Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 691: Dangerous Situations

At the same time, Li Yan's consciousness was fully activated, spreading every inch within ten feet around his body. He didn't want to have any sudden accidents, and he would have no room to react.

After half a stick of incense, Li Yan reached the edge of the white light almost naked, and his storage bag had already been stored in the "soil spots".

The white light in front of him was about thirty feet wide and seven feet high, like a squinting eye standing in the void, with a hazy edge and a somewhat dazzling white light.

At this moment, Li Yan stood on the edge of the white light, holding his knees with both hands, breathing heavily. Sweat was like a winding river on his dark skin, and the veins on his forehead were pulsing.

The power emitted from the white light had become substantial, and streams of white air kept hitting his body, making Li Yan's body shake every time.

It seemed as if the next moment it would be smashed into the dark void in the distance and turned into a speck of dust in the darkness.

After Li Yan took a few heavy breaths, his consciousness quickly penetrated into the white light, but to his helplessness, his consciousness was still quickly pushed out.

At this moment, the stern look in Li Yan's eyes flashed away. Since this was still the case, he could only venture in at all costs.

He now doesn't even have a defensive talisman in his storage bag or "Earth Spot". All of it has been consumed in the seven-color light.

Those talismans also bought them a little time at that time, otherwise the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation" would have resisted for one or two more breaths, buying some time for the purple-red rope to activate.

The spiritual shield on Li Yan's body buzzed loudly, which was a sign that his spiritual power was operating at full strength.

The next moment, his hands were inserted directly into the white light like two sharp knives. Li Yan felt countless huge forces blasting on his hands. His hands were trembling and he almost retreated.

Since his consciousness could not sense the situation within the white light, he had no choice but to do this. At most, he would lose a pair of hands, but he could still retain a lot of combat power.

Li Yan took a deep breath, and the whole person shrouded in black air finally forced his way into the white light.

As soon as he entered the white light, Li Yan's eyes were filled with light. He squinted slightly and looked around for the first time. The surrounding area was completely white, but in one direction, there was a stronger white light shining there.


This was Li Yan's first reaction. Then, without hesitation, he planned to turn around and walk towards the strong white light.

Although Li Yan made extremely quick judgments, the changes in the white light were faster.

Just before Li Yan's body turned, the originally calm white light suddenly seemed to have set off a storm. Many white dots suddenly turned into white lines and rushed towards Li Yan's body.

Originally, Li Yan felt that the invisible huge force in the white light was constantly hitting his body, which was already making him extremely strenuous.

And when these white lights surged onto his body, the spiritual shield outside his body shattered under Li Yan's horrified eyes.

That was the defense he had unleashed with all his cultivation. It was already comparable to the spiritual defense of an ordinary early-stage golden elixir monk.

Spiritual power


The moment the shield was shattered, the white light rushed onto Li Yan's skin. Li Yan's whole body felt as if he was struck by lightning, and a wave of pain emanated from his soul, making him roar in pain.

This is not comparable to the pain of broken bones and tendons in the physical body.

When Li Yan was practicing the Qiongqi Purgatory Technique and refining the essence and blood of the "Immortal Phoenix", he resisted the inhuman pain, but he still screamed in pain.

The white light all around was like a hundred thousand mountains squeezing towards him from all directions. In just a moment, the skin and flesh on Li Yan's body had cracked and opened long bloody holes.

Revealing the white bones and cyan tendons inside, this mountain-like gravity made Li Yan's powerful body burst open in an instant.

In less than a breath, Li Yan was already like a bloody man, covered in blood.

And the endless pressure from all directions was still squeezing him inward, trying to squeeze him into a pile of flesh.

Seeing that something was wrong, Li Yan's body surged with strength, and a layer of silvery-white luster suddenly appeared on his body, and his body instantly regained some freedom.

Li Yan seized this slight opportunity and walked desperately towards the dazzling white light.

It's just that every time he takes a step forward, the flesh and blood on his body is squeezed and rubbed away like a mortal stuck in the cracks of a rock. As he advances, the flesh and blood outside his body is constantly being squeezed and rubbed away.

More silver-white luster will emerge from outside Li Yan's body. When this silver-white luster pours out, a piece of flesh and blood will quickly grow again on Li Yan's bones that had lost flesh and blood.

And the flesh and blood itself is constantly squirming rapidly, as if it wants to give birth to more flesh and blood.

However, the next moment, as Li Yan took another step forward, the newly born flesh and blood was once again rubbed down by the invisible squeezing force from all around.

The silvery white luster on his body exploded again, and his flesh and blood regenerated, repeating this process. This scene was very strange and terrifying.

Li Yan's whole body was shaking with pain. He knew that this situation would not last long.

Those silver-white lusters are the absorbed essence and blood of the "Immortal Phoenix" that explodes again and again, and then continuously restores his physical body.

But he hadn't even finished refining a drop of "Immortal Phoenix" essence and blood, so there was a limit to his body's ability to recover.

At the same time, if it weren't for Qiongqi's purgatory technique, his flesh and blood might not have grown out yet, and his bones would have been crushed into a pile of powder by the pressure from all around.

Li Yan didn't know what kind of power was generated in this white light, and why it was so overbearing. At this moment, his head was in pain and dizzy, as if he would faint at any time, and he had no time to think about anything else.

This white light is the barrier in the two realms. Although it is a barrier that has not yet been truly formed after reorganization, it is completely different from the crack in Yin Mo Cliff.

The crack in Yin Mo Cliff is a gap formed after the barrier is broken.

There are several passages, so the demon cultivator can use those gaps to pass through in a roundabout way.

Even then, the white squeezing force of some barriers wandering in the gap will kill most of the demon cultivators, let alone the pure power of the barrier.

Li Yan's luck can only be regarded as somewhere between good and bad. If it lasts a few more hours at night, the barriers to reorganization here will be completely solidified.

By then, even the Nascent Soul cultivator would only be squeezed to death, let alone him.

Perhaps only some god-transformation monks who have understood the laws of space and time can forcefully break through with their own cultivation, but if they are not good enough, they will suffer from seven tuberculosis and eight injuries.

Among the laws of heaven and earth, the most difficult to understand are the two laws of time and space. There are very few monks who can understand these two laws. ????

Otherwise, the demons like the ancient wine flags would make everyone have deep magical power, but very few people would be able to seal the cracks in the Yin Demon Cliff.

Even for immortal cultivators like those in the fairy world who have deep local heritage, if one or two of a hundred god-transformation cultivators can comprehend the laws of time and space, it is considered good.

Monks who have ascended like Gu Jiuqi and have understood some laws of space are also existences that many people in the fairy world do not want to mess with.

Li Yan knew that he didn't have much time. He might lose consciousness and fall down, but he would never wake up again.

He tried his best to rush forward. He didn't know how long he walked or how far he walked. His mind was blurred, but his eyes were fixed on the dazzling white light.

Step by step, moving forward amidst the falling flesh and flying blood...

Time passed little by little, and when the silvery luster outside Li Yan's body almost disappeared, Li Yan felt that his entire field of vision was filled with dazzling white light and nothing else.

Under the dazzling white light, he subconsciously closed his eyes, but still took a step forward unconsciously.

Then, all the squeezing force around the body suddenly disappeared.

Then, Li Yan fell heavily to the hard ground, like a pool of blood falling down, with blood splashing everywhere.


Before his consciousness disappeared, a jungle of tall trees appeared in front of Li Yan, and many blood-red light spots swayed in front of his eyes.

Li Yan knew that he was unable to stand up anymore, so he tried his best to release the last of his consciousness. The next moment, a white light flashed, and Zhao Min's pretty figure flashed out.

Endless darkness appeared in front of Li Yan's eyes, and he lay motionless on the ground.

As soon as Zhao Min appeared, she looked around with vigilance, because just now she was refining the power of the elixir in that paradise-like space.

She had been sitting there for about two hours, and her aura had begun to stabilize.

Suddenly, an extremely weak divine consciousness appeared in the air, but the fluctuations of the divine consciousness were unusually weak. Before Zhao Min could react, she was swept out by the power of the divine consciousness.



What came into view was a vast mountain forest. Zhao Min had never seen these trees in front of him before. They were thick and tall. Each one seemed like a giant pillar, thrust straight into the somewhat gray sky.

Zhao Min has seen many trees that are thicker and thicker than this one, but the shape of the trees here is different from those she has seen before.

On the big trees, the bark is rougher, and the surface is like a series of deep dry ravines crisscrossing the surface.

In the dark environment, it looks like a huge mouth that has been opened by someone, ready to eat people and things at any time, ferocious and terrifying.

Their leaves are even more staggeringly wide and thick. Each leaf is as small as two feet in size. They are as heavy as thick rock formations, hanging on thick branches.

It's more like a rough stone tree.

The colors of the leaves here are basically dark gray and black, and there is rarely that pleasing green and fresh color.

Zhao Min just glanced around quickly and took in everything.

She did not see Li Yan's figure, but there was a breath coming from her induction. When she subconsciously looked down, the scene in front of her shocked her.

A naked man covered in blood, with bones exposed and most of his flesh and blood missing climbed up on the lush grass.

The man was lying in a pile of blood, with blood still pouring from his back, and several white and bloodshot spines were exposed.

When Zhao Min scanned it with his spiritual consciousness, the man's breath was already very weak. Even if he used his spiritual consciousness to sense it, he could only sense a little bit of life.

You can immediately tell from his breath that this person is Li Yan.

At this time, the bright spots in the surrounding darkness were getting closer and closer, and Zhao Min knew that it was the bloody smell here that attracted the monsters.

If he hadn't appeared, one could imagine Li Yan's fate later on. He would have been swallowed completely. The monk's flesh and blood was nourished by spiritual power all year round. To the monster, it was undoubtedly a pure cultivation elixir. medicine.

This may be the reason why Li Yan did not take out the elixir to heal her injuries before losing consciousness, but took her out instead.

This kind of injury will probably require a recovery process even if you take high-grade elixirs. During this period, you can only let the enemy slaughter you.

After feeling the aura of the monsters around him, Zhao Min felt a little relieved. Most of the monsters in front of him were first-order monsters, but there were still three second-order monsters in three different directions.

The three monsters were still a bit weaker than her. One was a weird monster that looked like a leopard, but had two limbs on both sides of its waist and abdomen.

The two limbs are about the length of an adult's arms, with only one toe on them. The fingertips are curved and sharp, shining with a faint green luster.

In the other direction is a huge spider, its whole body colorful. Even in such a dim light, the colors are bright and dazzling.

A pair of short forelimbs rubbed its two white jade fangs from time to time, and mucus dripped from its mouth.

A pair of eyes kept turning, staring greedily at Li Yan on the ground.

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