Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 687 Who is with me (6)

Zhao Min's feelings for Li Yan used to be torn between choices. She was a little surprised that Li Yan could go down to the crack of Yin Mo Cliff before, and that would mean risking his life.

Li Yan even asked his father to go up and turned back to save him again. This made Zhao Min feel that the figure he often thought of in his heart was really worth it.

Especially at the end, I felt that it was impossible for both of them to go up. After shaking each other away, Li Yan was still stubborn and refused to leave, and continued to fall into the endless abyss with her.

While my heart was tense, for a moment, I no longer had the fear of facing death.

But her voice was still extremely cold.

"You take your hands away first. Now I want you to go up, but you can't."

Li Yan looked at the beauty who was close at hand. Her alluring face was as cold as ever, but his words suddenly contained some softness that he had never seen before.

Hearing these words suddenly, he couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then he remembered that he seemed to have been holding his arms around the other person's waist, and the blood flushed on his dark face.

Although it had only been a few breaths, it seemed too frivolous for me to not let go.

He quickly retracted his hand, a look of confusion appeared on his face, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

However, Zhao Min only moved his body slightly outward. Since both of them were now within the spiritual shield provided by Li Yan, the space was not very large. Overall, it seemed a bit ambiguous.

Zhao Min patted the storage bag and found more than twenty talismans in his hand. Four of them actually exuded the aura of golden elixir. They were defensive talismans that only Yuanying monks could refine.

This is not comparable to Li Yan's talismans. Although Li Yan also got a lot of things from some golden elixir cultivators, both magic weapons and talismans are basically offensive.

Defensive magic weapons and talismans are very rare, let alone mid- to high-level ones.

"There is a powerful formation spirit in your formation outside."

After Zhao Min took all these things in his hands, he looked at the purple formation outside the spiritual shield again.

She is ready to sacrifice these things at any time now, of course, this is after the defense set up by Li Yan begins to collapse.

"You...can you sense its existence?"

After Li Yan saw Zhao Min taking out the defensive talisman according to his words, he turned his attention outside again, trying to find an opportunity to escape.

After hearing this, he couldn't help but look at Zhao Min again in surprise. He didn't let the little purple dragon elephant show up, but Zhao Min said it clearly.

It stands to reason that although Zhao Min is now in the fake elixir realm, her real strength is far behind Xiao Zi Shen Long Xiang's unconsciousness. She should not be able to sense his existence.

"Well, my sense of monsters is still somewhat sensitive, which is one of the reasons why I went to Buli Peak."

Zhao Min said lightly, Li Yan turned his face to one side, and his breath was close to her ear, which made Zhao Min feel a little more nervous, but she still just stared at the big dragon elephant formation outside.


r\u003e "Oh, Senior Sister Min has this kind of talent. This is the first time I know about it, but it's surprising. Then come out and say hello!"

The first half of Li Yan's words were directed at Zhao Min. He was really surprised and envious, and there was no falsehood at all. This talent of being able to sense the existence of monsters regardless of strength can be said to be unique among a hundred thousand. .

This shows that Zhao Min's number and speed of refining spirit beasts are at least twice as fast as others. As for what Li Yan said later, it is about the little purple dragon elephant in the battle method.

It can be said that Zhao Min is far superior to other Fu Li Feng disciples in terms of the number of Gu worms she sacrifices. As long as her consciousness can keep up, she can easily sacrifice a large number of Gu worms.

"Your physique is very similar to the legendary 'Ice Soul Blue Jade Body'!"

A majestic voice suddenly sounded, and then a monster beast with dark purple electric light appearing all over its body appeared in the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation".

Seeing this scene, Li Yan couldn't help but his face twitched.

At this time, the little purple divine dragon elephant was like a divine beast coming into the world, with a majestic appearance. This was clearly pretending to be a peerless ferocious beast, and there was no trace of the usual flattery towards Li Yan.

Although they were talking, Li Yan did not relax and kept exploring the surroundings. Unfortunately, the surroundings were surrounded by endless dark yellow, and the two of them were still falling, or rising, and moving sideways.

He tried to control his body movement, but found that he couldn't do it at all, and he had secretly tried to communicate with the "streaming talisman" Wei Zhongran had given him several times, but there was no response.

It stands to reason that the crack in Yinmo Cliff is at the back of Fengliang Mountain, and it is extremely close to the teleportation point set by Wei Zhongran. However, what disappoints Li Yan is that there is no movement in the "Streaming Light Talisman".

This was the second time he took the initiative to communicate with the "Streaming Light Talisman". He had done this before when he was being chased by the Nascent Soul cultivator, but both times he returned without success.

This made Li Yan a little doubtful whether the "Streaming Light Talisman" could really be used, but he knew in his heart that Wei Zhongran would never lie to him about this matter. It made no sense, so he might as well not have taken it out in the first place.

Li Yan also vaguely felt that this time it might be because the crack in Yinmo Cliff was a passage between the two realms, and the laws of heaven and earth blocked the "streaming talisman".

Especially what Wei Zhongran did just now, which was the crack in the Collapse Yin Mo Cliff, was bound to stir up some forces in the space passage of the two realms.

"Are we being transported into the turbulence of space?"

A thought came to Li Yan's mind that made him feel cold all over. He had seen the term "space turbulence" many times in the classics. It was a land of death with no return.

"But there is no Gangfeng here..."

Li Yan kept thinking, but he was still explaining the origin of the formation spirit to Zhao Min.

"This is a strange species from heaven and earth, well, it can be regarded as ancient... Purple God Dragon Elephant

larvae? "

Zhao Min's originally calm and beautiful face showed emotion for the first time. In her opinion, the Purple Divine Dragon Elephant should no longer exist in the Desolate Moon Continent.

Thousands of years ago, an elder of the Sprite Sect took a purple divine dragon elephant as his spiritual beast. It is said that the blood of the purple divine dragon elephant was already mixed and impure, but it was still treated as a high-level spiritual beast by the Sprite Sect, until he later met with that purple divine dragon elephant. The elders left the sect together.

After that, no more purple divine dragon elephant appeared in Desolate Moon Continent.

Zhao Min was surprised.

"Where did Li Yan get the soul of this ferocious beast? It's such a big deal that he can use the Purple Dragon Elephant as the formation spirit in a formation."

Although this purple divine dragon-elephant soul body died when it was a baby, it can still survive, which shows how powerful the ancient beast's bloodline is.

Purple Divine Dragon Elephant looked at Zhao Min majestically, but when he heard Li Yan say the word "larvae", he couldn't help but feel depressed.

He did not hesitate to use his soul power to increase the pressure, but was instantly shaken out by Li Yan.

"What is the 'Ice Soul Blue Jade Body'?"

Li Yan's voice sounded somewhat surprised. Although he was anxious at the moment, he didn't want to show it.

That would only make Zhao Min anxious, and eventually both of them would lose their sense of proportion. At the same time, he was also surprised by the words in Xiao Zi Shen Long Xiang's mouth, which he had never heard before.

"Oh, that is a very pure soul constitution, just like the 'Holy Spirit Root' in the qualifications for cultivating immortals. This kind of soul..."

Just when Zi Shen Longxiang spoke, the dark yellow sky and earth around him suddenly changed. The change was so sudden that people were unprepared. Even if Li Yan was observing the surroundings at all times, he was not aware of it at all.

Seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple light suddenly shot toward them from all directions.

The change happened suddenly, and by the time Li Yan reacted, the surrounding light had already hit the outermost talisman.

A series of "beep waves" sounded as densely as raindrops, and then under the disbelieving gazes of Li Yan and Zhao Min, the individual talismans began to burn instantly.

Although those talismans only have the defensive power of the foundation-building monks, with dozens of them stacked up, even the golden elixir monks cannot destroy them so quickly.

Then, Xiao Zi Shen Long Xiang's anxious voice came into Li Yan's mind.

"My master is not good, these lights are too domineering, and the formation cannot resist it for too long..."

As he spoke, the "Big Dragon Elephant Array" outside him had emitted a dazzling purple light, but under the seven-color rays of light, the purple light also quickly dimmed.

Zhao Min also reacted very quickly. Without any hesitation, he raised his hands, and dozens of talismans in his hands were shot out, and they were spread around the two of them in an instant.

But as soon as these talismans came into contact with the seven-color light from the outside world, it was unknown what produced the seven-color light. Even if these talismans could withstand the weight of a mountain in the outside world, they quickly burned at the first touch. \u003cb



They also included the four talismans exuding the aura of golden elixir, but they started to burn a breath slower than the other talismans.

Zhao Min felt cold when he saw this. These Fu Yans were not comparable to those of Li Yan.

Wei Zhongran and Zhao Zhi spent a lot of spirit stones to purchase these talismans in order to improve Zhao Min's chances of survival in this war between the two clans.

These talismans indeed saved Zhao Min's life several times in the cracks of Yin Mo Cliff, but under the mysterious seven-color light, each talisman was as good as a piece of tissue paper.

"This doesn't work..."

Li Yan doesn't have any defensive magic weapon. The strongest defense at present is the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation".

As Li Yan spoke, Zhao Min raised her jade hand again, and a purple light flew out. It was the small purple-red rope she used to tie her ponytail.

This was her strongest self-defense and life-saving thing. When Li Yan was preparing to go north to the Pure Land Sect from a small mountain village, Zhao Min took it out and planned to give it to him, but Li Yan rejected it.

This magic weapon was given by my mother Zhao Zhi. It was something that the ancestor of the Wei family personally sacrificed when she and Wei Zhongran became Taoist companions. It has the power of the spiritual consciousness of the ancestor of the Wei family attached to it.

This is an extremely rare defensive magic weapon, not to mention a defensive magic weapon that was personally refined by Yuanying monks.

Zhao Zhi never used it and finally gave it to Zhao Min.

As soon as the purple-red rope appeared in the air, it was spinning and enlarging in an instant to form a hollow ring. At the same time, it released streaks of purple-red light, which instantly enveloped the two people below, Li Yan.

Just before the two of them could react, the light on the surface of the purple-red rope surged and violently collided with the surrounding seven-color light.

For a moment, the world before Li Yan and the two of them seemed to have changed. A dazzling explosion of light continued to shine, and the explosion was deafening.

The two people inside the ring formed by the small purple rope were shaken like a roly-poly. With the strong spiritual power running, they could only barely stabilize themselves and prevent themselves from falling.

But how could Li Yan and Zhao Min still care about these things at this time, their eyes fixed on the outside.

"It's not good. I'm afraid we really can't escape this time."

Just over five breaths had passed, and Li Yan and Zhao Min were horrified to find that the light on the purple-red rope was shrinking rapidly, and the seven-color light was getting brighter and brighter.

Li Yan didn't know the origin of the purple-red rope, but the defensive power of this object was much stronger than the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation".

The Great Dragon Elephant Formation showed signs of collapse almost within a breath of the seven-color ray of light appearing, and there were also those talismans who shared a lot of pressure for the "Great Dragon Elephant Formation".

The purple ring managed to withstand a few breaths of time on its own, but it was about to collapse now.

Obviously, this is their strongest means of saving lives!

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