Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 676: Secretly Giving Orders

Lin Daqiao and the others had only glanced at Li Yan with their spiritual consciousness before, but they were extremely surprised. Judging from the realm alone, Li Yan was already the number one person behind Gong Chenying and Wei Chituo.

Even Yunchun was still in the late stage of foundation building. Except for Lin Daqiao, all of them were already considered veteran foundation building monks.

Therefore, Li Yan's action just now gave people an extremely unreal feeling.

Previously, I thought that Li Yan must have encountered some great opportunity during his outing for training, which made his strength greatly increase and his cultivation level advance by leaps and bounds.

However, situations like this often require monks to stay in seclusion for several years before they can stabilize, especially for people like Li Yan who have gone from the initial stage of foundation building to several small realms in less than two years.

Having reached the peak of foundation building, the foundation is already shaky. It will take about ten years of seclusion and hard training to stabilize the state.

Therefore, although Li Yan's level is surprising to them, his combat power is already good enough to be at the level of a mid-stage foundation-building monk.

Unlike Lin Daqiao, he almost died more than ten times before he accumulated a lot of experience, making his spiritual power as pure as steel and his foundation as solid as a mountain.

They have personal experience of the demonic cultivator's fighting power and physical body. A monk of the same level can beat a demonic cultivator to vomit blood.

Then he himself is either much higher than his opponent, or he is also a top body-refining cultivator, like Gong Chenying, Zhao Min, and Wei Chituo. ??

However, Wei Chituo could only gain the upper hand by fighting head-on with the early demon soldiers, and his victory was not too easy.

Li Yan didn't see any magic weapon being used just now. At least they didn't see Li Yan sacrifice any magic weapon. The thin and powerful demon cultivator was already dead.

"I..., you ate dragon bone and phoenix marrow?"

Wei Chituo also said weakly.

Gong Chenying's beautiful eyes quickly scanned Li Yan's body, and she once again confirmed whether Li Yan's "Qiongqi Purgatory Technique" had broken through to the fourth level.

Otherwise, even with her ability at the top of the third level of "Qiongqi Purgatory Technique", she would not be able to do it.

However, she was just so curious. Obviously this was impossible. Li Yan did not have the formula for the third level of "Qiongqi Purgatory Technique".

Moreover, based on her understanding of Qiongqi Purgatory Technique, she could tell that Li Yan's Qiongqi Purgatory Technique was only at the second level, which was particularly puzzling.

She had never seen Li Yan's miraculous movement skills just now.

Gong Chenying and the others didn't know that in a face-to-face situation, Li Yan's "Feng Chongtian" movement technique required all his strength. Just now, he only used it at 40% speed.

Otherwise, in their consciousness, Li Yan may not have moved at all, and the death of the emaciated demon cultivator could only be caused by someone else's secret action.

At the same time, Gong Chenying and the other two people did not stop moving their hands, their attacks continued unabated, and their questions were just casual sighs.

Li Yan was also extremely satisfied with his performance just now. Since the second time he absorbed another


After absorbing some of the essence and blood of the "Immortal Phoenix", his strength has become rare among rivals at the same level.

At least, so far, he has not met a monk of the same level who can let him attack with all his strength. It can surprise several fellow disciples, and Li Yan is also a little happy in his heart.


Wei Zhongran's figure turned into a shadow and walked quickly through the thick fog under the cliff. He had already fully deployed his cultivation, and the power of his spiritual consciousness was spreading everywhere without any expense.

It is basically difficult for demons to rush from the demon world in the cracks of Yin Mo Cliff. He is very clear about this. He is very familiar with the environment here.

At this time, in the sky above Yin Mo Cliff, the battle between gods and souls from both sides was extremely fierce. No one would pay special attention to him.

Previously, while Gu Jiuqi was chasing Mr. Da, Wei Zhongran was planning to summon Zuo Qiu Dan and join forces again to face the demon cultivators.

However, the sound of the ancient wine flag suddenly sounded in his mind, and Wei Zhongran was very surprised.

"Junior Brother Wei, you must do one thing with all your strength now. Place this object at a location 24,000 feet below the crack in Yinmo Cliff. You know that location. There is a plant there..."

Soon, Wei Zhongran got an order. As the sound transmission of the ancient wine flag fell, he realized that he had an extra storage bag on his waist.

This made Wei Zhongran have to admire the methods of an ancestor in the transformation stage. Although he claimed to be well-informed, that kind of state was still beyond his imagination.

The biggest advantage of spiritual sound transmission is that a large amount of information can be transmitted to the other party in just an instant. This is something that cannot be described with words.

Gu Jiuqi still used the title at Xiaozhu Peak and called Wei Zhongran "Junior Brother Wei". This was just a title for him as "Senior Brother". Even if Wei Zhongran was killed, he would not dare to say it again.

Maybe it was because of the decades of association with Wei Zhongran. The name and tone of Gu Jiuqi were as normal as ever, just like every ordinary conversation the two had in front of the "Treasure Pavilion" at Xiaozhu Peak.

It's just that Wei Zhongran only listened but didn't speak this time. He could only agree.

Gu Jiuqi also briefly told Wei Zhongran that he spent most of his time under the cracks of Yinmo Cliff when someone went to Xiaozhu Peak's "Treasure Pavilion".

Either he saw a trace of his spiritual thoughts transforming into the man in gray, or he would return to Xiaozhu Peak in an instant.

Therefore, Wei Zhongran and the others could always see where the ancient wine flag was, but it was just like Xun was always sleeping and spending the rest of his life.

Of course, this is just talking about the period of time he spent on Xiaozhu Peak. During these tens of thousands of years, the ancient wine flag appeared in different peaks of the Sprite Sect.

Constantly showing people different faces, but always so different

It's eye-catching, so there's no need to tell Wei Zhongran this.

The reason why Gu Jiuqi told Wei Zhongran this was of course related to the next task assigned to Wei Zhongran.

In addition to protecting the Demon Sect in the past tens of thousands of years, his other most important task was to study how to seal the cracks in Yin Mo Cliff and completely separate the two realms of the Desolate Moon Continent and the Demon Clan.

This is also another important mission and task of generations of demon envoys since the invasion of the demons. ??

However, because the laws of space are too profound and obscure, no generation of demon envoys can complete this task. Gu Jiuqi is also constantly trying and failing again and again.

It wasn't until his true form made a major breakthrough in the fairy world more than a thousand years ago that the incarnation of his spiritual thoughts that he stayed in the Sprite Sect also had an improved understanding of the laws of space.

Finally, he discovered a place 24,000 feet below the crack in Yin Mo Cliff. The space outside the barrier was different from other places.

The space barrier there is abnormal. The direction of the flow of laws within it is not balanced, but divided into seven or three. The flow of laws is more biased towards the demon clan.

It stands to reason that such a space barrier will fall into the direction of a larger flow, or it will be damaged and reorganized into a balanced flow to form a new stable barrier.

But for some reason, the barrier between the two realms has always been kept intact here. This is something that Gu Jiuqi can no longer understand now.

But this discovery makes the ancient wine flag extremely excited. If this place is broken, considering that the power of the surrounding space laws is balanced, then at the moment of breaking, the power of the surrounding laws will flow here.

And the trajectory of the law of space there is biased towards the demons. Before the power of the law is replenished and balanced, the power of the law at this focus point is suddenly pressurized, which will cause the space barrier in the second world to collapse. Misalignment accumulation occurs.

In the end, it is very likely that the surrounding space cracks that have already formed will be reorganized, which is the reorganization of the Yinmo Cliff cracks.

This will completely seal the passage to the second realm, which means that the cracks in the Yin Mo Cliff will be completely closed, completely interrupting the barrier between the two realms.

This discovery made Gu Jiuqi extremely excited, so he started to work on this matter.

In the following years, he used many methods, but what finally left him helpless was that with his power, he could not break the spatial barrier at that location, let alone reorganize the spatial barrier.

He calculated that it might only be possible if his true body came, but after his true body came, he would probably be squeezed out of here by the laws of heaven and earth as soon as his cultivation level started.

As long as his control strength deviates slightly in a hurry, the result will not be to seal the crack in Yin Mo Cliff, but to completely open it. The catastrophic consequences will be unbearable by the Desolate Moon Continent.

In addition, there is another important reason: whether monks above the Void Refining Realm can directly intervene in the mortal world.


Otherwise, the forcibly descending of the extremely powerful true body will disrupt the power of the laws of heaven and earth in the mortal world, which will only cut off the roots of the world of immortality.

There is also a Black Demon Emperor's divine will on the Demon Clan side. In name, he only protects the Black Demon Clan, and his true form cannot come.

The Black Demon Emperor's spiritual power is also at the stage of becoming a god, which is similar in nature to the ancient wine flag.

Although Gu Jiuqi found a seemingly feasible method, the absolute power that could break the two-dimensional barrier and the unstable barrier was simply unavailable.

The last solution that Gu Jiuqi came up with was the "Boundary Breaking Pearl" refined by the demon world. This kind of magic weapon is a magic weapon that the demon clan has devoted all its efforts to. Over tens of millions of years, only four of them have been refined.

A total of three of them were originally exiled to the Desolate Moon Continent, but what annoyed Gujiu Qi was that the "Boundary Breaking Pearl" refining method was extremely special.

Even with his magical power, he searched the entire Desolate Moon Continent, but could not find any clues. This thing can only be found with the induction magic weapon refined in the same way.

After that, he searched for it for thousands of years. At the same time, he kept trying other methods to see if he could break the barrier there, but he only failed again and again.

Until last year, three "Boundary Breaking Pearls" finally appeared, and the four major sects actually got one.

It's just that when the four of them first obtained the "Boundary Breaking Bead", they spent all night researching it. The "Border Breaking Bead" was always in sight of the four of them, so Gujiu Qi, who didn't want to reveal his identity, couldn't get it immediately.

Finally, after a period of time, the four of them gave up their research on the "Border Breaking Pearl", and Gu Jiu Qi had the opportunity to take action. Just when Gu Jiu Qi thought that he could try to destroy Yin Mo Cliff before the demons invaded. When cracking.

His plan was finally disrupted. First of all, when he sneaked into the Pure Land Sect and looked at the "Border Breaking Pearl", the accident happened that day.

On that day, a demon general led people into the crack of Yin Mo Cliff. He desperately inspired another "Boundary Breaking Pearl" and threw it into the crack of Yin Mo Cliff.

It is easy to activate the "Border Breaking Pearl", and once it is activated, even the ancient wine flag would not dare to pick it up.

When Gu Jiuqi sensed the fluctuations on the side of the crack in Yin Mo Cliff, it was too late and could no longer stop it. The result this time was that the crack in Yin Mo Cliff expanded a lot.

At the same time, this time with the change of the second barrier, the law of space has changed again, which actually increased the thickness of the barrier at the location he had worked so hard to find out. This made Gu Jiuqi furious, but he was unable to do anything about it.

Gujiuqi had to do many more experiments after that, which made Gujiuqi's originally lively mind suddenly sink.

After repeatedly checking the explosion power of the "Border Breaking Pearl" that Mo Qing brought back on the spot, he finally found out helplessly that the power of a "Border Breaking Pearl" could no longer completely shake the barrier.

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