though Qian Fangshu led the reinforcements to support the top, the sword cultivator with the strongest attack power was still left to guard this place.

Li Yan only took a second glance and saw two sword cultivators from far or near facing the enemy. He and several demon cultivators fell into the billowing black tide like ink. For a moment, he was also They couldn't come up again.

At this moment, Li Yan and others could not help but gasp. Although some of them knew the dangers of the cracks in Yin Mo Cliff, they could not imagine that the fighting was so fierce.

And just when Li Yan and the monks of the Demon Sect were turning back to support the enemy coming from the south, or entering the cracks in the Yin Mo Cliff nearby, Zhu Luan's voice entered their minds. ??

"Today should be the day when the demons coming from the South China Sea and the demon realm have planned a joint attack, otherwise they would not be able to easily find the cracks in the Yin Mo Cliff through the uncontrollable demonic energy.

The Demon Realm is trying its best to attack the barrier of the Second Realm. Go down and support the Shibuyuan monks. Remember, the depth of the fight with the enemy should not exceed fifty feet. "

These words may seem cumbersome, but the sound transmission from the divine consciousness is only for an instant, which already illustrates the current urgency of the crack in the Yinmo Cliff.

However, Zhuluan and the others only found out about this after receiving a message from Su Changyang just now, otherwise they would not have allowed almost all the people who were left behind to guard the cracks in Yin Mo Cliff to attack.

At this moment, Zhu Luan was fighting extremely fiercely with a fat demon general in the sky. The fat demon general was also in the late Nascent Soul stage. He raised his hand and the mountains shook, forcing Zhu Luan to keep retreating.

But there was a red and white halo surrounding Zhuluan's body, and the fat demon general would not stop confronting him head-on every time, his eyes red with anger.

It was the first time for people like Li Yan below to see the monks fighting so fiercely under the crack of Yin Mo Cliff. They were still shocked just now. After hearing the message from Master Zhu Luan, they realized that what they were seeing was a special situation.

On weekdays, although demons would attack here, they would not be as crazy and brutal as today.

At this time, several more people suddenly flew beside Li Yan, and then a familiar voice entered Li Yan's mind.

"Junior brother, you will join forces with several other senior brothers and sisters later. Today, the demon world is desperate to attack the barrier. There are many demon cultivators coming, and it is very dangerous. Please be more careful."

Li Yan looked back when he heard the sound, only to see Li Wuyi stepping on a jade-colored letter with a glimmer of light on it.


After all, Li Wuyifeng is handsome and handsome.

While speaking, he had taken the lead to fly in front of him, and there was a rare solemn look in his eyes as he looked down, and there was a hint of doubt in his expression.

In fact, not only Li Wuyi, but also all the monks who had been stationed in the cracks of Yinmo Cliff felt strange about the message transmitted by the ancestor of Yuanying just now.

In the past, when they fought against the garrison and demonic cultivators here, they could sink down to the cliff as far as three thousand feet to fight the enemy.

But just now Master Zhuluan inexplicably told them to only go to a depth of fifty feet. At this depth, even if they make a bigger move, they may cross the line.

"What exactly does Master mean by saying this? Could it be that they left behind some great formation fifty feet later, and now the demon cultivators are pouring out and starting to activate the great formation?"

Li Wuyi was still thinking about Master Zhuluan's message in his mind, and he couldn't think of the reason for a while.

But regarding the words of the Yuan Ying Ancestor, they were confused, but no one dared to question it.

Of course, Li Yan and the others didn't know this clearly, and they thought that the master's explanation just now was to uniformly inform these disciples who were not going to pass through the cracks in Yin Mo Cliff to prevent them from trespassing.

At this moment, Wei Chituo, Lin Daqiao, and Long Chenying flew behind Li Wuyi.

They had greeted Li Yan through the air before, so there wasn't much greeting at the moment, and there was no time to talk.

Gong Chenying just nodded to Li Yan, her red lips moved slightly, and a long-lost familiar voice sounded in Li Yan's heart.

"be careful!"

It was a very short four words, but Li Yan felt warm in his heart. This feeling was different from the concern from senior brother just now. The warmth Li Wuyi gave was like the care of an elder.

Li Yan nodded at the four of them at the same time, but his eyes lingered on Gong Chenying for a while, secretly took a deep breath, and then looked away.

Li Wuyi, who was in front, had already rushed down first. At the same time, Li Yan's consciousness swept horizontally, and in an instant he saw the girl in white who was with Li Changting in the distance.

There are two different colors of Gu insects on their sides, circling around their bodies, respectively protecting the two women in the middle.

The girl in white had her black hair tied back casually with a purple and red rope. Her pair of dark jade-like eyes just glanced towards Li Yan. There was no expression on her face, and no sound was transmitted to her. Li Yan.

This was the first time that Li Yan saw Zhao Min holding a magic weapon. Zhao Min was holding a slender blue sword in one hand. The sword was glowing with blue flames. When the flames jumped, it looked like the arrival of a fairy from Guanghan. world.

Although he was far away, Li Yan seemed to be able to feel the bone-chilling chill of autumn on the sword.

"Extremely cold fire", a classic

The name he read on the book jumped into Li Yan's mind.

This is an extremely rare fire from heaven and earth, and it is also a mutated earth fire. Its fire can burn everything into crystal particles.

It is an excellent earth fire for refining extremely cold elixirs and forging water attribute magic weapons. It is the fire that many alchemy and weapon refining masters dream of, but Zhao Min used it to directly refine it into magic weapons.

But if you imagine the power behind her, in addition to Wei Zhongran, the extremely powerful father, the Wei Immortal Cultivation Family behind her is also said to be a giant, so it makes sense.

Li Yan only saw Li Changting gently tapping him with his jade finger, and then pointing at the girl in white with a cold face, and then a strange smile appeared on his face.

Then, with Zhao Min's indifferent expression, the two women threw themselves down from another part of the cliff and flew down.

All gatherings are short-lived. Even with Gong Chenying who is close to them, they don't have much communication.

All this was accomplished within a very short period of time. Wei Chituo from the front gave a low shout. ??

"Junior brother, let's go down!"

After saying that, he took the lead and flew down. Behind him, Gong Chenying, Lin Daqiao, and Li Yan jumped off the cliff one after another without hesitation.

As for Li Wuyi, he has lost his trace. He is a Jindan monk, and he does not want to get involved with Li Yan and the others, because he is afraid of attracting powerful enemies at the level of demons to his junior brothers.

As soon as Li Yan entered the bottom of the cliff, he felt as if a barrier had been penetrated. There was a soft "pop" in his ears, and his whole body was merged into the ink-like smoke.

As soon as the smoke touched Li Yan's body, Li Yan felt that his heart was instantly filled with murderous and violent thoughts, and all kinds of negative suspicions came one after another.

Li Yan couldn't help but feel startled. He quickly held his breath and concentrated, using his spiritual energy to circulate in his acupuncture points, and his mind immediately woke up.

"With such a strong demonic energy, the foundation-building monks must fight quickly to fight here. If it can stay for an hour, it will be good."

Li Yan was thinking in his heart, and at the same time thinking about what Master Zhu Luan said just now, he couldn't be sure whether it was the changes in the demon world today that caused such a strong demonic energy here, or whether the cracks in Yin Mo Cliff have always been like this.

The next moment, Li Yan released his spiritual consciousness. What made him feel a little relieved was that in these thick fogs that seemed to cover everything, his spiritual consciousness was unobstructed.

In this way, it makes no difference whether the monk can see the surrounding scene with his eyes or not.

But when Li Yan entered the bottom of the cliff, what he didn't notice was that on the edge of another cliff about sixty miles away from him, a beautiful woman was scanning his side with her spiritual consciousness.

Regarding the presence of so many monks here and the presence of spiritual consciousness passing around them, as long as there is no warning in their hearts, no one will care.

Li Yan is no exception, so when the consciousness appeared around him just now, it was as if everyone else was looking at the surrounding environment.


r\u003e  The beautiful woman has a body as plump as water, skin as white as snow, and a jade face that can be broken by a blow. When her consciousness passed by Li Yan, a complicated expression appeared on her face, and then a blush rose on her face.

The next moment, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, and the blush on my face became a little thicker.

There was a green shirt in her storage bag, which she kept in her bag. After changing it, she never took it out or threw it away.

It was one of Li Yan's green shirts. She didn't dare to take it out, because once she took it out, she would think of a scene that made her embarrassed. She took the initiative to wrap herself around Li Yan's body, and took the initiative to extend her sweet tongue for a kiss. scene.

That was something she could only do to her former Taoist companion. After the Taoist companion died unexpectedly, she just wanted to raise her young son, but she didn't want to have something happen to her that she took the initiative to ask for.

And with the young man's calmness and his final help, everything seemed to have a happy ending.

However, after such a long time, there still seemed to be a man's breath on the green shirt, so she did not destroy the green shirt, but put it into a separate storage bag.

"Hongyu, it's time for us to go down!"

The urging voice of her companion came to her ears, and the beautiful woman suddenly smiled silently, thinking in her heart.

"Mr. Jiang, it turns out that you are a monk from the Sprite Sect, not my Pure Land monk. I hope you are safe and sound..."

At this moment, she still didn't know Li Yan's real name. She was Mei Hongyu who had been poisoned by the rhinoceros-horned green python on the second floor of the "Beiming Town Demon Tower".

Because she was practicing the "Wind Ming Jue", and what happened that time caused a crack in her mind, just like the Yin Demon Cliff in front of her. Once it opened, the demonic energy rolled in and flooded her...

All of this was not what she wanted, and now she only thought about "Jiang Gongzi" being a good person and getting through this battle safely.

After straightening the hair beside her ears, Mei Hongyu glanced in a certain direction with autumn eyes. Spiritual power surged out of her body, and her cultivation in the Golden Core realm suddenly exploded, and she threw herself into it...

Li Yan didn't know this, but even if he knew it, the most he could do was nod and say hello to the other person. For him, all of this had almost been removed from his memory.

Just when Li Yan took back his consciousness to explore the surroundings, Gong Chenying's voice came from beside him.

"These smokes are filled with a lot of demonic energy, which will make people feel like killing everything, but as long as we keep our minds tight, it won't have much impact on us in a short period of time.

However, we need to always pay attention to replenishing spiritual energy through spiritual stones. Although there is spiritual energy here, we must not inhale too much.

Otherwise, once the mind is lost, there will only be one consequence: becoming a puppet who has lost his mind and only knows how to kill. "

At the same time, those demon monks who came down for the first time received reminders from their companions.

Almost all monks like Li Yan who come here for the first time will be quietly followed by a monk who reminds them.

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