Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 122: The back-up plan of both sides, Inuzuka Ryo uses the classic quotes of villains

Inuzukaru found Hatake Sakumo,

"Uncle Sakumo, we have to change our tactics tomorrow. Sunagakure's puppet army is too disgusting."

"Can your Inuzuka troops keep up with Sunagakure's puppet troops?"

"It was possible before, but this time, their puppet troops ran away when they saw us. Our guerrilla tactics were of no use at all, and once they catch up, they will face countless traps."

Inuzuka said through gritted teeth,

These sand ninjas are too timid;

"Well, by the way, where is your partner? Why haven't I seen it for a long time?"

"Eimaru, I plan to use him as a backup, why do I need to use him now? That's a bit overkill."

"In this special period, we can't control so much. Just overkill and overuse the materials. The key now is that we really have too few effective means of killing Sunagakure. It's a pity that it would be better if Tsunade was here. At least we don't have to worry about poison. ”

Hatake Sakumo sighed,

If you don’t work in a profession, you don’t know the difficulties of it.

During the last great ninja war, I didn’t find Sunagakure’s puppet troops too troublesome.

The Inuzuka clan can outrun them to death;

In terms of toxins, Tsunade can also deal with them all at once.

Now the Sunagakure puppet army bypasses the Inuzuka clan and focuses on the others.

Plus Tsunade is not here,

They suddenly became like hedgehogs,

Can't be caught or touched, covered with thorns,

A little scratch on the skin could cost someone's life.

"Okay, tomorrow, Uncle Sakumo, you can see Eimaru and the others."


Hatake Sakumo wanted to ask clearly,

But the Inuzuka Inuzuka has already gone out.


Sand Hidden Camp,

Ebizo was analyzing the battlefield situation.

"Currently, our high-end combat power is roughly the same as Konoha's, but on the mid-range and low-end battlefields, the Inuzuka clan has placed a huge burden on us."

"The Inuzuka clan comes and goes like the wind, moves quickly, and has a keen sense of smell. They are indeed formidable enemies that are difficult to deal with."

Rasa, who was dressed in rags, expressed his praise for the Inuzuka clan without changing his expression.

Facing the enemy squarely is the only way to defeat him.

Although Luo Sha himself was beaten badly, now his eyes are gradually moving closer to the level of Feng Ying.

Personal honor and disgrace are worthless in front of the interests of the village.

"Rasa, I think Shukaku needs to be used. Tailed beasts are a very important breaking point in the current battlefield."

Ebizo said,

"Blessing may not be willing."

Luo Sha said,

"There is no reason why he is not willing to do this. The situation in Sunagakure is extremely dangerous now. As time goes by, the impact of the disappearance of the third Kazekage will undoubtedly become greater and greater. Our morale will also be extremely weak. We are now racing against time. In fact, it’s not Konoha, it’s us. In this battle, we must give birth to a Kazekage who can convince the Suna ninja.”

When Ebizo said this, although he was a little ashamed,

After all, the disappearance of the Third Kazekage is related to Scorpion.

But he still told the biggest dilemma facing Sunagakure Village,

There is no Kazekage in Sand Hidden Village.

"Ebizou, what you said makes sense. In that case, let's inform Fenfu. Shukaku has been causing harm to Sunagakure for so many years, so it's time to help Sunagakure once."

Luo Sha agreed and said,

However, no one present noticed it.

When talking about the wind shadow,

A female ninja's eyes lit up,

I, Yekura, am definitely the first female figure in the ninja world.

The next day,

The war in Sunagakure Konoha begins again,

However, this time the two sides did not start the battle immediately.

Sunagakure pushed out a thin, bald monk,

Here in Konoha,

Inuzukaru walked out with a huge scroll,

It seems to have been agreed,

The two sat looking at each other,

The troops behind both sides were shocked.

However, the leaders of both sides made no move.

Hatake Sakumo: Hatake will never betray Konoha.

Rasa: Master Fenfu is deeply in love with Sunagakure.

"What, there's no one left in Sunagakure? They actually sent a monk like you to fight."

Inuzuka Hagi naturally knew that the monk in front of him was a Jinchūriki of Shukaku, but on the battlefield, how could one praise the enemy? Isn’t that blatantly funding the enemy and trapping oneself?

"Wherever, the poor monk came here to stop the war."

"Stop the war? Monk, I don't doubt your heart, but I doubt your ability."

"I don't have such ability, but there is a layman who temporarily lives in the body of a poor monk who has such ability."

"I know, Shukaku? But Ichibi, are you sure he can handle the Sunagakure troops behind you?"

Inuzukaru looked disbelieving.

If he still believes in Kyuubi, Ichibi, isn't this making trouble?

How powerful can a Lord be who can be caught by others even in his own base camp in the desert?

Especially the people who captured him were not Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

"Let me out, let me out, I want to kill him, who am I looking down on?"

Shukaku in Fenfu's body kept roaring,

For many years, except for that annoying fox, no one dared to say such things to him.

"Young man, your words have aroused the dissatisfaction of the layman in my body. I hope you can apologize to him."

Fenfu said very sincerely,

Instead, Inuzuka looked at him with contempt.

This is the legendary Virgin Bitch, no, it should be the Holy Father Bitch.

Then he stood up,

Never reason with a holy father bitch,

You will get nothing but depression,

"Monk, I admit that you are a good person, but to make me obey, you still have to rely on strength."

After saying that,

Then he grabbed Fenfu with one paw,

Beside Fenfu, a line of sand stretched out and grasped Inuzuka's wrist.

"Young man, why can't we solve everything through talking? Force cannot decide everything."

What should I do if I take an open book exam? What should I do if there are formal answers? It’s very urgent. I hope you can give me some advice.

Inuzuka grinned.

“You’re saying that everything can be solved by talking?”

"That's right."

"But what about your current behavior?"

Fenfu looked at himself grabbing Inuzuka's hand with sand, and felt embarrassed.

But said,

"That's because you wanted to attack me, and I was just defending myself."

"Haha, I advocate using force to decide everything, so I naturally want to use force to prove it to you. But you advocate using conversation to decide everything, but the method you use to stop me is force, not conversation. In other words, you are essentially the same. It's just advocating force, but you just put a layer of conversation on yourself. "

Inuzuka Yu's words were like a sword, piercing Fenfu's heart fiercely.

What kind of person am I?

Fenfu fell into deep confusion,

This is also an opportunity,

Inuzukaru knocked Fenfu away with a sharp claw.

How can you, an ordinary person, refute the classic quotes of villains?

Unknown chakra began to surge in the body of Fenfu who was knocked away.

Inuzuka Yu also opened the huge scroll,

Bit your finger,

"The first match after debut was Ichibi Shukaku, Hidemaru's cards are not low."



A giant wolf-like creature appeared,

Looking up to the sky and roaring,

"Wahahahaha, I, Uncle Shukaku, have finally come out. Where is the boy who just belittled me? Please watch over Uncle Shukaku so that he doesn't tear him apart."

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