Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 1: In Konoha, I start by exchanging secret codes with my four teammates.

the land of fire,


Since the second generation Tsuchikage and the second generation Mizukage died together,

The ninja world ushered in a rare peace,

During more than ten years,

Under the wise leadership of the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen,

Konoha reached another peak,

Sarutobi Hiruzen is also known as the strongest Hokage.

at this time,

In a small room somewhere in the forest of death,

Several people are discussing the matter of seizing power.

"Odd changes to even, remains the same,"

“Symbols look at the quadrants.”

"Palace Yuye Liquor,"

"One hundred and eighty cups."

"How's the wine?"

"Listen to me blowing it with you."

"Helium hydrogen lithium beryllium boron,"

"Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine and Neon."

"Sodium magnesium aluminum silicon phosphorus,"

"Calcium sulfur chloride argon."

"Scanodium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese,"

? ? ?

? ? ?

? ? ?

? ? ?

Is it necessary to memorize the periodic table of elements to the 20th digit?

No one told me.

The hooded and sunglasses boy Aburame Shikan who raised this question secretly smiled.


A bunch of chemical scum,

I won’t kill you instantly now.

Calm down, calm down,

You can't lose the force.


Aburame Shigan said coldly,

"In order to prevent a special mind-reading ability, wouldn't it be very dangerous for us if we could read minds? Therefore, according to common sense, there may not be one time traveler in a hundred thousand who can memorize the periodic table of elements. And in the same world, There will never be two people who can memorize the elements after 20, so whoever answers it will definitely have a problem. Now it seems that everyone has no problem. "

The four people in front of them broke into cold sweat.

This fellow countryman seems a bit difficult to deal with.

"Then if you can recite it, doesn't it mean you have a big problem?" Uchiha Kamito, the pineapple-headed boy, asked,

Fuck, why didn’t I think of this? I guaranteed that there would be no problem for others, but who could guarantee that there would be no problem for me?

Although Aburame Shigan was extremely excited inside, her face remained calm.

The scene gradually became cooler.

"Aburame Shigan, scandium titanium vanadium chromium manganese, what's the next sentence?"

Asked Inuzuka Inuzuka, with oil paint on his face and holding a gray and white wolfdog in his arms.

Fuck, how could someone ask the examiner the question asked by the examiner, Inuzuka-san, are you sick?

Aburame Shigan remained calm but refused to answer.

Two minutes later,

The remaining four people looked at each other one after another.

The scene suddenly relaxed,

But they all gave Aburame Shigan a look of disdain.

What? Didn’t I just remember five more? What are you pretending to be? It’s rubbish.

Aburame Shigan? ? ?

Four bastards, do you know those five? Do you know? I don’t know, I know who you are despising.

Of course eye contact while wearing sunglasses is completely meaningless.

There are four people and one dog left.

A real four people and one dog,

They are all very happy,

There is nothing more satisfying than seeing others fail at pretending. If so, then you must have succeeded in pretending.

The young man with a doughy nose and watermelon head, Hideki Senju, who was left speechless, said,

"Aburame Shigan, how did you know that we are all, ahem, from the same place?"

Oh, there is also a Hinata Hinata who is always looking at people with blank eyes.

Uchiha Kamito, Inuzuka Inuzuka, and Hinata Rian all looked at Aburame Shihui.

Everyone was staying at home well,

Suddenly an insect flew in,

Then the bug also brought in a letter,

The letter says, Palace Yuye Liquor. Do you want to know the price? Come here if you want.

It shocked everyone, how could they not take a look at this?

When it comes to this,

Shigan Aburame was so angry that she died.

I live in Konoha every day with fear, trembling, walking on thin ice, and growing up, but look at what you are doing,

Pointing at Uchiha Kamito with his left hand,

"You took two young Uchiha followers and surrounded Uchiha Fugaku after school. You beat him and shouted, "You are the only one who wants to date my sister. You are the only one who wants my sister to give you two children. Absolutely." No, you know, stay away from my sister from now on... And Uchiha Fugaku has never had an affair with any girl, and he even talks very little."

As soon as this statement came out,

The rest of the people looked at Uchiha Kamito,

You are so arrogant, it turns out that the person who traveled through time and became an Uchiha has no brains.

Then he pointed at Hideki Senju,

"In the Senju Clan, there is a man who has been taking their young leader, Senju Noshu, to practice how to avoid being blown up by the detonating talisman. Although Senju Noshu refuses in every possible way, a certain person is still unyielding, which has become a strange thing for the Senju family. ”

The rest of the people looked at Senju Hideki.

Let’s go, it’s so naked, there’s something wrong with it at first glance. It seems that we are still conservative, but at our five-year-old age, do you think you can do these things?

Another finger,

"When I passed by the Hyuga clan, this man was doing Tai Chi under a tree."

The plagiarism party is shameful, and we disdain to associate with it.

"This man is dating Inuzuka Haruko."

? ? ?

"It has nothing to do with where I come from. People here mature precociously. We are from the same clan and we are childhood sweethearts. Isn't it normal to hang out together?"

Inuzuka asked rhetorically, he didn't think that just by going shopping, he would be exposed.

Bastard, is this the point? You are only five years old. No, she is only five years old. You are no longer a human being.

Nurturing addict, pedophile, nymphomaniac...

Everyone was outraged. Such behavior is simply unworthy of being a human being. Bah.

Let me make it clear that

it is definitely not because of envy,

it is definitely not because of envy,

it is definitely not because of envy.

Aburame Shigan explained,

"You gave a cup of bubble milk tea to Inuzuka Rinko."

What a beast, wait a minute.

"Where did you get the pearl milk tea?"

"Give me one too."

Uchiha Kamito, Senju Hideki, and Hyuga Rin said in unison,

"Uh, Inuzuka Ryo's mother's ninja dog is called Pearl."

"You beast, why did you give this to Ryoko?"

"Scum, scum."


"Fuck, what do you know? The tradition of our Inuzuka clan is to drink dog milk, which can enhance physical fitness, and the aura on the body will make the ninja dog like it more, and it will be easier to practice ninjutsu. Do you understand, you NetEase Cloud players?"

Inuzuka Ryo jumped up to explain, he had to explain, he Inuzuka Ryo was not a scum, this was a serious personality problem.

Everyone understood,

Special customs, understand.

But he still didn't let it go.

"Tsk, drink dog milk if you want, we don't look down on you." Senju Yingshu said,

"Asshole, it's dog milk, you know? It's very unpleasant to talk like that, isn't it, Yingwan."

"Woof woof."

"Wait, what's your dog's name."

"Yingwan, what's wrong, Yingshu."

"I advise you to change his name."


"Asshole, I'll destroy you."

The two men and the dog immediately fought,

and the remaining three hid aside to watch.

But at this time, everyone may have an idea in their hearts,

I'm not the only one, it's great.

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